A few nukes.

Posted by
Dumathoin [legacy]
14 April 2006 00:00:00

By request, apparently.

A mighty roar of anger erupts from Angband.
^ (OOC) Dorin: wtf was that?
^ (OOC) Tevildo: I didn't do it.
^ (OOC) Devinius: hey draug :P
% Oshwekan: what comes after the roar?
% Shardik: the stench
% Devinius: Draugluin appears you stinkers.

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Exide has been nuked!
% Azkur: woot!
% Sariken: Oooh.
% Seothain: Dam what for
% Devinius: wow what a surprise
% Verus: rarely will an immortals mortal get jacked, without the immortal,
     lets see anohter!
^ (OOC) Tiamat: woah
^ (OOC) Tevildo: Can we see some rarer nukes, perhaps on his alts?
% Seothain: DAM!
% Devinius: not
^ (OOC) Undertow wonders if we could get the head on a spike thing at rhos
     for that one

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Gizmaluke has been nuked!
% Seothain: DAM
^ (OOC) Devinius: give us dragon one Draug!
legend exide
Exide was nuked at 20:14 04/13/06
Exide Bully the olog-hai Dark Trooper 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 43d 1h 54m 18s                       
Nuke Reason: Cheating as an Immortal - aka being scum.
<HP:220 EP:220> [ROV]
% Dumathoin: Hahahahaha
<HP:220 EP:217> [ROV]

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Trevor has been nuked!
legend trevor
Trevor was nuked at 20:15 04/13/06
Trevor Mal'Taur Osta the silvan Wyvern 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 13d 8h 14m 6s                        
Info: Mitt hjärta är ditt att förstöra, låt din vän få veta. 
Nuke Reason: Not welcome here. (see exide)
<HP:220 EP:218> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Esker: I can't believe he was even allowed to immort in the first
% Seothain: Shut up
% Seothain: He was a friend of mine
% Devinius: ROTFLMAO
^ (OOC) Tiamat: what did he do?
^ (OOC) Verus: i can't beelive anyone is stupid enough to think they can
     get away with cheating as an immortal
legend fuiki
Fuiki Krillin the dunedain swedish psycho 
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: male
Age: 78d 15h 37m 42s                      
Can be mailed: Fuiki@Combe                Fuiki has recorded a life story.
Fuiki is a member of the Beornings.
<HP:220 EP:219> [ROV]
^So where is Fuiki now, I'd like to see he comment about this.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: So where is Fuiki now, I'd like to see he comment about
<HP:220 EP:215> [ROV]
% Devinius: miscomm sorry, not re exide
% Esker: In which case I dedicate this next "Hahahah" to you, Seothain.
% Phoebus retracts any unkind statements he has ever made about Draugluin
     and professes his undying love for him.
^ (OOC) Undertow: heh.  there goes about 70ish days of his life
^ (OOC) Armand: I want to see the head on teh stake!

              ___  _____    
            .'/,-Y"     "~-.  
            l.Y             ^.           
            /\               _\_      "Doh!"   
           i            ___/"   "\ 
           |          /"   "\   o !   
           l         ]     o !__./   
            \ _  _    \.___./    "~\  
             X \/ \            ___./  
            ( \ ___.   _..--~~"   ~`-.  
             ` Z,--   /               \    
               \__.  (   /       ______) 
                 \   l  /-----~~" /      
                  Y   \          / 
                  |    "x______.^ 
                  |           \    
                  j            Y  
Cabal has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
% Esker: Hahahah!
legend cabal
Cabal was nuked at 20:16 04/13/06
Cabal Kulkodar-Doram the uruk-hai Revenant 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 5d 11h 53m 24s                       
Info: Come, kiss my hand, Angel! 
Nuke Reason: Not welcome here. (see exide)
<HP:220 EP:216> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Devinius: WGEE
= 2:0 =
^ (OOC) Devinius: I haven't seen that in ages
% Bapel: Homer!!
^ (OOC) Undertow chants:  flowchart
   _am,    ,_am,  ,_g_oam,    _am,   _g_ag,   _am,   koewkovg   _mm_
 ,gF  @._-gF   @-"  jf   @  ,gF  @  ^ NX  #_,gF  @     jf      qK  "
 8Y      8Y    d   j#   jF .8Y  ,d   dY     8Y   d    jf       *b,
jK   ,  jK   ,N   jN   jF  :K  ,Z  ,jF     jK  ,Z"  ,jfk,       dN.
 NbpP    NbpP    dP   dFk_o8NbpP"V^dF       NbpY"V^"dF "dYo-"*h,W"
                        :8K  j8

        You're dead.
Ztorm has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^ (OOC) Undertow: geez, how many characters did this guy have?
^ (OOC) Devinius: flowchart! flowchart! flowchart!
^ (OOC) Tiamat: wow, that's a lot of alts...
% Sariken: flowchart for his ainu alt :P
                  _____________.-'\                     /`-.____________
                 (,-----------'>/\(                     ) ____________.-)
                  `  ` .     .'/  \\                   /(\\        , '
                         ` ./,'    )\                 / / \\   , '
                         .__`------\ \_____________   )/   \\,'
                       ,') -\       >'             `,'/,----'
                     ,'   (  `.  ,-'               / ('
                   ,'     /\   \/                   ')>
                  /      /  \  /      .----.         )/>
                 /     ,'    \/      /    )         ///>    
            __, /   ``_____,'',    ,'  , '         /','
        ,--', (/ ,--,<__,(O),'-. ,'  >'           /,'            
       (-'/ /-. (\ /.-.)-\```  ,'              ,-'(.---------<\
         ( )   `-\,')  \  `.  )' \/  '       -^-.-'          / )
          \)      (/    ) /`./   (  (    .' )  )         _.-/  \
           `      '    /.'\  )    \     (     )/--------'/      ) 
                     /\//\ )(      )   ) >----'          )     /
                    (__/  )  )    /   . (               /    .'
                     )   (       /     \ \            .'  .-' 
                    (     )      )      ) \        ,-.   ,'
                                (      /   )  ____/ .' .-.
                                /\   ,'    \,(_,-(/'(_/  <
                    ________,--^. ),'       \   /'\__( /  )
                  ,'             ,'          \       /'( /
                 (     (_____  ,'             ).        )
                 (   )       \/              /  `,
                  \  `      \/         '   ,'   ' )
                   `.       (       ,-'  ,'-.    ' )
                     ` .    /          ,'    )    ')   
                        ` .(    _)  (-'_    /     /   
                           `\   |    )' `.-<._  /'       
                             \     ,<    '    `<.-) 
                              `---'( `-------.  `<
                             _,'    )    / ,' `-, )
                            (,-/ ,-.\   / (    (-'
                            ( (  ) ( )  `. )
                              (-'   V   / (             
                                       (  /
                                         Aven has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^ (OOC) Undertow: actually, it seems as if the flowchart would be
     appropriate for this
^ (OOC) Fimbu: Oooh, more embarassing to get nuked like this, or more
     embarassing that he had a Nickleback lyric in his legendinfo?
% Eomar: woh!
^ (OOC) Devinius: omg!
^ (OOC) Tiamat: that was was cool!
^ (OOC) Undertow: ooooooooh!  new one!
^ (OOC) Devinius cheeers
^ (OOC) Tiamat: someone logging this?
^ (OOC) Bapel: sweet!
^ (OOC) Devinius: the dragon one you ninnies
^ (OOC) Bapel: I am
^ (OOC) Devinius: I asked for dat one!
legend aven
Aven was nuked at 20:17 04/13/06
Aven the sindar Herbalist (Impartial) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 18h 4s                               
Info: Tsk, ppl who abuse power shouldnt be in charge. 
Nuke Reason: Not welcome here. (see exide)
<HP:220 EP:220> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Roika: Aven's legendinfo was quite prophetic, don't you think?
^ (OOC) Foraker: lol at Avens legendinfo: Tsk, ppl who abuse power
     shouldnt be in charge.
^ (OOC) Foraker: damn
^ (OOC) Tevildo: That was beautiful. Keep 'em coming!
legend ztorm
Ztorm was nuked at 20:16 04/13/06
Ztorm Reaver the sindar Initiate (Moral) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 1d 21h 58m 44s                       
Info: I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin' 
Nuke Reason: Not welcome here. (see exide)
<HP:220 EP:220> [ROV]
 /  '_  _  _/   _   _/    _   _  _    _// _ _    /_ _ _ 
(  ///)(-  /() (/() /() _) ()//)(-  ()//)(-/  /)((/( (- 
              _/                             /   

                     /(       )`
                     \ \__   / |
                     /- _ `-/  '
                    (/\/ \ \   /\ 
                    / /   | `    \  
                    O O   )      |    
                    `-^--'`<     '  
                   (_.)  _ )    /   
                    `.___/`    /   
                      `-----' /
         <----.     __ / __   \   
         <----|====O)))==) \) /==============
         <----'    `--' `.__,' \
                      |         |
                       \       /  
                   ____( (_   / \______
                 ,'  ,----'   |        \ 
                 `--{__________)       \/ 
Koin has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^ (OOC) Tiamat: how was he cheating?
legend koin
Koin was nuked at 20:18 04/13/06
Koin Théowen the hobbit Accomplice (Moral) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 3d 22h 46m 44s                       
Info: Just roaming around, thinking of you... - I wish you were here... 
Nuke Reason: Not welcome here. (see exide)
<HP:220 EP:220> [ROV]
^Damn this dude got alts.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Damn this dude got alts.
<HP:220 EP:215> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Undertow: hehe
^ (OOC) Tiamat: a lot of alts...

<HP:220 EP:216> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Devinius: I think it's more like several years of his life Tow
^Soon we'll hear that phrase, Don't cheat....
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Soon we'll hear that phrase, Don't cheat....
<HP:220 EP:212> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Galad: So how many guys gone in total?
^ (OOC) Undertow: 7 so far
^ (OOC) Dorin: 7, i believe
^ (OOC) Esker: Psha.
^ (OOC) Undertow kicks back with some popcorn
^ (OOC) Tiamat: yeah, it's 7
^ (OOC) Shardik: Does it come with an all-inclusive siteban?
^ (OOC) Nimrod: a bunch of low levels though :P
^ (OOC) Kelias: Did I miss anyone after Aven?
% Sariken: there's more
^ (OOC) Tiamat: 1 of them was a lvl 20
                NO    ============================   YES
         +-----------||       Did you cheat?     ||-----------+
         V            ============================            V
    +----------+     +---------+      +-------+        +------------+
    | Did you  |  NO |   Does  |<-----|  YOU  |   YES  |   Did you  |
    | harass?  |  +--|  anyone |      | MORON |<-------|    do so   |
    +----------+  |  |  know?  |----->|  !!!  |    +-->| willingly? |
         |        v  +---------+ YES  +-------+    |   +------|-----+
         |    +--------+                           |          v NO
         | NO | Damn,  |         +--------+        |    +----------+
         +--->| wrong  |         |  Try   |--------+    |   Yeah,  |
         |    | answer |         |  Again |<------------|   right  |
         |    +--------+         +--------+             +----------+
         |       |                   /\  YES
         |       |            +---------------+
         |       |            | CAN YOU BLAME |
         |       +----------->| SOMEONE ELSE? |
         |                    +---------------+
         |                           \/  NO
         |  YES         ==========================
         +------------>||   N U K E    T I M E   ||
Fuiki has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^ (OOC) Undertow: yeah, but add up all of the days
^ (OOC) Kelias: Woooo!
^ (OOC) Undertow cheers for the flowchart!!!
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: HAHAHA
<HP:220 EP:210> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Esker: Thalic soon?
^ (OOC) Devinius: o yeah
legend fuiki
Fuiki was nuked at 20:19 04/13/06
Fuiki Krillin the dunedain swedish psycho 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 78d 15h 37m 42s                      
Fuiki is a member of the Beornings.
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:210> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Roika: Holy moly
^ (OOC) Armand: hahahaha
legend thalic
Thalic the dunedain Master Assassin (Moral) 
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: male
Age: 18d 22h 11m 54s                      
Thalic has recorded a life story.
Info: llllll 
<HP:220 EP:210> [ROV]
% Sariken: that was hot.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: HAaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha
<HP:220 EP:206> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Tevildo is disappointed to see that Manael no longer exists.
^ (OOC) Tiamat: holy crap!
^ (OOC) Dorin wants to keeel it like fuiki did:P
^Manael was namechanged to Trevor.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Manael was namechanged to Trevor.
<HP:220 EP:202> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Tevildo: Oh. Good to know.
^But I agree with Esker, what about Thalic.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: But I agree with Esker, what about Thalic.
<HP:220 EP:197> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Roika: Yup. :P
legend thalic
Thalic the dunedain Master Assassin (Moral) 
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: male
Age: 18d 22h 11m 54s                      
Thalic has recorded a life story.
Info: llllll 
<HP:220 EP:197> [ROV]
who a
^ (OOC) Tiamat: Fuiki was one of his alts?!
                                                The Two Towers

IwolfRoika                                                                                                      (Maia)  
Draugluin has seen stranger times, don't worry.                                                                (Power)  
Drogian                                                                                                        (Power)  

Total ainur: 3
Total users: 68
<HP:220 EP:197> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: No
<HP:220 EP:193> [ROV]

               /-\         /-\
              /   \       /   \
             .ijtj( )jfjf( )fjjf:              
      .,;;,  :jjjffLLLLLLffffjt.             
   .ijffjfjjijjfjjjfjtttiitjjjjLt ;ttjjji;    
       :. :ff,:,,,tfLLLLLLLLt,,:,j;           
       ;LfffGLLLLLf,  iLLLffffG,              
      .fLfffffffLLt. ifLLffffjLt,             
       ,tffLfji;.     ,ifLffffffj.
  --You've just gotten the Care Bear Stare!--

Cordox has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^RL buddies.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: RL buddies.
<HP:220 EP:188> [ROV]
legend cordox
Cordox was nuked at 20:20 04/13/06
Cordox the dunedain Courier 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 18d 20h 56m 10s                      
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:188> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Armand: oh thank god
^ (OOC) Undertow: FDL!!!
^ (OOC) Shardik: hahahahaha
^ (OOC) Armand: do theadores!
legend theadores
Theadores Ando the dunedain Fuiki's Patient 
Theadores is sleeping peacefully.
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: male
Age: 31d 5h 55m 24s                       
Can be mailed: Theadores@Bywater
<HP:220 EP:188> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Shardik: That's so gay!
^ (OOC) Roika: YES! I love the care bear
           .-""-.                    _                       
          /  _   \              _   /|)                      
        .'---""-.|             /|) /|/                       
      .'          `.          /|/ /|/                        
   __/_             \    .   /|/ /|/                         
 .'    `-.          .8-. \\-/|/ /|/    
J   .--.  Y     .o./ .o8\ |/\ `/_.-.  
|  (    \       98P  888| /\ / ( ` |                          
|  `-._/          |   `"|/\ / \|\  F                         
 `.     .            "-'|\ / \/\  J                          
   |---'              _/\ / \// ` |                          
   J                 /// /   /   F                           
   _\    .'`-._    ./// /   /\\.'                            
  /  `. / .-'  `<-'/// /  _/\ \\                             
  F.--.\||       `.`/ /.-' )|\ \`.                           
  \__.-/)'         `.-'   ')/\\  /                           
 .-' .'/  \               ')  `-'                            
(  .'.'   '`.            .'                                  
 \'.'    '   `.       .-'                                    
  /     '      `.__.-'/|                                     
 J     :          `._/ |                                     
 |     :               |
 Guess you don't feel lucky, punk.
Megmar has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
legend megmar
Megmar was nuked at 20:21 04/13/06
Megmar the eorling Huntsman (Immoral) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 3h 34m 36s                           
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:190> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Tiamat: hahahha
% Oshwekan: man! talk about corruption!
^ (OOC) Tiamat: this is tight!
^ (OOC) Phoebus: Every time I see "You" in the nuke graphic it makes me
^ (OOC) Tevildo: I can't log in color. I hope someone else posts this...
^$HIY$Draugluin is on fire today!
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Draugluin is on fire today!
<HP:220 EP:185> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Undertow: is anyone keeping up with how many days he had on all of
     his chars?
^ (OOC) Devinius can log in color just fine.
^ (OOC) Tiamat: i can save as html
= 3:0 =
^ (OOC) Bapel: im loggin with MUSH
^ (OOC) Fimbu: At this point you should probably nuke all of Winnetou's
     and Daywalker's existing alts, for good measure.
                  /|      __
                 / |   ,-~ /
                Y :|  //  /
                | jj /( .^
               /       Y
              jo  o    |
             ( ~T~     j
              >._-' _./
             /   "~"  |
            Y     _,  |
           /| ;-"~ _  l
          / l/ ,-"~    \
          \//\/      .- \
           Y        /    |
           l       I     !
           ]\      _\    /"\
          (" ~----( ~   Y.  )
Rua has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
legend rua
Rua was nuked at 20:21 04/13/06
Rua Fiago, the dunlending Deathmaster (Angelic) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 9d 4h 31m 54s                        
Rua is a member of the Gondor's Vengeance.
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:187> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Hahaha
<HP:220 EP:182> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Kelias: This rules.
^We're clearning Arda today, apparently.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: We're clearning Arda today, apparently.
<HP:220 EP:178> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Sariken: ouch.
^Fimbu, you're next!
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Fimbu, you're next!
<HP:220 EP:173> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Dorin gasps
^ (OOC) Dorin: what did rua do?
^ (OOC) Fimbu gulps.
^Unless, you post a tidbit quickly. That is.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Unless, you post a tidbit quickly. That is.
<HP:220 EP:169> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Esker: I'd interested as to the specifics of his misdemeanour.
^ (OOC) Fimbu has been declared unnukable!
          | \        /|
          |  \____  / |
         /|__/AMMA\/  |
   \   |MVKMMM/ .\MMMMM\           Good
    \__/MMMMMM\  /MMMMMM---          Morning!
    |MMMM/. \MM.--MMMMMM\/
    /\MMM\  /MM\  |MMMMMM   ___
   /  |MMMMMMMMM\ |MMMMMM--/   \-.
  /___/MMMMMMMMMM\|MM--M/___/_|   \
       \VMM/\MMMMMMM\  |      /\ \/
        \V/  \MMMMMMM\ |     /_  /
          |  /MMMV'   \|    |/ _/
          | /              _/  /
          |/              /| \'
                         /_  /
                         /  /
Razey has drawn Draugluin's wrath and is no more!
^ (OOC) Sariken: probably gave gold or something?
legend razey
Razey was nuked at 20:22 04/13/06
Razey the dunedain Battle Lord (Angelic) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 11d 5h 58m 40s                       
Razey is a member of the Beornings.
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:170> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Shardik: Yay
^ (OOC) Tiamat: amazing
^How on earth did they cheat? Considering that Exide most likely lead it, it was judged to fail even before they started doing it.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: How on earth did they cheat? Considering that Exide
     most likely lead it, it was judged to fail even before they started
     doing it.
<HP:220 EP:167> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Armand: do theadores!
^ (OOC) Undertow: how many nukes are we at right now?
^ (OOC) Phoebus thinks it would be funny if Fimbu got nuked (Then
     reinstated) in response to his unnukable comment.
^ (OOC) Shardik: That ascii reminds me of Braveheart.
^ (OOC) Phoebus: We're on 12, I think.

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Gloim has been nuked!

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Raiden has been nuked!
legend gloim
Gloim was nuked at 20:23 04/13/06
Gloim the dwarf Fence (Immoral) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 1d 7h 15m 40s                        
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:168> [ROV]
legend raiden
Raiden was nuked at 20:23 04/13/06
Raiden Darkflame the olog-hai Necromancer 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 2d 13h 59m 36s                       
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:168> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Esker: It won't have been anything grandiose or well planned.
     Remember this is Exide we're talking about.

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Meneldor has been nuked!
^That's what I thought/said Esker :P
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: That's what I thought/said Esker :P
<HP:220 EP:164> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Andron: if any ER will survive?
^ (OOC) Undertow laughs as he thinks draugluin got tired of looking for
     the different file names for the nukes
legend meneldor
Meneldor was nuked at 20:23 04/13/06
Meneldor Epitaph the dunedain Archmage (Shadowspawn of Mordor) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 7d 3h 23m 36s                        
Meneldor is a servant of the Dark lord.
Meneldor is a member of the Corsairs of Umbar.
Info: Have you ever seen a dream while you are awake? 
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:164> [ROV]

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Theadores has been nuked!
^ (OOC) Bronze: Woo!
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Haha
<HP:220 EP:160> [ROV]
legend theadores
Theadores was nuked at 20:23 04/13/06
Theadores Ando the dunedain Fuiki's Patient 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 31d 5h 55m 24s                       
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:160> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Bronze: What did they do!?
^ (OOC) Armand: WOOOOO
^ (OOC) Shardik: Damn. Haven't seen a series like this in years.
^ (OOC) Kelias: How many of these nukes are you going to reverse in the
     upcoming week?
^ (OOC) Devinius: If we're lucky we'll see a news or gossip post from
^ (OOC) Tiamat: we're at 16 ladies and gents
^ (OOC) Fimbu: Was Theadores nuked just for being Fuiki's patient?
% Leinad: I likes it when scum get nuked!
^ (OOC) Undertow is glad he logged on for this
^ (OOC) Kerner: how did these people cheat :P I'm so curious
% Seothain: Shut Up i knew some of them
^ (OOC) Devinius: Probably gave out file information of some type
^ (OOC) Bapel: Draugluin, tell us when your done nuking people
% Novreloth: Oh?
^Draugluin, you missed Tlaloc.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Draugluin, you missed Tlaloc.
<HP:220 EP:159> [ROV]
legend tlaloc
Tlaloc the eorling Warlord (Heroic) 
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: male
Age: 6d 15h 52m 24s                       
Info: Time has come for Titans 
<HP:220 EP:159> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: er
<HP:220 EP:154> [ROV]
^What's the name again, T.. something not Tlaloc
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: What's the name again, T.. something not Tlaloc
<HP:220 EP:149> [ROV]
legend thelic
There are no legends about anyone of that name.
<HP:220 EP:149> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Esker: Thalic.
legend thaloc
There are no legends about anyone of that name.
<HP:220 EP:149> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Devinius: THalic
^Ah, that's right.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Ah, that's right.
<HP:220 EP:145> [ROV]
legend thalic
Thalic the dunedain Master Assassin (Moral) 
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: male
Age: 18d 22h 11m 54s                      
Thalic has recorded a life story.
Info: llllll 
<HP:220 EP:145> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Esker: There's a fair chance Tlaloc is cheating, though.

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Terra has been nuked!
legend terra
Terra was nuked at 20:25 04/13/06
Terra the dunedain Trickster (Immoral) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 4h 42m 40s                           
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:146> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Daekin: pesky 4hr cheaters
% Leinad: and if your chosen path is any indication you will soon
^Terra.. T.. we're getting there!
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Terra.. T.. we're getting there!
<HP:220 EP:142> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Tiamat: snickers
^ (OOC) Devinius: thalic prob isn't him though
Ketan appears from the shadows.
Ketan enters the game.
^ (OOC) Verus: draug's finger must be tired from pushin that button so
^ (OOC) Tiamat: he cheated for a lot of people
^I wonder what all the newbies think. :P
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: I wonder what all the newbies think. :P
<HP:220 EP:139> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Bapel: haha
^ (OOC) Devinius: they won't be many people, probably just 3 or 4 tops
^ (OOC) Phoebus: They stepped into a nuclear warzone ;)
^ (OOC) Esker: Let's ask Bapel. :p
^Bapel, you're included there.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: Bapel, you're included there.
<HP:220 EP:135> [ROV]

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Adramalech has been nuked!
= 4:0 =
^ (OOC) Tiamat: they are crapping in their loincloths right nwo
^ (OOC) Tiamat: !
^ (OOC) Undertow is gonna drink a beer for draugluin tonight
^ (OOC) Devinius: yep told ya
^ (OOC) Tiamat: HOLY CRAP1
^ (OOC) Devinius: gave out file info
^ (OOC) Tiamat: he was just talking!
Alexa tells you: a dwarven hauberk (mended) is now on sale as lot 72,
     minimum bid 100 gold good/rep
legend adramalech
Adramalech was nuked at 20:26 04/13/06
Adramalech deamon the olog-hai Stalker 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 7d 7h 12m 26s                        
Adramalech is a member of the Legion of Thuringwethil legion.
Nuke Reason: questinfo site
<HP:220 EP:136> [ROV]

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Thalic has been nuked!
^ (OOC) Tiamat: like a few seconds ago
^ (OOC) Esker: You know when there's fireworks going on, and your pets get
     scared and start going crazy?
^There we go
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: There we go
<HP:220 EP:132> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Ketan: Hey, there you go!
legend thaloc
There are no legends about anyone of that name.
<HP:220 EP:132> [ROV]
legend thalic
Thalic was nuked at 20:27 04/13/06
Thalic the dunedain Master Assassin (Moral) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 18d 22h 11m 54s                      
Info: llllll 
Nuke Reason: Cheating with Exide
<HP:220 EP:132> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Esker: I imagine the newbies to be reacting in a similar way.
^ (OOC) Verus: i haven't seen a warzone like this since the old days
^I guess you're right Esker.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: I guess you're right Esker.
<HP:220 EP:128> [ROV]
who a
                                                The Two Towers

IwolfRoika                                                                                                      (Maia)  
Draugluin has seen stranger times, don't worry.                                                                (Power)  
Drogian                                                                                                        (Power)  

Total ainur: 3
Total users: 72
<HP:220 EP:128> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Undertow: it would be sorta fun to listen in on the newbie comm
     right now
^If this happen a few years ago, and it was Melkor pressing the button. People would quit faster then fast.
^ (OOC) Dumathoin: If this happen a few years ago, and it was Melkor
     pressing the button. People would quit faster then fast.
<HP:220 EP:124> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Tiamat: oh crap, is he nuking everyone who was on that site?
^ (OOC) Dorin: there's newbie helpers on. tap it:P
^ (OOC) Foraker: is that the Tomas and Dighi site?
^ (OOC) Dorin: armand, what's going on in the comm?
^ (OOC) Tiamat: Foraker might get nuked for saying the names...
^ (OOC) Someone: It was Tomassi, not Tomas :P
^ (OOC) Foraker: actually, Tomasis!
^ (OOC) Tiamat: you just got setup man...

<HP:220 EP:129> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Undertow: whats the count up to?
^ (OOC) Tiamat: let me see
^ (OOC) Phoebus: 19
^ (OOC) Someone: Yeah Tomassi is that dude from LA confidential
legend me
Dumathoin the eorling Mastermind (Heroic) 
On for:  1h 1m                            Gender: male
Age: 7d 18h 9m 40s                        
Dumathoin is a member of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim.
Info: Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not arrived. Today is ours (ND) 
<HP:220 EP:130> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Numensule: Snap
Akheron enters.
Akheron leaves west.
^ (OOC) Bloodbath: wow, what did exide do?
^ (OOC) Phoebus: I'm thinking something quite bad. ;)
^ (OOC) Tiamat: was it gold cheating that they did?

<HP:220 EP:132> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Bloodbath: nope
^ (OOC) Shardik: Isn't it about time for a PSI?
^ (OOC) Tiamat logs on and dies from radiation sickness.
^ (OOC) Roika: Welcome one and all to the Three Mile Island Mud.
^ (OOC) Armand: I dont see a head on a stake at rhos, how disapointing
tell roika What'd they do?
You tell Roika: What'd they do?
<HP:220 EP:137> [ROV]
Roika tells you: shit if I know, but it had to be good
= 5:0 =

            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         | 
            \._                   _./        
               ```--. . , ; .--'''           
                    | |   |
                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Bloodbath has been nuked!
^ (OOC) Undertow: i take it that the nukes are over?
^ (OOC) Undertow: doh!
^ (OOC) Tiamat: woah!
^ (OOC) Armand: hahaha
^ (OOC) Tiamat: he was just talking too!
^ (OOC) Undertow: perhaps not
^ (OOC) Daekin fdls
^ (OOC) Thoros: #20!
^ (OOC) Tiamat: it's like seeing someone explode right in front of you!
legend bloodbath
Bloodbath was nuked at 20:31 04/13/06
Bloodbath Darkslayer the dunedain Barbarian (Heroic) 
Departed from Arda                        Gender: male
Age: 4d 13h 15m 22s                       
Info: Sapahe zodimii du-i-be, od noasa ta qu-a-nis! 
Nuke Reason: quest info
<HP:220 EP:141> [ROV]
^ (OOC) Tiamat: spontaneous combustion!
% Hart: The evils lands are nearly defenseless!
^ (OOC) Roika: That's what, three or four times for bloodbath?
^ (OOC) Nimrod: im almost feeling left out and asking to get nuked
^ (OOC) Nimrod: well not really
^ (OOC) Armand: Draugluin  makes The severed head of Exide is impaled upon
     a stake here..
^ (OOC) Armand: hell yeah!
^ (OOC) Sariken: where's here?
^ (OOC) Undertow: it at rhos?
^ (OOC) Undertow: been awhile since a severed head
^ (OOC) Turin: Wasn't Martox the last one?
^ (OOC) Undertow: and on the 8th day, draugluin nuked them all and said
     that it was good.
^ (OOC) Ketan: I don't want to go to Rhos. So if someone wants to tell me
     what the stake says, that'd be killer.
Draugluin plants the head of the cheater at Rhosgobel, for all to see.
There is news.
This is the mortal news announcement system.
Mortal Announcement System has 59 notes:
  1   Aule         (Thu Mar 29)* New commands parsing
  2   Aule         (Wed Apr 18)* New feature: briefcombat
  3   Draugluin    (Wed Jul 31)* Sheriff Removal
  4   Draugluin    (Sun Aug 15)* In Development!
  5   Draugluin    (Fri Sep 10)* Law Issue: Harassment
  6   Draugluin    (Wed Sep 22)* Law Issue: Triggers
  7   Draugluin    (Tue Apr  5)* Comms
  8   Draugluin    (Tue Apr  5)* NEW COMMAND - IMPORTANT!
  9   Irmo         (Tue Oct 25)  Death
 10   Irmo         (Thu Nov  3)  River Anduin
 11   Irmo         (Thu Nov  3)  ER/FR Color higlighting
 12   Irmo         (Mon Nov  7)  Legend top
 13   Irmo         (Wed Nov  9)  Muzah Gift Boxes
 14   Irmo         (Mon Nov 14)  ER/FR Highlighting
 15   Irmo         (Mon Nov 14)  Combat Arms
 16   Irmo         (Mon Nov 21)  Acro
 17   Irmo         (Mon Nov 21)  Alazif
 18   Irmo         (Mon Nov 21)  Backstab limit
 19   Irmo         (Wed Nov 23)  Panniers
 20   Irmo         (Wed Nov 23)  Autoaccept
 21   Irmo         (Thu Dec  1)  Attack message
 22   Irmo         (Mon Dec  5)  Servants
 23   Draugluin    (Tue Dec  6)  Poll Results
 24   Draugluin    (Sat Dec 10)  Mordor Combat
 25   Irmo         (Sun Dec 11)  Autoloading items
 26   Irmo         (Sun Dec 11)  Petition Upgrades
 27   Irmo         (Sat Dec 17)  Sleeping
 28   Draugluin    (Tue Dec 27)  'help triggers' update
 29   Draugluin    (Mon Jan  2)  Several Changes
 30   Irmo         (Tue Jan 17)  Patrol targets
 31   Irmo         (Thu Jan 19)  Ambushing & Enchanting
 32   Draugluin    (Thu Jan 26)  Hamstring Changes
 33   Irmo         (Fri Jan 27)  Gangbang prevention
 34   Draugluin    (Sat Jan 28)  Regions / Map Changes
 35   Irmo         (Mon Jan 30)  tells
 36   Irmo         (Tue Jan 31)  Regions
 37   Draugluin    (Wed Feb  1)  Hobbit Invasion?
 38   Irmo         (Thu Feb  2)  IP address change
 39   Drogian      (Tue Feb  7)  Adventurer's Tome
 40   Irmo         (Thu Feb  9)  Umbar
 41   Draugluin    (Fri Feb 10)  Guild Updates
 42   Draugluin    (Wed Feb 15)  Sandstorm & Lightning
--More--(72%  line 44 of 61)--

 43   Draugluin    (Fri Feb 17)  Hide Changes
 44   Drogian      (Sat Feb 18)  Dol Guldur Signpost
 45   Draugluin    (Mon Feb 20)  Weapontraders
 46   Drogian      (Tue Feb 28)  The 8th Annual Two Towers Event
 47   Drogian      (Thu Mar  2)  Fireworks Spell Enhancement
 48   Drogian      (Mon Mar  6)  Autoloading Items
 49   Drogian      (Wed Mar  8)  To Pass a Petition
 50   Drogian      (Wed Mar  8)  Patrol My Lands
 51   Drogian      (Tue Mar 14)  Now Partying: 8th Two Towers Event
 52   Draugluin    (Sat Mar 18)  IMPORTANT: 'ambush'
 53   Irmo         (Tue Mar 28)  Ambush
 54   Drogian      (Tue Mar 28)  Weapontraders II
 55   Drogian      (Thu Mar 30)  Raiding Innrooms
 56   Drogian      (Fri Mar 31)  Guild Enhancements
 57   Drogian      (Sun Apr  2)  Announcing Logins; Bundle Arrows; Scout Regions
 58 > Thingol      (Mon Apr 10)  ESS Quest
 59   Draugluin    (Thu Apr 13)  A Head on a Stake
<HP:220 EP:154> [ROV]
news next
Note  59  Draugluin    (Thu Apr 13 2006)  A Head on a Stake

Dear Ardans,
Many of you will remember, but for those who do not:
Every now and then, a cheater so foul, someone so repulsive,
must be made a public example. When this occurs, I and many
before me take to putting a stake with the fools head
at Rhosgobel, for all to see and be forewarned.
These types of cheaters cheapen your time here, and do nothing
for the community. Please join me in holding this one high on
the list of people we never want back.
Power of Law

<HP:220 EP:154> [ROV]

Outside Rhosgobel(s, n, se, w, cave, sw and e)
 Phoebus the dunedain Burglar (Impartial)
 Isabella Voronwë the silvan Magician (Angelic)
 Kendall Cath'lingwe the dwarf Warlord (Angelic)
 Fusco the dwarf Warlord (Angelic)
 Hart Cath'lingwe the dwarf Deathmaster (Heroic)
 Bola De Futebol the dwarf Deathmaster (Demonic)
 Spikey Míriel the dunedain Exterminator (Moral)
 Bapel the dunedain Mountaineer (Heroic)
 Zefor The Mad the silvan Enchanter (Heroic)
 Brutis the dwarf Scout (Moral)
 Thoros Lôminitîr the dunedain Highwayman (Retired)
 Sariken the silvan Burglar (Immoral)
 The severed head of Exide is impaled upon a stake here.
 Randyb ShadowAxe the dwarf Blues Club KILLER!
 Armand War Pig the dunlending Archmage (Moral)
 A bowl with a lid
 A signpost
Travelto: Destination reached!
<HP:220 EP:220> [ROV]
l head
A six foot wooden stake is hammered into the ground.
Impaled atop the stake is the severed head of Exide.
The eyes are wide open and lolling back into the head.
The mouth is open, and the blackening tongue is hanging 
out of the mouth.
You can't help but wonder what Exide did to deserve this
brutal and unsightly end.

Tacked to the stake is a note. It reads:

This is what happens to those who break the trust of Valinor
and cheat while entrusted with immortal powers and responsibilities.

Forever remember the name of Exide as a cheater and unwelcome
person in our community, and beware him and any further incarnations.

<HP:220 EP:220> [ROV]

^ (OOC) Fofester: I'm going to go cry in the corner