Regarding the recent events

Posted by
Core [legacy]
20 September 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill


>petition read 1909

1909 Reinstate Pounder              waiting    24     3      970     60  *
Petition created on 09/20/06 15:34:
Reinstate Pounder, as per the request of the entire MUDding community (as
as the correct thing to do.)  Return his ability to be in guildhalls.

+++ From Slugz        (Wed Sep 20 2006)  P#1909: Reinstate it all?

Also reinstate his ability to belittle Valinor,
and repeatedly degrade coders?

+++ From Tire         (Wed Sep 20 2006)  P#1909:

You're right, Slugz.  Mortals should only have the ability to compliment
and say nice things about the coders.  There should be no ability to
express dissent or discontent.  In fact, we shouldn't even be allowed to
think negative thoughts about Valinor.  I fully support you, Slugs.
You've made me change my vote.  Keep Pounder nuked, and if anyone (god
fobid) insults Valinor, we can haul them off to the Ministry of Love and
fix them.

+++ From Core         (Wed Sep 20 2006)  P#1909: suiciding

If he doesn't get reinstated, I am suiciding.
--More--(68%  line 24 of 35)--

As much as he's pissed me off throughout the years, he does deserve some
respect. I believe the sole act of nuking him already drove him away and
thus killed an important part of Arda's soul, but nevertheless,my death
will not be in vain.

Stupid ainur. It's time for US, the actual users, to start expressing an
ACTUAL  STANDregarding what is GOING ON HERE.

Core, the Beorning