[ 2:57PM ] Fimbu: I'm a big fan of the upcoming tidbits. [ 2:57PM ] Fimbu: Be excited. [ 2:57PM ] Greg: What's so special about them? [ 2:58PM ] Fimbu: Just a bunch of very funny ones :P [ 2:58PM ] Greg: You probably haven't even included my joke about piracy. [ 2:58PM ] Fimbu: I don't think I know your joke about piracy :P [ 2:58PM ] Fimbu: Why don't you tell it! [ 2:58PM ] Greg: See. [ 2:58PM ] Fimbu: There is some Greg action though! [ 2:58PM ] Greg: I hate the tidbits. [ 2:58PM ] Greg: What am I doing in them? [ 2:59PM ] Fimbu: Getting made fun of. [ 2:59PM ] Greg: Surpise surpise. [ 2:59PM ] Fimbu: Surpise surpise! New and exciting developments all around Arda these past couple of weeks have been providing our material for this tidbits! We've got a new comm to use properly and responsibly... @ (IC) Cozoq (OOC): hmm... A new guild causing quite the stir with their swashbuckling ways... [ SotPotUASFoR ] Shamu: hello Garanola barrrr! [ SotPotUASFoR ] Garanol: touche, my ocean friend. :P Some idiots making throwaway characters and getting nuked... _.-^^---....,,--_ _-- --_ < >) | | \._ _./ ```--. . , ; .--''' | | | .-=|| | |=-. `-=#$%&%$#=-' | ; :| _____.,-#%&$@%#&#~,._____ Sirfuklot has been nuked! ...Oh, wait. That's not new. Oh well. My point is, in times of change, Amusing Tidbits will be the first on the scene of these events, to, in a fair and balanced manner, journalistic integrity intact, bring you stupid and offensive jokes about them. [ FRA ] Sicarius: Pallasch has just backstabbed me. I have 230 HP and 219EP. [ FRA ] Sicarius: have 2740891 exp, I am in ROV region, 100 strength, 100 agility, 100 charisma, 100 constitution, 100 coordination, 100 intelligence [ FRA ] Sicarius: I am a level 20 warrior and I need 0 stats and 442866 to reach the next level. % Flyden: Anyone got any huge pack for sale? % Arawn: I have a huge package, but it won't come cheap. % Porphyria: It will come quickly though % Arawn: gagahahaah ^ (OOC) Scat: Any PotUA available? My decks need swabbing and my buckles have yet to be swashed. Kilin says in Westron: on vacation, broke into a building and logged into the net for a little bit :) Kilin snickers insanely. Kilin says in Westron: damn mudding addiction [ Durmanhoth ] Kilin: well, i'm going to get out of this building before someone comes and catches me here :P [ Durmanhoth ] Bartoss: wtf [ Durmanhoth ] Bartoss: you seriously broke into somewhere? [ Durmanhoth ] Kilin: hehe, yeah it is a bad addiction i tell ya [ Durmanhoth ] Kilin: their fault for leaving a cpu with access in the "open" like that ;) [ Durmanhoth ] Kilin: hell, i'll just fdisk their maching before i go :) Kilin says in Westron: later man Kilin tips his hat. Kilin left the game. [446] ^ (OOC) Wembral: The FDA sucks. [447] ^ (OOC) Korbin: Its for taxing purposes or something [448] ^ (OOC) Wembral: They still endorse a shitty food pyramid. [449] ^ (OOC) Rathmar: Alright, I've got actual work to do, so enjoy your fruity conversation. [450] ^ (OOC) Wembral: Actually, I prefer the vag [451] ^ (OOC) Wembral: Er, veg. [786] ^ (OOC) Shyel: Is the MUD considered a non-profit organization? ;p [787] ^ (OOC) Pyro: would a donation go to office costs? server costs? pizza break costs? [788] ^ (OOC) Paraiko: the Valinor fat cats pocketed our last donations instead of putting it towards the promised event [789] ^ (OOC) Sicarius: I'm sure it isn't 501 (3) (c) or whatever it is. [790] ^ (OOC) Shyel: So no receipts and no breaks on our taxes? :P [791] ^ (OOC) Draugluin: We have no offices or breaks. We are not non-proft...not because we turn a proft, but because we don't qualify. (We're not a company of any sorts). [792] ^ (OOC) Shyel snaps. [793] ^ (OOC) Draugluin: All donations go to pay for the server costs. NER HP:86 EP:86| ^ (OOC) Paraiko: Draugluin's laughing at us from his mountaintop mansion, don't believe him Fine tells you: but good day to you sir You tell Fine: Yes, it is a good day. A good day for you to suck my cock [228] % Arawn: Give me a P! [229] % Arawn: HAND IT OVER [230] % Rianor: NO ITS MINE [231] % Arawn: From now on my name is Parawn! [232] % Arawn: THanks to Pallasch, who is now called Allasch [233] % Hiningrod: does that mean you are down for the party arawn? [234] % Arawn: Im always ready to party down [235] % Feyd: you are Arr-own, and he is Pal-Ash [236] % Gilf: praise be to Allasch [237] % Arawn: Allasch akbar! Princesz spins around in circles. Princesz bows suavely. Princesz says in Westron: i am pricess Princesz says in Westron: princesz* [97] % Jingle: anyone wanna put some money on me kiking patorals ass in real life [98] % Grimscar: dude, your name is jingle. find employment Employment is in Eriador at a small town. [ Chat ] Qfm: Any of you guys hear about the new high-pitched ringtone? [ Chat ] Qfm: I bet I could hear it. It seems Misery does in fact not, love Company :( Misery the silvan Feather-gatherer (Impartial) Last on: 7h 9m 24s ago. Gender: female Age: 7h 33m 48s NH---HP:230 EP:176--- Company suicided at 11:16 06/14/06 Company the silvan Orc-target (Impartial) Departed from Arda Gender: male Age: 9m 58s Info: I love Misery |GON| HP:176 EP:180 _.-^^---....,,--_ _-- --_ < >) | | \._ _./ ```--. . , ; . --''' | | | .-=|| | |=-. `-=#$%&%$#=-' | ; :| _____.,-#%&$@%#&#~,._____ Ravage has been nuked! |GON| HP:176 EP:180 ll ravage Ravage was nuked at 18:44 06/12/06 Ravage X - Rated the eorling Specialist (Moral) Departed from Arda Gender: male Age: 7d 18h 2m 2s Info: Ends lives, Kills laughter Nuke Reason: being exide [514] ^ (OOC) Elk: hahaha [515] ^ (OOC) Toby: ooo [516] ^ (OOC) Feyd: what did Exide do? [517] ^ (OOC) Elk: he just doesn't give up, neh? [518] ^ (OOC) Idell: HURRAY [519] ^ (OOC) Esker: Oh, so he _was_ Urkharg. [520] ^ (OOC) Frod: what DIDN'T exide do? _.-^^---....,,--_ _-- --_ < >) | | \._ _./ ```--. . , ; .--''' | | | .-=|| | |=-. `-=#$%&%$#=-' | ; :| _____.,-#%&$@%#&#~,._____ Urkharg has been nuked! ^ (OOC) Rekthorne: hah hah hah ^ (OOC) Mikah: ahaha ^ (OOC) Isabella laughs ^ (OOC) Rekthorne: positively awesome nuke reason ^ (OOC) Frod loves the nuke reason! ll urkharg Urkharg was nuked at 18:44 06/12/06 Urkharg Stronghold the dwarf Knight (Heroic) Departed from Arda Gender: male Age: 5d 1h 25m 16s Info: You are flying through the air! Stronghold-Clan. Nuke Reason: I tried to wait until 10d to waste MORE of his time, but I got impatient. :( [ 11:18AM ] Mithgil: I had a dream [ 11:18AM ] Mithgil: All these people were in it [ 11:18AM ] Mithgil: And slowly the dream started converging on one thing [ 11:18AM ] Mithgil: They were all in one place [ 11:18AM ] Mithgil: Getting ready for something [ 11:18AM ] Mithgil: Some were loading this van up, others were getting ready to hike [ 11:18AM ] Mithgil: But all in the same spot [ 11:19AM ] Mithgil: And finally in the dream I'm like, wtf is going on [ 11:19AM ] Mithgil: So I start to wonder why they're all getting ready [ 11:19AM ] Mithgil: And I walk in and they're all like, 'Hey, Sky, you made it! Just in time!' [ 11:19AM ] Mithgil: And I'm like, wtf for [ 11:19AM ] Mithgil: And someone starts to explain [ 11:19AM ] Mithgil: And all of a sudden I realize [ 11:19AM ] Mithgil: I HAVE A TEST THIS MORNING [ 11:19AM ] Mithgil: And I suddenly wake up [ 11:20AM ] Fimbu: hahahaha [ 11:20AM ] Mithgil: And my alarm had went off half an hour earlier :P [848] ^ (OOC) Scat: Name another hooker NPC in the game. [849] ^ (OOC) Arawn: Esgaroth [850] ^ (OOC) Lohnin: Lady in esgaroth [851] ^ (OOC) Nox: palelia [852] ^ (OOC) Eaoden: Edna [853] ^ (OOC) Nox: ER hooker [854] ^ (OOC) Your mom. [ Chat ] Mithgil: Is Kelly in jail still? [ Chat ] Aodh: Yeah [ Chat ] Sicarius: Maybe you guys can bunk [ Chat ] Yun: He just got sent back actually [ Chat ] Mithgil: Any chance you'll end up with him? :P Your head is clearing. [ Chat ] Fimbu: Kelly? [ Chat ] Sicarius: It'll be like Boondock Saints, in Jail [ Chat ] Aodh: Naw, he's in jail in Vancouver Sicarius tells you: That's his brother. tell sicarius Ah. You tell Sicarius: Ah. You have entered a dimly lit room with a warm, home-like atmosphere. You are surrounded by dozens of comfortable cushions that are scattered across hard, wooden floorboards. A window provides the main source of light by the sun or moon, but a large wagon wheel that hangs suspended from the center of the ceiling by a heavy iron chain holds a candle at each spoke, providing a smattering of mood lighting in the evening. A tapestry hangs above a set of double doors leading southward towards the bar, another behind the spiral staircase. A message board is attached to the wall near the west exit that leads out of the tavern. To view the guild's hitlist, type 'hitlist'. You may 'sleep' in this room. The only obvious exits are south, down and west. Sicarius NeoRayne the dunlending Huornbaneii (Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobic) Pallasch NeoRayne the dunlending Deathmaster (Demonic) Aodh NeoRayne the edain Boss (Moral) A scroll containing the spell thunderstorm A brand [3] A brand (burned out) The board of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim [29 notes] A wooden ballot box ROV HP:210 EP:210| [ Chat ] Aodh: Think he's got 2 years tell sicarius Watch as I pretend to know that! You tell Sicarius: Watch as I pretend to know that! ROV HP:210 EP:210| [ Chat ] Sicarius: What did he do? [ Chat ] Aodh: Robbed a bank [ Chat ] Sicarius: Haha [ Chat ] Fimbu: Oh, Kelly like your brother [ Chat ] Fimbu: Damn, man :P [ Chat ] Aodh: Cousin :P Sicarius rolls on the floor laughing. Suddenly you have a massive headache. tell sicarius ! You tell Sicarius: ! ROV HP:210 EP:210| Sicarius tells you: Sorry! ^ (OOC) Price: how do you put the pipe in your mouth ^ (OOC) Grimscar: kneel and open wide ^ (OOC) Frosco: lol ^ (OOC) Letina: lol ^ (OOC) Gilstro: hahaha ^ (OOC) Toby: Close your eyes, baby. Azkrayel tells you: do you know how to get to pelennor from MT sp? [ SotPotUASFoR ] Akheron: arrr, NOW welcome haarr to ye clan [ SotPotUASFoR ] Akheron: Ahoy! [ SotPotUASFoR ] Ioreth: ahoy matey! [ SotPotUASFoR ] Nam: Yarr Haarr, welcome! [ SotPotUASFoR ] Haarr: YARR I've got scabies [ SotPotUASFoR ] Ioreth: arr. [ SotPotUASFoR ] Akheron: arrr... welcome... aboard then... scabies Porphyria says in Westron: I DO NOT MAKE TYPOS You say in Westron: 589 ^ (OOC) Porphyria: That doesn't make sex Arawn Porphyria says in Westron: that wasn't a typo You say in Westron: yeah Porphyria says in Westron: it was a cognitive error You say in Westron: I thought it was deliberate?:P You poke Porphyria in the tummy. Porphyria says in Westron: and... you still have that on file or something? You say in Westron: It's a tidbit Porphyria says in Westron: where?! You say in Westron: Whenver Fimbu decides he's got enough for the next Porphyria says in Westron: fine You say in Westron: You dont feature prominently enough! Porphyria says in Westron: insert this into tidbits Porphyria's RUBBERCOCK You say in Westron: I dont think Tidbits is as ...accommodating as you are You say in Westron: Im sure we could try yo fit it though Porphyria says in Westron: you'd do well to try Porphyria says in Westron: it's either tidbits or your ass Porphyria says in Westron: IT HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE [778] % Baklen: wow, I'm so inactive I forgot to wear pants [779] % Swabby: this is the IC comm baklen [ 1:37PM ] Qfm: We call it a vest :P [ 1:37PM ] Fimbu: Oh [ 1:37PM ] Greg: http://www.pocketwatchwaistcoats.co.uk/shop/images/84.jpg [ 1:37PM ] Greg: Like that. [ 1:37PM ] Greg: Well, no, we have vests too. But they aren't that. [ 1:38PM ] Fimbu: Yeah, I just call that a vest. [ 1:38PM ] Qfm: What is a vest to you, then? [ 1:38PM ] Greg: A white stringy thing. [ 1:38PM ] Greg: A bit uncouth. :p [ 1:38PM ] Fimbu: Oh, like a thong [ 1:38PM ] Fimbu: We call that a thong [ 1:38PM ] Fimbu: a 'white thong' [ 1:39PM ] Greg: No, it's worn on the chest. [ 1:39PM ] Qfm: Or a G-string. Well, they're two different things [ 1:39PM ] Fimbu: hehehehehahahahoohohoho [ 1:39PM ] Greg: No no no no no no. I'm not talking about a thong. [ 1:39PM ] Greg: Or a 'g-string'. [ 1:39PM ] Fimbu: Haha, hey greg [ 1:39PM ] Fimbu: You know when a girl bends over sometimes [ 1:39PM ] Fimbu: in low rise pants [ 1:39PM ] Fimbu: And you can see her vest? [ 1:39PM ] Greg: I know what a G-String is, you dolt. [ 1:39PM ] Fimbu: Do you think that's hot, or slutty? [ 1:39PM ] Qfm: Maybe he's talking about a tank top? [ 1:39PM ] Qfm: Like what girls wear? [ 1:40PM ] Qfm: with the spaghetti straps? [ 1:40PM ] Fimbu: Oh, yeah, could be that [ 1:40PM ] Qfm: http://www.kerrville-music.com/new_shirts/blue%20spaghetti [ 1:40PM ] Greg: http://www.posterplanet.net/brucelee/images/bruceleevest.jpg [ 1:40PM ] Qfm: dammmit [ 1:40PM ] Fimbu: Do you get nasty tan lines if you wear a vest too long out in the sun, Greg? [ 1:40PM ] Greg: There's, that's a vest you twat. [ 1:40PM ] Fimbu: vest you twat? [ 1:40PM ] Fimbu: Oh, so it is an undergarment. [ 1:41PM ] Qfm: we call that a tank top, or a wifebeater, or an a-shirt [ 1:41PM ] Greg: Ok. [ 1:41PM ] Fimbu: Yeah. A beater. [ 1:41PM ] Greg: I used to have one. [ 1:41PM ] Qfm: I have a few [ 1:41PM ] Greg: But Sophie made me throw it away. [ 1:41PM ] Fimbu: Do you wear them out in public, Q? [ 1:41PM ] Qfm: No :P [ 1:42PM ] Qfm: Well, I have one from H&M that's a bit nicer, and really it is closer to a sleeveless T (but still not quite there) than the undergarment type [ 1:42PM ] Qfm: And I've worn that one to work out [ 1:42PM ] Yun: I smoke on my deck in the morning [ 1:42PM ] Yun: wearing a beater and boxers [ 1:42PM ] Yun: my neighbours hate me [ 1:42PM ] Qfm: Classic! [ 1:42PM ] Fimbu: With your weenie peeking out? [ 1:42PM ] Qfm: haha [ Chat ] Greg: I'm not surprised. [ Chat ] Yun: Sometimes! [ Chat ] Qfm: Dinnertime [ Chat ] Warrax: say that like M.C hammer [ Chat ] Warrax: DINNERTIME! [ Chat ] Warrax: da da da DAH [ Chat ] Otoron: Can't eat this! [ Chat ] Otoron: *wears parachute pants* [ Chat ] Rami: ... [ Chat ] Rami: and you wanted to room with him Greg?! [ Chat ] Otoron: Oh, you poor de-cultured Arab. [ Chat ] Warrax: rami would sing 'PRAY' instead by m.c hammer [ Chat ] Otoron: IF ONLY YOU KNEW THE GLORY OF HAMMER [ Chat ] Otoron: hahahahaha [ Chat ] Warrax: WE GOT TO PRAY, JUST TO MAKE IT TODAY [ Chat ] Warrax: PRAY [ Chat ] Warrax: PRAAAAAAAAAAY [ Chat ] Warrax: (rami jumping around in fluorescent parachute pants) ROV HP:210 EP:137> legend warrax Warrax the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Immoral) [ Idle for 29m 52s ] On for: 1h 8m Gender: male Age: 22d 16m 6s Can be mailed: Warrax@Khamul Warrax is a member of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim. Info: The dust in your eyes (stwa) Hrafn Jugend ROV HP:210 EP:142> legend warrax Warrax the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Immoral) [ Idle for 29m 54s ] On for: 1h 8m 2s Gender: male Age: 22d 16m 6s Can be mailed: Warrax@Khamul Warrax is a member of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim. Info: The dust in your eyes (stwa) Hrafn Jugend ROV HP:210 EP:142> legend warrax Warrax the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Immoral) [ Idle for 29m 55s ] On for: 1h 8m 3s Gender: male Age: 22d 16m 6s Can be mailed: Warrax@Khamul Warrax is a member of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim. Info: The dust in your eyes (stwa) Hrafn Jugend ROV HP:210 EP:142> legend warrax Warrax the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Immoral) [ Idle for 29m 55s ] On for: 1h 8m 3s Gender: male Age: 22d 16m 6s Can be mailed: Warrax@Khamul Warrax is a member of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim. Info: The dust in your eyes (stwa) Hrafn Jugend ROV HP:210 EP:142> legend warrax Warrax the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Immoral) [ Idle for 29m 56s ] On for: 1h 8m 4s Gender: male Age: 22d 16m 6s Can be mailed: Warrax@Khamul Warrax is a member of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim. Info: The dust in your eyes (stwa) Hrafn Jugend ROV HP:210 EP:142> legend warrax Warrax the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Immoral) [ Idle for 29m 56s ] On for: 1h 8m 4s Gender: male Age: 22d 16m 6s Can be mailed: Warrax@Khamul Warrax is a member of the Fellowship of the Rimbor-Anim. Info: The dust in your eyes (stwa) Hrafn Jugend ROV HP:210 EP:142> ' LAST THING BEFORE HE IDLES OUT Warrax has idled too long. Warrax left the game. You say in Westron: LAST THING BEFORE HE IDLES OUT ROV HP:210 EP:142> ' Oh shit You say in Westron: Oh shit [ 12:13AM ] Warrax: THAT SHIT IS FUCKED YO [ 12:13AM ] Warrax: no I'll calm down [ 12:13AM ] Warrax: oh yeah I'll be calm [ 12:13AM ] Warrax: I'll just wait, and hold the grudge, oh yeah [ 12:13AM ] Warrax: I'll take it all out on them later [ 12:14AM ] Warrax: fucking chipmunks [137] ^ (OOC) Paraiko: blah, my mom is babysitting neighbor kids. If the little bastards touch my anime, heads will roll [138] ^ (OOC) Scorn: How egoist of you, Paraiko. Don't you wish to convert the new generation to the unlimited fun of tentacles? :P [139] ^ (OOC) Paraiko: can't I go to jail for that? [980] ^ (OOC) Bahir: For an example of a good petition, one that I will own up to writing, see 1811. Instead of retarded shit written by people who think they have some sort of high ground. [981] ^ (OOC) Tevildo has the high ground. That's not in question. [982] ^ (OOC) Akheron puts it in question [983] ^ (OOC) Akheron: oops [984] ^ (OOC) Akheron: how did that get in there In conclusion, we at Amusing Tidbits would indeed like to give a 'hearty' shout out to the boys down at SotPotUASFoR. Seems that are putting in a solid effort to make this game more fun, which has always been #3 on Amusing Tidbits' Secret Priorities List (right after #1, Massage Fimbu's Ego and #2, which is secret). Oh. Except for that, guy, Fimbo. I mean that's just fucking... creepy. Seriously. Get a life.