You enter the common area, locate a free bench, and sit. You need only sit for a few minutes before the traveler appears from a tent. Dressed in fine clothes, cleanly shaven, he hardly resembles the man you saw enter the tent the previous evening. You recognize the man to be Perry U'lairi, Guardian of Dol Guldur. Perry stands upon a crate, his gaze looking over the crowd. When the noise doesnt lower, he raises a great war horn to his lips, and lets loose with a tremendous blast. The deep, fell call of an evil horn sounds in the distance. The room quickly grows quiet. Perry says: "Friends, Enemies, residents of Arda. Welcome, and thank you for coming. I have summoned you here today to celebrate, for I am moving on from this world. I would like to say a few things before I go". Perry gazes out into the distance for a moment, his eyes fixxed on the horizon. Perry says: "I have mixxed feelings about leaving this place. I have spent 10 years in this world. In that time, I have made many friends, and many enemies, however, I have great respect for most people from both sides of the war. I have killed some of you, some of you have killed me, but in almost every case, I was able to talk with the person afterwards in a civil manner. On one hand, I am glad I am leaving, but I will miss each and every one of you, friends, allies, and enemies alike. Thank you for your time, your friendship, and where warranted, your respect." The speaker looks down, obviously distressed by what he is about to say. Perry says: "I have spoken with many of you from both sides of this war. I have heard many of you say that the current population here in Arda is somewhat less than in the old days, when the mud was new. I disagree with this philosophy. As with the blood of Numenor, the strength shown may be less than in the first age, however, there are still heros on both sides of this conflict. You all know who you are, and I fear naming anyone in particular for fear of forgetting someone important. As I have said, I have been here for 10 years, an eternity, longer than most,and yet not as long as some of you. When you have been here for that period of time, names come and go, faces fade into one another, but the memory of some of those great people still remain". Another cloaked character, a dwarf, it would seem, from the stature, approaches Perry and hands him a satchel. Perry opens it, looks at the contents, and smiles. He then looks up, and starts speaking again. Perry says: Although I consider many of you friends, and comrades, there are some among you who have been truly family to me. Before I depart, I would like to present a gift to them, so that they will always remember me, and my deeds, as I will remember them. Athin, Please come forward". A slight statured Elf stands up, and approaches Perry. You get a sense of forboding, and dread when you stare at him, and realize after a moment that this is in fact, Athin Kantiran, Guildmaster of the Sons of Ulfang. Perry says: "Athin, you have been a constant friend, a mentor, a brother to me, and an inspiration. Thank you for being all that, and for allowing me to return your friendship. Please, take this gift." Perry then hands a stunning ring, forged from some black metal, and inset with the Eyestone found in the lair of the dread Carforgoth to Athin, and bows deeply. Athin smiles, and takes a step off to the side. Perry says: " Nasira, please come forward". From the corner of your eye you notice another dark figure start working her way to the front of the crowd. It is pretty easy for her, despite the thick crowd, because no one really wants to be near her, and a path quickly opens up for her. The very name Nasira strikes fear into the bravest of hearts. Perry says: "Nasira, I have known you for perhaps longer than anyone else here. We share a kindred spirit, you and I, and I know that regardless of where you store your equipment, your heart will always be in Dol Guldur. You also have been a true friend to me. You have been teacher, mentor, and sister to me. You have listened to me, and offered sage advice. Thank you." Perry then offers another ring, this one of mithril, inlaid with a diamond, which Nasira takes. The Variag whispers into Perry's ear, then turns, and quickly, boldly, and seemingly without concern for the mass of people who obviously want her blood, strides out of the assembly. Perry says: "The blood of Numenor has run thin. The heros from the first age has passed, and even their ghosts have disappeared on the wind from from the east. Yet heros still walk the land, on both sides of this war. I would like to say, to the heros and heroines from both have been my friends, my enemies, but regardless, I have gained deep respect for the character of all of you. I walked the path of evil, yet, without the opposing free races, life would have grown dull, and tedious...and I would hope that most of the Free races feel the same about the darker forces. Perry says: "With that said, I have one more ring I must present". Perry then pulls an object from his cloak. You feel disgusted, and a sense of dread fills you once you recognize the object for what it is. About 8 inches long, it is the forearm of a halfling, seemingly torn from the body. The arm disturbs you, but the object on one of the fingers sends waves of fear through you. Perry removes the simple ring from the finger of the arm, and holds it aloft. Perry says something too softly for you to hear, yet you can understand what he says. "One ring, to rule them all, and in the darkness, bind them". Suddenly, a shrill shriek sounds from above, and a dark shape flies over, inches from Perry's outstretched hand. The shadow circles around, and an enormous beast lands just to the left of Perry. The crowd erupts in chaos, most of the people in Attendance run franticly for the exits. A few brave souls remain, and, as you look around, you see the heros of today. Several Dwarves form up off to the left, eyes glinting like polished steel. Strangely, they are led by a tall Dunedan...You recognize the leader, Baklen, The Storm, and behind him, forming a wedge shaped phalanx, are several others, Azkur to the right, and Berzelius to the left, and Hyldar and Memic close behind. On the other side of the room, A group Of Dunedain are also forming up. You see Kelos, Irun, and Rigor gathering around Elyaavie, With Calenril at their lead. Just to their left, you see Hart, with Roika and Sphen, but then notice that they are trying to sell their weapons to the Valacircans. You glance around, and you see Grimscar walking in, and Pate close behind. You turn your gaze back towards Perry, and are shocked to see a small army has gathered around him as well. The Nazgul has taken flight, but you see Nasira has returned, and Athin as well...They stand to Perry's right and left sides. You also see Manir, and Jaron, and Yussuka, Swiper, and Darovir have formed a small group off to the side. You then notice a few others, led by Laefang. Skenda wields his staff, and Saeros stands by his side. You think to yourself...This is it. The final battle. The fate of Arda hangs in the Balance. Weapons drawn, both sides stand ready to do battle. Perry raises his war horn, once again, to his lips, and sounds it with a deafening sound. Though greatly outnumbered, the Evil Races rush forward, with the Free races at the ready. Pain brings you to your knees, something struck you just behind the ear...the world fades out. When you awaken, you see the dozens of bodies, motionless, around you. Both sides have seemingly suffered huge losses... but it is impossible to determine who won. You run out of the common area, quickly assending the nearest hill, which has a nice vantage point from the top. You look east, towards Mordor, and are surprised to see...nothing. quiet. You then look north, and deep in Mirkwood, you can discern Dol Guldur, and, more than that, you see a figure, atop the tower, bathed in fire, wearing a simple looking ring. The figure again holds his hand towards the heavens...and suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes him, leaving a pile of dust. he Guardian of Dol Guldur is no more, yet he leaves behind a legacy that you will never forget. You think you see a glint of gold in the pile. Surely, the ring was detroyed by that intense lightning strike... or was it? Perry says: (OOC) "I truly hope that you all remain in this world for exactly as long as you want to, and not a moment longer, nor a moment less. This is a great place, an addicting place, and I cannot count how many times my wife irl has gotten pissed off at me for spending so many damn hours playing here. As some of you may recall, last summer I hibernated with no plans of coming back. I did that because I thought I was starting a new job, with long hours, and didnt want this place distracting me from my family with the few free hours I had. Well, the new job didnt pan out then, but it is now, and I will be going into retirement (for lack of a better term) shortly after the event on the 15th. I have not decided how I will depart yet, but I will be departing."