
Posted by
Aduial [legacy]
10 April 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Is it an ER?! Lets just run and find out! Remember few years ago when inn/guildbreaking was considered extremely lame? I know you don't.


  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:40:15

    I bet he could have an rl friend make an alt and pk him and show us, Fuiki ;)

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:39:33

    Do as you like Myrddin.. But listeing to you flaiming about Exide beeing a noob is getting irritating.. Show us that your so much better then, post 1 log about YOU Pk:ing someone .. :D

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:38:39

    'Obviously one of them had light, dipshit, or he wouldn't have been hunted.'

    Um? In my log or the example me and Fuiki was speaking about? ..Dipshit.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:37:18

    Obviously one of them had light, dipshit, or he wouldn't have been hunted.

    And I think the hunter in the log you're talking about DID have eaglesight, and lost you due to Mirkwood terrain, might be wrong, doesn't really matter.

    Oh, and I could go get an RL friend to come post his agreement here. But it wouldn't really mean anything, would it?

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:36:53


    I'm bored to tears here! Give me something amusing to read!

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:35:23

    Oh and someone plz post a new log.. i think ppl will stop argue about silly stuff like this then..

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:34:01

    Exactly, besides. I dont think anyone else in the log brought any light either. Not sure, dont care :P

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:31:44

    Hahah, yeah i remember that Exide :P kinda funny that they forgot to bring light when they attempted you.. and when he removed (whatever uniqe they used) and switched to another sword :P

    so Myrddin, does it matter that he didnt bring any light? He did a misstake , big deal.. The point is that Baklen did die in the log.. thats what Exide tries to say..!

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:27:23

    But i forgot, you've done so much player killing in your life, Myrddin. I should really listen to you.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:26:56

    I have been attempted by a three man party whose leader didnt eaglesight when they attempted me at Lothlorien ( old ) signpost, I broke them in Mirkwood.

    Sometimes, Myrddin, there is no time to go back to Kadar or Outpost to grab a crystal from an armoury or buy a torch from a shop, you see.

    Sometimes one doesnt have time to quest a SRS, get a wizard to login, give him the SRS, have a lockup with 3 persons ready, have all the best pk:ing uniques, and whatnot, when the scouts report of enemy activity in Mordor. We just grab whatever is closest and run straight into the fight :P

    Besides, it's more fun that way.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:22:17

    The point Exide, is that you went into Mordor, knowing you were going to be pking someone in there, and didn't bother ES/attuning/getting light...You're building a lead in our noobier than thou contest, I think...

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    13 April 2006 13:15:46

    'Damn, I agree with jabba!

    Exide, you didn't have a clue about what you were doing there, you attacked in the middle of the log, was blind due to darkness most of the time and missed a lot, btw wtf was you doing with the whip?'

    I didnt have a clue on what i was doing? I knew perfectly well that we were gonna attempt Baklen. I didnt think we would kill him, because i didnt think anyone would stand around like he did without a backup plan. Apparently he waited with his healing until he hit the lockup ( or something like that ), too bad he never reached the lockup..

    I was blinded, yes. I was sniffer back then, didnt have any dark influence trained. And it was all too quick to bother trying 20 'attune' and most likely fail anyway. So i tried to shiv him all the time until we entered a room without darkness. Eventually i entered combat with him.

    What i did with the whip? What do you think i did, silly? I fought with it.

    And he died, didnt he?

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    13 April 2006 12:20:52


    Pablo, let em writhe in ignorance:P

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    13 April 2006 09:53:14

    Banhe: If a person is wearing HBS, and wielding mels, he/she cant carry anything else, then maybe phial in side cloak and flasks inside pack, but to drink them, he/she must sheath mels

    Ah yeah forgot about that, I was illustrating a point anyways.

    Baklen: Seriously man, you talk as if you've fought me and you know exactly who I am. I've never fought you, or even talked to you. Yet, everytime I see you logged in your ghost passes me camoed. I mean, according to certain information your a bitch who whines like a new born baby reaching for his's mommies tit. 'ohhh so and so killed my alt because my alt talked shit and I got killed ohhh ohh let me report it to ainur ohhh ohh' Yah, That's right. I hear whole stories of your whining:)

    Can you run that past me again, in english this time?

  • Author
    Archangel [legacy]
    13 April 2006 09:46:01

    seems like Nox is right

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    13 April 2006 09:22:51

    And a brain.

  • Author
    Nox [legacy]
    13 April 2006 09:21:38

    Damn, I agree with jabba!

    Exide, you didn't have a clue about what you were doing there, you attacked in the middle of the log, was blind due to darkness most of the time and missed a lot, btw wtf was you doing with the whip?

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    13 April 2006 09:00:35

    Exide, you need glasses.

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    13 April 2006 08:38:58

    I r teh l33t mudd3r.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    13 April 2006 08:12:19

    oh, btw. A 'new' log. Something for you to read. It isnt anything fancy. Just Baklen vs me and my friends :P

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    13 April 2006 08:11:10

    You're right Nox, me and Myrddin IS in that state.

    But everyone can see that Myrddin is more newbie than me!

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    13 April 2006 07:54:14

    5. Yeah, Lithil is the funniest here :)>>

    I rarely laugh out loud when playing this game or reading this board...but 'The storm is coming' put into that context was fucking awesome.

  • Author
    Nox [legacy]
    13 April 2006 07:53:59

    the dwarf Slayer

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    13 April 2006 07:07:45

    And who the fuck, exactly, is Nox?

  • Author
    Nox [legacy]
    13 April 2006 06:46:11

    I read this whole thread... conclusions:

    1. Aduial is an Idiot (yeah, with capital letter)

    2. Formid talks too much for nothing, like he doesn't know what he's saying...

    3. Exide and Myrddin are in a 'you are noobier than me' dispute

    4. Baklen takes the 'khazad strong' stuff too seriously, man... go improve your skills and come back.

    5. Yeah, Lithil is the funniest here :)

  • Author
    Archangel [legacy]
    13 April 2006 06:45:42

    New logs please

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 April 2006 03:41:26

    I will go ahead and post before Formid because I already know what he is going to say.

    Seriously man, you talk as if you've fought me and you know exactly who I am. I've never fought you, or even talked to you. Yet, everytime I see you logged in your ghost passes me camoed. I mean, according to certain information your a bitch who whines like a new born baby reaching for his's mommies tit. 'ohhh so and so killed my alt because my alt talked shit and I got killed ohhh ohh let me report it to ainur ohhh ohh' Yah, That's right. I hear whole stories of your whining:)

    Now if that isn't insentive enough to actually log in and back up all the shit you talk well then. I'll just write you off as another shit talker, noob who can't do anything else. Yet, I think your more than that:) So lets dance.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    13 April 2006 03:33:18

    Man, I love how you can talk a big game Formid but as I suspected.. You are found wanting..... or not even here. But let me hear how I suck and how you are the elite mudder of the new age. Btw, you talk as if it's easy, which it isn't, even when everything goes as planned. Why? Cause I actually try to do it, I don't sit and talk about facts and what not. I go and out and try to wax that 5 man party:)

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    12 April 2006 20:48:58

    You don't have to have the flask in hands to drink it, smarty.

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    12 April 2006 20:32:05

    If a person is wearing HBS, and wielding mels, he/she cant carry anything else, then maybe phial in side cloak and flasks inside pack, but to drink them, he/she must sheath mels

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    12 April 2006 19:03:38

    If he was using HBS he could only have one phial/vov, if he's keeping MELS wielded, which he would want to.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    12 April 2006 18:20:51

    Gaul: 4-5 people > 1 person standing around with healing and uniques

    Depends, on the uniques and the healing to be honest. If 4-5 moderately equipped people (reasonable gear but nothing special) with no healing, take on who is wearing Hube Brass Shield, MMail, wielding MELS, has a full silver flask, 2 phials of rodericks/vov (one inside a large black cloak) and 2 golden ruby healing rings, and one galadriel vial of choice (probably dodge, but attack/aim could be argued).

    (Assume a locked room scenario with no casting, or the casting gets broken each time)

    I would actually place my money on the person wielding the uniques. With the changes to special attacks (only one per round, for the entire party), MELS hitting all of their party, the target carrying 2-3 full heals of his HP/EP, and the best armour in the game that party isn't going to last very long.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    12 April 2006 17:54:21

    Bye honey.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    12 April 2006 17:27:29

    Btw, good luck everyone!

  • Author
    Banhe [legacy]
    12 April 2006 15:27:38

    I didnt read all comments, but I guess no one said something about she hide the HP, well, its because she is Heroic and is making everyone think that she is Demonic so in PK, ppls will use sapphy against her and break the swords.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    12 April 2006 15:09:20

    4-5 people > 1 person standing around with healing and uniques

    Or I'm pretty sure of that, unless these uniques are all people make them out to be. I always figured them like wielding a giant bullseye.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    12 April 2006 15:00:13

    Ahahahaha, Lithil is the funniest person in this thread.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    12 April 2006 10:41:16

    You have a good memory Myrddin. Baklen was standing around with his uniques and his pack full of healing ready to lock anyone who attempted him. He asked for it!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    12 April 2006 10:16:13

    Exide from what I remember that was in a 4 - 5 man bang that you happened to get about 1 hit in on.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    12 April 2006 09:33:13

    I already had a few dances with you, Baklen. I got your ear, remember? :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 April 2006 08:49:02

    dude, i will fucking pwn jo ass :PPP

  • Author
    Barberi [legacy]
    12 April 2006 07:40:53

    One day I am going to write a novel and it is going to be really cool and the evil villain is going to be a Care Bear that is the biggest pompous ass in the entire galaxy and his name will be Palaiko.


    Yes, I did just say 'Hells Yeah!' to go along with my utterly sarcastic and outright silly post.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    12 April 2006 04:01:17

    Yeah, because there just aren't enough pompous asses in fantasy novels.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 April 2006 23:58:13

    Well wow, Some animosity towards me, mail me on the mud everyone and I'm sure we can settle this like true khazads, correct? Btw Caber, I remember the day I turned very well. I don't condone it, I like to think I'm not the same as I was then. I'm not as ruthless as I once was. But, oh well some hate me some like me, talk to me on the mud, I wouldn't have a problem at all fighting fra by myself. I made a statement about fra here on the log page and an old friend has the audasity to say I don't want it personal? Well I always love a challenge. You can take that as how you want it.


    Well, all I got to say to you Exide is, when everyone knew the world was flat and the idea of it being round was absurd. Everyone knows the Storm sucks and his name is a joke. Yet, do you dare to find out if it's true? That goes out to anyone who thinks they can dance with a devil.

    I also apologize for trying to have some character depth and not be another bloke with a name found in some fantasy novel. TOODLES!

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    11 April 2006 23:33:39

    Soem guy Baklen killed:( Now im very bitter..GRRR

  • Author
    Diar [legacy]
    11 April 2006 21:44:02

    Who is Guruk?

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    11 April 2006 20:05:17

    You guys dont remmber the Baklen I do then. Sure time are way differnet now - but i see very few taking on people like he does. Even if he dies :p

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    11 April 2006 19:21:38

    I am. : (

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    11 April 2006 19:14:39

    And also, Mr Storm I can't think of anyone that is scared of you.

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    11 April 2006 19:13:58

    Baklen's done some great Pk's? More hsi targets have done some great fuck ups or he hands around camoed while 5 guys bash the shit out of someone then when they fall bleeding he whipsperes some random shit in your ear and puts you out of misery...truely 1337. Hell his Berzelius brother is a better PKer than him imo.

  • Author
    Fuiki [legacy]
    11 April 2006 14:08:04


  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    11 April 2006 13:59:59

    Nay, storms in general.

  • Author
    Lithil [legacy]
    11 April 2006 13:31:35

    So um. How is it not personal then? Or are you just talking about Baklens in general...?

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    11 April 2006 13:00:41

    It's a 'I respect the skills you have on the mud, Baklen. But I hate how you call yourself a storm' - kind of statement, Arawn. Because flaming isnt accepted on this website.. i think.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    11 April 2006 09:40:59

    What the hell kind of neutral statement is that Exide?

    It's like you're trying to kiss two sets of arses at once.

    If you're going to say something, don't pose it in a wussy question hoping they'll forgive your insult because you seem unsure of it.

    Isn't it maybe a little silly and could it possibly neuter any punch that statement may have had?

    Nothing personal arsehole!

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    11 April 2006 09:36:35

    Lithil.... hilarious!

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    11 April 2006 09:02:10

    I always thought the whole 'The Storm' concept was kind of gay.

    Nothing personal on you, though, Baklen. You've done some great pks and all, but isnt the whole thing calling yourself a storm a bit childish?

  • Author
    Lithil [legacy]
    11 April 2006 08:55:29

    Sometimes, I can't help but wonder what Baklen is like in bed. I imagine he'd just latch onto me and whisper in my ear 'The Storm is coming...'. So much for being eternal.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    11 April 2006 08:38:50

    Hahahahaha, you are insane!

  • Author
    Fofester [legacy]
    11 April 2006 06:36:03

    'The fact remains that getting away via innrooms/guilds/battlepoints, from the point of view of an assassin, is disrespectful to say the least when the attackers are going out on a limb in the first place to spice the world up.'

    You're assuming that people pk on here to make the game more fun for themselves and others. I don't have nearly as much confidence in people on this game. From what I've seen, most PK around here occurs because people feel some kind of need to prove they have the biggest penis.

    Why people can't just relax around here and play a game like civilized humans I'll never understand.

    But what do I know, I don't play anymore.

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    11 April 2006 05:52:24

    I havn't been on too much lately, but i know BkD don't give a shit about some squabble between the fellowship and vc, for certain.

  • Author
    Caber [legacy]
    11 April 2006 05:27:04

    'The Storm' is/was/always will be a liability. I'm glad they have you instead of FRA; at least this way you can't betray the Fellowship.

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    11 April 2006 05:17:40

    Don't make it personal. You wouldn't like that :)

    Besides, FRA never bowed to anyone. We'll never bow under to a guild of fairy lovers. And if BkD has sided with this cuddly excuse of a guild, in a 'war' only they're talking about, hey you're even worse, being used by them tricksy bastards...

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 April 2006 04:21:13

    No Hrafn, FRA always had a kill who I want, try to stop me, and if you do I'm going to walk all over you mentality. It's great:)

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    11 April 2006 04:19:45

    Yes but Valacirca has one thing FRA hasn't had for a long time. The Storm:) OH and that Attempt on Pablo has nothing to do with this, I love that mofo:)

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    11 April 2006 04:03:51

    So it's a 10 year old war now?

    Someone is thinking abit highly of themselves.

    It's true that I haven't really been active the last 3 years, but I was a member of The Fellowship for a very long time, and I don't remember any unfinished war with any guild? Honestly, if one wishes to think of random contract kills as being in a war, one should ask oneself this;

    Do I really wish to play on a PK mud, whereas I could be repeatedly killed in a _REAL_ guild war?

    If there was a 10 year old war between VC and The Fellowship, I doubt those fairy's would have any applicants. We're not remembered as being pushed around, really...

  • Author
    Akheron [legacy]
    11 April 2006 03:44:19

    What, one Valacirca kills me, a careless newbie, for killing like three of them a long time ago, and we're discussing a VC/FRA war? Calling it a war is giving it too much credit. VC is cannon fodder, and their job is to lay down and die until we don't feel like beating on them, and then if they're lucky, they won't catch our eye for a while.

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    11 April 2006 00:08:53

    Nice =)

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    10 April 2006 23:52:36

    Its the most fun ive had in ages :)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    10 April 2006 23:16:45

    Well, for one we have an RP guild in a war against a PK guild.

    One guild flourishes during times of peace and one flourishes during times of war. Valacirca also accepts players newer to the game, whereas FRA, last I knew only accepted players with exceptional prowess in PK. It doesn't look good in the long run for the Valacirca.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    10 April 2006 22:38:00

    Everyone enjoys this place in their own fashion - for those involved in PK, (those who have some integrity and a sense of fun) dream of targets who will challenge them or make their life a bit more interesting... The sad part is the victims for the most part have one thing on their mind, =survival= and have every right to get away in their own fashion... The fact remains that getting away via innrooms/guilds/battlepoints, from the point of view of an assassin, is disrespectful to say the least when the attackers are going out on a limb in the first place to spice the world up.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    10 April 2006 21:06:50

    it was considerred so by pansies

  • Author
    Valoc [legacy]
    10 April 2006 16:17:19

    Armand is funny :)

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    10 April 2006 12:49:38

    I'd have run back, gotten lost, and died one room from a good break.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    10 April 2006 12:36:12

    When he reached the higher levels of MT I thought he was gonna use the advantage of being Angelic, but I guess not. 'Oh no. I've got low hp and I'm close to a good break. Break and live, or run back and die?' I know what I would've chosen.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    10 April 2006 12:08:45

    I remember when any FR could train fade and get by the battlepoint guards, but if an ER wanted to do that they had to get drunk and raise the skill manually to do so, and it was called balanced.

    But then, imagine if fade was able to be trained by ERs. With riot ERs around and able to fade...They'd never be caught, just wouldn't be possible.

  • Author
    Archangel [legacy]
    10 April 2006 08:49:27


  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    10 April 2006 08:27:59

    Like you ever even knew what a huntbreak was.

  • Author
    Exide [legacy]
    10 April 2006 08:21:46

    'Remember a few years ago when huntbreaking wasn't damn near impossible for none assassins? I know you don't.'

    -I remember back when we had fade still. Then every newb knew at least 2 huntbreaks in every town. And huntbreaking was really easy. When they removed fade i didnt bother making any huntbreak aliases. I rely on battlepoints, innrooms and armouries ;)

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    10 April 2006 06:29:51

    Don't worry, Hart. 3/2 people in this world don't know fractions either.

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    10 April 2006 04:28:26

    I don't know fractions.

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    10 April 2006 04:17:27

    That statement, Taudrek, was directed towards the general audience that would run by half a dozen usable breaks without fade on their way to their inn or guild. Just because two thirds of the breaks have been rendered useless with the new changes doesn't mean you can't use the third remaining.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    10 April 2006 03:54:58

    FRA and VC have been at it for almost 10 credit to Aduial or Carver is pretty meaningless. The tradition just carries on.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    10 April 2006 03:19:59

    More like, we felt like killing VC, and Carver being a douchebag.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    10 April 2006 03:09:06

    From what i understand - its Aduials personal vendetta. Dragging FRA into it i guess.

    Correct me if wrong of course. Either way, im having a blast :)

  • Author
    Camillus [legacy]
    10 April 2006 02:29:13

    People have to find something to complain about I guess. So how did this VC/FRA thing get started? Or is there more than just those 2 guilds involved?

  • Author
    Taudrek [legacy]
    10 April 2006 01:02:21

    Remember a few years ago when huntbreaking wasn't damn near impossible for none assassins? I know you don't.