The wedding crasher

Posted by
Azer [legacy]
11 May 2006 00:00:00

Slap that bitch.

Getting a few freebies around the Lonely Mountain when i stumble upon a wedding band,
He probably tossed it away cause it didn't turn out alright.. So i figured i'd play a prank on
this chap. Just to make things perfectly clear as well:

NER HP:230 EP:204 > A Forge(n)
 A Coin of Fate
 Dregmar's gold wedding band    <- Bonzai
get ring
NER HP:230 EP:204 > 
l ring
    This simple wedding band is adorned with a single grey stone,
polished to a high gloss. Upon the band has been etched with a
flowing script: Dregmar and Dahlia
Inscribed inside the band are the words: With love forever, Your Dregmar
NER HP:230 EP:204 > 
ll dahlia
Dahlia Tasartir the silvan Witch (Heroic) 
Last on: 4h 15m 44s ago.                  Gender: female
Age: 9d 22h 42m 2s                        
Can be mailed: Dahlia@Bree
Info: Little town, It's a quiet village.... 
ll dregmar
Dregmar Tasartir the dunedain Apprentice Ranger (Angelic) 
On for:  50m 8s                           Gender: male
Age: 4d 3h 25m 50s                        
Can be mailed: Dregmar@Bree               Dregmar has recorded a life story.
Info: Henchman of the Tasartir Family 

Sorta like when Bilbo found the one ring....       (Headed back to BkD)

You tell Dregmar: so when were you planning to marry dahlia?
NER HP:230 EP:206 > Dregmar tells you: who are you before i answer that and how did you know
     i'm engaged?
You tell Dregmar: I am Dahlia's father! And you havn't even asked for my
     goddamn blessing!
You tell Dregmar: the young folk these days have no manners.
NER HP:230 EP:208 > Dregmar tells you: oh. geez. i'm sorry
Dregmar tells you: i didn't know she had a father. well, /may/ i have your
You tell Dregmar: We ought to meet and discuss this, I want to know my
     daughter isn't off to marry some dead-beat with no future. If you
     don't mind.
Dregmar tells you: of course
Dregmar tells you: hold on

NER HP:230 EP:215 > Dregmar has invited you to his room in Bree.
  To accept this invitation, go to the inn in Bree
  and 'visit dregmar'.

                          (Tossed the wedding band to a guildmate and headed to Bree)

visit dregmar
You visit Dregmar.
Prancing Pony Private Renting Room(d)
 Dregmar Tasartir the dunedain Apprentice Ranger (Angelic)
 A small strongbox
 A trash can
 HP:230 EP:169 > 
You peer around suspiciously.
 HP:230 EP:169 > Dregmar smiles happily.
l dregmar
Light flashes off of the simple ring.
Dregmar is a Sergeant in the army of Gondor
with 7 wins and 1 loss.
Dregmar has been solemnly blessed by Elves.
 He is carrying:
A broad sword.
A broad sword.
A broad sword.
A short sword.
A broad sword.
A dragon longsword (wielded).
A small knife.
A simple leather baldric containing a sword (worn).
A Dol Amroth pack (open) (worn).
A gold ring with a single grey stone (worn).
A small gold pendant engraved with the name 'Dregmar' (worn).
Rank insignia.
An ancient, well-preserved book.
 HP:230 EP:169 > Dregmar takes a gift box from a small strongbox.
Dregmar drops a gift box.
Dregmar says gravely in Westron: for dahlia
l box
    This small box is wrapped in brightly-colored fabric, creating
a cheerful present for someone. A bow is made out of ribbon, and 
attached to the top of the box. 
    Perhaps you could 'unwrap' the box and see what's inside!
You say in Westron: The ring?
 HP:230 EP:170 > Dregmar nods.
You nod grimly.
You say in Westron: I'd like to know, first off, how long have you known
     my daughter?
 HP:230 EP:172 > Dregmar says gravely in Westron: dating or friends?
You say in Westron: Well, how did you two meet for one thing?
Dregmar says gravely in Westron: well, we were hunting together in
     rivendell, and we became friends. as time went on, the friendship
     grew. and now, it's turned into an engagement... and hopefully
     marriage if you approve
Dregmar smiles happily.
Dregmar takes a gift box.
Dregmar puts a gift box into a small strongbox.
You hmm.
You say in Westron: And what are your future plans, what guild is you
     planning on joining?
ll draco ((I legended a few prospects but settled for this one, he fits the type i think))
Draco Dragonfel the dwarf Weaponsmaster (Heroic) 
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: male
Age: 18d 7h 28s                           
Can be mailed: Draco@Combe
Info: everyone must repent for their mistakes sooner or later 

 HP:230 EP:182 > Dregmar says gravely in Westron: i plan on making a guild
Dregmar says gravely in Westron: read the 4th paragraph of my story
You oh interestedly.
 HP:230 EP:182 > 
You nod grimly.
You say in Westron: The only thing i find a tad shady about this whole
     business is that the only chap she ever talks to me about is draco.
 HP:230 EP:183 > Dregmar has a questioning look on his face.
You say in Westron: And all of a sudden i hear she's going to marry you?
You hmm.
 HP:230 EP:185 > Dregmar says gravely in Westron: really?
Dregmar says gravely in Westron: draco's a cheat! he's with katelyn...
You nod slowly.
You say in Westron: I don't approve of him but she's very fond of him as i
     understand it.
You say in Westron: have you two spoken about this?
 HP:230 EP:189 > Dregmar says gravely in Westron: absolutely not. i was comletely unaware
     of it
You say in Westron: I just wish she would think before she acts
 HP:230 EP:191 > Dregmar says gravely in Westron: well, it was me who asked her...
Dregmar ohs interestedly.
Dregmar laughs out loud.
Dregmar says gravely in Westron: i misread it
You say in Westron: I suspected as much.
 HP:230 EP:193 > Dregmar baps himself across the forehead.
You say in Westron: Well, I would advice you to talk this through with her
     before going on with the plans.
 HP:230 EP:195 > Dregmar says, "Ok!".
You say in Westron: It wouldn't be fair to either of you, especially since
     that cheat draco is still in the picture.
 HP:230 EP:196 > Dregmar nods.
Dregmar says gravely in Westron: thank you for the heads up:) i
     appreciate it
You say in Westron: They mostly have mudsex and things of that nature. And
     i'm totally against it, she knows how i feel about that but does she
You say in Westron: My advice to you would be, give her an ultimatum, tell
     her to stop seing draco and any other manwhore she socializes with
You say in Westron: Or the wedding is off!
You say in Westron: You're free todo what you want of course, but just so
     you know, i very much frown upon this whole deal. especially if she's
     going to have those ragbags on the side..
 HP:230 EP:209 > Dregmar says gravely in Westron: i have an even stronger second to that.
     she hates isabella. i can tell her she'd be my rebound girl? she
     knows that i used to like her so it'd probably work:P
ll isabella
Isabella Voronwë the silvan Magician (Angelic) 
In hibernation for another 4 days 1 hour 42 minutes 25 seconds
Last on: 9d 22h 17m 35s ago.              Gender: female
Age: 16d 20h 55m 14s                      
Can be mailed: Isabella@Combe             Isabella has recorded a life story.
Info: -=|*| Durnath Arnen |*|=- -=|HeReLd|=- 
You say in Westron: Ahh yes, whatever works. As long as she stops with the
     filth i'd be more than pleased.
 HP:230 EP:213 > Dregmar smiles happily.
You say in Westron: You're a good man Dregmar
 HP:230 EP:214 > Dregmar smiles happily.
Dregmar says gravely in Westron: thanks:)
You tip your hat.
HP:230 EP:214 > 
Prancing Pony Inn(u, n, e and sw)
 An innkeeper
 A sign... look at it
 HP:230 EP:214 > 

Dregmar tells you: draco's betrothed to offilna 
Dregmar tells you: are you dahlia's father irl?
You tell Dregmar: Irl? Oh nope, just rpish. I care about her, but between
     you and me, I would pick someone who doesn't spread for any bloke who
     happens to come along...
NER HP:230 EP:230 > Dregmar tells you: ok. i was just checking:P btw, just so you know, you do
     a great job:)
You tell Dregmar: Give her the back of the hand for cheating, that's what
     i think.
NER HP:230 EP:230 > Dregmar tells you: are you saying i should slap her?
You tell Dregmar: Just saying you shouldn't be all tipsy toes with her
     when it comes to stuff like this. She has to learn sometime.
NER HP:230 EP:230 > Dregmar tells you: *nods* ok. i just didn't think of slapping her:P i
     guess it's worth a try though...
Dregmar tells you: *nods* ok. i just didn't think of slapping her:P i
     guess it's worth a try though...
You tell Dregmar: Tell her the wedding's off too until she quits on draco
     and co, that should do the trick.
NER HP:230 EP:228 > Dregmar tells you: good idea:) why don't i think of these things?? :P
You tell Dregmar: that's what i'm here for!