I'd still rather be lucky than good :)

Posted by
Wormbaneii [legacy]
03 March 2006 00:00:00

Comedy of errors..posted for amusement purposes only.


  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    05 March 2006 18:47:24

    Oh no, a circus got attempted :( That almost never happens!

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    05 March 2006 08:19:24

    I never criticized anyone for having alts, I just don't.

    And as far as my original comment to Jaron, sorry...been in a bad mood this week and seeing one of my guildmates attempted set me off...I shouldn't have attacked your RP...I'm not that good myself.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    05 March 2006 06:53:20

    How fantastic, Kelos! Everyone praise Kelos for not having alts and only experiencing like a fourth of what the mud has to offer!

    Next jackass to criticize someone for having alts should get punched in the eyesocket.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    05 March 2006 06:10:50

    I have just one alt, and I wouldn't really call him an alt, he was just a little level 5 that I could use when I was bored at work to pelt and have fun golding like when I was a newb. When Kelos isn't hibernated, I never play anyone but him.

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    05 March 2006 05:08:29

    I don't have any alts :(

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    05 March 2006 00:19:25

    Rekthorne, he was telling around himself. I guess using MSN must be bad RP or so...

    You started it yourself, but I guess it would be fit to reply with your own words..

    'Jaron, really...don't talk to me about alts...lol. You love to switch alts when it suits your purposes.'

    'I guess when you have no real argument for something someone just called you on, you just resort to bringing up whatever you can to take the attention off of you.'

  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    05 March 2006 00:01:51

    I thought he brought it up because you insulted his 'RP' because he only logged on to PK. You started it, Elf.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    04 March 2006 23:56:50

    I dunno...I have maps, people use them, so I try to keep them updated if I can. I don't know why that was such a big deal that Jaron had to even bring it up.

    I guess when you have no real argument for something someone just called you on, you just resort to bringing up whatever you can to take the attention off of you.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    04 March 2006 22:06:11

    Wow, how do people become so informed of what other typists do with alts etc? Especially something as small as mapping a region. Craaaazy.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    04 March 2006 21:45:00

    Jaron, really...don't talk to me about alts...lol. You love to switch alts when it suits your purposes.

    All I mapped with an alt was the Lothlorien changes because I was hibernated, because some people asked for my map to be updated.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    04 March 2006 20:47:29

    I can't really choose whether they'll tell me on msn or not, if they need a hunter they'll probably do, then again speaking of lame RP, I'm not the one mapping with alts...

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    04 March 2006 18:24:34

    Someone gets you on MSN just to tell you to log in so you can go try a kill?

    Sort of makes the whole 'role playing' part of the game meaningless for you...


    Oh yeah...

    <3 Wormy

  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    04 March 2006 15:13:55

    Also I dont use scripts or a mapper. I have a script, but thats just for visual things like editing shape triggers. How is your mapper anyway? erm...I mean the mapper fuiki gave you?

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    04 March 2006 12:14:37

    hahahahaha. Exide stfu, I use a varible so I dont have to type 'Target' all the time. ht, hunt target. hbt, headbutt target. Everyone uses them...apart from you obviously as you don't know how. using things like this is why im better than you, remeber when you use to send me tells like 'sorry could'nt type his name fast nuff lol'

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    04 March 2006 09:47:44

    Darovir's target varible was set to 'Womrbaneii' :)

    - how about stop using client triggers, variables and mappers for a change?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    03 March 2006 19:59:26


  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    03 March 2006 19:57:44

    And that's the advantage of hard to spell names. I wonder how many times I haven't been hunted because the variable was 'Dork'...

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    03 March 2006 19:27:34

    Darovir's target varible was set to 'Womrbaneii' :)

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    03 March 2006 19:26:14

    Everyone makes mistakes, I just happened to be lucky enough to be on the recieving end of quite a few consecutives mistakes here :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    03 March 2006 18:56:40

    Okay well.. I had been studying for 3+ hours (explains why I was mentally dead) before, so I get a message on MSN telling me to log on, do so, go to armoury, wear all from ground and get the unique sword without noticing that there was another in the sheath I wore, dash to you, and end up wielding the wrong sword.. and I would have never left in that situation, considering you were DLSG/ND and Khulzder was near.. guess what I did, wanted to use my bota to heal the ep, and instead of my drink bota alias, I ran the dirs to the bota camp. Well, I suck. Ha ha

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    03 March 2006 18:46:15

    Yeah, they should've quitted instead.

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    03 March 2006 18:28:15


  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    03 March 2006 18:07:06

    Rotfl those guys are so newb... cant even believe it. Ha Ha

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    03 March 2006 18:01:57

    I had a conversation with abborre earlier, and we are both slightly confused about something.

    What exactly did Skyman and Netwarriors parents do that was so bad that they deserved not one, but two children like you ?

  • Author
    Core [legacy]
    03 March 2006 17:59:04

    A comedy of losers. No luck there:) Just pussies.

  • Author
    Wormbaneii [legacy]
    03 March 2006 17:34:28

    heh, well i didn't know Ghulak didn't work on ER's...now I do :D

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    03 March 2006 17:26:48

    Once upon a time I was told Ghulak(torture thingy) don't block ERs and I've tried it like 100 times and he dosn't so stop using that. Now why wouldn't he block evils!? pleace don't give us one non fade break in mordor. anyways, Jaron usually sticks to his attacks when he actually do attack (this might be his first time) but khulzder always -always- hunt off because I don't know what newbie went evil but that dude tries to ambush you once and say bah don't you ever go under 20hp then leave you be to kill whatever you want in mordor or his own lands