
Posted by
Jason [legacy]
02 September 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill


  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    05 September 2006 23:24:55

    I always gold in Moria and Khamul's Camp and I don't get too low for my own good. You know you can get attack so used common sense: 1-dont get to low in there 2-dont go on when there's a shitload of ER hunters on that are pkers

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    03 September 2006 14:18:39

    Some people should just move their asses and code good golding spots instead of pretending they have any idea about balance, playability and how things should be in general.

    1. It does confront theme to have a moral war camp.

    2. It does ruin playability not to have good safe golding spots.

    You can figure out alone how we can get out of this situation.

    It's as simple as that:

    - You make the golding spots debatable =>

    1. You get more PvP interaction

    2. The skill involved in this interaction drops down to opportunistic random attacks (As illustrated in this log. The guy didn't even have an idea how to set a hunting trigger. Is this the PvP interaction we all want??)

    3. People have to chose between RL (work for example) and the MUD because they expect attacks any moment. =>

    4. People leave the MUD. (As proved by the fact that so much people left it already).

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    03 September 2006 14:18:32

    Berzelius makes a good point. I demand the area around Dale be made regionless, as well as the whole Pelennor. You're in a battlefield, get attacked?

    Of course one would expect attack in the middle of an enemy warcamp, but I'm not seeing all you big elite players dying there. I'm seeing people comm about a problem with the 15 quest and getting killed shortly after.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    03 September 2006 03:53:19

    The warcamp shouldn't be like Mordor. However it is, and that's how it is bad. You shouldn't HAVE to have 200-300 HP of healing on you to gold in peace there.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    03 September 2006 03:42:25

    There's the fantastic logic we all expect from Berzelius!

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    03 September 2006 03:37:00

    Grow a pair you fucking twats... Oh my GOD you're alone in a fortified orcish invasion camp in the middle of Lothlorien, do you really think evil aligned players SHOULDN'T be able to attack you? Stop crying, its not the changes that are ruining the game, its the fact that 90% of the playerbase are fucking musty old claptraps with no courage... Boo-fucking-hoo... Let evils kill people in the war camp, and if you are so hungry for gold, become a thief and learn how to play. Regions should be removed soon, that will fix things sufficiently, even though half of you rely on coded protection to compensate for a lack of skill. Until then get a shit load of botas and phials, or just stay in your god damn innrooms twiddling with your genitals until you realise that a sense of adventure can really make the game kind of exciting.

    On that note, killing newbs isn't nice :P

    Sorry this post is really incoherent and contains more anger than sense. Oh well I'm bored. (k)

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    03 September 2006 02:50:03

    I hope Melanna and others can come back and notice it's fixed, soon. of course, it'll probably never happen, but i really wish the oldbies would come back, and be inclined to stay. thanks for chasing away yet another old player.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    03 September 2006 01:06:12

    I was pointing out that the farming community was obviously on the good side of the war, where Khamul's camp is on the bad side. One is a regionless area, the other is not. Both have services they provide. There's an inn, bar, healer, and shop in Galenwath, and they don't serve evil races. Yet it's not a regionless area. Balance would be making it regionless.

    Either you put a regionless area inside the evil lands, or you remove the regionless areas from the free lands, for playability's sake. If it's causing a problem, cut it.

    The fact that the evil lands are still new and that it won't be a problem in the future doesn't change the fact that it's a problem now. It can't be that hard to put those places in a region until the time when it wouldn't matter, anyway.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    03 September 2006 00:11:34

    Thanks :)

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    03 September 2006 00:06:48

    So now your comment makes no sense!

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    03 September 2006 00:06:28

    I see, noticed it and removed my last comment :P

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    03 September 2006 00:04:11

    Talking to Sicarius actually.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    03 September 2006 00:02:49

    I'll post one if you post the other...we can use the same arguments for both...

    Top golding areas for FR's, regardless of thematics, they should be in regions to make things easier for FR's, as ER's have all their golding ares in their regions.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    02 September 2006 23:58:42

    Why not ask for them in 2 separate petitions? :P

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    02 September 2006 23:56:38

    I actually thought about that, Kelos. The original petition proposed both Moria AND the warcamp being regioned. Perhaps it would be better off with just asking for the warcamp.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    02 September 2006 23:54:00

    I suppose petitioning it once again would be a waste of time? Probably would just be removed.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    02 September 2006 23:42:45

    These logs might be seen as an argument for regioning the camp and Moria. But, sadly, I don't see this coming.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 September 2006 22:42:49

    How the fuck in your twisted mind do you think posting logs of you killing newbies in Khamul's is doing me a favor?

  • Author
    Jason [legacy]
    02 September 2006 22:35:58

    Please don't call me names Pallasch I am doing you a favour here.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    02 September 2006 22:28:22

    It wouldn't be hard, Valinor simply refuses to do it.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    02 September 2006 20:24:38

    Damn it, just region the stupid camp. How hard can it be?

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    02 September 2006 20:24:37

    He's just pointing out that they have a moral area that is in a region, yet the evil areas in FR lands, Moria and the OWC, are regionless...which makes zero sense.

    That petition to put Khamul's and Moria in a region was mine, it passed 72-31, but was denied.

    This was the reason:

    Official response from Valinor:

    Valinor recognizes that these areas are dangerous, but believes

    that they should be. Moria is not ruled by any particular region,

    and adding Khamul's camp to a predominantly moral region will not

    work either.

    Regarding a possible imbalance between the availability of lawless

    lands in FR lands compared to ER lands...ER lands are only 20% as

    old as FR lands. In time, the 'imbalance' will disapate.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 September 2006 18:48:45

    Fucking clown.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    02 September 2006 14:19:55

    Stating it's not regionless doesn't help your argument much :/

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    02 September 2006 11:38:34

    Galenwath is a farming community southwest of Kadar. Everything there (aside from the rats) are moral to angelic aligned and dunedain, and it's not regionless. It's even got a shop, inn, and healer for moral players to use.

  • Author
    Filch [legacy]
    02 September 2006 11:01:05

    What Sicarius said.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    02 September 2006 10:36:44

    I don't know what's sadder, the log, or the fact you obviously posted it just to make people whine.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    02 September 2006 09:36:17

    I continue to vote such logs a 1 for two reasons.

    First, no colour. Seriously, there's no excuse.

    Secondly: The two best moral goldmaking spots remain regionless with no ER analog. Two petitions passed mortal vote, one suggesting making a prime ER golding spot regionless, another regioning Khamul's and/or moria. Valinor rejected both, maintaning the vast imbalance.


  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    02 September 2006 08:35:44

    I second Taurion, I hadn't seen Melanna in over 2 years.

  • Author
    Taurion [legacy]
    02 September 2006 08:10:27
