Amearn Dies...

Posted by
Esteban [legacy]
23 May 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Some day comes that you feel cold...


  • Author
    Feyd [legacy]
    24 May 2006 16:56:35

    Kalmah shut up loser. Do you really believe all the shit that comes out your mouth?

    You idiots dont even have a lawsys. You can kill a spy as many times as you want. And you still whine???

    Allow me please to kill every spy in FR lands for free and I promisse you that there wont be a single one above lvl 4.

    Now shut up, whiner. Damnit. Even without Vermond here you guys manage to get this log to the same number of whiny comments.

    Maybe I should post all of the PK logs of evils so you can whine a bit more.

    FU all.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    24 May 2006 16:29:29

    No Tlaloc, you don't if it's FR vs sFR.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    24 May 2006 15:53:54

    Reeth, if you protect, you get in combat.

  • Author
    Astachar [legacy]
    24 May 2006 15:18:31

    Hell, the only person with a head on his shoulders is Grimscar.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    24 May 2006 14:25:35

    I agree with everyone!

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    24 May 2006 13:35:24

    Arawn, you have this monopoly fetish which I think is quite delightful.

  • Author
    Reeth [legacy]
    24 May 2006 12:48:08

    Obviously none of you realised that caenedrin couldnt in fact focus on tingol, as tingol had not attacked him, and he was in FR territory, but keep on moaning that he should have focused on tingol :P

    But i dont understand why esteban attacked caenedrin...unless he just wanted to protect bruce from his blows...which i guess since he had the ring he didnt need to anyway...

    I do wonder though how when bruce comes back in the room later on in the fight that amearn is no longer hitting him with mels...

  • Author
    Jin [legacy]
    24 May 2006 11:01:19


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    24 May 2006 10:58:10

    1. I am the youngest in my family and never have had nor will have a little brother :P

    2. I have witnessed Amearn multiplaying 1st hand, he has been law reported, and somehow not punished. I guess that's how much fairness there is in the game these days.

    3. I have witnessed and there are logs available showing Amearn abusing the 'failkill' changes regarding battlepoints, with multiple alts. He was also never punished for this.

    4. When I say never punished, I mean never got what he deserved. Maybe he got a pissy warning, but with the amount of abusing he's done, he should well be nuked by now.

    And I was mostly angry about Nyx acting like this log is so bad when it is clearly better than anything Amearn has posted in the last week.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    24 May 2006 10:50:32

    Heh, lots of anger for a game. Relax, it doesn't matter, not at all. If you feel Amearn abuses bugs and multiplays then law report it and have him nuked but don't make unproven allegations that you either haven't or cannot back up in a public forum. Alleging cheating when someone beats you in a game is as tacky here as it is when you were a kid playing Monopoly and you were SURE your little brother must have stolen money from the bank to be able to win! THAT BASTARD! WHY DID HE HAVE TO CHEAT?! I HAD ALL THE DARK BLUES WITH HOTELS AND HE STILL WON!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    24 May 2006 10:38:09

    Hah at Arawn.

    To Nyx: The worst part of this log are your bitchy, whiny, idiotic comments. I find the fact that a player who 'makes Nasira look like a choir girl' can get owned by a group of 3 'noobs' makes this log 10 times better. The only thing that makes this log bad is all the ERs voting it as a 1 just because for once there is a servant thief abusing serve to annoy THEM. Amearn wasn't banged - it was 2v3 for most of the log, and he got beaten down by far less experienced players. Kudos for them.

    If only Amearn were able to abuse a bug to kill one of them right at the start, then log in his alt to kill them as they left after they'd killed him...That sure would make a great log. Hell, why didn't you do it this time around Amearn?

    And for everyone of the 'great' (none worth looking at twice imo) logs Amearn has posted over the last boot, he has probably failed 10 attempts. Oh well, life for a pk hungry bug abusing multiplaying bitch is hard.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    24 May 2006 10:03:09

    On a side not, I typod the original of that and wrote 'You can solve internet disputes with murder'. Which I thought was hilarious.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    24 May 2006 10:00:40

    That's my argument, you can say it's hard to kill him, if all he does his hide in an innroom(which as seen in this log, is clearly NOT all he does) but just because it's hard to do isn't a good enough argument. He can be killed as often as you can get to him for free. You can solve internal disputes with murder for free. You can level bash traitors. If he makes himself hard to kill or get to that doesn't make for a reason to put in some kind of new rule for serving FRs.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    24 May 2006 09:45:03

    Always nice to see the underdogs win;) Whining about Bruce is pretty fucking lame, he's killable, see?:p

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    24 May 2006 06:29:57

    Mmm... i love how the earlier discussions turned into an ER vs FR shootout, as frigging usual.

    The log? Tingol rocked, so did Feyd... Esteban shoulda tried to bring Amearn down instead of Caenedrin tho, that way they'd have got both easier. :P

    And Amearn and Caenedrin... agreed that they both should have been on Tingol. Weirdness.

    But uhmm.. about Bruce. ER's have a gazillion spies in the FR ranks, and now when one guy helps FR's out you whine like it's the end of the world. This is you, Exley. Meh! Have a cookie, and deal with it.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    24 May 2006 06:00:47

    I know. My point being is that people, in the history of the mud, have ALWAYS exploited the loopholes available to them, and they always will, and people need to learn to deal with it.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    24 May 2006 05:54:14

    And its not like FRs don't do that to sFRs and ERs...

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    24 May 2006 05:53:38

    But the difference is, its quite easy to kill them while they're in your lands, which has happened a whole bunch of times. Kind of hard to kill someone in an innroom.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    24 May 2006 05:26:42

    You know... Bruce taking advantage of serve to annoy ER's is about on the same level as players serving so they can steal and pkill without dealing with the lawsys.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    24 May 2006 05:24:17

    <3 Yeah I know.. Just voicing my opinion

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    24 May 2006 05:14:11

    This is just a regular everyday lock up. Nothing to get pissed off over, nothing to cheer about. You guys need to relax.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    24 May 2006 05:05:15

    Hahahaha talking about honour. Abusing a mechanism of the game is not exactly honourable either. Yes he's not spying, he's being annoying by cutting the golding of sFRs by 1/2, something ER spies don't do to FRs.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    24 May 2006 04:56:22


    First off - Nyx, it's obvious that most people in this game are light years behind Amearn. It is good though, that this is obvious:P People know, relax:)

    Second - ERs are supposed to fight each other. And for ONE spy we have, you guys have 183728734. I get every second comm I make on the FR comm pasted to me by ERs. Bruce isn't even spying, he's just playing, it is you who attack him. Stop whining, it's not honourable.


  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    24 May 2006 03:45:31


  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    24 May 2006 03:44:29

    Exley, saying Bruce is being unthematic in his actions is a null and void point. All of Serve is grossly unthematic through the institution of Evil Races and the mandating of open, advertised servitude to Sauron. Making a sharp, zero grey area delineation between Serve and Free, cutting out the Melkor copout for elves and the Numenorean copout for dunedain, and adding the complication of the addition of the genuine races of Umbar can be extrapolated to many denunciations of Serve in general and its guilds. But simply put, Serve is a sick dog that needs to be put down. There are plenty of ways for inventive people who want to roleplay an Evil sensibility to do so without Serve.

    Or you can always give a hearty 'fuck you' to Valinor and the first generation Servers and what they've done to evil guilds, and instead become a rakish river pirate. Either way's good.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    24 May 2006 03:42:54

    |HP:230 EP:230|GON| Bruce enters.

    Amearn enters.

    Caenedrin enters.

    Bruce pushes on the gate and it creaks shut with a click.

    Bruce leaves enter.

    Doesnt look like anyone got more than the situation they put themselves in.

    I laughed my ass off watching the fuckups throughout the hole thing, funny read.

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    24 May 2006 03:00:50

    Trempk, I would argue with you but you didn't really make a point there. You think this took balls, I can't do anything to change what you think is something courageous and what is something simple. I wouldn't call Caenedrin a skilled player either. So no, in my opinion, 3 'worthless noobs' locking 1 skilled player and 1 relative noob takes no balls. None whatsoever. If you need balls to do this, then good for you I suppose. I don't think it takes anything more than typing in k player each round.

    Same thing for Rekthorne, it takes no brain to deal damage once you attack. I'm not upset that 'my boy' got locked and died, I'd find it just as sad if 3 newbie ER's locked and killed any skilled FR assassin.

    I understand that the poster's first language might not be english, neither is mine. In that case, not attempting to write fancy titles helps.

    But yeah, like Scat said - I made a point with my first post, some of you got it, some of you didn't. This is turning into a pointless rant.

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:49:54

    I agree with Scat.

  • Author
    Feyd [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:47:02

    Come on, give us a break. We will learn too some day.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:39:51

    Being upset that the best assassin in your guild hunted into a lock-up when he had MELS is one thing, but insulting the guys that did it so harshly is just ridiculous. The fact that Amearn has solo'd so many people doesn't mean he should never die to anyone that you deem 'below him'.

    The log title may not have made much sense but maybe the poster isn't a native English speaker.

    Oh, and yes Nyx, it is pathetic that your boy couldn't take down all these 'worthless noobs' even with MELS.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:29:24

    You're pathetic, Nyx. You're whining about 3 'noobs' locking up 2 skilled players with MELS? Vermond isn't even complaining about this. I don't see how its such a lame thing, and this certainly doesn't take any less courage than watching some people take a bp camouflaged, waiting for one of them to get low, then bs/charging them. It would have really been interesting if Caenedrin had looted the MELS. It took the others long enough, he might have had a shot. Anyway, its not like you guys worked hard to get MELS this boot, just pretty much looted it from BKD.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:25:25

    Erm, I meant archer above.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:25:16

    Yeah, I didn't understand the not-focusing-on-Tingol-thing either.

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:25:01

    This thread makes me envision a toddler trying to stuff a square block into a round hole. :)

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:21:44

    Put baklen or some other non-noob warrior in that fight with amearn and that would have been a god damn fucking close fight, the archer would have actually hade to make the difference.

  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:19:25

    Morons, this was noob VS noob. EVEN AFTER THE THIRD FB (even better if it was just after the first) amearn ATE, neither him nor caenedrin were charging/HB'ing TINGOL? Hey, I am the best pk'er ever, let me charge their assassin. Better yet, let me waste my charge/rounds with full hits on their party on charges instead of having my retarded warrior friend just keep on planting shit into tingol? Wow, he solo'ed a level 20 and 21 with millions of FR around. He had mels each time, great they were kills on players good for him, he massively put himself into danger being that close to a SP and mordor/osgil/kadar. Azkur is twice the player Amearn is but was just being careless as many have become because they just don't care anymore. Also, see sicarius's comments.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:13:58

    And having Amearn and Caenedrin involved in this is also ironic, considering that both are former Durms, a FR guild known to have conspired with ERs to lock people up, in STS no less.

    Please try to see both sides of the coin. Betrayal can come from any direction.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    24 May 2006 01:11:21

    I'd hesitate to call this a bang. Bruce was absent for most of it, so now we're down to three on two. Yes, they had a wizard and an archer, and that makes a huge difference, but then again, Amearn had MELS so that's kind if a big deal too.

    Still, it's not a bang.

    And as for the spy thing... well, FRs have them too. At least you have the ability to levelbash your spies without having to worry about them profiting from the fine money.

    Granted, as far as spies go, Bruce is considerably more slippery than, say, a Cyprus or Darovir, and I can understand your frustration. That doesn't mean I sympathize, however.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    24 May 2006 00:46:00

    Pure 6!

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    24 May 2006 00:37:54

    Heh.. Balls for a lockup :P that's funny, seeing as a servant was the bait anyhow and they took no risks whatsoever. Not very hard to plan a lockup.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    24 May 2006 00:35:15

    Exley stole my comment :(

    Quote Esteban, 'only Amearn and poor Bruce lost their lives.'

    Poor Bruce? He's a servant ffs. But he abuses the system to annoying sFRs by stealing from the one thing they can gold from, so there is no need for any RP right? If you look back at the last few logs posted, Amearn solo'd a level 21 and he solo'd a level 20 when there were 10 other FRs around which most of you assassins wouldn't have the balls to do, so stfu. Lockups happen and this would've been fine, if the one who set them up wasn't a traitor servant.

  • Author
    Toram [legacy]
    24 May 2006 00:31:25

    I've got balls, Nyx. You know.

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    24 May 2006 00:29:18

    Feyd, I missed the part where you needed balls for this lockup. A wiz, an archer and an assassin stuffed with tons of healing on an assassin and a warrior. You need balls for that?

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    24 May 2006 00:23:24

    [new] Date: 23. May, 2006, 23:50:51 By: Esteban

    Well i tried to do my best also where were you Nyx? so we could lock you eh? In lockups one side should die.I had healings,they had too only Amearn and poor Bruce lost their lives.I had one main reason to go that lockup : Killing Amearn.So i reached my aim and can sleep peacefully tonigh.Am i wrong? or just Evils dont prove any victories?>>

    It's a lockup, nothing special about it, really. The reason I rated it a 1 was Bruce, an evil servant, was conspiring with you guys, moral FRs, to kill a couple of real servants. It's just so fucking lame and unthematic that Sauron, or his Nazgul, would turn a blind eye to this stuff and allow Bruce to continue to 'serve', when he is obviously an FR working from inside to disrupt Sauron's war efforts. Yeah, yeah, in the books orcs kill other orcs, right? Well, if this game were more like the books, then Bruce would be dead for good. Unfortunately, he can just revive and revive and continue to do this lame shit. :P Furthermore, I don't remember seeing anything in the books about orcs working with elves and Eorlings to kill Sauron's troops.

  • Author
    Jin [legacy]
    24 May 2006 00:20:23

    I agree with Kelos.. Soloing a lvl 11 is really great done by such 'skilled' player :)

  • Author
    Feyd [legacy]
    24 May 2006 00:16:15

    Its cool that newbies like us have the balls to try such things.

    How many of the Free Races nowadays try to kill (and manage sometimes) as much as we do?

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    24 May 2006 00:01:53

    Where I was, Esteban? Offline. You know, that real life thing? I'd reply to the rest of your post, but I couldn't get it. Your last sentence anyway.

    Grimscar, I put them down because I just don't like non-skilled players gang banging someone so much more skilled than them, and being proud with it. It's just not right, and I don't like seeing it.

  • Author
    Grimscar [legacy]
    23 May 2006 23:56:59

    Congratz to Esteban and Tingol. Nyx, i have to disagree with you.

    Good job to both, its sad to see you denigrate such nice people. Hell, Amearn certainly asked for it. I'm sure HE holds no regrets about dying, he knows the risks. He kills and pks countless people (all for no real reason other than he likes pkilling), and finally he is put to a stop(temporarily) by people who aren't nearly as experienced, and you put THEM down?

    No one was born being an expert on this game. I probably got killed a hundred times before I made MY first playerkill (Which happened to be on Amearn's then-alt, about nine or ten years ago)... you could have said the same thing about me 'Man, how did those newbies kill him? that's a shame!'

    Try not to put people down when they do something nice, eh?

  • Author
    Laon [legacy]
    23 May 2006 23:56:52

    Next time, shield the one whos getting attempted!

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    23 May 2006 23:50:51

    Well i tried to do my best also where were you Nyx? so we could lock you eh? In lockups one side should die.I had healings,they had too only Amearn and poor Bruce lost their lives.I had one main reason to go that lockup : Killing Amearn.So i reached my aim and can sleep peacefully tonigh.Am i wrong? or just Evils dont prove any victories?

  • Author
    Feyd [legacy]
    23 May 2006 23:46:56

    Wait, wait! Amearn is a great player. Let us not compare players one to another. Amearn did well. He almost killed us. Esteban did well too. So did Tingol.

    This was a good log all around.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    23 May 2006 23:39:46

    Figured :)

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    23 May 2006 23:38:27

    Kelos.. all the things that I mentioned in my previous comment apply to you as well.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    23 May 2006 23:36:52

    Soloing level 11's is pretty tough...*worships Amearn*

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    23 May 2006 23:34:45

    It's sad to see someone like Amearn get gangraped by someones like Tingol and Esteban. It's sad to see you pussy out at 25hp when I've seen Amearn hunt to death so many times. It'll be sad when your guild hires someone to kill governor to reset mels. It's kind of sad that your log title just doesn't make sense. It's also sad that you could never even dream of soloing half as many people as Amearn did just this boot. To sum it up - this is a pretty pathetic log.

  • Author
    Feyd [legacy]
    23 May 2006 23:23:30

    Harrow, I will give you 1k to turn it into a log. Want to?

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    23 May 2006 22:54:55

    They tell you to focus amearn, you don't hit him once the whole time, and then you end up taking his ear, lol.

  • Author
    Harrow [legacy]
    23 May 2006 22:39:52

    Ok, seriosuly man, why ost this shit with no colour. its spammy as fuck enough, but i actualy tried to read it...but its just impossible.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    23 May 2006 22:37:02

    You guys are just sad...

  • Author
    Harrow [legacy]
    23 May 2006 22:36:28

    No colour. No read! For only 1k i could turn this piece of text into a wonderful log!