Core and Dream

Posted by
Jaron [legacy]
07 March 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    09 March 2006 12:46:40

    I can't possibly read so many comments.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    08 March 2006 20:12:17

    Was it a joke or not?

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    08 March 2006 19:38:21

    Man I'm good at changing the subject :P

  • Author
    Bilungada [legacy]
    08 March 2006 16:59:56

    omg hart! lol, tell me that was a joke

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    08 March 2006 10:00:19

    *nibbles on Myrddin's ear*

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 March 2006 09:56:47

    Pretty sure it doesn't exist, Hart :p edible ears are from BD

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    08 March 2006 01:40:40

    I can't figure out the dang command to eat ears off my necklace.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    08 March 2006 00:09:56

    I refuse to read this crap too! Something is wrong with you people :P

  • Author
    Hallam [legacy]
    07 March 2006 21:52:14

    Everyone please, be more constructive with your criticism, you're all being tacky and meanspirited.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    07 March 2006 21:24:31

    I have been planning on taking on the dragon last 2 boots, but he keeps getting killed before I get supplies.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    07 March 2006 21:21:13

    I would love to kill the dragon... If I had the eq to do it, that is.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    07 March 2006 20:15:07

    It's different when you're evil. I can't say anybody in the evil lands really cares that the random orc courier died to a moral. Especially when that moral dies to an ER and the ER gets all the stuff. Sure, the OCP could be sent back to the courier's family...There was an ER help file that I couldn't find after I had read it that said something along the lines of 'Neighbor? What the FLORPUNT is a neighbor?!' I think I was looking up info on town comms.

    Because nobody pointed it out yet.

    'What is my name doing on a log of yours, Jaron? Better re-post your shit. And I dont see anything cool in attacking a guy who has just finished killing the Dragon. You guys should bend over ashamed that you never had or will have the balls to go and two-man the dragon yourselves.'

    You kind of just posted that not all that long before, Dream. Didn't look like Aoulm was really there, did it?

    And I could have sworn part of assassination was getting your target when they're going to be at their lowest. But I guess you're supposed to give them a fighting chance.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:54:18

    There is actually a funny story in that spanish class, me and darkbeat hate it. It was the worst class ever. so we took turn on who would skip it. the other person sat mudding instead and only on speical occassions we both went. where i sat just infront of darkbaet but always with my back turned to the teacher takling with darkbeat. Anyways. once she was going around showing attendence and grade and shit like that. she comes to darkbeat (she didn't talked to me yet) she comes to darkbeat and says 'You havn't been here alot' darkbeat fast as a bullet respons 'oh am I in the lead!? do I get a price?' she then looks abit suprised but goes 'well your not leading' and then turn to me and look at me with a shame look. I beam at here and she just looks real sad and stops the round and goes to her desk

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:42:13

    Banhe, I personally have killed ER's that I've found killing in mordor. There's a quite strictly enforced rule that you don't kill in mordor. You may have seen ER's doing it, if so post names and we'll look into it.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:37:17

    oh sorry if it wasn't directed to me :p then that post makes no sense :p. tho for the record I instead flunked spanish cuz I got out of hibb and hade todo a retest shit and got 1 points over the grade godk

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:36:34

    Ergo, read my comment regarding the way the eq was obtained please, Banhe you too. There's a differene between killing the guy that killed your friend and rewarding him with buying the eq from him, but I guess it would be too much to expect from you to care about such sophisticated levels of RP. I am expecting from you to tell me the way Beornings obtained the galadriel vials, I guess if you are so keen to defend them you would have some valid proof that it was obtained through the proper ways.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:34:41

    Jaron I think I got 3 NO or something, wich means a FEW still likes me. I SAID FEW!! with FEW you cant pass on vote, and I'm sure a person that still likes me in that time voted NO, because she thought I was unprepared to re-join, I have no hard feelings for anyone that voted NO on me, and I'm happy I didnt re-join, a lot of good stuffs happened to me later, wich would be impossible to happen if I was CoU. I still like that few friends I made.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:32:15

    That was my point. Just because they have the eq dosn't mean they whack their own KRs. So don't spit out attacks like that because they are almost always wrong. And what is it I need to explain?

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:31:22

    Formid, I saw ERs using mordor eq, and a lot, not sure sure if you did, but some ERs does, and you said using eq of the KR its lame, so ERs are lame, you can talk for yourself but not for the others ERs that use KRs eq.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:31:11

    Ergo, my post about CoU was directed at Banhe, I'd rather not bother going into your past with CoU, sorry for the confusion. Banhe, if you had so many people that liked you, maybe you would have passed the vote.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:29:14

    I would guess there is a difference between killing the bastard that killed your friend NPC to both avenge your friend and as an extra get the eq (Yeah, that's how evils get hold of Mordor eq, except for a few traitors) and paying the guy that killed your friend to get his eq (Or paying the guy to kill your friend.. hmm). I would guess the case with Beornings would most likely be the latter, since I can't see any morons running around with all gala vials waiting to get killed... however this is only an assumption as I've no clue how Beornings obtained the vials (although worse possibilities than just paying someone to kill galadriel come to mind) and am waiting for Ergo to explain.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:28:47

    All you remember its me getting killed in a war? Maybe you should pay more atention on your members then, I would explain what happened, but I dont need to explain anything to you, I talked with Anie about it. There are few members I still like, and those, knows who I'm talking about. Of course, not you Jaron and I know you dont care either.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:27:01

    Banhe, I'd like you to show me where at any point I have used mmail, cls or prod. If you check my character my mail is set to Cirith Ungol. I haven't killed anything in mordor except a couple of pit creatures ever. (ok I've killed some sneaky FR scum who came in occasionally)

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:26:09

    I've never been in cou? would that be mp to mention that? anyways if I was in cou. which I was then I was actually the one playing, me and winnetou worked our asses off in the war and I didn't hibernate I hibernated once and that is when I got my failin notice in spanish tho i hibernated wrong time cuz the test was one month later. ask darkbeat if you ever see him around. I left when all the wars was over because I couldn't kill in mordor and that was what I was good at. but that wasn't me.. remember?

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:24:05

    If you cant use eq of your KRs, why ERs use mordor eq? like mmail(you have to kill the NPCs, prod,cls,etc..)

    I dont see anything wrong about Beornings with mels,daks,gala vials, unless beornings kill one of these NPcs, then its lame, otherwise its perfect.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:20:48

    I'm not the kind that every kill he does, probably because I can't be bothered with it. It was only posted because Dream was bragging about being a Dragon Slayer and how he owned us serving (see the part in the end). If I had any intentions of boasting, I would've posted it just after the kill, all I remember about your time in CoU was getting killed in a war, then going nuts, leaving and hibernating. Naturally you were not let back in.

    I wasn't even sure that the dragon was dead (although Swiper said he saw the message, I thought we would be unable to enter if it was dead) when we got in, so I wanted to make sure we had enough to finish off an ND dragon.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:19:54

    Formid whip case is a real bad example, many disscussions has gone about this item and thematicly there is no reason not to use it. I believe this and so do many ex-gms and many council in BKD. However. you said I will never get the maul. But I've seen you use it. and as you put it. I never quested it. there is the point I go by I use eq that is good to use and will help me, even if a beornings would have mels I would use it but damn sure I would protect the dude as much as I could (if I was a beornings that is). And I if I would have the time I would have made a BH just to kill shelob solo to get the ainurs to nerf it because that is what it takes for them to actually noticing stuff. like Bartoss is the perfect

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:16:09

    I don't see him bragging about killing core/dream. However considering the PITA that they've both been recently I assumed the log was posted so that other ER's can see they died.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:15:52

    I dont know if you changed so much, but I wouldnt brag about killing someone that is killing/killed the Dragon/Shelob.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:14:45

    Whats so special about this log? 3man 1 person that is doing Dragon isnt the bravest thing you can do, and you still brag about killing Core. I'm sure you can do better than that Jaron, at least when I was CoU I thought you could do better than that.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:13:08

    Of course there's nothing wrong with using eq from NPCs that are in your KR if they're obtained through the proper ways. If you're so keen to defend Beornings, please tell us how they were obtained in this case then.

    I would have never asked about the galadriel vials if not for the previous cases of Beornings abusing the bug which would allow them to kill her without getting fined. I don't go 'omg how did he get the vials' when I see a gala vial at, say a VC or KoDA.

    You lost me somewhere between my typist.. moderators.. and MP, nevermind I guess.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:11:41

    You see, ergo this is your problem. You don't see theme either.

    There are for instance thematic reasons why the dwarves of BkD don't want to use the whip. By your reasoning as you don't have to kill anything they should use it fine. However the guild doesn't use the whip and tends to try to destroy it if they do get the whip (I know there have been internal arguments about that situation but I won't go into that).

    The vials are thematically galadriels, if she is on your KR list then it's for a reason. You shouldn't be using equipment gained from a friends death basically. For instance the maul's from Dol'Guldur are mega powerful weapons especially when combined with ambush. However I have never quested one, and I don't intend to.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:07:48

    Gah why do people think I'm always worked up. My english sucks, during the 12 years of school with english I went throught it probably should be alot better but I honest to god don't care, I never have I never will. This Omg how did he have galadriels vials, There is a million people that can have gotten them for him or he bought them on auction, whatever. There is nothing wrong if you use the eq your KRs have just maybe the method you gain them on.

    The MP with moderators have nothing todo with you Jaron but if your typist thinks it does then it's not my fault I said it to Jaron and nobody else

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 18:03:01

    It was changed? Okay cool.. no one that I talked to seemed to know, calm down.

    What'd I have to do with moderators?

    I'm not trying to insult your english in any way, if I wanted I could have been much more mocking and I would use one of the several chances earlier, I can understand the basic structure of the said comment, but I don't get the part with 'a KR that is so wrong' Do you mean the wrong thing is the KR, or the beorning using eq from that KR?

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:58:41

    insult my english eh? 90% of the people reading it will understand the rest is probably under 12years old

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:56:00

    Well it was change a year ago and you opened your mouth without knowing, planning on reveling my alts now? because moderaters are allowed todo that it seems? or am I wrong? enlighten me please

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:54:15

    Can you rephrase that last comment?

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:53:39

    And omg, a beornings using eq from a KR that is so wrong, because he must have gotten them himself.. not?

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:53:24

    I never claimed that I killed Dream. Beornings have killed Galadriel in the past, because she doesn't actually 'die' it doesn't appear as a kill, I was wondering if that was fixed, seems I got my answer, who is the moron again?

    I would've probably gone for it if I were on at the time and knew what they were doing before they were gone.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:52:38

    And hell if you did take down dragon or shelob solo with ambush then maybe the crap would have been nerfed, but omg that is bugabuse, but killing patrols in 3-4 seconds or kill one target of a 7man party, now that shit aint nukable, maybe if you did it enough times it would be but shit that aint the case either

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:49:43

    Well with Beornings KR we know HE didn't kill him. moron. Now shut up. FINNALY you went after someone doing dragon, if you had any balls you should have done this last boots when he was taken down solo and the only half decent bang that was set up was in kadar north signpost. and wtf !? you killed dream??!? where did this happen!?

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:24:45

    Actually I mused with several people about using 1 person to pull the dragon/shelob in and out of rooms and using ambush to kill them. I was told that if I even tried it (by an ainur) I'd be warned/nuked, regardless of if I was doing it just for the fame of soloing dragon/shelob. As such I never bothered.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:14:48

    If Formid was like Dream he would probably solo dragon and shelob with old ambush then brag that he is extremely cool and the inventor :)

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:13:52

    actually we were getting prepared to two man him that boot, you shouldn't speak about being ashamed when you have quit to escape from death in two incidents :)

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:13:10

    I don't see anything wrong with killing someone who serves deliberately to kill idling ER's wherever he is and whatever he's just been doing.

    Several people have attempted the dragon in 2mans, one person also got him to DLSG solo (he was unprepared or he'd probably have finished the thing solo)

  • Author
    Dream [legacy]
    07 March 2006 17:09:33

    What is my name doing on a log of yours, Jaron? Better re-post your shit. And I dont see anything cool in attacking a guy who has just finished killing the Dragon. You guys should bend over ashamed that you never had or will have the balls to go and two-man the dragon yourselves.