Skorned and Calle

Posted by
Caenedrin [legacy]
06 September 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

No Color. Decent log


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    08 September 2006 15:26:49

    1. This log isn't very good but the taking down both of them was something, anyway.

    2. Pablo's log killing Tiresias/Darkfall at once was probably as good

    3. You're right, it's not much worse than Jerf's log. But Jerf is Jerf and everyone loves him, that's why it was/is in the top 20.

  • Author
    Larko [legacy]
    08 September 2006 09:09:28

    Is it only me who cant see anything but a newbie killer?

    I would be ashamed to post such a log.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    07 September 2006 23:42:50

    A plague upon your family.

  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    07 September 2006 23:17:46

    This is a very good log

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    07 September 2006 19:45:24

    berzelius likes it, 1

  • Author
    Nox [legacy]
    07 September 2006 17:32:24

    no color, 1

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    07 September 2006 17:16:35

    I still fail to see anything 'excellent' in this log. Good log yes, but 'excellent' log? I think that's just pushing it.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    07 September 2006 14:58:18

    I think he was talking about the general attitude more than self proclamations.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    07 September 2006 14:36:41

    Azer, I never said one thing about myself in any of my comments. I was simply stating that this was an excellent pk log, imo, and good work on -Caenedrin's- part.

    Mirnac, I agree with you completely about the sad state of affairs concerning pk... I simply was responding to your original comment that debased Caenedrin's efforts.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    07 September 2006 12:06:40

    uber killer got cut off for some reason? ooh well

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    07 September 2006 12:05:39

    Hum i never had anything against you Berzelius but sure. What you are saying is: You could never be standing faded at warcamp waiting for someone to get low then type bs=target and then go 5rooms and do it one more time? Sure it isnt often you get a setup with 2people being low and stupid at the same place at the same time, but if you stand at one place long enough it might just happen. What i hate with the new pvp system is: Fade got removed, so now people either turn assassin, or they have to be in places where you have breaks where you don't go into the hunters room on the way back. So what has happened? The increase in Inn breaking and GH breaking have tripled if not more. Now days im not against people breaking at Inn's or GH's because i understand why people do it. But with fade removed you cannot get the cool antitrigger breaking kind of pk setups anymore, and that is boring and sad. Sure this is the way you have todo a PK nowdays but if your telling me it takes skills standing at war camp a hole day faded waiting for some stupid person coming along going very low without eq in an unregioned area you have lost alot more then your mind. ps. Iv never claimed that im some

  • Author
    Charr [legacy]
    07 September 2006 09:34:08

    Nice log.

    The best part, thoguh, was that Novara showed <3

    Novara, ftw! =)

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    07 September 2006 07:14:46

    Hey Berzelius, I like you but I think it's fucking ridiculous how alla sudden you talk like you're this great and notorius PKer on the towers. Yeah you've become a lil' better since last time I played but you ain't no Beroth. -Those who fake they break- cheers

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    07 September 2006 01:29:30

    FRs aren't the innocent buggers they like to make themselves out to be. There's more people with a bloodlust there than I've ever seen in the evil lands. Riots don't really count because that's the FR's way of bypassing failkill when they get mad at the world.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    07 September 2006 01:23:20

    Including voting a log a 6 just because you or someone you love made an appearance :)

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    07 September 2006 01:22:46

    I think the point has been made here before that ratings are based off whatever people want them to be :)

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    07 September 2006 01:21:44

    Well the rating is based on the log content, not the fact you're a sore sammy.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    07 September 2006 01:20:53

    The ratings have less to do with Caenedrin than they do with people fed up with ER's killing there...

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    07 September 2006 00:41:46

    Regardless, it is not a case of circumstance and code-shit, it is the set of kills. Caenedrin being an ER had NO advantage in this instance, except a lack of fines. If a FR pulled off a double hit in the warcamp, it wouldn't get shat on.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    07 September 2006 00:30:02

    uh, sure. get ers to have one of their primary golding spots in a regionless area which has an inn, healer, and bar for me. of course in the middle of er land. i'm pretty sure every fr assassin will make it happen :P

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    07 September 2006 00:24:50

    Um, DG is very close, plus there is an evil inn in Khamul's.

    I wouldn't say that going there is even close to sticking your neck out.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    07 September 2006 00:17:56

    Pablo, kill two level 19 targets almost simultaneously, in a regionless area nestled in a swarming FR area, and then get back to me on log quality.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    07 September 2006 00:11:47

    no this isn't a stellar log of assination, its a serving fr assassin doing what 90 percent of the other ones do. camo into the warcamp/moria and try for a free kill on someone in there. wow, this time it worked. huzzah he's the greatest playar evar! l33t roxor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    06 September 2006 23:35:07

    Well, I doubt it's as good as Jerf's log. And also there is not much quality in backstabbing a naked player and killing them instantly, not that I'm taking any credit away from Caen or anything.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    06 September 2006 23:30:58

    So there is a tool going DLSG in an unregioned area with no EQ... he doesn't deserve to die as a level 19?

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    06 September 2006 23:16:11

    I hope you're aware that Skorned was completely naked.

  • Author
    Berzelius [legacy]
    06 September 2006 23:01:23

    Oh my Lord Mirnac, you couldn't kill a god damn fly without a god damn nuclear warhead! This was a brilliant display of assassination, stalking two targets simultaneously, and then blasting the crap out of them with excellent form.

    Please hide behind your RIDICULOUS excuse that the war camp shouldn't be regionless, in order to justify your bogus ratings of this log... this set is just as good as Jerf's log that was on the top 20 of all time where we double soloed a pair of players...

    Then again it is a QUALITY pk log, and that's evidently something that Pallasch would fail to see, too busy to gain some common sense or objectivity while giving Sicarius a wrap-around.

    Oh well it doesn't have color, a cosmetic factor that detracts from the viewability... Either way, this was a great log. Well done Caenedrin, well done.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    06 September 2006 22:15:08

    Must have taken alot of skills to figure out the dirs to warcamp. Good going.