
Posted by
Manael [legacy]
04 March 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

I was toast! Or i should've been :P


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    09 March 2006 11:32:48

    How about; stop switching between alts to comment to pretend more than one dickhead shares your opinion?

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    09 March 2006 09:42:14

    stop commenting this log allready, moron!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    09 March 2006 05:33:50

    When will you get the picture? Trevor didn't kill shit, Jaron got killed by patrols.

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    08 March 2006 13:38:11

    Jaron, why do you acually post his tells? because your worried that people will belive your noob? And Trevor killed you, you messed up, your fault.. end of story

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    08 March 2006 12:34:52

    Okay, I'm a pathetic noob, you got a patrol to kill me, you own, whatever, glad you are proud.

  • Author
    Manael [legacy]
    08 March 2006 12:28:26

    I think it's funny how Jaron keeps posting my tells to him, etc. To prove that he is not a big noob and so on. It's just kind of pathetic to see a Guildmaster act this way, though. Well I dont care. I had You killed, Jaron. I rest my case.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 12:27:08

    Oh, didn't know he namechanged, my bad.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    08 March 2006 12:22:48

    Forgot to post the explanation, this happened just as I was taking over DG and he kept shaping me without attacking, so I laughed at him.

    How the hell is this MP info, Trevor's Manael's namechange.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 12:20:52

    Isn't this MP info again?:P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    08 March 2006 12:19:58

    [06:10] Trevor told you: i should go down there uncamo'ed let you

    attack med and then kill you... again ;)

    [06:10] You told Trevor: let's do it

    [06:10] You told Trevor: I'm here

    [06:10] Trevor told you: hah, i dont need to prove anything!

    [06:10] Trevor told you: i know i owned you back then, and i'm proud of

    it :P

    [06:10] Trevor told you: you just shut your cake hole

    [06:10] You told Trevor: you didn't own anyone :P

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    08 March 2006 11:26:33

    Nah, he didnt have to quit, Myrddin. Just hunt off. But i guess he got so excited about the idea of killing someone that he forgot to think of the risks.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 March 2006 09:02:36

    The non-noob thing would be to quit to avoid certain death, right Manael?

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 16:21:39

    I remember hunting Dream into wormholes in an incidence but oh well :)

    I don't have a mapper (too lazy to switch clients and make one), I knew how to get out of there although not too well, but when my first try failed, as I have explained, I thought I was in a different area and tried to leave by another unexistent way, which fucked me up naturally.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 15:23:44

    Manael is a noob, Jaron was just unlucky :)

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    07 March 2006 14:20:49

    Erm, Manael, Jaron is no noob.

  • Author
    Manael [legacy]
    07 March 2006 12:13:10

    If I am a noob, Fernando, what does that make Jaron?

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    07 March 2006 00:04:37

    you think your so cool darovir.. but your just an annoying little kid :)

  • Author
    Fernando [legacy]
    06 March 2006 23:59:19

    I agree with Baklen, Manael isn't a nameless noob, he is now called Trevor...but still a noob.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    06 March 2006 23:50:58

    *rotfl* you die twice to patrols and give up? Balls Dream? No, he thought Manael was some nameless noob and got served. Do you think he would of tried this stunt on you or me? of course not. On a side note, I know you felt a little rush doing this sort of kill. Now try to tweak your area knowledge, or automapper. Learn and set bigger echos to see shit and we might just make a solid killer out of you yet Jaron.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    06 March 2006 22:52:38

    Ummm, you post with alts all the time.

  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    06 March 2006 21:35:01

    Oh. Its your gay swedish friend, Heya Fwiki.

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    06 March 2006 15:53:09

    Darovir stfu

  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    06 March 2006 10:38:17

    Ok. Stop posting on alts, and yeah he fucked up. So again, You can't take the credit, noob.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    06 March 2006 07:10:52

    I think it was Jaron who fucked up, Darovir.

  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    05 March 2006 18:14:18

    I rated it 1 because Manael tried to take the credit for his own fuck up.

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    05 March 2006 18:11:49

    I ranked it a 5 because Jaron has balls.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    05 March 2006 15:08:18

    I dont know the guy, but from looking through the comments on this log, I have one thing to say.

    Hirgail is a female.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    05 March 2006 13:37:06

    I like the guy, but from looking through the logs the past few months, I have one thing to say.

    Vermond is verbose.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    05 March 2006 13:33:12

    Hm, I sometimes do like Dream. Harddrives are not always safe. I had a couple of unposted logs, saved them, moved to another country and well..I hope they are not lost, no idea what's happened.

  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    05 March 2006 12:18:19

    Ever heard of a harddrive?

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    05 March 2006 12:10:25

    What about those who post their logs so that they can enjoy them at a later point when their char is long gone and the ainur have ruined the mud to a point that its not playable? Cause this is going to happen.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    05 March 2006 07:15:34

    The lord of Azrazayan's bodyguard sums this log up best when he says 'Newbie Luck'

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    05 March 2006 04:00:57

    And those that do post are immature attention whores :P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    05 March 2006 03:43:24

    Or they hate the person they killed.:P

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    05 March 2006 03:42:47

    There are alot of people who solo, most of them because of the way of the solo, will not post their solo's. Its a matter of respect. In fact a general rule is, those who solo tend to rarely post unless there is something incredible in a log.

  • Author
    Dakar [legacy]
    05 March 2006 01:01:05

    Damn you for failing to train your stalking skillz!

  • Author
    Hallam [legacy]
    04 March 2006 23:47:25

    Damn straight my trap was the best part =P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    04 March 2006 21:33:59

    there are a lot more people that solo frequently

  • Author
    Chewie [legacy]
    04 March 2006 21:20:32

    I must say get of Jarons back he gave a good fight and didn`t run off in enemy teritory, he died oh well everyone dies, and i`m sure he (except for Dream) is the only one who solos from time to time.

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    04 March 2006 21:15:18

    Good point, Scat. It was a very nice dye trap.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    04 March 2006 20:06:25

    I don't pretend to be skilled, I don't make comments on every single log calling people newbies too, unlike someone. It is only natural that anyone can screw up no matter, hell, your last week must be proof for you.

  • Author
    Core [legacy]
    04 March 2006 20:00:01

    thing is, Jaron, that you're not as skilled as you pretend to be.

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    04 March 2006 17:52:04

    Best part of this log was seeing a dye trap actually work. <3 Hallam.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    04 March 2006 17:04:40

    Patrols are wicked gay, had one rock me in whatever region that the outpost is in when us FRs had already taken control of that region. Fucking stupid eh?

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    04 March 2006 15:42:15

    Manael, I don't have to try hard to humiliate you :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    04 March 2006 15:41:47

    thing is, I had some idea about my whereabouts, (it was like all e,n,e or so) but when I did all e and it didn't work, I thought it was near loth, and hoped to find the ford, but obviously that didn't work either... and just as I reaized I wouldn't find my way and decided (had some more doses of bota) to focus on Manael and hunt him again hoping he would die before me or lead me to loth trying to run, he lost me :(

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    04 March 2006 14:10:58

    God damn nice work on both parts - I agree with Dream, prime display of courage on Jaron's part... thought for sure he was going to get unlost though.

  • Author
    Manael [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:59:15

    I see you're trying to humiliate me by taking tells i sent you and put them in different order to make me look like a fool, Jaron.

    Surely one death cant be that bad you have to do these things to 'redeem' yourself?

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:36:33

    I never knew about that... but dont lie about me running finds for you while i was in beornings.. because that didnt happen :)..

    Nice log btw.. to bad Manael lost hunt :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:34:52

    It kind of sucks how you can travelto quickly your way to rhos from nearby mordor now.. Fuiki, I kept you away from getting killed by other ERs while you were an ER, remember?

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:31:21

    I cant remember helping you with finds at the time i wasent servant.. because i switched profession like 2 or 3 weeks after i rejoined :).

    And why would i return your gear to you?

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:29:58

    anyways, it was probably once a life time chance for him considering manael's iq level and I think I'll have to quit being reckless for a while until patrols are gone, so enjoy while you can :)

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:27:47

    Okay.. well. I'm obviously the retard here, he had been running around Mordor for a while, sO I thought I would get him.. of course I didn't know that travelto quickly was now available from there, so that he could run that fast without even getting a patrol. Saw him get to Rhosgobel, even typed hunt off at some stage, then decided it was worth a shot, when he started backhunting (remove patrols damnit!) I somewhat knew the area I was in, thought some e would get me out, but when it didn't work, I thought I was around lothlorien, and tried n (bad idea, n,e or so would have gotten me out). I admit I whined at Fuiki a bit, because he got the eq from my corpse and gave it to Manael when I was about to get it... which I consider a betrayal because that's the same guy who ran finds for me as a beorning, and I considered as a friend.

    I did ask Manael to return my eq, and here are some of his tells in return:

    [05:57] Manael told you: i'll see what i get first, you can have the

    crap i dont want :P

    Manael tells you: i'm a great player and all, you did the right choice

    You tell Manael: I hope you're joking :P

    Manael tells you: i'm not

    Manael tells you: stop whining

    Okay, so he started selling my uniques for 5k a piece, no one wanted to buy, but I did, however I was out of gold after retraining (two deaths on patrols in two days) and my offer was he would give me the armour too, and I would get his gold in a few hours - first he offered that I would get on a rich alt and pay him and get the sword on jaron, which I rejected, then he decided half way that he would quit trusting me..

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:15:51

    lol @ manael

  • Author
    Manael [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:14:13

    Tell him he has no brains, instead, Dream :P

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:13:52

    I will never again say Jaron has no balls.

  • Author
    Brock [legacy]
    04 March 2006 13:12:37

    You lose sight of Jaron.

    No Skill by you at all, remove Patrols plz.