
Posted by
Trevor [legacy]
18 March 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

<3 Amearn!


  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    19 March 2006 06:15:55


  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    19 March 2006 02:13:21

    I wasted 5 minutes of my life reading these comments that I demand you idiots return to me.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 March 2006 01:54:19

    Of course it's not, but it has absolutely nothing to do with being fit for AGM position or not.

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    19 March 2006 01:46:36

    But hes kinda right.. there is a few huntbreaks in lothlorien.. running all the way from loth to MT ? to guildbreak isnt the smartest idea

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 March 2006 01:43:34

    Oh and Brubaker; I should think of who I have as AGM? Despite being able to break efficiently being an important part of the game, it really has 0% to do with selecting a good AGM. Would you rather I had appointed someone with poor English who is half decent at breaking, poor at communicating with others, and might be a servant tomorrow? Nope, I'd rather keep Tiresias, thanks.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 March 2006 01:35:16

    Yeah Winnetou, I thought the estimated Trevors was a blast :p

    And by the way, Tiresias wasn't upset about this kill in any way. I guess he's just a stats person ;)

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    19 March 2006 00:33:57

    Suck on an egg.

  • Author
    Fenrir [legacy]
    18 March 2006 23:04:46

    dear god, let this be the last time i see statistics in the logpage

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    18 March 2006 21:36:47

    It took you that long?

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    18 March 2006 20:48:14

    time lost from reading retarded stats: 11.3 minutes.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    18 March 2006 20:40:42

    ... Jesus christ.

  • Author
    Trevor [legacy]
    18 March 2006 18:22:58

    Aww, I have neither on any char :(

    .... Good thing Amearn does! :D

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    18 March 2006 18:15:20

    Tip for taking out rangers: use tactics as a secondary, instead of ng. and wear good helmets.

  • Author
    Trevor [legacy]
    18 March 2006 18:09:44

    No, my commons are maxed, did you ever try to hit a ranger? I've been trying with several chars, i have a hard time on EVERY char... Damn rangers..

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    18 March 2006 18:07:48

    I'd advise them to learn it, then. And what the hell are your commons, Trevor? Need to train em up or something.

  • Author
    Trevor [legacy]
    18 March 2006 18:04:37

    No Dalkar, they dont know _That_ break, that is why this log looks like it does.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    18 March 2006 17:54:20

    In response to the first gazillion comments:

    Anyone who wastes that much time with so many worthless stats (if you can call them that) needs to like, chill out, light a nicotine lollypop, and smell the charred roses. You died on a online environment, jesus christ, you aren't doing the auditing for Enron.

    Instead of sitting and counting out the rooms from lothlorien to edoras and working out the depreciation (Trevor, if you're reading this, depreciation means the amount by which an item devalues) on the mail pants, I'd start aliasing that break in loth, you know, the one which is, like, untriggerable, you know?

  • Author
    Darovir [legacy]
    18 March 2006 15:37:12

    Estimated alts and multiplaying required for Winnetous PK: 3

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    18 March 2006 15:27:10

    Estimated Trevors required for a successful PK:


  • Author
    Trevor [legacy]
    18 March 2006 15:25:43

    Doesnt matter who came up with the statistics, it's just a stupid way to 'get back at me' and spamming it like that pisses me off not what it actually says. Ah well, Tiresias died, i'm happy, keep spamming with your silly statistic to look 'good' if you wish.

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    18 March 2006 15:19:47

    Myrddin has repeatedly stated that it was Tiresias, not he, who came up with the statistics. But stating something repeatedly and typing it entirely in capital letters evidently isn't enough to get it through to some people.

  • Author
    Rua [legacy]
    18 March 2006 15:12:43

    Tiresias is lagging you said eh? but he was moving and i didnt understand why he couldnt use his canteen,you can type do get canteen from cloak,drink ....... etc and just wait eh? Mryddin, your statictics are amazing.Teach me please :) Trevor, you suck :) but nice kill...

  • Author
    Brubaker [legacy]
    18 March 2006 13:56:30

    You know Myrddin, i have to get the side of Trevor cause he's right.

    Maybe this statistic upset him, i don't care but Tiresias could use huntbreak(if he know any) in loth or edoras, but her tries flee to gh from lothlorien(not very smart imo).

    Now you should think who you choose as AGM

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 March 2006 13:37:14

    'do you think your silly statistics upsets me?'


    'Now STFU FFS .. eh.. please!'

    Answer: Yes.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 March 2006 13:34:48

    More statistics, since Trevor seems to love them (yet be so completely unable to comprehend them) so much:

    TIRESIAS' STATISTICS (That's T-I-R-E-S-I-A-S, as opposed to M-Y-R-D-D-I-N)

    Travelto from Lothlorien to Edoras: 114 rooms.

    Damage sustained on that travelto: 101

    Travelto from Edoras to MT: 101

    Anticipated damage from Edoras to MT: 89

    Canteen hits: 4

    Estimated healing from canteen: 100

    Anticipated HP upon arriving in guildhall if canteen were availible: 11

    Survival: Yes.

    - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Damage taken in lag bubble in Caras Galadhon: 72

    Including travel distance available were turnaround immediate instead of delayed by lag, anticipated HP upon arrival at Edoras factoring in this additional hp: 95

    Anticipated HP upon arrival at GH: 6

    Survival: Yes

    I was beaten by Amearn fairly. Lag is a part of the game, and dealing with it effectively is an important skill (As anyone who has run Shelobs lair knows). These statistics are not meant to detract from my death or Amearn's victory in my defeat in the slightest; rather, they're my thoughts on: What actually happened, what could have happened.


  • Author
    Trevor [legacy]
    18 March 2006 13:27:43

    And I dont understand why you think i would give a shit about your statistics? As i mentioned earlier, do something about it and come back after. Now STFU FFS .. eh.. please!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 March 2006 13:26:43

    I'm becoming more and more frusrated with trying to argue with somebody who is quite obviously verging on braindead, so here's Tiresias' comment:


    If you looked at the numbers at all, or even the words next to them, you'll see that I actually factored out the BS when comparing damage ratios. In simpler words: Amearn did 76 damage with the BS, then 164 more damage AFTER the BS. The differential number I listed, 94, is the difference between 164 and 70. So no, I didn't forget the backstab.

    And they're _my_ statistics, Trevor, which I wanted to share with the mudding world because I was entertained by them, and thought it was a shame to let them go to waste.

  • Author
    Trevor [legacy]
    18 March 2006 13:14:06

    Yea, but you're forgetting the backstab, Myrddin.

    And you sound so proud and how i did wrong etc, but take another look. Your AGM died, and you can do nothing about it. So put your fucking Statistics away and shut up until you can do something about it... Like gangbang me or something..

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 March 2006 13:13:18

    [new] Date: 18. Mar, 2006, 13:09:19 By: Trevor

    Guess why Amearn did more damage? yes, that's right moron. Because he got the backstab. I knew he would do more damage and was counting on it, do you think your silly statistics upsets me?

    I guess I was right about your understanding of the word 'differential', wasn't I?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 March 2006 13:11:30

    Trevor, you're possibly even stupider than I thought. I must congratulate you, for that is an awesome feat of brainlessness. I'll try to explain to you in simplest possible terms:




    Now you had that all plainly spelled out to you in my first post. Unfortunately for everyone here, you have the IQ of a down's-syndrome 4 year old, and I was forced to give the information to you in clear-cut capital letters. Now no doubt you will ask another stupid question, but I suggest for your own sake you keep your mouth shut, for everything you say can and does prove you to be more the idiot.

    Oh one last thing...Let's not forget that all the 'Countless' (1,2, that wasn't so hard, was it, Trevor?) failed pks performed by me or my guildmates on you at level 10 - 14, were done solo. Looking back on those statistics, the total hp you took from Tiresias in this log (solo) wouldn't have killed a level 5, much less a 10 - 14.

  • Author
    Trevor [legacy]
    18 March 2006 13:09:19

    Guess why Amearn did more damage? yes, that's right moron. Because he got the backstab. I knew he would do more damage and was counting on it, do you think your silly statistics upsets me?

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 March 2006 12:59:34

    Just some statistics from Tiresias (his account here isn't working):

    Overall damage dealt: 310.

    Damage dealt by Amearn: 240

    Damage dealt by Trevor: 70

    BS damage: 76

    Damage differential between Amearn and Trevor in the same time period: 94.

    Stats lost: 2

    Prof skills lost: 2

    Commons lost: 2

    Secondaries lost: None

    Total value of stats/skills lost: 2.5k + 2x common skills (2x dodge, 1 of which returned within 15 minutes)

    Eq recovered: Shield, armour.

    Overall value of Eq lost: 500 (Generously)

    Net losses due to PK: 3k

    Total fines: 2943

    Gross losses due to PK: 57 gold, 400k exp (Bringing my total to 1.6 million, just a hare over level 20 exp)

    Expenditure from Trevor on PK: Amearn tells you: he paid fairly well :p

    Overall power of Trevor relative to Amearn (Trevor at level 20, Amearn at level 19): 29%.

    Estimated Trevors required for a successful PK: 4.

    Trevor's reaction: Trevor tells you: i'm rather fucking pleased with myself right now


    And Trevor: I died because I wasn't counting on you bringing Amearn, or him doing such sexy damage ;)

    Of course I don't expect you Trevor to comprehend such big words as 'differential', 'relative', or even 'the', but this could be interesting for the more literate among us.

  • Author
    Trevor [legacy]
    18 March 2006 12:52:14

    It's funny how you bully my pk logs when you and your guild mates have made countless pk attempts on me when i was level 10-14 and all failed. And you said you knew i was planning this kill for 2 hours, so why did Tiresias die, then? And yea, i found that canteen in my newly aquired pack, thank you.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    18 March 2006 12:47:24

    'Since you appear to be a kind person, the sentinels let you pass into the city.'

    That I find amusing considering what you were doing when you passed through.

    It's like the 'You are attacked by Someone!' with the next line being 'Without warning Someone...'

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    18 March 2006 12:43:05

    Pretty good near-solo there from Amearn...You got what, six hits in total there Trevor?

    Saddest part is we knew you were planning an attempt for about 2 hours before this, you botched it twice solo by being in combat with the orcs in Khamul's. Had a lockup ready, but should've known you wouldn't have the balls to try a solo.

    Oh, and Tiresias had a full canteen on him which went unused due to lag. So, I guess that makes it your best kill ever, Trevor?