Alexa jackpot

Posted by
Ecidon [legacy]
25 August 2006 00:00:00

Esteban tells you: yes i multiplay,any objection?


  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    29 August 2006 19:21:18

    It's called character seperation.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    29 August 2006 01:31:07

    Hey thats mp! I got a wanrning for putting all dh alts on hitlist with the tag, if they mp then we do!

  • Author
    Nox [legacy]
    27 August 2006 20:45:16

    new] Date: 27. Aug, 2006, 9:47:52 By: Pallasch

    I know at least one of Nox's alts!

    haha! you don't! cause if you knew one you would know all the others, since there's no secret on them!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    27 August 2006 09:47:52

    I know at least one of Nox's alts!

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    27 August 2006 08:49:55

    Nuke Charr then :)

  • Author
    Charr [legacy]
    27 August 2006 08:16:34

    ..I dont care. I just want to see someone nuked :(

  • Author
    Nox [legacy]
    27 August 2006 07:55:30

    [new] Date: 26. Aug, 2006, 10:10:20 By: Gaul

    If I had an alt, I wouldn't tell anybody who it was. Then I could do what I want without people crying like babies and threatening my other characters.

    Agreed. That's the main reason of my existence!

    people!! play separate alts!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    27 August 2006 05:28:52

    I think Ecidon's blocking me for my comments addressed to Guruk as a different player proves he knows nothing about either MUD multiplaying rules or this sites own rules.

  • Author
    Altar [legacy]
    27 August 2006 03:17:00

    So I re-read the rules after seeing this log, and I do not see how it is multiplaying for Esteban.

    Valinor (and the mud) has long since accepted that you are culpable for the actions of all your characters.

    In fact, if Ecidon uses the same persona to play his GV alt as he does on Ecidon (which he likely does, since Esteban readily knows the two are the same person) then he, not Esteban, would be the multiplayer.

    Anyways, I'd call Ecidon a whiny vagina about this if he actually cared about multiplaying. But i'm sure he is just doing his thing. In fact, i thought this log was pretty funny.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    27 August 2006 01:03:56

    You don't have to be serious to have fun but it can be fun to be serious :)

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    27 August 2006 00:58:12

    Obviously I was in GV just for fun :p The point is that of course you can boot someone for suspicion of being a spy or inactivity after their alt hurts you. But when you're ADMITTING you're booting them because of what your alt just did to you - that is mp, go ahead and ask an ainu. It's very easy to get away with it - just don't say 'I'm booting you cos your alt did me in' - and you're good to go. But when you say it with those exact words like Esteban did - it's mp alright.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    26 August 2006 23:02:14

    And how are you gonna have real fun if your not serious about having fun?:P

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    26 August 2006 22:07:09

    For fun!

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    26 August 2006 22:01:59

    If you don't take something seriously, why do it in the first place?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    26 August 2006 21:29:42

    Exactly what Jaron said; don't intentionally fuck with your alts guild and you'll never have to worry.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    26 August 2006 20:19:40

    Therefore, you should either avoid taking the game too seriously (and hope neither your buddies do) and actually separate your characters to an extent, which is, while not going out of your way to harm your alt's friends, you wouldn't hesitate to do so if they get in your/your group's way and hope that they understand.

    Or only have chars in allied guilds/entities I guess. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a middle way.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    26 August 2006 20:14:34

    I suppose yeah, but if one is so loyal, that person should be avoid having characters in multiple guilds and entities, especially if those conflict constantly (ER/FR) because it would not take long before the said person has to make a choice and ultimately betray the others for his priority choice.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    26 August 2006 19:52:50

    If a players harms a guild member who is his/her mate with another alt,the guild member who got harmed starts to think if he is spying or not... This is my opinion and whoever calls this as MP,yes i think in this way...

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    26 August 2006 19:47:10

    Aye Berz, why anybody would invite in a guy who gets his jollies solely from being sociopathically caustic to other people is beyond me, haven't seen him do much else.

  • Author
    Hart [legacy]
    26 August 2006 19:00:03

    I agree with Winnetou and Berzelius. Gotta do what is best for your guild, and if that member doesn't give the slightest shit about being a member, then he doesn't need to be a member. Same typist or not, that attitude is undesirable.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 August 2006 16:16:48

    Somewhere, in some help file, it is written that if people know your alts and they playerkill them it is your own fault and that you should keep them to yourself if you don't want that to happen.

    Make an analogy about the booting.

    If I was a GM I would expect 100% loyalty from the members of my guild. And If I find that one of them cares so little about it as displayed in this log and in Nyx's example, hell, I'd expel that bastard and hitlist him.

    Anybody who reasons in another way doesn't deserve to be a GM.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    26 August 2006 15:13:19

    Ecidon the one time you stole that sword from me, you returned it in exchange for me not reporting. So who's lying to believe themself?

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    26 August 2006 14:22:20

    Big deal on Esteban's part - returned Ecidon's ass-a-holic tell with a similarly inflamatory remark, then made a joke while angry. Damn, he sure as hell deserves to be nuked for that one! Why anyone would house a player who has trust issues, and derives enjoyment from the game solely through taking advantage of others, is beyond me... The removal of Ecidon's alt from GV due to his actions on Ecidon is a moot point; valid grounds of dismisal can be found simply by acknowledging his typist's attitude towards the MUD in general.

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    26 August 2006 14:16:16

    Myrddin I have stolen that weapon numerous of times from you and your guildmates, it's the same whine each time. You lie so you belive yourself ;-)

  • Author
    Charr [legacy]
    26 August 2006 13:38:39

    But Draugnar is weapon you buy at reboot, to quest uniques etc.

    Which is why it is a good thing to have early...

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    26 August 2006 13:11:24

    or he could barehand quest a blem and do better with that. Draugnar is no loss, the extra time it would take to get a better weapon would barely be equivalent the the 300 profit he made.

  • Author
    Charr [legacy]
    26 August 2006 13:06:52

    You earned 300 from losing the sword.

    You could've earned at least 3000 gold from using the sword. ( Depending on situations, etc. of course. ) But yea.

    Good thing you're happy, Esteban! :)

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    26 August 2006 12:20:32

    plus i am happy after this theft cuz i paid 400 gold for Draugnar but got 700 gold from report :)

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    26 August 2006 12:17:50

    Gv is a family and i dont think Ecidon can take a part of it,thats all... and people who thinks i cry like a baby,i still see this mud as a game not a real life...Who bothers himself/herself to cry for a god damn mud weapon?

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    26 August 2006 11:27:27

    Maybe we should take Esteban's advice and start treating his alts depending on his actions on Esteban. Oh yes, that would be fun.

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    26 August 2006 10:11:46

    That's right Tlaloc. Down with alts! (Except for testchars, because they're so much fun.)

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    26 August 2006 10:10:20

    If I had an alt, I wouldn't tell anybody who it was. Then I could do what I want without people crying like babies and threatening my other characters.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    26 August 2006 10:01:41

    Well, if I had an alt in GV I wouldn't touch GVs with any of my chars.:P That's why I don't have alts anywhere;)

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    26 August 2006 08:21:18

    It is multiplaying to treat a character differently than you treated them before because their alt did something to you. Booting someone from a guild out of the blue is a pretty damn obvious way of treating someone differently. Especially when you're not even trying to hide the fact that the reason you're gonna boot them for is not because they weren't contributing but because their alt just stole from you.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    26 August 2006 07:51:30

    Its just a fact that most people don't seperate their characters at all. If a guild you're a member of finds out that you work against them with your alt/alts, then its going to be in their best interest to kick you out of the guild, unless they know you really well or you contribute a lot to their guild. Its that simple. That being said, he's right, this isn't multiplaying. If Esteban was on with a different character and got stolen from, and then had Ecidon's alt removed from GV with his own GV alt for that; then it would be multiplaying. Does it say anywhere that its illegal to not seperate other people's characters? If so, then maybe its punishable, but its still not really multiplaying. And it pretty much happens to everybody all of the time if their alts are known.

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    26 August 2006 06:00:11

    I think it would be appropriate to comment here that I had an alt in GV which was removed because I killed a GV app while they were attempting to retake a battlepoint. I probably still have Grimscar's tells logged somewhere.

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    26 August 2006 05:10:58

    Winnetou would know.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    26 August 2006 03:58:06

    thats not mping

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    26 August 2006 03:22:04

    This log makes me happy. Sort of. Well, not really. But I laughed.

  • Author
    Lazro [legacy]
    26 August 2006 01:31:41


  • Author
    Altar [legacy]
    26 August 2006 01:10:21

    If you dont want reciprocation on your alts, dont let anyone know who your alts are. You cant pick and choose who you want to know.. because.. lets face it! Stuff gets out!

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    26 August 2006 01:04:52

    Sometimes you say HAHA to get rid of conversation,dont you? i do...

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    26 August 2006 01:04:19

    ok i am son of hitler,also madonna is my daughter and bush is my uncle...

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 August 2006 00:07:31


  • Author
    Charr [legacy]
    25 August 2006 23:15:22

    Esteban tells you: yes i multiplay,any objection?

    -Haha, nuke it!

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    25 August 2006 22:51:33

    Esteban told me once that he does multiplay!

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    25 August 2006 22:44:07

    I dont multiplay and plus this log is edited,poor Ecidon cant do awesome steals nowaday so posts shit logs...

  • Author
    Scat [legacy]
    25 August 2006 22:30:43

    At least he's honest about it.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    25 August 2006 22:25:47

    as you wish...

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    25 August 2006 22:24:16

    law view 1053

    Report #: 1053

    Title: Esteban multiplays

    Submitted by: Ecidon

    Submitted: 08/25/06 16:04 (1m 53s ago)

    Last updated: 08/25/06 16:04



    [15:51] Esteban told you: return the sword before i report you

    [15:52] Esteban told you: return sword

    [15:52] You told Esteban: Go screw me, once, twice, or as many times you

    possible want. Like I'd give a fuck.

    [15:52] Esteban told you: ur alt in GV will be removed...

    [15:53] You told Esteban: That's multiplaying, but thank you very much.

    [15:53] Esteban told you: yes i multiplay,any objection?


    Comments on this law report:

    08/25/06 16:04: Submitted for discussion by Ecidon.

    So is this!

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    25 August 2006 22:22:50

    This log is edited