
Posted by
Dream [legacy]
20 February 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Nothing fancy this time. Just an ER dying. Posted for those who requested it.


  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    22 February 2006 17:40:11

    nm then

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    22 February 2006 16:31:47

    Yes, and if you camo it still blocks you from passing... at least it did last time i had an assassin.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    22 February 2006 15:44:24

    Does it autoattack all alignments when you are on a mannish race? And umm.. you can camo before you go in the room to prevent the autoattack?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    22 February 2006 01:59:48

    Fyi, Vermond, you can't camo past nor bribe the BD bridge guard anymore as an FR, considering it autoattacks ALL alignments.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    22 February 2006 00:17:33

    Please close thread cause it went far out of topic.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    21 February 2006 20:59:54


  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:46:58

    what you thought I was complaining about was two-handed weapons, but I was complaining about was the ability to make them one handed, okay he wasn't using that, but that doesn't change the fact that I was not complaining about two-handed weapons themselves...ok now?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:45:35

    Okay we have got a big set of misconceptions here :/

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:30:17

    I don't know Kelos, maybe if it gives you any unfair advantage it is considered unbalanced (don't get defensive about HTHS, you should be able to backstab with it without having to trade it and whatsoever, but trader wasn't intended to make it backstabable). Though even that is not the worst of the things you can do with weapontrading.

    The hamstring case was whining, because they kept making petitions even though Valinor said they were working on a fix.

    I would still be happy if you would use the word complain in all cases if you think they're same, then.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:26:30

    I tried to point that out already too Dream, as did you twice now...maybe he'll read it this time :0

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:26:19

    Yes, I know. I know you were not abusing it as well now. But what I was complaining before (and what I thought you did) was trading them for a bow, then trading them in to make them one handed, not the fact that two handed weapons could backstab. clear enough?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:25:56

    Well, apparently some of us whine and get no results, yet you complain and get results.

    That comparison between words is a joke. Whining or complaining...it's all the same until something is done/not done about it according to that logic.

    People had been complaining and petitioning about hamstring/ambush for a looooong time, before it was changed. So I guess they were just whining the entire time, yet since you got this fixed so quickly, you just are complaining...

    I still say it's all the same :)

    Also, I really don't see how this is abuse to trade a weapon in for something else. How are WE to know it's a bug, and not the way it's intended to be used?

    I traded in the HTHS for a sparkling sword many times, so it could be used to backstab with...but now from reading this, that may have been 'bug abuse' or something. How the heck are we supposed to know what's okay and what isn't?

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:24:46

    Are you as stupid as you act? 'I'm complaining about the ability to trade them to make them one handed!' THEY ARE NOT ONE HANDED AFTER THE TRADE IDIOT. THEY ARE STILL TWO HANDED.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:21:02

    I'm not complaining about two handed weapons! Is it so hard to understand? I'm complaining about the ability to trade them to make them one handed!

    But seriously, whining is complaining with no result, if I were whining news 59 wouldn't be here now, would it?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:08:50

    Just how you are going off on two-handed weapons, etc. You seem to complain about whiners, yet you do a lot of it :) So I just connected the dots, even though you probably had nothing to do with it.

    I have no idea who put up the petition against the HTHS, but I've never been able to forgive whoever that person was :)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 18:48:52

    And why would you accuse me of being behind that?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 February 2006 18:34:43

    Dream said it was two-handed anyways, not one.

    And yeah, you could trade in HTHS to get rid of the -30 in dodge...howevere, you lose the wonderful emotes, and the auto-sheathing...

    It's a great, great sword...just sad it was backstab-nerfed.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 18:11:36

    btw, you could also probably trade HTHS to get rid of the -30 dodge penalty and make it backstabable, do you get my point?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 18:10:36

    I had nothing to do with HTHS. About two handed weapons backstabbing, I remember idea reportign that PBS should be able to backstab... however, what you don't get is, trading a PBS in a weapontrader to make it one handed and backstabbable is bug abuse.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 February 2006 17:54:28

    ugh, just read the news. Seems from what Vermond is saying, he was likely behind the HTHS becoming un-stabable...and now people have to complain about trading in weapons for those that CAN be stabable...

    Vermond, some things ARE unbalanced, and some things aren't. A two-handed sword behing able to be used with a backstab shouldn't be unbalanced. Somehow ambush with any weapon seems okay, but not a stab? Why?

    How about this? Let's just limit ALL backstabs to 60hp with any weapon so that there is no fun, no creativity and no danger to anyone?

    Yes, I'm still bitter about the HTHS being nerfed.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 17:36:27

    I must have, how so?

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    21 February 2006 17:10:52

    Actually, in case you missed it, that was constructive criticism.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 16:29:02

    Yeah, and let's not forget the 'nerf hamstring! now!' and 'nerf multiple ambushes!' whining.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    21 February 2006 16:10:08

    While we're at it, let's not forget the 'I was insta-killed by a huge party so let's nerf backstabs' whining.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:15:36

    Yeah, we are cool :)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:14:50

    And if not I'll take up the excuse you seem to use to hate ERs, all you non-servants are same :)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:14:18

    I'm pretty sure you were one of those whining along with Uzbad.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:13:13

    Vermond, I never whined about thieves. I like them the way they used to be LOOONG ago. I dislike thief changes. I dislike ANY changes actually.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:07:10

    Not to mention all the whining about sandstorm.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:05:55

    Duncan, thieves had something like that which was rather 'cool' but 'not-so-balanced'. Since Dream and everyone in his side whined until they got it nerfed, I'll retaliate in the same way. Not that I remember you having any respect for me.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    21 February 2006 14:35:02

    Vermond, if you were the one to whine about this thing with the swords, all of my respect for you (and i had some) is gone.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    21 February 2006 14:16:14

    'What you did was making a two handed unbackstabbing weapon one handed and backstabbing.' - Vermond, not at all. My weapon was two-handed. The only thing is that it became bacstabbing weaon. It did not change to one-handed which is the reason for his power. Its not a bug, its not an exploit, its simply me playing the game.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 February 2006 14:07:18

    If i am right, the trading of PBS etc has always been there - its only an issues since the changes to two handed sword combat + backstab VS PCs I guess.

    And when you think about it. Righly so.

    It can be compared to thiefs and hide. It has always been that hide does not resume combat - but due to serve and none-lawsys, that too became a problem.

    Its just in game fetaures that get over looks, and let be honest, not many testers would pick up on it.

    It will get balance eventualy i imagine.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 13:08:34

    What you did was making a two handed unbackstabbing weapon one handed and backstabbing.

    Yeah, that Mordor change is kind of gay, I'd like password removed and clean record demonics able to knock. Think Vinsane was complaining about that yesterday.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    21 February 2006 13:03:55

    Plus, its gay not to allow demonic free races with clean record to enter mordor through 2knock on gates. Plain gay.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    21 February 2006 13:01:43

    Vermond, I see your whining reached the ears of ainur and they showed how much they have no idea whats up with weapons by the statement 'Until we figure it out'.

    There is nothing to figure out. Whats the problem to use a twohanded traded sword, isnt this the point of the traders?! It has always been so... Dunno.. I am confuzed.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 12:58:51

    Myrddin, we can get into MT level 1 and level 2 and 3 if we camo, rest if off limits unless we bash down some continually resetting guards. Penetrate disguise or not is rather pointless because ERs can't disguise to moral alignments anyways. However, some FRs go down to demonic and get access into Kadar, Osgiliath and DG, yet they are still fighting in your side. Btw, you forgot Mordor, FRs can enter any time of the day, can camo past/bribe/kill a guard to enter BD courtyard, if evil and mannish race can get as far as to BD level 2 without killing a single npc.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    21 February 2006 10:48:54

    Dream: I have not yet seen a backstab that is over 100hp with ANY weapon in arda. So stop talking bulshit without even knowing whats going on.

    There are several weapons which can inflict a 100hp+ backstab.

    Dream: Formid, ambush is a LOT less ep draining than camouflage, backstab.

    You can move, I can't, even if they happen to be stood in the room I am in, if I shape them I will be seen as 'Someone sizes you up' or whatever. This is with maximum ambushing.

    Dream: You can camouflage and then just go one room away of the target, but for that you get backstab with Whip for example.

    I can't camouflage at all, I can only ambush, with is the same as hide (except without being able to sneak) with an autotriggered backstab and hunt. So no I can't check what health someone is in and then move one room away without being seen. Sure that may work on some people, however anyone with any smarts who saw a bountyhunter leave, would just stand where they are until they had full HP. Now I don't have a problem with this, where you have to stalk someone for hours, I have to get finds run on someone for hours if I'm after someone specific, it's a tradeoff. There are some issues with the current changes to BH's but I've already mentioned them in other places so they're not worth going into. Backstabbing with the whip isn't particularly effective by the way. Yes I did once kill someone with the whip using ambush fury and rodericks potion but I'd much rather have some high damage 2 handed weapon than the whip for ambushing with.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    21 February 2006 10:39:55

    Servants can always get into edoras too i think, not sure about ERs

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    21 February 2006 10:04:22

    Use fsbs, can bs with it and exact same weapon pretty much.


    Kadar guards: penetrate disguise

    Osgiliath guards: penetrate disguise

    Dol Guldur guards: penetrate disguise

    Minas Tirith: can be entered by servants any time of day. Also it just happens that this 'gates bashed down' is at least 66% of the time, so ERs can nearly always get into MT. And servants -can- always get into MT ( as well as thrans )

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    20 February 2006 22:02:11

    Vermond you will make me pk with pbs from now on to show you that I am not using any GIZMO.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 22:01:21

    Yeah, but somehow it is one handed at two hand stats and can backstab.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    20 February 2006 21:53:23

    PBS is 95/50 mind me. And my sword is traded for PBS.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 19:53:31

    I think a friend told me those two and ess stats on MSN a while ago, can't remember which or how he got to learn them though :/

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    20 February 2006 19:45:32

    How do you even ballpark those stats? I must suck or something.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 19:40:31

    and Dream, hey, maybe camouflage are a lot more ep draining because you can actually move around and shape people without being noticed and choose the time of attack when camoed

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 19:39:20

    mind you, I said _probably_

  • Author
    Eizan [legacy]
    20 February 2006 19:34:12

    Where do people get these exact statistics for weapons from? I need that hook-up.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 19:28:31

    I never mentioned the backstab, however you must be getting lots of massacres. I never said I did it either, I just had some friends that knew about it, took long enough to reach you. Your previous comment about saying I just look for bugs implied that you thought you had invented it. A double wielded PBS has about 85/85 whereas your sword probably has 115/115.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    20 February 2006 19:04:45

    Vermond, I am using what you guys are using. The backstab of my sword this reboot never did more than 60dmg. I have not yet seen a backstab that is over 100hp with ANY weapon in arda. So stop talking bulshit without even knowing whats going on.

    Go in your stupid mordor camp, get a PBS, train some tactics and you will get the same effect as my sword. And Formid, ambush is a LOT less ep draining than camouflage, backstab, plus, you can camouflage and then just go one room away of the target, but for that you get backstab with Whip for example.

    I never invented anything, I am just playing the game unlike you whiners.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 18:25:30

    See Dream, you didn't invent anything that wasn't long known by pretty much everyone.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    20 February 2006 18:18:36

    Unless they've fixed it you can do the same with the HTHS, the Pole-Arm and the PBS (in double wield mode) to get two-handed weapons which can be backstabbed with. Although they're not as powerful as the Luinglin. I'm also wondering what one of the Dol Guldur guards mauls would be like if it was weapontraded into a sword.

    I mentioned all of these in the hope that a passing by ainur will spot that there are several weapons which can do upwards of 100HP from a backstab which were purposely decided not to be allowed to backstab with which can effectively do so. You can save the arguments about 'but you can ambush with all of those weapons' for someone who cares, if you're about to make that argument you're an idiot since you can avoid getting instakilled by an ambush simply by not moving until you're fully healed, you can't do the same with a backstab.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 17:59:59

    'everytime someone does something nice, he searches for bugs and multiplay reasons for it. Not actually seing the real skill/knowledge.'

    There's actually little skill involved in finding out bugs, in your case you were probably told about it by someone else since you somehow got enlightened and started abusing it a while after the guy who found it went inactive. According to your retarded logic, fury backstabs should have still been in, I know, they were awesome and finding them out was real skill! I like how calling you a bug abuser makes me a newbie though, but maybe your vocabulary limits you to extending the use of that single word.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 17:56:44

    I have known about that bug since last summer and even reported it (not sure, I might have forgot). I wonder if you're abusing glowing luinglin to trade and get a permanent 115/115 double handed weapon or something else.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    20 February 2006 17:36:47

    I call him newbie for that everytime someone does something nice, he searches for bugs and multiplay reasons for it. Not actually seing the real skill/knowledge.

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    20 February 2006 17:34:38

    Jabba is a newbie.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    20 February 2006 17:33:26

    If you're going to call Vermond a newbie, at least tell us what makes him one.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    20 February 2006 17:18:27

    Haha, newbie Vermond:) Thank you for sharing your Exide-ment with me.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 17:09:20

    You're demonic and you kill ERs, your align doesn't really matter, and if you can get in DG, how come can you not defend it? You don't even get the patrols inside.

    Stop whining and go back to abusing weapontraders to get extremely powerful weapons.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    20 February 2006 16:42:04

    You need to be Demonic for DG for sure. Disguise does not work. And stop whining. You got the Whole SOR given to you. Even if we takeover the Dol Guldur stronghold, when the outer guards reset, they wont let us defend the battle point. So we got to kill like 4 guards and dodge the patrols that are INSIDE DG in order to even reach the damn battlepoint.

    Stop whining and just die like good evils.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 16:29:52

    You forgot Mordor though.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 16:29:34

    Thranduils: I'm not sure about thranduils since I haven't tried, however as far as I'm aware there is a battlepoint on the bridge which does not allow us to pass anyway without killing the guards.

    ERs can't enter thrans even if the BP is taken, won't get past the BP, servants can if the bp is taken, I think.

    About DG, I think you need to be true demonic like Osgiliath, not sure tho.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    20 February 2006 16:26:06

    Banhe: MT,Thranduils,Lothlorien,Edoras,Linhir,DA

    (Ignoring camo since that wasn't covered)

    MT: Only when the gates have been smashed down by a horde of rampaging orcs, we can't get past the first gate without killing hard to kill stuff.

    Lothlorien: we don't just walk right by the guards to get in. We either have to bypass the main roads (swimming etc) or fly in with a beast.

    Edoras: The guards stop us if we try to get passed, they have to be killed.

    Linhir: We can enter but will get followed by a guard whilst we are in there, the guard will automatically attack us (unlike an FR without a permit) and will not allow us to do very much unless killed, we cannot get permits.

    DA: There's a battlepoint 2-3 rooms into DA which prevents us from passing it, unless of course we take it over.

    Thranduils: I'm not sure about thranduils since I haven't tried, however as far as I'm aware there is a battlepoint on the bridge which does not allow us to pass anyway without killing the guards.

    Compare to

    Dol Guldur: Pretty much anything (flimsy disguise works afaik) can pass the guards, getting out may be trickier.

    Osgiliath: Prevents anyone non (might be demonic) villainous from passing, has been changed with respect to disguise several times so I no longer know whether disguise works.

    Kadar: Again, anything slightly lower than moral works fine, they do see through disguise as far as I'm aware.

    Hardly a competition is it banhe.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    20 February 2006 15:55:04

    Sucks how evils can enter MT,Thranduils,Lothlorien,Edoras,Linhir,DA

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    20 February 2006 15:30:12

    sucks how non-servants can get past osgiliath/dg/kadar guards, not even taking mordor into account there.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    20 February 2006 14:44:24

    Exide, just drop dead.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    20 February 2006 12:39:49

    I know you dont like posted logs solo that are better than yours, but you know its not needed much to be better than you :p

    And was a good solo.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    20 February 2006 12:38:11

    Exide stop whinning man, even when I die I say nice kill!! Learn how to say it too, at least when others guys dies :P

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    20 February 2006 10:18:56

    Triggers? He just looked at Korseg at the start of the log, then when he looted the corpse, you saw it there AGAIN :)

    Besides, g Korseg is an alias, not a trigger...if that's what you mean.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    20 February 2006 10:07:07

    Damn, i missed that hauberk. Second time now :P I'm not used to other ppl's triggers, i guess.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    20 February 2006 08:27:41

    They nerfed Exide's brain :(

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    20 February 2006 07:35:09

    I guesa a hauberk and ruby shield aren't armour anymore? I know i've been in hibernation for awhile, but I can't imagine they nerfed those too...


  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    20 February 2006 07:13:23

    He didnt even have an armour...

  • Author
    Core [legacy]
    20 February 2006 01:20:12
