
Posted by
Dream [legacy]
07 March 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Constantly gets low thinking he is safe... Not today.


  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    09 March 2006 10:35:21

    logs@logs.dyndns.dk is the mail address in the news at the main page.

    Pablo, I can ensure you that if it was a log just about beating people IRL, it would be removed almost immediately. I don't think any of us could possibly presume the level it would go in the comments.

    Might want to refer to Draugluin's comment on the said thread about why the IRL beating stuff is more serious than it might sound.

    I don't expect any further replies to the matter on the comments failing to do so will result in the thread being closed. Feel free to mail the address I've given above or start a forum thread about it.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    09 March 2006 05:10:45

    Hehe, a lot of passions on this page :)

    But i have to admit abusing bugs is a funny thing, very entertaining, Just ask the FR thieves that served to steal from FR unpunished, i don't know are they still able to. Actually it's more entertaining than pkilling people i think. I've killed people ,banged, been banged, everything, i hardly remember these, but i do remember seeing SoB used with Berserking medallion, getting 2 huge brass shields at reboot. Such things you can hardly forget

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    09 March 2006 01:30:27

    Vermond, get a grip. Who the hell would bother doing anything to a real life person over a stupid game. If I see you live I will go buy you a beer and we will talk fun stuff about the mud. (might kill you afterwards though). Whatever. I believe that such joke should not be punished by blocking someone from posting his logs. Its absurd.

    I want to know who is in the management of the log page. I never found that out. Give me an e-mail or two. I agree I might have hurt someones feelings with this comment, but HEY, I get cursed at all the time. Have I abused the power of a friend to get someone banned? Get real.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    08 March 2006 22:23:02

    so he got blocked for commenting on a log? :P wasn't really out of context and as a spectator of what you said its your fault for leaving the log up. that'd be like blocking the people that commented about mudsex on that mudsex log then leaving the log up, and not vice versa. but i guess whatever floats your boat.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 March 2006 21:15:50

    Since Dream was complaining on comm about being blocked from not just posting comments and posting logs too:

    The way the system is at the moment, I can't block someone from just posting comments and not posting logs. A block is a package that has both. In any case, if you do something that requires one, you probably deserve getting blocked from both anyways.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 March 2006 21:06:34

    Since it was brought here:

    Dream got his second warning for his comment in Rekthorne's log, asking for ainur to be beaten IRL and for the pictures to be posted.

    If he wishes that some people get beaten IRL, he should probably keep that to himself. Even considering he might hate Valnior so much, what kind of sadist would want to see the pictures?

    I didn't remove the comment (I'm not sure if I should have..), because, although I don't believe the no-censorship case applies when there's a psycho asking for people to get beaten IRL:

    1- In the same understanding and considering the fact that it was what led to such a comment, the log (Rekthorne's) probably needs to be removed as well, considering it was asking for a public voting to see who should be beaten IRL, but it is a bit late for doing that.. too bad none of us realized it could lead to this

    2- It has already been seen by most people anyways.

    If there's any objections, feel free to mail the admin or talk to a moderator about it (including me) who can bring it to management forums for you to be discussed thoroughly. If it goes too far off topic about that warning of Dream, the thread will be closed.

  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    08 March 2006 20:51:47

    What I find funny is that Vermond banned Dream from using the comments:))))))))

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    08 March 2006 18:26:01

    yeh, but the latter isn't bug abuse.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    08 March 2006 18:07:40

    Ergo: I just assume that they are talking about the old ambush, where it took a good 10 sec to kill a patrol, tho if you really put an alias for it then you can prolly do it in 6

    Might want to clarify that, with the 'old' ambush it still took a good 2 minutes to take down a patrol, the issue wasn't the speed we could take down a patrol (I can still take them down as fast, using the same weapon) it was that we could take them down without taking damage. You couldn't re-ambush instantly, it still took 5-10 seconds or so to ditch the patrol, stop combat and ambush again (do s,swim e,swim n,ambush patrol would not work). Plus sometimes the patrol wouldn't follow you and trigger the ambush so you'd lose EP. Even using top end weapons I usually had to heal my EP up at least once, usually twice.

    On the other side, I can take down an ER patrol without healing using a sapphire sword and reasonably easy to obtain armour (I'd end up low so I probably would heal up but you get my point).

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    08 March 2006 17:44:15

    I just assume that they are talking about the old ambush, where it took a good 10 sec to kill a patrol, tho if you really put an alias for it then you can prolly do it in 6

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 11:54:46

    I was just going to say the same about you.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    08 March 2006 11:44:29

    ok.. I lost the few respect I had for you.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 11:32:13

    Sure, it's 5 rounds to kill a patrol with a saphy, I never read LoTR, Dream is impossible to kill, and you never ever spread MP info. Anything else?:)

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    08 March 2006 11:30:26

    'Exide we all know you and Fuiki are lovers, just keep it off the logpage.'

    -Haha, wow Myrdding. you really hit a sore point there ;)

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    08 March 2006 11:27:27

    Multiple-ambush is like, ambush the patrol, wait 2m, ambush again, wait 2m, that's not any easier than killing the SoM er patrols in what.. 20 rounds with a sappy. I don't understand why the hell warlords would go after him for killing ERs that kill in Mordor, but I didn't expect you to have an idea about theme.

    'If they hurt you, don't whine to Valinor, kill them' Read my earlier comments, ffs, it is impossible to kill someone that only spends a few hours serving and killing newbies/idle people and can not be punished by ER lawsys, he didn't even have to EQ as a servant, all he did was to kill a few guys in Mordor to get unserved, which is also an exploit.

    Besides, considering Dream, he would probably quit to escape from death and whine how Valinor hasn't got a clue about how things work. Hell, he remade a 5 year old char so that people couldn't make fun of his past without getting warned (funny enough he reported the comms before he made the char as MP, and whoever looked thought the char was there before the comms)

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    08 March 2006 11:11:14

    Myrddin.. whats your problem now?

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 11:02:13

    Actually, I treat you by your standards.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    08 March 2006 10:43:11

    And the 'I class a lot of things as abuse as such I don't use them myself' coming from someone who only stopped from bug-killing Shelob and Dragon because of a nuke threat is top hypocrisy. (There's quite a few more outright lies and simple lack-of-intelligence-contradictions in Formid's posts but it'd be a waste of time to read them once again:P)

    Uhmm, I had no intention of actually trying it, and certainly not for personal gain. I was musing about how it could be done using multiple ambushes on the comm one day and I received a tell from an ainur stating that if I even tried it I'd be nuked/warned.

    It's not like I was preparing the thing in secret and trying to do it behind anyone's backs. I was stating it on the public comm. If believe any of the other stuff I said was lies, feel free to state it, and I'll point out to everyone where you're being an idiot

    Filch, don't treat me by your standards.

    Core: Formid wrote: 'Here's a clue, you're not better than anyone,'. Dream is way better than anyone who is playing the game atm. INCLUDING YOU.

    Uhmm, your opinion is somewhat biased, since you're his brother and half of these issues apply to you as well.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 10:39:45

    And on a side note, seeing a code of something is hardly equal to understanding how it works.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 March 2006 10:35:42

    Exide we all know you and Fuiki are lovers, just keep it off the logpage.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 10:29:42

    So that's why Formid was saying that 'everything Dream ever did was done earlier by Formid's friends', right? Because he apparently reported them and they were fixed:P

    I wonder did he report multiple ambush on patrols, too? Or did he quit the game after abusing this exploit that many times (it obviously is an exploit if you can get nuked for using it... aloud)? Or after killing so many noob FRs which led to failkill (not saying that he was the only one)? Or why is he let live by the Super-Elite-Patrols and Oh-So-Wise-Warlords after killing so many ERs as he keeps boasting here? And the 'I class a lot of things as abuse as such I don't use them myself' coming from someone who only stopped from bug-killing Shelob and Dragon because of a nuke threat is top hypocrisy. (There's quite a few more outright lies and simple lack-of-intelligence-contradictions in Formid's posts but it'd be a waste of time to read them once again:P)

    Lastly, I remember there being a saying - if they hurt you, don't whine to Valinor, kill them. But I guess that's way beyond you two.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    08 March 2006 10:04:27

    Formid has reported a good deal of bugs (ambushing without the person entering, etc)

    I remember reporting quite a lot too, including bugs that would allow you to get a second backstab after leaving Mordor (yes even after it was 'fixed') and another to see people in privacy in who lists.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 09:15:57

    Not like you or Formid are any better than me at abusing bugs, Jaron.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    08 March 2006 08:48:33

    Damn right! <3 Fuiki

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    08 March 2006 08:46:54

    OK, its now proved that Formid and Jaron are Whiners..

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    08 March 2006 03:51:45

    If you copy/paste these tables into Microsoft Word, you get 15 pages of text. You guys should send this to a lit mag or something as a short story.

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    08 March 2006 02:07:38

    Formid and Jaron are correct.

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    08 March 2006 00:46:17

    Hell i don't give a shit about half this stuff, a bit of danger makes the game more fun. I do think the killing in mordor to unserve is bollocks though, you sign up you should have to stay or pay a penalty for breaking it. Maybe like get dragged to prison and have a few stats beaten out of you once you've killed to much in mordor as a servant, i mean hell if sauron's trusted you and you abuse it in his land he's gonna know. Can't say it'd make much of a difference but getting away without punishment seems a bit wrong.

    What exley said was true, for evils we're very friendly. I guess it's the underdog status on numbers which pulls us all together.

    Apart from that changes were made and you found ways around em, people have be doing it for years or whining if they can't. So props for showing initiative but i still hate you ;>

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 00:06:57

    Fuck, I refuse to read any of this whiny shit.

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    07 March 2006 21:18:20

    Can someone post a summary?

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    07 March 2006 21:13:22

    Dream, you may be a decent typist, you may know your way around arda, and you may be adept at pkilling.

    This doesnt make you a good player. Do I think you could pkill me?

    of course. no one is immune from being killed.

    do i respect you?

    I respected you as a good pkiller, right up until you served. Its pathetic, and regardless of how you feel about it, its abuse.

    I guess you have fun playing here..but you dont seem to have respect for any other players who dont play exactly like you.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 21:03:49

    I was about to give a link to a log, but I just remembered that you recreated that char so we would be warned for making fun of your humble skills/past

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    07 March 2006 20:57:41

    Formid dont give me this bullshit like patrols WOULD recognize if a ER is a killer in those lands or not.

    Please tell me, wouldnt Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli let a stupid orc, uruk-hai, olog-hai or any evil march around minastirith signpost? Hell no. They would kill it on sight. But they dont.

    There is this little thing called Gameplay. Every game has it. And this one is going against it by creating so many oportunities for evils.

    And as for my skills, I have never denied players like the ones that you mentioned. They were good, some of them still are, some arent.

    As for my humble skills, they are all over log page - go read and educate yourself.

  • Author
    Diar [legacy]
    07 March 2006 20:04:06

    You guys have the WHOLE damn Mirkwood that was never in any book or anywhere owned by Evils.

    As much as I hate seeing Mirkwood in evil hands, check this

    From help setting:

    The Date is March 15, 3019, Third Age.

    Things are going superbly. Lord Sauron's armies are on the brink of

    victory throughout the lands.

    Minas Tirith is besieged. Our main force is preparing to enter and lay waste to the city this very day.

    The puny Rohirrim have joined the Battle of the Pelennor. All the more for us to slaughter.

    Under the trees in Mirkwood, our dark forces are assailing the weak

    kingdom of Thranduil.

    Isengard has been destroyed by the Ents from Fangorn, and the traitorous Saruman is held in the tower there. Let him rot.

    Lorien is being assaulted for the second time. This time, we will over- come the foul elves.

    Our Easterling forces from east of the Iron Hills have laid siege to

    the mountain called Erebor. A nearby city called Dale has also been

    besieged, Brand and Dain Ironfoot have allied and have withstood the

    assaults from within Erebor, but time and strength are on our side.

    The situation is excellent throughout the land...though Lord Sauron seems very concerned about a halfling (called a 'hobbit') and some special item he may be carrying. Be on the lookout for these little people....

    As I can see,Mirkwood was under Saurons sway at the time this game plays,so thematically its evil. Khamul is evil. Dale is evil.


  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    07 March 2006 19:30:53

    And you, May I add Core.

  • Author
    Core [legacy]
    07 March 2006 19:28:24

    Formid wrote: 'Here's a clue, you're not better than anyone,'. Dream is way better than anyone who is playing the game atm. INCLUDING YOU.

  • Author
    Core [legacy]
    07 March 2006 19:27:31

    bug abuse? jerk off:P

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:54:15

    [new] Date: 07. Mar, 2006, 18:27:44 By: Darovir

    Theres a sense of unity between ER's. Then theres a huge wall of non unity that seperates the ER's from the AotWU. So stfu exley.

    Blah blah blah...I like how you presume to speak for everyone. So far as I know, we're cool with all other legions and guilds, even if you look down your nose at us.

    And wtf is with this hostility? This came completely out of left field, so I don't know why you're so hot about what I said. Don't really care, to be honest, but I *am* curious. Care to explain?

  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:27:44

    Theres a sense of unity between ER's. Then theres a huge wall of non unity that seperates the ER's from the AotWU. So stfu exley.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:22:43

    Dude, did you even read my comments?

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:20:27

    and I will stop wasting my time here too. :p

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:18:50

    Jaron and Formid, wtf?

    Is Dream abusing serve just because he can kill ERs and others Servants without patrols? Its easier for you to kill him too, go kill him and stop whinning.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:13:24

    Lets respond to this one at a time:

    *2. I wonder when will you stop whining. You and Jaron are the most pathetic scum I have ever seen. Every time when you see something fancy, you describe it as a bug abuse. Every time when someone outsmarts you (which happens a lot), you BOTH search for a bug reason to justify your newbieshness. You have no idea of this game.*

    I have found more exploits and reported them than you will ever know. I class a lot of things as abuse, as such I do not use them myself. I know what I class as exploiting and what I don't class, almost everything you have done in the last 2 days I would class as an exploit, however you (quite obviously) have much much lower standards than I. I'm just fed up of you, completely you add nothing to the game, you're not a challenge to me (you haven't killed me solo in a long time, and are unlikely to).

    *So to finish this long post, the mud is going down because of whiners like yourself Formid. Who are doing nothing fancy but just crying how someone did this someone did that. Why dont you move your ass and enjoy the game. Go do something nobody has ever done or that few have ever achieved. Go solo the Dragon, Go get double-bladed staff or an orc hunters pack. Feel the rush of the risk. Feel the game. Dying aint that scary. Especially considering that you evils have a place for making 10k/hour just by pelting in safety where nobody can ever touch you.*

    Uhmm, the mud is going down because of me? Ok lets just ask some of the people I've killed. Almost everyone on my necklace has sent me tells afterwards (and quite a few people who didn't get on my necklace because they escaped) saying that it was a good attempt, or that I caught them off guard and they'll get revenge. It's all been pretty good actually. For instance before I killed Hyldar we'd been having a bit of back and forth for a while, I'd attempt him, he'd pound me back. Eventually he got a bit unlucky and I was in the right place at the right time. Now, how many of the poeple you've killed have come back and said 'Oh well done' and chatted about the kills? There are only a couple of other killers I can name who have chatted with their targets afterwards. Gothwin was one, I chatted with her several times after she killed me in mordor on a few occasions. I do enjoy the game, in my own way, I come on chat with friends and occasionally try some PK's. About running away etc, I don't always stop my PK's because of danger, in fact I died the other day attempting Karkandor (patrol finished me off about 10 rooms from osgiliath). However I try to pick my battles carefully, I don't attempt people at full health and then hunt them for miles when I realise there is very little chance of me killing them. If someone is moving fast and is in good or high average shape there is no way I will kill them before they get to edoras or west arda as such getting myself killed trying to finish them is a little pointless.

    *Failkill was implemented because evils would never handle the pressure from Free Races. Evils got more land in FR Lands than FR have. Think of: Khamul, Dol Guldur, Osgiliath, -> All this is ER controlled places INSIDE the teritory of Free Races. You guys have the WHOLE damn Mirkwood that was never in any book or anywhere owned by Evils. Ainur gave you everything that is possible. They gave you 3 flasks and coded a new one that is better than silver flask. Most of the healing is unreachable for Free Races, but this was not enough. They put the silver flask just few rooms from Dol Guldur so that you guys can get it as easy.*

    I'm sorry, but what world are you living in? Failkill was implemented because (on both the ER and FR side) there were a lot of random kills coming in on people who just wanted to mess around in game. I can see a reason for that (though I don't agree with it) so it was made that you had to put a region into contest, or attack at a battlepoint to attack someone 'off the lawsys' as it were. You decided that you'd serve and then start killing ER's. Now from a theme point of view this is absolutely ludicrous. Why would the High guards of Sauron and the Elite Patrols allow a known ER killer free reign in their land. They wouldn't is the answer, this is why I class what you did as an exploit. You obviously don't and this is what is wrong with you you just 'don't get it'. About the flasks and ER land. Mirkwood was filled with goblins, wargs and many other 'evil' things. Do you think that the ainur created Dol'Guldur from their imagination ? Of course mirkwood was filled with evil, thats why it's thematically evil. there were orcs and goblins all over mirkwood.

    Now the flasks, I realise that you have no clue about theme at all. OK we have 3 flasks. Lets see how they are obtainable:

    Black Flask: Killing somehting in Cirith Ungol. cannot do this because I'd be killing an evil, and I try to play my side well. I realise of course you care not about theme.

    Metal Flask: Until serve we were unable to get this as we had no thieves. It's still not a good flask and it's the equivalent of jerky.

    Red Flask: a decentish and easy to obtain flask. 3 hits (90hp or so) will make you so full you cannot drink for a while, useable but no comparison to the silver flask.

    Elf Skin Bota: A quest similarly as hard as the new Silver Flask quest, the bota is a direct comparison to the silver flask and it's healing is reflected in that.

    One single man kicked our ass? You killed a few players, and idled in your innroom for hours. When a few people decided to wait you out until the inn reset, you slept in your innroom and logged off. You left your Innroom only camo'd and attacked people who were afk or idle in kadar. How exactly was I supposed to kill you. We have about 2 rangers on the ER side and none was on. Sandstorm no longer uncamo's people so there is actually no way I could have attacked you. Whining for 2 days? I brought up some valid points which you have been unable to counter. When I asked you yesterday you said that your brother was getting you EQ. Where exactly did you get those galadriel vials from? I'm guessing you didn't quest them on Dream.

    *And Formid, do you know why evil races die all the time? Because they are not used to keeping safe while golding. They think that they are in their lands and are untouchable. Try doing that in FR lands. Try golding somewhere with an enemy online, you will get killed like 2+2=4*

    About golding in safety, I've levelled up a character which I personally put a 6k contract on, the contract was never completed (an FR char). I levelled up Formid before failkill was in effect and I died a few times and learned a lot from it. I suppose it's easy to say that when you max you characters by botting in dells farm though. I've golded on both FR and ER chars with enemies online and yeah sometimes I've died and other times I've escaped, thats life.

    I'm going to ignore your part about weapontraders. You're basically saying that the people who can SEE the code for weapontraders have no idea how they work? That does just go to show how completely foolish you are.

    With regards to being a good pkiller etc. You will never be a good pkiller, it doesn't matter how many people you kill you will never match the skill of people like vildoran, delgaur, adunazon and many others. You're not even in the same league as them. I'm not claiming I am either, but I don't brag all day about how people I kill and post every single log of a kill that I have just to up my posted logs count. Quantity will never make up for Quality.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:44:53

    '2. I wonder when will you stop whining. You and Jaron are the most pathetic scum I have ever seen. Every time when you see something fancy, you describe it as a bug abuse. Every time when someone outsmarts you (which happens a lot), you BOTH search for a bug reason to justify your newbieshness. You have no idea of this game. '

    And as opposede to that, you whine about how Ainur have no clue about how the game works when you get outsmarted/busted.. then you quit (in the case at BD) or find another bug to abuse.

    'Failkill was implemented because evils would never handle the pressure from Free Races. Evils got more land in FR Lands than FR have.'

    Funny you can just walk in and use the services in the if you have an evil align in the supposedly evil parts of your FR lands. Heard of a command called takeover? That's the why way to circumvent fail kills, not abusing serve like you.

    '1. There is NO bug with the weapontraders'

    Extract from news 57:

    Due to their inability to simply report the problem, but

    instead abuse it for personal gain, we have had to

    remove the weapontrader functionality until repairs

    can be made and tested.

    I would guess the PoL has the last say on what is abusing and what is not, but then again he has no clue about the game according to you, right?

    'They gave you 3 flasks and coded a new one that is better than silver flask. Most of the healing is unreachable for Free Races, but this was not enough'

    Bota sucks, or is very random, it healed me 20 hp per hit last time I died using it. 3 flasks? Black flasks and metal flasks might as well be considered FR quests, since serving evils won't quest them, and you can get into Mordor easy. I would rather have old ears or even jerkies instead of the dark red flasks. On the other hand, you have full access to VoV and phial, which happen to be very easy/freebie quests, I can only get phial if I'm an assassin or thief, and VoV if I risk a hell lot (because somehow there are free scouts in a mountain of orcs)

    'Know what, all I got from the free races was a pack full of jerkies, because I cant get that. All other EQ I have quested on my own, but this does not matter.'

    You got your eq before you served, and you didn't make it through a boot serving, you would only leave to pk very vulnerable people or afk people, and even then minimize your uncamoed time, yet you still got pinned to your inn and had to quit just before sunrise.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:30:38

    Exley tells you: sorry to bother you again, I'm sure you're trying to kill my friends and all, but I wanna say this to you: you'll find in the

    coming days that there's a sense of community with us ERs that is greater than anything you can muster. You're not a sharp enough wedge to drive between us. Good luck to you...but you're going to die. Alot.

    -> This is what made me leave your lands. It was so cute.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:28:45

    Formid, I cant believe you wrote so much bullshit in so little text.

    I dont want to respond to your stupidity, but I believe you need to know few things:

    1. I have been nuked before for character sharing, it was okay, I did it. I am not proud with it and I have not done it ever since and will never do again.

    2. I wonder when will you stop whining. You and Jaron are the most pathetic scum I have ever seen. Every time when you see something fancy, you describe it as a bug abuse. Every time when someone outsmarts you (which happens a lot), you BOTH search for a bug reason to justify your newbieshness. You have no idea of this game.

    3. The bugs. Ok lets check them out:


    Failkill gets implemented, to try and cut down on the amount of random lawsys free kills. Shortly afterwards you serve so that you can get random lawsys free kills. --> Failkill was implemented because evils would never handle the pressure from Free Races. Evils got more land in FR Lands than FR have. Think of: Khamul, Dol Guldur, Osgiliath, -> All this is ER controlled places INSIDE the teritory of Free Races. You guys have the WHOLE damn Mirkwood that was never in any book or anywhere owned by Evils. Ainur gave you everything that is possible. They gave you 3 flasks and coded a new one that is better than silver flask. Most of the healing is unreachable for Free Races, but this was not enough. They put the silver flask just few rooms from Dol Guldur so that you guys can get it as easy.

    Despite all this gifts, you are too lame to protect yourself and one single man kicked your ass so hard that you, formid, have been whining on your IC comm for two days constantly how I am getting EQ from Free Races, how I cant be touched. Know what, all I got from the free races was a pack full of jerkies, because I cant get that. All other EQ I have quested on my own, but this does not matter. I will ask every free race and they will give me their last armour to go pkill you and your friends.

    Now I guess this needs to be said for Weapontraders so that you lamer and all of your guys that think I did 90hp damage on Hallam with an orc short sword (as I heard on comm and laughed my ass out):

    1. There is NO bug with the weapontraders. I traded a powerful bastard sword - two handed - for a malevolent sword - two handed. I got the benefit of a backstab, the same thing that you have with ambush. It has absolutely the same stats as the PBS that you guys get as a FREEBIE.

    2. The weapontraders were removed because Vermond and obviously some of the guys incharge have no idea how the weapontraders work. Vermond thought that I have traded 2handed sword for a bow and then back for a one handed sword and he believed that this sword has the stats of a twohanded - WRONG - it doesnt. It is worse than sailors cutlass. I tried, it sucks.

    So to finish this long post, the mud is going down because of whiners like yourself Formid. Who are doing nothing fancy but just crying how someone did this someone did that. Why dont you move your ass and enjoy the game. Go do something nobody has ever done or that few have ever achieved. Go solo the Dragon, Go get double-bladed staff or an orc hunters pack. Feel the rush of the risk. Feel the game. Dying aint that scary. Especially considering that you evils have a place for making 10k/hour just by pelting in safety where nobody can ever touch you.

    This is pathetic.

    And Formid, do you know why evil races die all the time? Because they are not used to keeping safe while golding. They think that they are in their lands and are untouchable. Try doing that in FR lands. Try golding somewhere with an enemy online, you will get killed like 2+2=4

    All this is making me sad. The game has turned into a newbie barn. Once, people would say: Omg look at this guy, he is cool, I want to kill him. I want to compare skills with him and prove myself better.

    This is what I think when I see someone doing a great job as pkiller. This is what you will never think, because you know the answer. You will never be that good or even close to it.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 16:47:08

    Not like you are any better than him at abusing bugs, Filch.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 16:47:06

    No the game didn't get fixes. Failkill isn't a fix, it's a quick hack of a patch. Same with removing weapontraders. These aren't long term solutions they are quick hacks to prevent the kind of abuse that a few people who 'play' this mud like to do. I'd much rather we get long term solutions, or new features than quick hack solutions.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    07 March 2006 16:37:45

    Well, it sure seems that thanks to Dream this game got hell of a lot of fixes. And Formid got a sleepless night thinking of him, too:P

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 16:20:34

    No dream, you're not playing the game, you're fighting the ainur, trying to exploit every single last thing you can to try and prove yourself better than other people. Here's a clue, you're not better than anyone, you're one of the reasons this game is going down the tube. The ainur have to spend so much time putting in quick hacks and fixes because you exploit every last thing you can find trying to get that edge over someone. I was thinking about this last night, how many man hours have the ainur spent not creating new features because of jumped up little pricks who like to abuse everything like you and your brother.

    Lets look at recent history, now these are all exploits which have been around (and possible) for a while, but either very few people used them, or noone used them because they realised that it was an exploit.

    Failkill gets implemented, to try and cut down on the amount of random lawsys free kills. Shortly afterwards you serve so that you can get random lawsys free kills.

    Several weapons get reduced in power, or made so that they cannot be backstabbed with. You start abusing weapontraders to get uber powerful weapons which can be backstabbed with.

    Weapontraders get removed, running out of exploits to abuse you whine at vermond who brought the weapontrader exploit to the ainurs notice.

    Serve is introduced so that evil FR players can transit into playing with their ER counterparts. Several people did serve and kill some people, however they were killed and fought off (they did this solo). You serve and start killing. You are near impossible to kill, because whilst we have to gear up under threat from being PK'd by you, you get your brother to gather EQ for you in relative safety (because no ER can attack him in FR lands) and pass that EQ onto you so that you can continue to kill us in our own lands. Our lawsys being warlord based is unable to handle this, since we cannot put any bounty except kill on you. You are allowed free pass around patrols and guards, which is almost amusing since every ER player knows you are there to kill ER's, the warlords should have the power to withdraw access from the guards/patrols/mordor. Meaning you could serve to attack us freely, but you would still get patrola and you would have to camo past BP's (and would to all intents and purposes be classed as a non serving FR).

    We don't need to go back too far in time to stumble upon one of the numberous occasions you and yor brother have had multiple nukes at the same time for character sharing, transferring characters, multiplaying and any number of other abuses.

    Personally, I think you've had more than enough chances to clean up your act and it's time that both of you were permanantly sitebanned, you bring nothing to the game, you are here to try and cheat your (yes cheat, I class abusing bugs as cheating) way to the top. You care about your reputations as killers (as can be seen from the fact that almost every single kill you and your brother make gets posted on the logpage) and thats about it.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    07 March 2006 16:02:19

    Abusing something? No. I am just playing the game. If you dont like it, dont play it.

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    07 March 2006 16:01:53

    Jaron, atleast now you can whine all you want. This is the best and only thing you can do:)

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 15:58:50

    So our hero serves abusing the fact that he can get off with lawsys-free kills and no patrols while ERs can't force their lawsys on him because dev35 hasn't been implemented yet. Then a day later, after having idled in his inn killing any newbies or people idling at auctioneer thinking they're safe, he abuses the fact that he can kill in Mordor to serve off without aging the time required. Congratulations, all you've done is idle or newbie killing while you got your eq from other people and never left your inn uncamoed, I guess we are the lame ones. Also, don't even mention Dream's non existent alts on any comms thinking their lack of existence prevents punishments, he is whiny enough to create that char and report you for mp info afterwards.