Korseg dies.

Posted by
Winnetou [legacy]
16 March 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill



  • Author
    Daywalker [legacy]
    18 March 2006 00:15:38

    I want to see Draugluin commenting on this one :))) Right, D?

  • Author
    Barren [legacy]
    17 March 2006 23:20:49

    I stood up to julius all the time. Hell me and him played constantly :P

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    17 March 2006 22:05:04

    Only a couple of days before I post the results of my BEST/WORST Lists. Send in your votes!

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    17 March 2006 20:20:02

    Hey Dorf, whether you're shooting from jeeps or from a bush, a dead critter is a dead critter. heh heh.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    17 March 2006 20:11:22

    'but you don't get four of your buddies, get in your jeeps, and shoot wildly at the critter 'til it's dead.'

    Trolls and Orcs would... if they could get guns and jeeps.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    17 March 2006 18:53:53

    Kind of a poor example, Rekthorne... what you said is more comparable to an assassin trying to kill someone with a pickaxe instead of one of these higher-end weapons we see here.

    Sure, you use effective weapons to go hunting... but you don't get four of your buddies, get in your jeeps, and shoot wildly at the critter 'til it's dead. ;)

    For me personally, though, bangs are only negative because they tend to show a lack of skill - though there definitely can be some involved. Sometimes solo pks are just as unskilled, but in solo logs one is much more likely to see some real planning, technique, and actual skill than seeing 'BAM now you're dead.' *shrug.* And on the other hand, if your only goal is to 'get somebody dead,' then bangs are the most effective way.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    17 March 2006 17:03:18

    Banhe, are you claiming that FRs never banged low level ERs?

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    17 March 2006 16:01:51

    Nothing about a bang is bad, unless you get unnecessarilly upset about people using an effective means of eliminating you. Then complaining about them not solo'ing you so that you could have a chance of escaping.

    Example: You dont hunt a deer with a bee-bee gun just to give it a sporting chance, you take a long-rifle and extra bullets with you to get the fucking job done.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    17 March 2006 15:38:11

    I've a stupid question. It's probably safe to say most everybody knows I know next to nothing about PvP. What's so bad with bangs? This is one of the few games I played where limiting yourself to give your opponent a fair chance was good.

    I mean, if you're in a clan, guild, or legion...Then it becomes a team game doesn't it?

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    17 March 2006 13:10:33

    Banhe, I kill solo, but I'm good enough not to need to abuse certain game dynamics to do it.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    17 March 2006 12:30:58

    Yes Vermond, but at least it was SOLO, not 10 man bang or 5 man, I just want to point that ERs sucks so much that they can't even solo lvls 14, then whinne about a solo on a lvl 15, I'm not saying this log is impressive.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    17 March 2006 11:05:32

    I have never seen so much truth come out of Vermond's mouth at once like that last comment of his!

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    17 March 2006 09:02:02

    *Insert something about how Beornings suck and are full of newbs, and an I rock and you suck comment here*

  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    17 March 2006 05:52:14

    Yes of course solo waring a guild is for your advantage if you are good enough to pk and break, when julius took down dungs then dungs sucked nuts, they still do suck and don't have any player that would stand up against him. and he's a heck of a player

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    16 March 2006 22:32:05

    Hahaha, Banhe cracks me up. With all of his comments for the last several logs.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    16 March 2006 20:12:10

    Winnetou, you have a point, though I have seen in many cases that being solo and taking on a group is an advantage (eg: Julius vs Udungul) since you can pick on their less skilled players while dodging their attempts without much trouble as you are always prepared. In your case, you also get your eq from others, which means you are almost never vulnerable.

    Banhe, killing a level 15 is not impressive, and the fact that ERs do it as well doesn't change that. See the bigger picture or something, the fact that others (or your enemies) might do it doesn't make it any better when you do so, just means they can be as bad.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    16 March 2006 20:03:56

    I didn't see anyone whining about it, except for you, and if you don't wanna see anyone whining about it, then stop.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    16 March 2006 20:00:05

    Killing a lvl 14 is? Why whinne about a solo kill in a lvl 15, if ERs bangs lvls 14??

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    16 March 2006 19:53:53

    Banhe, killing a lvl 15 is still not impressive.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    16 March 2006 19:51:44

    [new] Date: 16. Mar, 2006, 17:54:51 By: Trevor

    Very impressive, killing a level 15.

    I can't believe my eyes. Now you will whinne about a solo on a lvl 15?? lvls 15 can be maxxed, and If my alt had an account here I would post a log of him getting 10 man bang by ERs (at lvl 14) then 2 weeks later getting 5 man bang trying to do lvl 15 (lvl 14) quest, so he is 1 lvl down than Korseg, then Trevor STFU.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    16 March 2006 19:41:28

    says the thief who never waged solo wars and practically knows almost nothing about solo playing (pking).

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    16 March 2006 19:40:55

    Vermond, you know I like your thinking. Your only problem is that the other ERs are not like you:P

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    16 March 2006 19:20:23

    When you don't eq yourself and only leave your inn in privacy within the first minutes of your logging on to find a newbie to kill and log off again quickly, you'll notice that the numbers of the other side is actually an advantage for you..

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    16 March 2006 19:14:25

    Hmm, that's a good point, Vermond. If this was a FR, I'd completely agree with you. On the other hand, I know nothing of the new lands, so I don't know if huntbreaking is possible at all. I hope they coded huntbreaks (not too many of them of course - a few are more than enough).

    Anyway, from what I could see below, you had a chance to fight him. And let's not forget he's all alone against many legions:)

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    16 March 2006 18:38:45

    What if his enemy gets eq from FRs and only breaks them at the inn each time he is attempted? And guess what, he will log on once in a few hours in privacy, kill someone before he is noticed, and log back off. And if he finds he can't handle it, he can just kill a few npcs in Mordor and back to being a FR without aging. That's hardly like an equal status, he doesn't have to equip himself or anything, he has a bunch of unsuspecting and mostly newbie targets to pick from (because of failkills) and he will be off before any chance of retaliation

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    16 March 2006 18:27:07

    No, but I assume he's talking about some lawsys or something like that. The FR lawsys is lame and everyone who uses it is lame. That's what I meant. You should kill your enemies yourself (especially when you are given the same start as them) and not whine to third parties.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    16 March 2006 18:25:27


  • Author
    Drille [legacy]
    16 March 2006 18:22:38

    do you know how to kill someone?

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    16 March 2006 18:11:24

    Duncan, do you even have a clue about what he is talking about or how serving is?

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    16 March 2006 18:00:48

    Yeah, Korseg, punish the bastards, ask Mother Theresa for help. Or go to your mommy and say they hit you!

    Come on, are you lame or something? Fight back!

  • Author
    Korseg [legacy]
    16 March 2006 17:57:26

    Can't wait untill servants are punishable.

  • Author
    Trevor [legacy]
    16 March 2006 17:54:51

    Very impressive, killing a level 15.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    16 March 2006 17:37:53

    And this is within 13 seconds after logging on......