Core dies!

Posted by
Hellflame [legacy]
30 July 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Anglobin [legacy]
    05 August 2006 00:28:12

    haha orcoron is goofy :P

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    04 August 2006 20:52:41

    Quote of the day from Orcoron: 'God! Myrddin is such a fucking knob!'

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    04 August 2006 20:34:34

    Fucking moron.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    04 August 2006 19:19:23

    Exley you are a fucking moron. Nothing childish about it, its simply the truth.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    04 August 2006 18:06:28

    My god, Exley must be the most annoying thing to hit this webpage since Treyz.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    04 August 2006 17:57:56

    So Exley, what are you saying is 'When Pablo calls me a 'fucking moron', it's a tiresome, childishly tossed out insult, but when you call someone else a 'fucking amateur', it's a corteus insult tempered with intelligence and logic'. You must be a fucking moron if saying that took you so much space.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    04 August 2006 17:06:43

    Last thing I'll say on this subject, and then I think it's best if perhaps we all move on to better things.

    Pablo, here's a life lesson for you, bud: if you want any kind of credible response from me (or anyone with even a smidge of self-respect) you'll quit with the tiresome insults like 'fucking moron'. I was raised to respect and be courteous even to people I detest, but under no circumstances will I continue to bandy words with someone who so childishly tosses out insults. I'll walk away, not because you 'won' but because your words prove you to be unworthy of my time. To say these insults make you look immature is like saying kissing a man makes you look gay.

    I think you'll find more satisfaction in an argument if you refrain from the insults and rely on your wits instead. You can call me a 'fucking moron', but it doesn't make me look bad or help your stance at all. On the contrary, it reflects poorly on you, that you have to resort to such cheap tricks to get your point across because you can't come up with anything else.

    Occasionally, there is the need to throw out an insult (as evidenced in my recent argument with Sicarius, when I called him a 'fucking amatuer'), but if you temper them with intelligence and logic, you'll get better results. courteous. :P

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    04 August 2006 14:26:36

    1. If I cared about people hating me for such petty reasons, I wouldn't post here

    2. Reread former post

  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    04 August 2006 13:59:38

    Suggestion: Mryddin shutup and stop commenting on everything, everytime you do you just make people hate you more.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    04 August 2006 12:31:08

    The stop posting logs was suggested as an alternative to changing his shape trigger if he can't bear to do so, since nobody seems to like it. Other than that, I think these 'other things I've been bitching about' are all in your imagination.

    Suggestion (Lazro): stop posting. Every time you comment or post a log you look stupider.

  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    03 August 2006 22:55:37

    No it was refering to the 'stop posting logs comment' and other things you have been bitching about but I was agreeing with everyone else that the shape trigger is stupid

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    03 August 2006 13:07:19

    Funny how me being one of more than 5 people saying the shape trigger is lame becomes me 'bitching about everything' according to Lazro...right before he posts a comment just to say that the shape trigger is lame. That's almost beyond hypocrisy.

  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    03 August 2006 00:19:55

    It's what Exley said, the fucking title explains the content of the log. Core dies! refers to him killing Core, if he woulda put Core dies then I get killed and he only included him killing Core then the damn log isnt incomplete.But as I see it it's complete

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    02 August 2006 23:30:12

    Actually, it shouldn't be included. As most logs, it starts at the beginning, and ends after the target is killed. It wasn't stupid starting at low hp, he killed him. What was stupid was not knocking on the gates afterwards when he got attacked, and then dying

  • Author
    Korgan [legacy]
    02 August 2006 22:48:16

    Hellflame dying afterwards should be included, imo. It takes away from the 'glory' of this kill that he was stupid enough to start at 100 hp.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    02 August 2006 19:38:08

    you even casually disregard it was in his original log, saying editing it out is no biggie cos it wasn't important! you're either ignorant, hellflame is your friend, and/or you're a fucking moron :P

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    02 August 2006 19:37:15

    Wrong, you don't have to care what people think or say to respond to them. Let me give an example. Lets say hypothetically some dumbass says something stupid. If someone responds, maybe they care about making that idiot look stupid. Another example, lets say you're in an argument and attack someone's position. They don't care about you, it could be anyone arguing, they just care about defending that position. In this case, Pablo cares about defending his position. You can't say that he cares what Fyng says or thinks, because if it was anyone else, it would be the same. Certainly Pablo doesn't care what EVERYONE thinks or says.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    02 August 2006 19:36:39

    god you fucking moron, care does not mean that. and a log editted that removes parts which have substance which could be ie someone getting killed or any other type of interesting thing makes a log incomplete.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    02 August 2006 17:27:48

    First of all, I would like to point out that, in the grand scheme of things, arguing about this vapid shit on a logpage is pretty lame for a multitude of reasons. I fall into that category myself, seeing as how I cannot restrain myself from responding.

    That being said, you cared enough about what Fyng said to form a reply, just as I care enough about what you say to respond to it. If that means we're aruging semantics, so be it. However, if you truly didn't care, you wouldn't have said a thing. Period. End of story. Moving on.

    As for the other bit, it's not incomplete. It may be edited (few people don't edit their logs, it seems) but it's not incomplete. It starts when he first sees Core, and ends when he kills Core. The title of the log is Core Dies! What happens before or after this is irrelevant to the story this log contains.


  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    02 August 2006 03:26:55

    scarn is right, exley is wrong. i had free time and felt like pointing out what he said was full of crap. and exley i guess a log wouldn't be incomplete if you just cut it off anywhere. but this log was cut off from the original verson he posted, where he died. so yeh he edited out dieing and reposted. explain to me again how this log isn't complete. you two are dumbshits :P

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    01 August 2006 22:21:09

    Unless you are Pablo, Scarn, you can't say that with any certainty. Indeed, judging from the remarks made thus far, Pablo DOES care what Fyng thinks, seeing as how he (Pablo) cared enough to form a reponse to something Fyng thought and verbalized.

  • Author
    Scarn [legacy]
    01 August 2006 21:58:50

    Im sure Pablo really cares about what you want or think Fyng.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    01 August 2006 20:35:19

    I'd take Hellflame over a washed up, useless mouthpiece like yourself Pablo.

  • Author
    Anglobin [legacy]
    01 August 2006 16:33:29


  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    01 August 2006 16:20:38

    I don't see how it's incomplete at all. We're talking about two separate events: the death of Core, then the death of Hellflame. Why on earth would Hellflame post his own death when the purpose of this log was to prove that he killed Core? Now, if whoever killed Hellflame had attacked him while he (Hellflame) was killing Core, it would be a different story.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    01 August 2006 01:26:47

    well then leave the death in, all this is is an editted uncomplete log. if thats what you go for, then good for you. but most people aren't pathetic enough to say look how good i am! and leave out the part where they get killed 30 seconds later. but hey i guess you've always been good about bragging about retarded things you've done with your chars. so hellflame is your man then fyng.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    31 July 2006 14:41:30

    Just because he died afterwards doesn't take away from the inital kill... the death can be contributed to the risk he took in order to finish off Core.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    31 July 2006 09:40:28

    how is this a good log when he got pwned 30 seconds after it, all he did was edit a log to make himself look good by getting rid of the part where he died :P

  • Author
    Nox [legacy]
    31 July 2006 00:30:59

    core, you died by jason??? and helllame??? omg, retire! you seem to be losing your touch!

  • Author
    Core [legacy]
    30 July 2006 22:54:08

    hellflame knew i had just died by jason and that i'd probably be naked, while he had full gear.

    actually i was planning to set him up but forgot that the reagon north of harad camp is not ours... anyway, nirrab got him.

    give the guy some credit, as fyng said in the other log, he's at least trying

  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    30 July 2006 18:50:19

    Nah I wouldn't have shit myself, but that shape triggers is kinda lame and rude

  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    30 July 2006 18:49:41

    The patrol did most of the damage, and Myrddin stop bitching about everything. But that did take some balls to hunt Core at 100hp, I wouldn't have done anything but shit myself :p

  • Author
    Ronan [legacy]
    30 July 2006 18:23:23

    When someone better comes along.

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    30 July 2006 17:57:39

    Harrow, you just further strengthened my belief that your opinion is completely pointless. If people never had 'fuckups' when would they die?

  • Author
    Harrow [legacy]
    30 July 2006 16:08:49

    Haha. Hellflame, all your logs revolve around iother peopels fuckups and you just sitting at your computer typing 'hunt target' and letting your commons beat them down.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    30 July 2006 15:59:44

    Man, this was a good log, and you guys are bitching about his shape trigger, something that only affects him (except when people read his logs, I suppose) :P

    It took some nerve to start hunting him when you had 100 hp. Nice, solid kill.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    30 July 2006 15:30:54

    Nice kill.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    30 July 2006 14:31:28

    Really, HellLame, remove it:)

  • Author
    Duran [legacy]
    30 July 2006 13:46:29

    Yah thats RUDE!

  • Author
    Anglobin [legacy]
    30 July 2006 10:37:25

    That shape trigger has got to go.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    30 July 2006 10:21:16

    That means that everytime a friend or party member shapes him to see if he's ok, he calls them a bitch!

    How very rude.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    30 July 2006 10:15:35

    Have you ever asked anyone to shape you before?

  • Author
    Theron [legacy]
    30 July 2006 04:53:11

    You whine to much Myrddin.

  • Author
    Hellflame [legacy]
    30 July 2006 04:38:37

    myrddin I think I'll keep it

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    30 July 2006 04:00:06

    Post the log where you die again :P

  • Author
    Tortuga [legacy]
    30 July 2006 02:50:35

    P.S.S. of course the third choice could be to stop reading logs so we don't have to see your damn hissy fits.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    30 July 2006 02:39:38

    P.S of course the other choice could be to stop posting logs so we don't have to see the damn thing.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    30 July 2006 02:39:04

    Hellflame change your fucking shape trigger. What are you, 10 years old?