We Sing... we Dance.. and we DRINK!

Posted by
Cogline [legacy]
14 December 2001 00:00:00
Player Kill

Muhahaa... its late and old Cogline does not wish to dig up more logs. Not today. Thus I post my portrait. Muhahahaa!

Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 23227 to take it. 

Your type is: KES. 2% of respondents so far fall into that type. 

The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score. 

Your answers were split as follows: Killer  80% 
Explorer  66% 
Socializer  40% 
Achiever  13% 

    A man stands in front of you, you know from the tales 
    description that this must be Cogline. He is tall and stooped,  
    a bony, ragged figure, rather disheveled and unkempt, in 
    clothes that seems to be in about the same shape as his face. 
    His hair is dark, but shot through with gray, and it sticks out 
    from his angular head like a hedgehog's spines. A narrow, 
    pointed beard juts out from his chin, and a mustache droops 
    off his upper lip. Lines crease his weathered face, furrows that 
    marks more than the passing of his years. He puts his hands 
    on his hips. A broad smile twists the fragile face.

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A fine piece of jewelry catches your eye.
A dark scar has been burned into Cogline's palm.
Cogline has the look of a seasoned adventurer.
 You are carrying:
  Blorf's eternal wisdom mandolin.
  Mizrahi's HAPPY horn.
  Bisley's stolen drum.
  Cogline's fake medallion.
  A small armband worn by those instructed in battlefield first-aid.
  Cogline's Spellbook.
  Phu's Hang around fiddle.

l medallion (from Sticky)

You look at the amulet hanging around Cogline's neck.
It seems rather expensive, made of gold, mithril and ithildin.
Rare medallion to see in theese lands. Not many could afford
such a jewelry. Cogline wears it with pride, and has obviously
not seen what is engraved on the back of it... "Made in China."

l drum

Someone lost a drum, well now its property of the Biz'.
The drum is half filled with shiny gold coins, necklaces
and rings. Carved into the drum are a few words...

Cleptomania is serious buizness. Your'e not the
victim, i am. But that's all fine with me:)

Bisley shakes the drums a little and the coins make
a clinking sound. Hey, arent your purse feeling
a little light? 

l mandolin

    The holder of this is offered something special, the eternal
wisdom of the maker, a friend.  Used to play songs to think of good
times, the old days, and times spent together.  Feel free to play,
it's not hard, just think of your friend...

l fiddle

This was made for the great Wizard Cogline
you can see a smal text:
A Phu is always good to have around... 

l horn
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This HAPPY horn was given to Cogline by Mizrahi.  Cogline, may your smile never fade.
    You can "play" it, "compose" a new song on it, or use your "songbook"
to see what songs you know. You can "memorize" music from songbooks,
"forget" those embarrassing tunes that fail to enrapture your
audience, and "halt" songs which are in progress.

[NOTE: The personality test can be find at http://www.andreasen.org/]