Laefang 0 The Storm 2 Well more like 5 but no post

Posted by
Baklen [legacy]
10 March 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

The Storm doesn't take kindly to threats and it finds Laefang making a mistake.


  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 March 2006 18:42:44

    Baklen:My ego will keep getting bigger too as long as dimwits like you play the mud.

    And your dick continually smaller to compensate.

    I died twice sure (both were my own fault, one I was stupid and having checked the healers in kadar and being full, I went back to the camp via a BP and got BS'd. I even knew he was going to try something like that. The other was an NPC who just crit me a lot (a 60hp crit from an NPC is not funny)). It happens, Pate got me good (I got him in a pertty similar style the other week). I figure me and him are even (till I kill him again) now.

    Yeah and I'm so impressed at how many uniques your 8man party got. I got 5 uniques solo this boot (ok Jabba came and helped me finish the last one).

    You see, I don't actually need to kill people with the EQ I generally use, with the amount of stuff I help other people with I could walk around with unique armour, a unique weapon and a heck of a lot of healing as well, I suppose thats one of the advantages of being liked. However I'm perfectly capable of killing people without. By the way you make a point of my 'one or two kills a month' well, I barely log on much, and when I do I have to idle a fair amount since I'm actually working at the same time. If I logged on as much as you and actually spent the time stalking and tracking people I'd probably rack up as many kills as you (well ok I wouldn't, because I don't attack level 16's). You claim that you only attack them because you got pk'd at a low level. Well you might want to look at that attitude problem of yours because I'm guessing thats WHY you got attacked at a low level.

    Baklen: Yah shoot me, sue me, I'm sorry I have good equipment all the time. Sorry, I 2man people, sorry I don't wait till some randoom noob goes nd and I want an ambush.

    Baklen: An example to show how far the players of Arda have fallen and where the mud is going. *laughs* Thanks though, I mean we all know that even with 5 people Jabba probably would of failed. Yet, I'm sure his alt just wanted Aiglos.

    Don't fucking bitch about people banging you when you refuse to solo people yourself. You obviously need the ego boost you get from killing, but you're not good enough to do it with substandard EQ or on your own. Personally I enjoy the same rush, but I AM good enough to do it on my own. I find it a much better rush when you kill someone solo.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 18:08:59


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 18:08:51


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 18:08:46


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 18:08:39

    And yes crack on me posting comments in succession!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 18:08:03

    My ego will keep getting bigger too as long as dimwits like you play the mud.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 18:02:11

    Last post, here's a tip! I'll keep getting uniques, I'll keep gangbanging evils till they disappear or give up and I'll keep laughing as Aiglos or Blacksword takes another life. While you as Formid, the mighty solo king. Runs around and solo's one ore 2 people a month. Oh and yah your evil, I don't give a fuck if your level 10 or 5. They didn't when I was level 10 or 5. All those noobies that didn't have a chance to mud because you all killed them. So I'll return the favor for them.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 17:59:37

    Yah shoot me, sue me, I'm sorry I have good equipment all the time. Sorry, I 2man people, sorry I don't wait till some randoom noob goes nd and I want an ambush.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 17:58:33

    *laughs* oh well I suck, your the master Formid, I mean, I didn't have to even touch you this boot and you died twice.

    Fucking stylish man, teach me to mud. Let me go do mmail solo, so I can get ambushed. *rotfl

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    13 March 2006 16:44:07

    Wow did I just read a post with arguments actually backed up by some verifiable examples? Can't be Log'o'mania, can it?:P

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 March 2006 15:16:14

    Baklen: You obviously don't play against me that much. Cause I do everything basically solo *shrugs oh wel

    This boot, I was having finds and scouts run on you in mordor, there were 4 of you in there. When I was attacking at mordor gates you were in a 2 man party with 2 others close by. I can't attack you on your own turf when you're gearing up because of the failkill crap. How exactly am I supposed to solo you when the only places I can attack you at you don't go solo?

    I also don't go for low levels in 2mans I set myself bounds because it's not really difficult to kill a level 16 in a 2man with the best weapons in the game and a lot of healing. Not so much of 'The Storm' as 'The slightly damp'. Or another level 16 (again you using the best weapon in the game Lots of help in this one Wow, finally going back far enough I find where you did actually attack on your own (after letting one of your own die in front of you obviously). Now I didn't skip out anything you posted here, thats in a row I didn't see one solo on a high level until the last one.

    Then we take a look at (as much as I hate to say this, because I don't like him either, but all credit he showed some skill in both of these) and these three which make up the full log and You were in a 2man, and you both ended up dying (yeah he died too but thats not the point) to a solo.

    Try attacking someone your own level, on your own without the best equipment in the game and then come back to me. Don't bitch at me about solo's when almost everything you post here is 2-3man, you're the one with the ego problem here, not me.

    I however practice what I preach, I do solo almost all the time (well I attack solo, I have a lot of help behind me running finds and other things) (I think I've been on 1 maybe 2 2man's in recent times, thats out of about 30 kills/attempts).

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 14:30:14

    One more thing, I can't help that you (IE as a player set bounds for yourself and reasons why you can't kill me).Thats just character flaws man, but I'm sure with time and experience one day you will surpass that. When that happens, give me a tell, we can scrabble. Untill then, try learning from your so called elite's. *snorts*

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 14:27:11

    *laughs* man, I think I've seen you once logged in for more than 1hr and you run your mouth like we have had some battles. Stfu Mr.Noobler and stop whining like a bitch cause you can't solo me, come on and do it Bring fucking 9 people. You aren't going to shut me up. Cause when it's all said and done, I can guarantee if you start playing on any real basis, I'll have your ear on my necklace and I seriously doubt it will be more than 1.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 March 2006 14:24:44

    You obviously don't play against me that much. Cause I do everything basically solo *shrugs oh well

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 March 2006 13:08:34

    Baklen: No, I think the truth is that if you try me solo and I'm not nd you are going to die.

    No, it really depends. I'm smart enough to get information about where your friends are before I even try you. If you have 2-3 friends sitting around you then I'm going to be fairly sure you're trying to set me up and/or lock me up, therefore if I don't get you particularly low off the bat there's very little chance I'll kill you so I'll be very careful about where I let you lead me (triggering to hunt off at specific locations etc, or sticking extra help at the locations where I can be locked). If you (for a change) decided to go somewhere without 4 people backing you up, I'm highly likely to carry on hunting and go for it.

    I personally dislike going after people with even 2 people (though I have done it a few times) and bangs I really dislike, however for some people I relax those rules (they constantly talk crap, or are almost never solo) in these cases whatever gets the job done to be honest, if that requires us 5manning you just to shut you up, then fine (didn't work though you whined at us for 30 minutes that we couldn't hit you solo).

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    12 March 2006 18:08:51

    See this is where you fail to realize, this is a game to me, and thats it, did I bring anything about your rl to this? NO, I love rl history and I love achilles, and I've seen the movie so I try play like achilles. You can call it lame, but its fun for me and thats why I play. You seem to all think I have this deep enmity towards you all that goes into my rl. The fact is, its how I play, I talk shit, I want shit talked back and I want action fame and glory. It's a game and thats what games are for right? On a more personal note, blow me Laefang:)

  • Author
    Apeture [legacy]
    12 March 2006 16:23:41

    I got off the bandwagon years ago, and started playing WoW

    I win! I win! I win!

    Baklen, keep that ego going!

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    12 March 2006 16:22:07

    Furry Flying Squirrels.

  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    12 March 2006 16:18:18

    French Football Sluts.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    12 March 2006 15:25:26

    So, what does 'ffs' mean?

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    12 March 2006 14:48:26

    *Exide completes your day!* *cheers*

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    12 March 2006 11:58:39

    Just as I was thinking something was missing.. a stupid comment from Exide!

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    12 March 2006 11:51:42

    We're writing a novel here?

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    12 March 2006 05:41:11

    Guess me and you have different views of history, and what 200 people on a mud think about me doesn't quite register. Don't think anyone can call me mundane as i kill fr's on a daily basis but it's just for fun. You seem to take it much more seriously. In a few years time though i can hardly see me caring about what my enemies on here now think about me mattering. It is after all a game. *shrug* i guess you throw alot more into it than i do. Now don't get me wrong i do rate you as a good player, but ffs your at least 18 now and there's much more to life than this. You obviously haven't learnt this yet else you wouldn't still give it the big man on a log page which lets face it doesn't matter at all. So take a step back and take a look at yourself, i might not be remembered for being a kick ass pker but you sure as hell won't, your a whinging tart half the time and you just try to big yourself up the other half. Work out what really matters and comment back... not that i'm expecting much but hey i can always hope. Just out of interest outside these 3 logs you got any more of me? no wait you don't.. You posted all 3 because you apparently got pissed at me for some reason. Well you wasted your supply but you'll continue to lose bkd's uniques whenever we decide you should die, because lets face it we can't be arsed posting our killings of you because they just consist of you running and whining once you get your ass handed to you. It ain't entertaining and neither are you most of the time. So keep giving it the big man, it just makes it all the more satisfying to see the ghost of baklen spamming 'OMG YOU ALL SUCK, NONE OF YOU CAN SOLO'

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    11 March 2006 22:26:07


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 March 2006 22:19:24

    Whichever I couldcareless, but I know I'm better than you:)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    11 March 2006 22:15:51

    You're probably going to be remembered as the guy that sinks as he talks :)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 March 2006 22:01:31

    Formid you are just soft in the head. You all seriously, seriously need to stop disillusioning yourself. I mean you are all starting to get a little fucked up in your views. No, I think the truth is that if you try me solo and I'm not nd you are going to die. If not,then try it. Stop making fucking excuses as to WHY I can't be killed soloed. You all seem to think I'm the first who plays like this, you are all fucking soft. I'm a relic from an age you all wouldn't even last 2weeks in. Yet chalk up some more excuses, I really get a kick out of this. And as far as I'm concerened anyone and their mother can wait to kill some random person at nd. Yah thats an assassin, oh yah thats a killer, no thats an illusion. You all seem to forget that equipping is part of this game and part of the SKILL to obtain them. I admit I have alot of help getting most of the uniques we get, but its always mutual and goes both ways. You say I pray for luck when I attack a person at perfect shape? I call it trusting my own fucking skill dumbass. I'll attack someone at perfect cause I KNOW I can kill someone. And yes, I post to fill my ego *rotfl*, god you are all fucking soft:)I'll say it one last time, get off the bandwagon and try to do something not so boring and standard? Last thing. The difference between me and you Laefang is. You seem to be ok with being mundane and thats why history will forget you. Nuff said.....

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    11 March 2006 16:44:54

    I fully agree Formid, the mark of a good assassin is the ability to accomplish your goal and not need the best gear. That is not to say that using the best gear takes away from your skill, but your first weapon should be your knowledge of breaks and and such.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    11 March 2006 16:40:31

    Rekthorne, it's all about timing. These days people think that unless you attack people from full health you suck. Personally I like attacking people low, I often do it without armour or healing on me :)

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    11 March 2006 15:56:13

    I remember back back back in the day when a certain skilled assassin I knew(I don't name names because I think that's asskissing) would PK people that had whip/mmail when they only had an ESS. Now THAT is skill.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    11 March 2006 15:49:20

    'This game is much more than seeing who's the best at this and that'

    To find out who is the best at this and that, vote on my lists!

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    11 March 2006 04:59:07

    Bkd get alot of good uniques because it's got alot of good active members, before you joined they did the same. As for soloing just ask around, We solo all the time, we just don't all post with OMFG IS IT A BIRD A PLANE OR A SUPER ER because personally for me i don't feel the need to big myself up this log page. You said a while ago all you do is log on and wait to be attacked/go hunting for people so why would we try to solo someone who was ready for it? When you do equip in mordor etc we come after you and you've pissed enough people off that there's always a mountain of people willing to join in. As for the score you've helped get me 3 times, and i've been there many more than that when you've died. 2 of yours were through my stupidity and underestimating masar and the 3rd was because i like a good fight as much as the next person. As for mine well i've led a few bangs against you and tagged along on a couple.

    Are you The Storm or an evil shadow? well no your a kid who's desperately trying to impress people with your l33t pk skills and brags about everything good he thinks he's done.

    This game is much more than seeing who's the best at this and that, it's about people interacting with each other and forming communities which are enjoyable to play in. You seem to believe your the be all and end all of the mud which is a shame because it isn't and yet i bet it annoys the hell out of the people you play with

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    11 March 2006 04:55:06

    Can we keep the 'I-hate-yous' to just a few lines? Are you children so pissy that you have to write full pages about not liking each other? Get a hobby! (masterbation does not count.)

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    11 March 2006 02:01:45

    Baklen: I mean I have to walk around with all that shit cause you all can't solo to save your fucking lives.

    Ok Baklen, you walk around the logpage like you're all that. Why not ask your guild why they didn't listen to Hyldar last boot or the boot before and ended up losing 2 uniques and the guild pack to a solo from me ?

    You wan't people to solo you, then try killing people solo instead of the 2man+ you usually do. Although of course as laefang said, if you're walking around with the best uniques in the game and a whole heap of healing then don't expect people to attempt you on their own.

    You claim we don't hunt, well to be honest recently I haven't been hunting people much (well ok I've been triggering to hunt off) because you guys make such obvious attempts to drag me into lockups/bangs with superior healing and better gear. I'm not going to hunt someone into what I am fairly sure will be a certain death. Pate has tried to lock me in the STS camp several times (I did hunt then, I was just triggered to hunt off at the camp). You were stood inside mordor gates partied with someone with 2 unique weapons waiting for an ER attempt. I don't try to solo people who are expecting to be attacked, I'll attack you enough to be an annoyance so you'll fuck off basically. A good killer times his attacks for a time when you're not expecting it. Unlike a lot of people I don't always try to attack people from perfect shape and pray for some luck.

    When you start to do things solo, I'll try to solo you. Don't try to take the high ground against us when half the stuff you do is 2man+, and the times when you are solo you have a party waiting around the corner (yes I get a lot of finds run on a lot of people).

  • Author
    Skenda [legacy]
    11 March 2006 01:50:39

    Bah like you are not doing gangbangs Baklen! You ganganged me with 4 other dwarves while i was idle and without any eq!

    Why don't you post that log so everyone can see the Storm for what he is?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 March 2006 01:03:28

    Yah throw that at me, I hear it everytime, I mean every guild I join just happens to have the best uniques oh god. It's the same old bullshit every day get some new material. I mean I have to walk around with all that shit cause you all can't solo to save your fucking lives. (IE you do more gangbanging then Jenna jameson) I mean jesus christ ,as an evil you have access to some of the most dangerous shit, why not grow some balls and try to USE that instead of whining like a little deformed orc? *BOGGLES* actually keep on whining, it humors me.

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    11 March 2006 00:44:28

    Depends if your running round with half of bkd's uniques and your own weight in healing. But whatever gets the job done in your case

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 March 2006 00:33:27

    Oh well, I don't count gangbanging as a kill. You can though.

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    10 March 2006 23:29:18

    And i realised i should have just used the rope to break on this one but hey i suck sometimes

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    10 March 2006 23:25:12

    2 - 0? these logs are a few months old and i got 2 of your ears on my necklace.