Da Nukested

Posted by
Pounder [legacy]
09 October 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Definately player kill, my final thoughts I might post later.:)


  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    19 October 2006 05:56:59


  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    13 October 2006 06:32:41

    I guess because warnings can be removed if they seem inappropriate, while silences cannot be revoked later (wouldn't make any sense) :)

    More frankly, don't know, don't care.

  • Author
    Malaugrym [legacy]
    13 October 2006 00:23:30

    If maia can warn, why can't they silence? ;P

  • Author
    Galad [legacy]
    12 October 2006 18:58:33

    Lords+ can silence.

  • Author
    Core [legacy]
    12 October 2006 18:41:32

    [new] Date: 12. Oct, 2006, 3:48:31 By: Tevildo

    Silencing can be done by lesser Ainur, can't it? Seems like it only happens when you talk trash about someone while they're invis.


    Yes, lesser ainur silence you. Higher ainur nuke you. :-)

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    12 October 2006 03:48:31

    Silencing can be done by lesser Ainur, can't it? Seems like it only happens when you talk trash about someone while they're invis.

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    12 October 2006 03:32:35

    What is your reasoning for banning Pounder? Please explain that to me, since i see absolutely NO reason, or anything he's done, to warrant a ban.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    12 October 2006 03:25:00

    Then again, I am Bakal Avathar and there are double standards for badasses like me.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    12 October 2006 03:24:40

    I got silenced for 3 hours, but during that time I also got nuked. Weak fucking sauce.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    11 October 2006 16:27:19

    Agreed with Kelos.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    11 October 2006 16:05:13

    Why was Pounder banned? This place has nothing to do with the mud...

  • Author
    Skenda [legacy]
    11 October 2006 15:36:43

    Damn i wanted to see to see Pounders logs! Especially the Shelob one!:-(

  • Author
    Kelemir [legacy]
    11 October 2006 04:43:48

    Pounder would respond, but his account's been banned by Armand. I've talked to him, he insists that what he posted is exactly what Draugluin told him was his reason for getting nuked. Every tell he sent to Mathias and every comm about the matter was in here. He posted it so people could see the truth and not have to speculate over why it happened.

    Draug, if you want to claim that this isn't the truth, then let's hear your side of it.

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    11 October 2006 02:19:50

    One hour of silence is much better than a stupid warning that lasts a whole year.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    11 October 2006 01:56:01

    Ya, I got silenced by an anonymous ainur for an hour because I asked Stareagle what the people's penii who he was worshipping tasted like. BAM! No warnings or anything, just blindsided silence.

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    11 October 2006 00:25:20

    Vallejo is silenced...

  • Author
    Urskin [legacy]
    10 October 2006 23:56:37


  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    10 October 2006 23:26:44

    who's the last person who got silenced?

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    10 October 2006 23:21:19

    They don't even bother silencing people anymore :P

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    10 October 2006 22:46:11

    I think the answer to your question is simple, Qfm: silence used to be a popular punishment for comm policy violations. However, people after getting unsilenced would break the same rules, over and over again, so a harsher punishment had to be dealt out-->nuke.

    At least that's how I see it, you'd have to ask Draug for the truth.

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    10 October 2006 22:36:56



    I just had to.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    10 October 2006 22:27:17

    Dunno, but I do know triggers to unidle are illegal. But somehow triggers to steal from a random name upon entry into the room is legal.

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    10 October 2006 22:19:49

    Eh, what's a mud trigger that's not allowed?

    As I understand it, it's about legal to bot, aslong as you're watching the screen? :P

    It's not like in the old days, where anything resembling botting was a nukable offense.

  • Author
    Urskin [legacy]
    10 October 2006 21:57:00

    I got nuked for ATTEMPTING to abuse someones MUD triggers they arent even allowed to have!

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    10 October 2006 21:51:42

    Let's see, first nuke = an ainur got lippy with me so I talked shit back to him, automatically had to spin the wheel. Accidentally pasted the comment back onto main comm, apologized and then got nuked. Reinstated by Draug with only one warning.

    second nuke = A friend was being snooped by Draug, I made one mention that a quest info site existed, no web address given, nuked. Complained to Draug, and had it explained to me that I am lucky I am not hardbanned.

    Nuke abuse on t2t? NO WAY!

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    10 October 2006 21:09:25

    I agree totaly with QFM. I was also nuked in an absolutely unfair manor. I talked to Melkor tho and managed to get it settled and be reinstated. But it was a unfair nuke. I have been thinking the same why Nukes have been used so littely. I remember some stupid nukes in the past but never this many in a short period of time. What are we up to now in 2months? Me Paraiko Bakal Esker Pounder and i think there was some more but i forget. And that is what i understod thoose nukes is mainly because of comm/tell/say things.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    10 October 2006 21:06:27

    Didn't Pounder go over that with the whole penis thing?

  • Author
    Qfm [legacy]
    10 October 2006 20:22:11

    What I don't understand is why nuke is used in such a casual manner. It should be the ultimate punishment, the absolute last resort.

    So many people have been nuked lately for things they have SAID. There's a punishment to handle people who SAY bad things, and it's called silence.

    Why that isn't used BEFORE nuke in almost every instance of someone saying something naughty is a total mystery to me.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    10 October 2006 20:14:49

    Sure, when someone silences you while you're in a middle of a conversation, they obviously mean it to be permament.

  • Author
    Malaugrym [legacy]
    10 October 2006 20:07:59

    Hell, I doubt Mathias checked KotN's race restrictions and activity level to see if it was even possible for him to be readmitted. He obviously meant it to be permanent.

  • Author
    Malaugrym [legacy]
    10 October 2006 20:06:43

    What would be the point if it wasn't permanent? And it's not like it's a quick, seamless fix if it wasn't meant to be so. His guild activity would be fucked for the next month, and his joindate is reset. Also, Mathias had no idea whether or not Elk would abdicate to Pounder if Pounder was readmitted.

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    10 October 2006 20:06:37

    Well, at least MY nuke was unjust.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    10 October 2006 19:29:57

    Not like he banned him for life or something, I bet a law report or a little talk to Draugluin (done in a civilized, and not pounder-like way, though) would've done the trick.

  • Author
    Malaugrym [legacy]
    10 October 2006 18:55:49

    Well, my feeling is, banning someone from all guilds is a pretty fucking sadistic thing to do, especially since the end result of any punishment Mathias should have imposed should have been just shutting Pounder up. So yeah, Mathias was a dick here, and banning someone from the guild system should be removed as a possible punishment. But from what little I know of what happened *after* the events of this log, the nuke was probably not entirely unjustified. Granted, Mathias provoked Pounder into the invective-spewing, but if you attack ainur on a personal level, you should know what you're going to get ;P

  • Author
    Azariah [legacy]
    10 October 2006 18:43:13

    I'd say it was rather unsmooth to act like that even if you don't agree with the silly language rules.

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    10 October 2006 17:26:56

    Well if there is more, put up all the information and be done with it.

    That's the only way this issue will be put to bed. And honestly, the whole story would be nice to finish this.

  • Author
    Urskin [legacy]
    10 October 2006 16:47:30

    I will not!

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    10 October 2006 16:09:48

    I ll miss pounder...

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    10 October 2006 15:51:48

    I'm a wise hutt.

  • Author
    Astachar [legacy]
    10 October 2006 15:01:43

    Date: 09. Oct, 2006, 9:33:12 By: Jabba

    I think it's funny that so many people are still playing this game even though they don't seem to like it at all.

    Fuck yeah! The guy speaks wisdom.

  • Author
    Urskin [legacy]
    10 October 2006 14:25:19

    Im with Draugluin!

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    10 October 2006 14:24:45

    Well according to Draugluin there is more to it, So either Draug is a lier or there is something Pounder don't want us to see...

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    10 October 2006 13:45:08

    Nothing in this log indicates nuke to me. Some stupidity by Pounder maybe but not the big button. Lame

  • Author
    Urskin [legacy]
    10 October 2006 12:26:29

    Pounder sucks, good to see you go. 360 day aging is fuck all. I mean hes been here 10 years, a lot of old players have more than that, just they have more than old alt. Hell, he did'nt even reach level 20.

  • Author
    Anglobin [legacy]
    10 October 2006 07:40:15

    And if the part that was left out was the so called nukeable offense, it probably stemmed from the way Mathias continued to act towards Pounder after Pounder had apologized. If I apologize to someone and they continue to act an ass towards me, I'm gonna get pretty pissed off as well. This sucks bc I used to hold certain A's in such high regard, but over the past year or so, my opinion has gradually dwindled. Anyways, that is just my 2 cents.

  • Author
    Anglobin [legacy]
    10 October 2006 07:32:14

    imo, Pounder did get pissed fast. He then had the -nuts- (something most ainur know nothing about) to admit he was wrong by apologizing for flying off the handle. Instead of said apologee being a man also, and respecting that, he continued to rant and flame at Pounder. Pounder was definitely in the wrong about not knowing how to use gmedit, since he admitted to not caring enough to read the gm board. But, Mathias continuing to rant after Pounder had apologized? C'mon, that is not how admin should handle people. You will get nothing done that way. Quit acting like fucking dictators and start working -for- the people, not -against-. Pounder deserved some sort of punishment for his rant, yes, as does Mathias. Nuke was going a bit far, and I know Draug will argue all day that Pounder already had several warnings and blah blah blah, but who gives a shit? Handle each incident as its own, instead of looking at one's transgressional history as a collective. Even if most of the 'nukeable' offense was cut out, I have already seen enough from both parties to cast my decision. Sorry Pounder, you were one of the few left on this mud I actually had respect for. Take it easy bro, if you want, we can continue to store SS for you like the old days :D

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    10 October 2006 06:49:01

    Guess i should remove my reinstate leg info.. Yah he gets mad fast but thats just Pounder.. Bye man.. Good luck.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    10 October 2006 05:00:58

    Well I guess I'm not exactly /surprised/, but it is still a little sad to see that most of what made up the 'grossly inappropriate' mentioned in the nuke reason didn't make it in this log.

    Oh well. I'm glad in the respect that all that stuff doesn't need to be repeated, it was so pathetic.

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    09 October 2006 17:35:47

    *Waves* cya pounder, i was really hopin you get to a year, i wanted to see it. :P oh well, Putting all our disagreements aside, your a good guy....need to watch your temper though, and maybe you'd still be here. btw, it WAS MY claim on SS that day....you looted me :P

    haha just thought i'd throw that in there. :P cya have fun, good luck

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    09 October 2006 17:18:16

    I kinda like Pounder and all...but this seemed like nothing more than a temper-tantrum thrown by an abnormally immature toddler. Then again, I cannot understand Pounder's arguments at all (no GM experience), so not sure whether his rants were justified or not.

    But, whatever. Take care.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    09 October 2006 15:28:31

    I'm not going to comment on Pounder's nuke or whoever was right, but Mathias was by far the most helpful and hardworking PoL during my term as a GM.

  • Author
    Lotraz [legacy]
    09 October 2006 14:06:00

    Take care Pounder. You were a good friend when I played and its sad to see you go out this way.

    I am surprised Draugluin took Mathias side in this aspect. Everyone knows Mathias is incapable of dealing with human beings. Certainly, you could've fezzed up a bit here, but the passive aggressiveness from Mathias is a school book example of power abuse.

    Good luck Pounder and shame on you Draugluin.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    09 October 2006 12:48:16

    I'm afraid this log proves nothing more than Pounder being an idiot.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    09 October 2006 11:25:27

    Well Pounders talk against Mathias in the beining isnt that nice. But then he changed his talk and told Mathias he was sorry and then asked for help. Mathias should be enough man to swallow his pride and help pounder out once he cold down and acutally started talking nice to him.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    09 October 2006 11:22:07

    Is it so hard to just tell him which item is the livery? If you don't respect someone, you shouldn't expect to be respected back. Mathias' mother should NOT be proud.

  • Author
    Thenardi [legacy]
    09 October 2006 11:14:10

    That was way too much drama.

    It was like watching a drunk melodramatic teenager on her menstrual cycle. And then I gathered that there was a shitload of fascination with small penises, a bit of reminiscence, and finally some acceptance.

    Looks like you screwed yourself over altogether. Good luck in life man.

  • Author
    Gaul [legacy]
    09 October 2006 11:03:44

    So 'ER' is an insult in the free lands?

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    09 October 2006 10:21:38

    oh well, too late now STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!! hahaha :p

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    09 October 2006 10:18:24

    Sorry I wasn't on when you needed gmedit help Pounder, might've been able to properly help you with it rather than just call you stupid.

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:58:49

    but yeah, It's just annoying that for a supposed helpful system, it wasn't very well labelled

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:58:17

    oh yeah, i didn't figure out how to use the gm comm until two days after i was raised :p

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:57:17

    The help files are clear enough, Elk, there is always the GM comm where most GMs will answer or at least try to answer all your questions, and more than one approachable ainur if you are civil and polite.

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:56:10

    Just keep in mind that those penis enhancement pills have some nasty side effects, Armand. I had to learn the hard way :(

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:55:56

    of course, part of that might have been me being completely new to being a gm, but i don't think it was very clearly labelled.

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:55:13

    Nyx, that wasn't exactly obvious. I spent 5 hours trying to figure out what the fuck the livery room was, and how to remove it. I guess not all of us are blessed with your incredible brilliance.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:53:10

    Nyx has a bigger penis than me :( so sad

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:51:40

    atrader (an old armour trader) -> livery npc

    atraderoom (a solemn hut) -> livery room


  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:49:34

    If you wanted to just have fun and do exactly what you want to when playing this game - that's fine. But I don't see why you think you have the right to blame the fact that you are not doing what you are supposed to do to ensure a successful playing on the imms, and as a result facing consequences that stem from not knowing what the hell you are doing, because you don't want to know. You might want to kill a person in real life and do it, would you then blame the police for arresting you because you didn't want to educate yourself on what's legal and what's not?

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:39:34

    You really shouldn't have posted that if you still wanted to look like a victim and a martyr.

    [HP:200 EP:199> You tell Mathias: not really i don't come here to read a bunch of gay shit

    from different boards all the time.

    [HP:200 EP:200> You tell Mathias: i come here to have fun and shit;P

    [HP:200 EP:200> You tell Mathias: all i rememer is our cool guild armour disappear;ing:P

    Blaming removal of your own projects on someone else because you didn't read about how to work with gmedit as well. This was what made me totally change my mind about you and your nuke. As someone who used to bitch to all hell (And any Ainu can testify to that), I at least did the best I could to educate myself to the fullest about changes before I bitched. I went on for weeks about the removal of guild armours, I never had a problem with testing out and then deeming my livery useless and removing it. Blaming the fact that your guild didn't work the way it you wanted it on anyone else but you is weak. Geez, I actually feel bad for the previous post I made defending you and accusing ainur, which in this case is far from the truth.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:33:12

    I think it's funny that so many people are still playing this game even though they don't seem to like it at all.

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:30:39

    By the way, Pounder, you still haven't sent me that email. :p

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:29:48

    [HP:200 EP:187> You tell Sirenia: they all like you :P

    WHAT???? lies.


  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:29:09

    and its true, im far from the best about anything!

    god damn it

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:28:37

    woohoo jabba!

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:28:24

    No offense, but you all suck! Haha!

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:24:39


  • Author
    Pounder [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:18:04

    Its ok, you problably left the game when you realized you couldn't be best at anything. But nothing personal of course good luck to you too.

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:15:12

    btw as far as the nuke goes... nothing personal but I just dont care about that shit any more, so I didnt read past your removal as gm.

    *shrug* good luck man

  • Author
    Armand [legacy]
    09 October 2006 09:11:43

    wont read a gm board, then bitch about not being notified of something?

    geesh man, pick your battles.

    Mathias does a lot of shit for guilds, far beyond dealing with gm's who cant read help files or understand menus.