amusing ghost at old lvl 5 quest

Posted by
Nox [legacy]
16 June 2006 00:00:00

since it's no longer quest info, i'm posting it


  • Author
    Halbarad [legacy]
    18 June 2006 08:41:28

    Lazro: very

  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    16 June 2006 23:13:26

    How pointless is this?

  • Author
    Harrow [legacy]
    16 June 2006 12:23:22

    Nox, was'nt it you arguing with me the other day that you wer'nt a total newbie and had been playing for years and years and years? Maybe you should post a log of message stone battles!!!!!!!!

  • Author
    Harrow [legacy]
    16 June 2006 12:14:02

    I remeber I thought warg riders were part of the quest. I was a level 4 at like 3 days old, so my skills were awesome, i got the pack ND before dying:(

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    16 June 2006 07:07:29

    I died by the wargriders the first time I did the level 5 quest. After I did it again and saw how easy it was, I couldn't understand how I could have died the first time.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    16 June 2006 06:59:19

    See, random shit like this is funny...when it's funny. I like to see random stuff from time to time that's not PK/theft related. This was kinda amusing, but not terribly so. For an example of something that I, at least, found funny, check this out:

  • Author
    Porphyria [legacy]
    16 June 2006 05:40:45

    Maybe I should post that log of me dying and getting stuck in the void? Wouldn't that be exciting?

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    16 June 2006 04:47:39

    Yeah that happened to me once.

    Of course I didn't log it.

    Or consider posting it.

    Or think to mention it untill now.

    I wonder why?

  • Author
    Nox [legacy]
    16 June 2006 03:37:27

    i was thinking of you when i posted it

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    16 June 2006 02:56:58

    This is fucking stupid.