
Posted by
Nirrab [legacy]
30 July 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Right after he did core.


  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    06 August 2006 20:57:12

    Whatever, Rumsfeld.

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    06 August 2006 06:35:49

    Dalkar's a helluva describer. Good as me? Not really, but don't thumb your nose at him for being less than a demigod. I hear Fyng's are pretty nice too. Am I rambling? Hell yes. And yet, I'm far more lucid than a single one of you egotistical pricks. If you whined anymore someone would have to code pacifiers.

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    05 August 2006 16:24:00

    Orc, you can PreQC and QC all my comments from now on. Kthx.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    05 August 2006 16:12:57

    Using 'than' instead of 'then' isn't so much a spelling error as it is a grammatical error. He meant to use than, and spelled it correctly. :P

    Anyways, wow, you two Ainu should quit fighting. It's really unbecoming.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    05 August 2006 15:05:08

    If you can't handle a single post in an internet forum without making a glaring spelling mistake....

    Oh don't mind me, I just like irony!

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    05 August 2006 14:23:27

    Yes Dalkar quit the MUD because of my positive, volunteered contributions to the the game... If you can't handle rooms with descs above a grade two reading level, than I suppose your retirement will be justified.

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    05 August 2006 10:32:44

    Yet he seems to kill more skilled players than you Pallasch.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    05 August 2006 06:08:50

    You're right, because you don't even know what a huntbreak is aside from Kadar auction/legion armoury/innrooms/battlepoints.

  • Author
    Hellflame [legacy]
    05 August 2006 03:21:16

    Nox dont know shit cause I didnt try to break at the carrock dumbshit

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    03 August 2006 23:47:40

    I don't know, I think his pompous bullshit will fit in nicely among the Mussolinur.

  • Author
    Vazroth [legacy]
    03 August 2006 17:27:08

    It's funny how Fyng was allowed to immort so soon after having two characters nuked for MP violations.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    03 August 2006 14:08:29


    And I've been a fucking immortal now for 2 weeks now you tool,

    Haha :) If he gets to OL or something without getting chucked, i'm seriously not going to play any more.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    03 August 2006 13:50:05

    At any rate I appear to like using this phrase too much and am unable to edit/remove the previous post.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    03 August 2006 12:18:42

    1. Maybe he just likes kissing ass.

    2. How would you know what EQ is in our armoury?

    3. See, I can make pointless lists too!

    And I don't know what his reasons would be. Maybe he thought he could become GM of the guild. Maybe he thought he'd gain some credibility for trying to help 'clueless newbs'. Maybe he was just looking for friends because he already pulled this shit with the rest of them. At any rate I considered him a friend until such time as he spouted random unprovoked bullshit on the logpage. At any rate I hold some slight hope we might resolve our differences in a slightly more mature way, if I happen to spot him on MSN or MUD.

    But I mostly think becoming GM was what was lacking from your list.

  • Author
    Tortuga [legacy]
    03 August 2006 12:00:10

    Ok, so Fyng was (evidently) kissing Myrddin's ass for so long. Why would he?

    So he could gain entrance into the great halls of Cymbrogi?

    So he could use the tier one eq that fills your armoury?

    So he could have the company of the skillful players in the guild?

    So he could make friends with a bunch of people?

    So he could help a bunch of clueless newbies learn the game?

    The only options that seems probable to me are the last two. Though if he betrayed your guild, it doesn't seem like would 'making friends' reason wouldn't fit. This leaves the last option. If the last choice is indeed the correct choice, then I wouldn't call it 'kissing ass' but rather 'being nice.'

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    03 August 2006 11:10:16

    Fyng, you made up the name? Please, Darrick and Dalkar formed the clan called Flame of Anor long before I'd even heard of you. Our name came almost directly from theirs, along with some of the ranks. I converted it to Nar-i-Anor thanks to an online Quenya translator.

    I'd like to commend your own efforts at not using the words 'lol' or 'butthead'(which I thought odd considering I've never in my life said, typed, or otherwise that word). However some of your sentences still didn't quite make sense. I haven't seen this less than transparent theme involving King Arthur that you supposedly wrote for us, but I think the charter we have now will suit fine. That being the charter I wrote entirely myself, with minimal input from yourself. In fact, the only thing you contributed to the charter were the last 6 words. The rest came from my copy of the Silmarillion, with a little input from Carver, whose thematic perspective I valued. The basic theme was also my idea, built from when I saw Anglachel in the index of my book, the original Cymbrogi theme (which had nothing to do with King Arthur other than the name) and the name of Flame of Anor. Beyond those six words, you contributed one emote to the guildweapon (a nice emote, I won't deny). As for helping us clueless newbs, well...I'm afraid you taught me nothing (other than the start of the Aiglos quest) beyond the personal lesson of not to trust someone well known for switching between asses to kiss (you'll have to face the fact that you certainly did kiss my ass, with logs and comments to show, some day). Certainly you did teach some of our members things and places such as Mordor, but that is of little meaning in the long run. And yes, the guild is renowned for being less than great at this game (clueless newbs, perhaps) but I am proud of the fact that I have been able to raise, maintain, and teach this group of clueless newbs attributes such as loyalty and friendship. I only hope that one day you'll find someone to teach you the same.

    P.S Amearn, the response was always going to come. Sorry you had to wait until I got back from RL stuff and on to MUD. But that story has never really got a heated response from me and probably won't. It's actually even funny to me in its own ironic little way.

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    03 August 2006 03:59:04

    'Right after he did core'

    Was it consensual?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    02 August 2006 17:18:46

    Good laugh at that, since you have no story apparently

  • Author
    Amearn [legacy]
    02 August 2006 16:33:07

    Here, I will comment here so that we get a big response out of Myrddin. Everyone who needs a laugh just 'story amearn' its funny shit. Hellflame is a better player than Myrddin, end of story.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    31 July 2006 20:14:25

    King Arthur? lol

  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    31 July 2006 14:45:59

    Myrddin, what in god's name are you talking about. If you truly believe what you posted, and didn't just post it to defend yourself because you know I'm right, then I mourn your recent brain damage.

    Me teaching members of your worthless guild (which I made up the name for, and essayed to give you a less than transparent theme involving King Arthur, so hasty to discredit someone who pitied you!) how to play, and donating time and effort had nothing to do with you, it was completely self-serving behaviour. I was sick of the rest of the MUD and enjoyed helping complete clueless newbs, like yourself.

    And I've been a fucking immortal now for 2 weeks now you tool, I'm not trying to get into any god damn guild. Good effort, I commend your attempt to look semi-capable of a self defense lacking the words 'lol', and 'butthead'.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    31 July 2006 10:40:41

    Oh you wanker:P

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    31 July 2006 10:01:21

    Fyng, it saddens me that you would attempt to discredit me like this with your lips only recently removed from my ass. Funny how much someone's opinions can change when they are trying to get their alt into the pants of a servant guild (none of whom seem to want anything to do with them). Especially when that person's mostly incapable of separating between alts.

    Up to this point I'd considered you a friend, but I see now that you are worthless as a person. But please don't try to say somebody contributes more than somebody else to the MUD (unless you're comparing an immortal or someone who donates to others). Perhaps (almost certainly) Hellflame contributes more to this logpage than I do. This may be due to the fact that I can't log in colour, or to the fact that I'm not really a PvP player. But you certainly have no right, nor form of measurement, to judge somebody's contribution to the MUD.

  • Author
    Ronan [legacy]
    31 July 2006 07:01:17

    i expreess myself like i'm 10 years younger and proud of the fact because it's what the logpage's about less ya'll forgot, third comment, color me sffsssomosemaslkfalskfalskfalksfasl, halabeedededdididididididi ddadadaddi =?!'?ORa+rapsfl58qwr

  • Author
    Ronan [legacy]
    31 July 2006 07:00:00

    hellflame sucks donkey balls too

  • Author
    Ronan [legacy]
    31 July 2006 06:59:10

    Who the fuck you prude fags commenting on the logpage, i Know you like to play pretend like you're a high-roller Nox but less you got something to show for on the game you're just another one of those Myrddin and co no-stakes cocksuckers ==))))) l9lolololooloololo beeyoooootch

  • Author
    Nox [legacy]
    31 July 2006 00:39:03

    he tried to brak at carrock =/ bad idea

  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    30 July 2006 20:08:45

    The description sounds kinda perverted though :p

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    30 July 2006 17:59:45

    Fyng has a valid point. People bash those who are still around to have some fun and make the game something...whatever that 'something' is...

  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    30 July 2006 15:41:41


  • Author
    Fyng [legacy]
    30 July 2006 15:33:33

    Myrddin, despite the fact that most people dislike Hellflame and would agree he's not very skilled, we'd ALL agree he contributes more to the MUD than you do with your constant moaning and lack of success in any area other than golding for the Cymbrogi vault.

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    30 July 2006 12:21:54

    2knock on gates

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    30 July 2006 11:28:37

    Haha, he never heard of knocking on gates?

  • Author
    Anglobin [legacy]
    30 July 2006 10:39:38

    Damn, right at the gates. Almost got away! :P