Gazza dies.

Posted by
Gangrel [legacy]
17 December 2001 00:00:00
Player Kill

I go ahead and sacrifice myself for Gazza and the whip!


  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    21 December 2001 22:14:31

    We 'got' lotraz saying stuff?

    What, like I ask Lotraz 'hey, go say this on the comment board'?

    Lotraz isn't even Durm, why would it matter what HE says about the war?

    Do you think I control what my members say on the comment board? Or anywhere else?

    There's only one person you need to listen to, Variel, and thats me, and Manni.

    Rims and Durms can talk shit to each other all day long, I don't really care. Its what I say that counts, though.

    And if you want, I can pull up some of the people involved in the 'war' fighting with Rimsilval.

    I'll post it when I get home tonight.

  • Author
    Delgaur [legacy]
    21 December 2001 18:35:23

    Variel, man, come on, we've been friends and allies for a while, but your guild is in a war, and all you do is sit in the guild, get out there, do some stuff, and help your guild out!

  • Author
    Variel [legacy]
    21 December 2001 14:15:41

    Lotraz, you spent a whole post complaining about people listening to me in this

    thread. But I haven?t even posted in this thread, till now. Are you hallucinating?


    While Durms were killing random non-contracted moral guildmembers

    I was spending 3 months on holiday in Europe.

    Guess Lotraz didn?t think that one through before criticising me for

    not aiding the moral guilds sooner.

    And to reply to either Klouse or Gangrel....

    You?re complaining about Rimsilval ?using other guilds? because we have

    two Beornings in our halls.

    I?d like to point out the obvious, again, by stating that these guilds are killing

    your members in reprisals for Your actions. Before Rimsilval even got involved.

    Before you even started attacking random non-contracted members of my hall.

    You?re complaining that more than one guild is attacking your members.

    Well, why did you attack more than one guild?

    Besides, Durms have used CoU and SoU and even a former FRA in their

    gangbangs. You?re not exactly fighting on your own.

    And why did you even count Glorglas?

    Durms, you guys need to work on your contradictions.

    You got Lotraz bragging about pkilling all moral guilds and complaining that Rims didn't get

    involved sooner, then you got Klouse and Gangrel complaining that non Rims are

    involved at all.

    It?s insane.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    19 December 2001 15:20:30

    *grins bloodily* and I like defying power.When my enemy is more powerful, it only sharpens my lust to fight;)

    To anon: Gangrel did not sacrifice himself to get the whip.I mean - where was his guarantee that I would not have it triggered to loot his corpse instead of my anti-disarm trigger?Or Soltan?Or Truffles?It was his luck noone looted the whip.Gangrel just got killed, that's all.

  • Author
    Korzan [legacy]
    19 December 2001 04:29:37

    And the moral of the story is, don't fuck with a guild thats a lot more powerful than yours.

    As soon as we get some apologies and reimbursements, and I can get my balls scratched, we can end this war. Remember, you started this war.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    19 December 2001 04:24:57

    'Durmanhoth vs 5 guilds' is a little misleading, since you guys as one guild based on pkilling have about as many active pkillers as all of us do put together. There's like 1-2 people from each guild listed, and 5 or so from Rimsilval. But you just keep distorting the hell out of the figures, you're doing a good job!

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    19 December 2001 01:21:04

    uh, Glorglas is a guild? I thought it was a club or somethin

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    19 December 2001 01:01:41

    Gazza, in my legend it states Rimsilval and 4 guilds, I was telling him the other guilds besides Rimsilval you idiot

  • Author
    Gazza [legacy]
    18 December 2001 23:25:01

    'Ruiniel: Let me break down the 4 guilds for you.

    Rimsilval, BKD, VC, Beornings, and Glorglas. '

    - Erm, is it just me? Or can Klouse not count? :p I bet he used his fingers to count them, too!

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 22:41:27

    Yes, these guilds have killed Durmanhoth members.Should we say all kills before the war were a part of it too?Or the world revolves around Durmanhoth?If you create problems, they do not disappear when you create another one.

  • Author
    Klouse [legacy]
    18 December 2001 17:05:16

    Ruiniel: Let me break down the 4 guilds for you.

    Rimsilval, BKD, VC, Beornings, and Glorglas.

    Is that enough for you? All have helped in pk's

    against Durmanhoth.

  • Author
    Armada [legacy]
    18 December 2001 15:44:45

    Nothing wrong with a highschool mouth, damnit :P

  • Author
    Wally [legacy]
    18 December 2001 14:41:39

    In response to Wise's question about the VC and SoU never having an RP war. Well, basically

    Adunazon and I had set one up with a time, place, and theme several months ago. It was very

    well thought out, and to be held on a saturday evening, approximately 1700 or 1800 hours mudtime

    both guilds, as far as I understood, spent a lot of time preparing for this, and it was going to be

    a fun venture between an evil guild and a moral guild. However, when the time rolled around, not

    a single SoU was online, so, I couldn't really rally the troops to fight the war without an enemy

    I doubt I'll be posting again, but, I figured that was a question that could use an answer


  • Author
    Leander [legacy]
    18 December 2001 13:38:36

    hmm Soltan when i was at the lowest point in this pk i had <HP:184 EP:58> had a full flask in my hand and was able to drink it...if foxxx not had fled we could have taken both you and guys couldn?t devour any more food after all those pastries and sips you just be glad that you made it.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    18 December 2001 13:23:41

    Hey, what's the big deal here?

    Why is it, that everyone listens to hypocrit Variel anyways?

    I mean, Durms has picked on all the moral guilds for a long time, and the moral guilds has killed back a few times. That is, all moral guilds - except Rimsilval. Suddenly two Rimsilval idiots gets banged in Mordor ... and then there is war?

    Woo... let's call in favours from other guilds and organize a huge war. Why didn't Variel do this as his supposed allies got killed? Why not react until his own scum gets it?

    Let me tell you a story. I attempted Wasach from the KoDA earlier. (And yeah, he wooped my ass and I fled). Now imagine this, I get a tell from Variel where he seems very displeased with me killing KoDA... why the hell should he care?

    Later on I run to Linhir to kill some there ... guess who I find killing there and fending off some KoDA: The Rimsilval Gazza!

    Variel ... uhm... what's your catch?

    Now that Meglivornth is about to get fixed and become a solid thematic guild, it might be time to work on Rimsilval, eh?

    C'mon, a bunch of knowledgeseekers that argues for their theme by referering to a european medival knighthood? Thats as absurd as a bunch of mercenaries that kills Saurons and Gondors forces and cares about nothing but themself.

  • Author
    Soltan [legacy]
    18 December 2001 10:10:41

    This was a nice PK on both sides. If you notice though Leander and Foxxx had low hp, so IF we had hunted both of them, they might have died. That would have been cool :P But, oh well, we had to settle for Gangrel...

  • Author
    Wise [legacy]
    18 December 2001 07:34:11

    Ruiniel's quote: 'What would you do if there was a war between the VC and the SoU?'

    A little bit explanation please? I have been waiting for a war with 'real' moral guilds for ages.

    And we used to propose some kind of RP war with the VC, but I don't know why it is turned down.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 01:40:21

    Where the hell did you see 4 guilds?Or may be there are even more - the KoDA don't like you too, you kill them, so they are rimmies too?It is only Leto and me who have joined the Rimsilval.Are we the whole Beorning guild?Who told you there were BKD members too?Zinedin has been helping us (Ave Juve:P), yes - but I remember him helping me even before the war had started.And I remember you killing BKD members.Where have you seen VCs too?I mean, Woden is in for every kill, yes - but this has been so for ages.Nothing has changed.Or now when you have trouble with the rimmies the rest should leave you alone or be counted as rimmies too?On the other hand - aren't other people helping you?Was Julius a durm before the war?What would you do if there was a war between the VC and the SoU?

    The rimmies are our friends.And you have not stopped murdering people from the 'moral' guilds.This has its results now.

    The Soviet union and USA were allies in the WW2, right?

    And I like the way you count the victims too.Like 1 point for us for every 4 kills (counting deaths of members of other guilds ,who have nothing to do with rimsilval, before the start of the war too/otherwise i don't see how you will get over 30 kills/).We made a summary and it turned out that the result was like 17:19 or something for you since the start of the war.

    PS: This is from a song of Manowar:

    'If there's a fight, I'll be there, I'll be there...'

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    18 December 2001 01:29:54

    Lmao at Anton's comment. Its not like Gangrel expected anyone to believe that he would sacrifice himself for the whip. (at least i dont think?) Regardless, the idea of Gangrel writing a book entitled 'Selfless acts of wonder' is so ludicrous its hilarious.

  • Author
    Gangrel [legacy]
    18 December 2001 00:59:36

    Anton all I have to say is shut the fuck up, you are getting your ass stomped, period. You need help from 4 other guilds to kill before you go and start running your little high school mouth...I suggest you learn how to fight a war yourself before you bring 4 guilds into it. I don't mind more people to kill, just makes you look bad.

  • Author
    Tarn [legacy]
    18 December 2001 00:12:14

    Tarn begins to worship Gangrel just to spite Anton.

  • Author
    Anton [legacy]
    17 December 2001 23:57:18

    Let me just say, *ROTFL*. It was a smooth pkill, but fucking come on Gangrel. 'I go ahead and sacrifice myself for...?' Oh you sacrificial zealot you! You're so brave and wonderful. All the little Gangrel worshippers should bow down before the selfless wonder that is Gangrel. My advice to Raqtor goes to you: Do anybody who has ever had to listen to you a favor. Write a book, call it 'Selfless Acts of Wonder,' and fill it with odes and tributes to the wonder that is Gangrel.

  • Author
    Ruiniel [legacy]
    17 December 2001 23:18:34

    It woulda been kinda hard for him to leave:P

  • Author
    Fimbu [legacy]
    17 December 2001 23:11:37

    Sacrifice is an interesting way to put it Gangrel. He had already died. You should have left _before_ you went into negative hp. ;)

  • Author
    Kairn [legacy]
    17 December 2001 23:07:20

    Nice to see you Dormin. Cause your later alts were a bunch of bitches. But you were cool as Dormin.

  • Author
    Duniv [legacy]
    17 December 2001 23:04:05

    Actually, I think Dormin is just illiterate. The logs are similar, but they aren't the same. Now, sing with me, 'One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong...'

  • Author
    Barazbund [legacy]
    17 December 2001 22:51:37

    Good log. This hasnt been posted before. Dormin's having a homophobic day apparently.

  • Author
    Dormin [legacy]
    17 December 2001 22:30:34

    Same log posted what? 4 times. You guys are just trying to prove how gay your playerkills are?