Sacrifice at the Altar

Posted by
Altar [legacy]
11 August 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Reorx, Hiningrod and Armath leave their lives in the land of the shadows.


  • Author
    Core [legacy]
    19 August 2006 20:05:46

    awesome log


    Shardik owns you.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    16 August 2006 00:14:00

    I don't read or rate too many of these any more, but this was fun. Too bad to the fellas who died, and kudos to Shardik for making sure it wasn't a COMPLETE waste. :)

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    13 August 2006 02:34:33

    it works fine 'to' me too...

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 21:26:33

    works fine to me!

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    12 August 2006 21:03:45

    Haha. Yeah, only - no one has!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    12 August 2006 20:37:30

    Someone who's not a whiny, immature brat can answer me instead.

  • Author
    Guruk [legacy]
    12 August 2006 20:35:33

    Too bad your an ass to everyone, or someone might care.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    12 August 2006 19:59:29

    Is there something wrong with the mud? Because I can't connect.

  • Author
    Estraven [legacy]
    12 August 2006 18:09:01

    I like the log with Altar dying btw... not cause he's ER but cause it's more drama, if he killed em all - meh

  • Author
    Estraven [legacy]
    12 August 2006 18:05:48

    why would you like them to stfu Charr? this was broadway stuff!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    12 August 2006 12:31:15

    You don't have to make the mapper, just use the ZMud one (I use MUSH so I can't :P) It still moves you around at the click of a button, and all most people would do is map all the rooms with a throwaway alt, or get somebody to send the maps etc.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    12 August 2006 11:54:11

    Feyd, don't be bitter:)

    I tried making a mapper - I couldn't. It takes ALOT of work, so I respect the people who have created such things.

    On the other hand, the mapper is really no great help if you are not good. Even if you are good, I would prefer to play without a mapper, save some rare cases when you're not sure if you're being lead to a trap. The sheer outpowering of the people who want to set you up is better than a mapper to take you back I think:)

    Awesome job, Shardik:) Did it like a samurai:P

  • Author
    Feyd [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:56:58

    And you forbid the usage of bots... If you call this a mud client....

    Good luck playing, new ones.

    Altar, good job. But you could do it with the same success without 300 scripted shits and with a simple alias or two.

    It sucks that the new mud generation does a lot of cool shit, but they never care about style.

  • Author
    Charr [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:24:49

    Man, Stfu both of ya :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:22:35

    I would love to spend 100 or more comments arguing pointlessly, but I don't think it will get as anywhere as I fail to keep up with you or something. So, good day for you.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:22:05

    and there is very little difference between calling you names and you trying to be a witty smart ass, especially when you fall very short at doing it. :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:20:42

    uh no again? i compared in the same way you did this log, you said the 3 kills altar did were solo, as i did in my example to the one person on the way to the lock up. then you said the 4th wouldn't be, as i compared it to my example as the rest of the people following into the lock up getting banged. sounds simple enough to understand to me unless you're dieing to find something to pick at because you don't have anything to justify the bullshit you're spewing from your mouth,

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:17:30

    Well since you asked.. it is rather hard to understand your comments when you lack consistency, punctuation, paragraphing and half of it is calling me names. Shortly, you are babbling.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:15:49

    fucking dumb bitch :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:14:57

    uh yes? first comment saying this log would lose its good qualities, then the second comment giving an example of how everyone would say that wasn't a good log when it wasn't solo? and how did i contrast myself again? paste and read at least.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:13:34

    but wah wah! all you could do was critize my 4 comments and not read them *tear* :(

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:13:20

    Praising how he did it solo and saying it would be ruined if he used Athrun's assistance:

    Date: 12. Aug, 2006, 9:34:55 By: Pablo

    if athrun was there to finish the job he and athrun would have taken them all without dieing, and then this log would lose half of its 'good log' qualities by him not doing it alone.

    Saying the exact opposite:

    Date: 12. Aug, 2006, 9:53:52 By: Pablo

    uh i guess you can nick pick things all you want, but if you're running to a lockup and someone dies by a freak accident, then you killed the rest with people in a lock up. i fail to see how you'd glorify the solo then say the rest wasn't great because the other people got banged.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:09:08

    how did i contrast myself, i gave examples of it not being solo taking away from a log.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 August 2006 10:06:10

    Dude, wtf. Four comments and all you have done is contrasting yourself.

    You were the one saying Athrun coming to finish them would ruin its qualities of being done alone and I just pointed out that assistance on the death of the fourth wouldn't change the fact that the three were killed by him.

    I'm not praising anything, if you check my first comment you would realize that I was saying he would have lived if Athrun had done his job properly.

    I guess if your brain could keep up with your mouth you wouldn't have to break it to 4 posts, so I'll excuse you.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 09:58:27

    needless to say, glass shards is a huntbreak when fighting altar, because he has a client trigger to hunt off. yeh thats kinda great work on him if someone tried it and he hunted off because of his mad skillz right, oh awesome jaron? :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 09:56:20

    so explain to me the greatness of a solo when you're waiting for someone to enter to hit aliases and thats it? where is the 'greatness' in a glass shards log or this? isn't it the same client crap? or are you just happy because frs died like you were so eager to jump on an er dying made it look good to frs. if you want to look at things from an unbiased point of view then you should praise all those other bullshit logs like mt glass :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 09:54:30

    and everyone can jump off a hill with client aliases to do so :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 09:53:52

    uh i guess you can nick pick things all you want, but if you're running to a lockup and someone dies by a freak accident, then you killed the rest with people in a lock up. i fail to see how you'd glorify the solo then say the rest wasn't great because the other people got banged.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 August 2006 09:51:35

    Because he would still have done the 3 alone with Athrun only finishing the 4th? So all he did solo in the start needs to be discredited just because he got help in the 4th to do it properly?

    Chances were he could have died on that fall with the hunters living, good planning would be having someone down there to ensure success, anyone can jump off a hill.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 09:51:17

    let me rephrase, whiney little bitch :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 09:46:33

    what does that have anything to do with it being a solo log to a not solo log? :P fucking er/fr whiner :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 August 2006 09:43:19

    Yeah, I guess it would suck without an ER dying in it.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 August 2006 09:34:55

    if athrun was there to finish the job he and athrun would have taken them all without dieing, and then this log would lose half of its 'good log' qualities by him not doing it alone.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 August 2006 08:31:15

    If Athrun was there to finish the job, he would have taken all of them without dying.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    12 August 2006 06:31:03

    Except for Altar, no apology for you!

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    12 August 2006 06:30:15

    I was at 50hp after the fall, and it didn't really matter to me if anyone else was waiting, I was sure as hell not going to let Altar get away after that, no matter who may have been waiting. It was stupid of me to hunt him in the first place, everyone knows it's impossible to pk an ER in Mordor, unless they seriously fuck up. Nice play by Altar, and apologies to those whose lives were lost by my recklessness.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    12 August 2006 03:47:09

    Seemed pretty successful to me. This is something you don't do if you aren't willing to die, and he took 3 out of 4 of them. If he was smart though, he would have drank the rest of that flask before he hit the ground.

  • Author
    Septienna [legacy]
    12 August 2006 02:34:32

    I'm guessing Altar's plan didn't work out because Athrun didn't know what he was doing, other than that good one.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    12 August 2006 01:34:31

    I also found Shardik finishing the job the best part of this log. In the end Altar's plan didn't really work, it was Shardik who came off the best (with Altar 2nd and all the others who died and lost their EQ last).

  • Author
    Boinus [legacy]
    12 August 2006 00:13:04

    No matter what Charr says it really wasn't that special if Altar's client got him killed! :P

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    11 August 2006 23:32:52

    I'll ask the same to you, Charr: what was so special about what Altar's client did for him?

  • Author
    Boinus [legacy]
    11 August 2006 23:22:13

    Shardik's HP couldn't have been much higher than Altar's. He just stuck with it and got the job done. For all Shardik knew there was going to be someone like Athrun there to finish him off and he could have just camoed out like some pansy.

  • Author
    Korgan [legacy]
    11 August 2006 23:15:59

    Because some panzies would be running like hell at the HP that Shardik was at, but he stayed on his target and hoped for the best.

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    11 August 2006 23:08:51

    Adoni admires Shardik.

  • Author
    Charr [legacy]
    11 August 2006 23:00:29

    It DOES take a while to fall... So my first thought would be to hit my healing as I do, and then hope for the best.

    I don't really see why what Shardik did is anything special?

    I mean, it's like a normal reaction :P

    But fine! If you want to admire him, do so. I'm not gonna argue.

  • Author
    Boinus [legacy]
    11 August 2006 22:56:43

    Charr: It was well done of Shardik to be on his toes and keep his HP high enough and then hunt down and finish off Altar in the end :D

  • Author
    Charr [legacy]
    11 August 2006 22:41:34

    Why both sides, Boinus?

    And yea, great log.

    I hate your prompt, though, Altar :P

  • Author
    Boinus [legacy]
    11 August 2006 22:35:36

    One of the more entertaining things I have ever seen. Well done to both sides.

  • Author
    Korgan [legacy]
    11 August 2006 22:06:56

    Nice log, and a good job to Shardik for finishing the job afterwards.

  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    11 August 2006 22:05:40


  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    11 August 2006 20:56:58

    Haha, awesome log.

  • Author
    Reorx [legacy]
    11 August 2006 20:45:34

    A base-jumping parachute (worn) <--- Shouldn't have forgotten this at the GH.

    Good kills, Altar.

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    11 August 2006 20:25:17


    Great log, even though it was my friends that died, my hat is off to Altar for trying something like this. Takes balls, and besides the death and shardik getting away, i think it was very well executed. Was also fun to read, wasn't one of the usual, bastab, hunt till they die.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    11 August 2006 19:46:59

    What was Athrun doing? I thought he would be waiting below to ensure none of them survived to finish you off? Or was he just looting?