
Posted by
Dorf [legacy]
21 February 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

I've little *personal* beef with Fernando - the few times we've spoken he seems pretty decent, even returning something to me that was useless to him after one of his routine thefts. Nevertheless, sitting on my hands while he lines his pockets with the gold of the unwary Free is unacceptable. Hart's and Dorf's points of view.


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    23 February 2006 08:50:34

    Fernando is the scum of the earth, he's one of few people here I would wish hardbanned just because they play only to make other peoples' gaming experience bad.

    Bang him again, and again, and again.

    5 man him, 10 man him, just kill the little bastard.

    And Fernando, do you know anything at all about the profession you're playing? Or the game? Or do you just use triggers and lawsys abuse to annoy people? A thief with maxed stealth and bonus items such as you had will pretty much never be found with a search, just look at some of Ecidon's logs, even times when Baklen used awareness potion etc. he couldn't find him.

    So yeah, you're a douche. Die again, please.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    22 February 2006 02:07:27


  • Author
    Fernando [legacy]
    22 February 2006 01:16:27

    Happy about the death?? Banhe you're a jerk... :P

    I just don't whine about it as those guys do when i steal from 'em.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    21 February 2006 21:53:52

    You're in your own world Vermond. Thieves have always been pussies, not to mention when they're only level 12 and have no armour, its nothing new. SRS has been nerfed at least twice, maybe it should be completely useless now.

    To be honest, lately, you're whining more than I ever did here. At least I was right when I did, haha.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 21:04:53

    nice approach :P

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    21 February 2006 20:39:25

    Fernando is happy about the death, so dont whinne about it :P

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    21 February 2006 20:26:37

    Holy crap. We DID have five... and I was thinking that four was too much. Didn't even realize that. Looking over the combat, I didn't even get a hit in, just found you.

    I posted preparations because I think that always makes for a better read, personally, as long as it's not too much spam - I cut out a long discussion about 'Knights' having MELS and they weren't KoDA, junk like that. :)

    As far as the bang goes... I really do flinch about that, and apologize to those who care about good taste - which this bang wasn't in. With your break that close, I still would have said three people. I proposed getting you in the first place since I had a way to boost my awareness (which, by the way, does nothing against a bonused thief at 100 - I'm stolen from not infrequently with a full 100 without catching the hidden thief), but didn't really stay in 'control' later.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:15:14

    I was being hypothetical...my awareness is just fine :)

  • Author
    Fernando [legacy]
    21 February 2006 19:12:50

    Whoa, i didn't think you guys were going to post the log (5man-strike-instakill on a lvl 12) but nm.

    Thanks for posting all the preparations for the bang, I'm feeling kinda important now... 2 SRS! omg, amazing firepower. Wth did you need barkskin and that OiE ring???? i'm a lvl 12!!!

    Strike should count as a special, i reported it.

    So I think I deserved it, but i would like to make some other considerations:

    1: Thank you Dorf, you seem pretty decent too :)

    2: 'Party say from Hart: he likes it when people tell him he's good' erm, i actually do 'tell hart I'm good, admit it' every time I steal a vial/phial from him, just to mess him up :P but hell! who doesn't like it?

    3:'^ (OOC) Isengoire: you said it your self... it takes a group to take you down' Yes! only one who actually solo'd me, all alone, was Armand, with lockup.

    4:Isengoire, you're out of my 'no-theft' list.

    5:Ezekial, gazelles are in Far Harad, i can't kill 'em.

    6:Dorf said: 'It was a bang, admittedly... I'm not even sure why we had more than a hunter, a striker, and one more just in case, but we did get the job done.' You had only 5 people cause it was only 1 party, I'm sure, from what I hear, that more would be glad to join the gang bang.

    7:'but had been causing more damage than many on the ER side' glad to hear that, seems my efforts are being noticed.

    8: 'Fernando is NOT a typical ER lowbie.' :}

    9: Kelos, you can train awareness.

    Sorry for the spam.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 February 2006 18:36:16

    A thief stealing from people over and over, maybe not just from you, but from a lot of people...without suffering any consequences because he's so close to a break...at some point killing him is the only thing you can do.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 18:08:54

    don't think getting your phial stolen is same as dying though

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 18:08:35

    ERs can spreekill and can say it is their RP to do so - and morals can't?

    Valoc, ok, you have a point.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    21 February 2006 18:06:32

    I don't think ANYTHING can justify instant killing because it gives you NO chance to escape.

    Sure. And a thief robbing you blind because the lawsys doesn't prohibit him from stealing sounds fair to you too? Its not like I have ANY chance of not being stolen from when there's one hidden at MT.

  • Author
    Arahon [legacy]
    21 February 2006 18:04:20

    And ERs can spree-kill and say it is their RP to do so. Fernando had it coming to him. I doubt a maxed assassin could kill him solo before he can hit his alias to hit innroom and wait to do it all over again. He deserved it.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 17:52:15

    actually he went from 160 to -48 in a round, he didn't die instantly because it takes heartbeat to die. Kelos, some do, some don't, but most cases I have seen were thieves, but even then it is same as using the mordor is mordor excuse to bang level 8 ERs in Mordor anyways.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    21 February 2006 17:50:05

    His death wasn't quite instant, and how were they supposed to know he didn't have RM? I'd also like to point out that Fernando would have lived a bit longer if he'd level up...but I guess he either likes stealing more than he likes leveling, or he likes how easy it is to relevel when you die at level 12.

    If I played a level 5 with 90 max HP and I was constantly harassing ERs, would you suggest that no ER should ambush me, because the ambush could likely kill me instantly (and nothing can justify instant killing)?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 February 2006 17:47:09

    'Most cases were thieves running around during their raids'


    ER's came in and killed any low FR they could...they didn't care. That's the truth, and you know it. Not 'thieves' who were stealing from them. Sure, that probably happened as well, but they killed PLENTY of lowbies who had no clue what was going on.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 17:35:35

    And according to your logic, ERs just randomly kill lowbies? Most cases were thieves running around during their raids - trying to pull a Fernando? And he could easily be two manned there considering he didn't have RM.

    I don't think ANYTHING can justify instant killing because it gives you NO chance to escape.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    21 February 2006 17:18:06

    Well said Caber

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    21 February 2006 17:15:05

    Vermond, your logic here is so messed up. I have a very hard time believing that you actually believe what you're saying. 'You have no right to whine when ERs bang lowbies' is a dumb thing to say, because Fernando is NOT a typical ER lowbie.

    But see, you KNOW he's not a typical ER lowbie. You know what he does, you know how he goes out of his way to piss everyone off, and you know how easy it is to go from MT to an Osgiliath inn room. Fernando sits at MT gates doing the same thing over and over because he KNOWS that he can get away from a few attackers easily. So I guess my question for you is: If you know all of these things, why the hell are you complaining? What do you want them to do? Keep trying to solo him from the gates so he can keep getting away with their gold? Use some common sense, please, instead of spouting ER-biased rhetoric. Thanks!

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    21 February 2006 16:08:09

    Blame the system then. Or blame Fernando for (ab)using it. And, on a side note, this is exactly the characterictics of the current system that I hate the most... But I don't have any good idea for fixing it.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:25:16

    I really don't think this was straying from my principles. I justify my actions - limit finds to ERs that are real threats and evil Free enemies (which are much more rare), and this is one of three total parties in my 6-year life here in which a life was taken. As I said, we probably had an extra person in the party - frankly, with Isengoire's strike, that could have been me, though I was needed for the search. Three was necessary to make sure that the hunt was successful, though it could have been possible with two. I doubt a solo assassin would have had him in time.

    This wasn't some random kill or some random bang in ER lands. This was a calculated hit on an enemy in our own lands who had for quite some time been stealing from FRs in a calculated manner for items and randomly for gold. Regardless of your level, if you choose to make war on someone, you accept that there may be consequences. I would say the same if this was an FR thief that had been whacked at Kadar.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:12:03

    And Filch, ffs, there aren't many places left that are not under 20 rooms from a huntbreak with the new BP system.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:10:56

    If any principles you have will fade away when you are faced by difficulties getting your way, you have no right to whine when ERs bang lowbies.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:09:57

    Well, ping flooding and making sure someone dies through brute force are two fairly different things. Without instilling some fear of real reprisal - not simply of getting hurt a bit before breaking at Osgiliath - this attack would have been pointless in the first place.

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:08:52

    Good Riddance too!

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 15:03:52

    So if someone, without even using extreme handhealing can't be soloed just because he doesn't run away much from huntbreaks, has to be banged and killed in one round? Nice logic, I guess next step would be pingflooding, gets what he asked for.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    21 February 2006 14:48:47

    No colour because I have MUSHclient and can't make the converter work. Hope I managed to make it readable, though.

    I'm not bragging about this kill, Vermond, just posting because Isengoire and a few others wanted to see it. Fernando was lower-level, admittedly, but he has been a CONSTANT on my 'find whomever' list, on the ic comm, and has been brought up in nearly every discussion of thieves and 'abuse.' He wasn't much of a combatant at all, but had been causing more damage than many on the ER side... and like I said in the beginning of the log, instead of listening to everyone whine about a thief, why not do something about it?

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    21 February 2006 14:42:20

    How is it lame when he sticks to being 10 rooms from a guaranteed huntbreak? Got what he asked for.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    21 February 2006 14:29:31

    uh, why no color

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 12:53:33

    And anything that can get you killed in one round from perfect shape (what they did was around 200 hp at one round) is unbalanced

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    21 February 2006 12:51:57

    Dorf, I like you but it is pretty lame to get a bang over a low level. I hate how SRS forces you to train up a skill just because of it too.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    21 February 2006 03:11:40

    Well, you probably only had 2 maybe 3 rounds more to kill him before he would have gotten away.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    21 February 2006 01:54:26

    It was a bang, admittedly... I'm not even sure why we had more than a hunter, a striker, and one more just in case, but we did get the job done.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 February 2006 01:50:59

    Oh, but the switching back and forth between views was neat. I always like to see that. ;)

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    21 February 2006 01:48:58

    Decent log, you guys really messed him up...I'm just not a fan of bangs (ie 3 on 1 or more). You gotta do what you gotta do, I suppose...

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    21 February 2006 01:20:37

    Then abuse his bug more :)

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    21 February 2006 00:25:02

    I think his problem was having a strike and a headbutt in the same round, but I don't know if a strike counts as a typical 'special attack,' though perhaps it should.

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    21 February 2006 00:21:24

    I thought there was an abused bug or something in here.