Amearn dies and lots more

Posted by
Waste [legacy]
30 October 2006 00:00:00
Player Kill

Happened earlier, but my log got removed because i had aliases. Anyways, i edited it, even though it now sucks out the fun of the log. This is why Amearn got nuked immediatly after this. Sad to see him go, but... oh well.


  • Author
    Letina [legacy]
    04 November 2006 11:36:46

    Ravathir isn't the brightest :/ He's going to be like 25 and still in high school.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    02 November 2006 07:28:41

    How can you be proud of something you had no part in?

  • Author
    Ravathir [legacy]
    01 November 2006 20:14:50

    Letina shouldnt have got brought back, Man I was proud to see her nuked

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    01 November 2006 10:15:21

    Shardik the very fact that they are VC is a purpose. It's a lot less general than 'it is in FRcolor'

  • Author
    Letina [legacy]
    31 October 2006 15:35:13

    Actually Aslak, I didn't. So don't say things you don't know.

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    31 October 2006 15:08:40

    As Elk stated, the kill on Carver was for a contract. Of course, The same can't be said for every kill a FRA member has ever done on a Valacircan, but at the moment I believe they're contract only. The exception would be if we caught Crusaderr out and about.

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    31 October 2006 14:53:39

    Is it possible to send a private message to someone?

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    31 October 2006 14:52:13

    It was a contract kill, Shardik. Nothing more. (that's what i was led to believe, at least)

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    31 October 2006 14:50:44

    amearn is famous:P

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    31 October 2006 14:28:31

    Myrddin, could you kindly inform us as to the purpose of FRA killing VC?

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    31 October 2006 12:21:52

    Oh yeah! That was sweet.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    31 October 2006 12:00:37

    Nietzsche/Nirrab killed Carver.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    31 October 2006 11:59:08

    Nietzsche: Carver is dead.


  • Author
    Tokin [legacy]
    31 October 2006 11:57:54

    Did Nietzsche kill Carver?

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    31 October 2006 11:54:08

    Carver :p

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    31 October 2006 09:35:52

    When did I kill a VC?

  • Author
    Aslak [legacy]
    31 October 2006 09:33:43

    Letina, You didn't cheat you just lied and got other inocent people nuked aswell.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    31 October 2006 08:45:05

    Amearn had the maturity of a 10 year old. He abused loopholes every chance he could get to score more kills (look at the example of using battlepoints to attack people who should've been protected by failkill), and acted like a moron with schoolyard jokes and trashtalking. The difference between his killing FRs and Nietzsche killing PoT or VC is that Nietzsche is killing with purpose, and generally relatively experience players. Amearn was randomkilling anything just to convince himself he has big balls. Glad to see him go.

  • Author
    Slaiw [legacy]
    31 October 2006 07:02:09

    Roleplay is a pretty cloak to screw people with, though...

    You are all talking about abusing or causing harm on people on the mud, heck, haven't we all been doing that through pkill, steal, lies or the so popular comm bashings? Why would it be more wrong (or hypocrit? )to throw a bit of roleplay or fancy in that ?

    Hypocrisy would be to deny that any harm was done, I don't think anyone here can seriously pretend such (aside from Tryp, maybe :P)

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    31 October 2006 05:40:33

    I don't respect it, necessarily, but it is a hell of a lot more honest.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    31 October 2006 05:39:41

    That's what I was saying in my previous comment, mostly.

    A lot of people do things like that and try to justify it with RP.

  • Author
    Paraiko [legacy]
    31 October 2006 05:36:46

    Amearn did make me laugh a LOT once, though. He had just killed some level 7, some guy asked him if he did it, and Amearn replied 'yes, and I liked it.' I can respect a big 'Fuck You' to general ethics like that, just so long as it's not cloaked in some tedious melodrama of pseudotheme.

  • Author
    Altar [legacy]
    31 October 2006 04:41:39

    Amearn was a great friend, and a great player. Anyways, let me re-iterate on what Nietzsche said:

    'Amearn [k]new better, he knew he had a shitload of warnings and that he'd likely face a nuke next time he did something, even if it wasn't so big of a deal. So I doubt he's crying into a pillow right now or rallying friends around him to take action against this injustice!'

    I'd say that summarizes basically what I was going to type.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    31 October 2006 04:33:40

    Fuck yeah almost everybody with an alt that they play seriosly have multiplayed with it, pretty bloody stupid todo it this clear specially amearn that is hated by loads and they all know his alts. and fuck yeah amearn was one of the best pk's around and dude he prolly don't give a fuck that he got nuked, he'll just make a new alt and start pking again, as he always do. Or maybe at last he got tired of it and waited for this to happen, as long as he won't comment we'll never know! peace dawgs

  • Author
    Letina [legacy]
    31 October 2006 04:33:29

    I didn't even cheat and I got nuked :(

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    31 October 2006 04:26:37

    Dalkar, you're a hero to me.

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    31 October 2006 03:41:16

    By: Nildnab

    We all cheated or took advantage of some type of loop hole/bug,

    Speak for yourself.

    As for Amearn.. heck, I don't quite care that he got nuked. I do love the guy's banter though, and fighting him can be insanely fun. And killing him in return? Sweet, sweet taste of revenge. Not much point saying bye to him and holding him as a matyr, though.. he's still there and larger than life.

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    31 October 2006 03:33:24

    knew better*:(

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    31 October 2006 03:30:45

    Tlaloc:P I completely agree, I'd have thought that by now people would have gotten that I often make ridiculous statements to make a point..or a joke that usually only I get.

    So to explain that one: I was objecting to the point Trytophan made about there being nothing wrong with achieving self satisfaction and that Amearn has a right to do whatever he likes.

    The second regarding the people who act like Amearn was some kind of complete asshole. He wasn't! Very few people here are. He's a nice guy and I like him. I don't think some of the things he did on the game were very sporting, but it's just a game, noone really loses anything. I don't think some of the things I do here are very sporting:P

    Amearn new better, he knew he had a shitload of warnings and that he'd likely face a nuke next time he did something, even if it wasn't so big of a deal. So I doubt he's crying into a pillow right now or rallying friends around him to take action against this injustice!

    Oh and the first comment was just a bit of a reality check. 90% of people here..I guess I uncomfortably include myself in that, are geeks on the internet, we're not heroes or legends, we're just a bunch of people that play a game on the net.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    31 October 2006 02:40:46

    We all cheated or took advantage of some type of loop hole/bug, to me this is just a text based game which I only stayed in so long cause the people in it. I've been nuked and warned a lot. In my early years it was for myself and simply not knowing, but after a while it was to show ainu I would make a good coder cause I understood the structure but look at what that lead to, people just thinking I'm a bad person who cheats all the time when you dont even know me.

    MPlaying on the other hand cant be consider cheating, its just wrong in all accounts no matter what reasons, intensely or not. I wouldn't mind ainu putting a ban on how many chars a single ip can hold. I would like arda to go thru a full reboot deleting everyone's char and allowing only 1 character name.

  • Author
    Tryptophan [legacy]
    31 October 2006 01:08:37

    Yes, Nietzsche, you are right, there is that difference you are talking about.

    You see, i don't know what he had been doing, i just saw what he did in this log, then read the comments. But as i said, and you actually confirmed, we have enough shit in RL, so why get angry and loose our temper and argue with each other in the mud? It doesn't make me feel better, and i guess it doesn't make anyone feel better.

    I prefer to go to bed after 3-4 hours mudding with a rejuvenated hart and think about the cool people i have met and played with.

    If some people are not that is only a game,right?

    And my point about history and heroes was that there are people who strive to achieve their goals by any means. Most of them are bad, some aren't.It is not about liking or aproving, it is the sad truth that this is how it is.And this game is just a mirror of that reality so we will find all stereotypes here too. The difference is that here there is some actual 'divine intervention', that is why i put the full stop.

    When a mud character/player is doing those evil deeds however it surely is not that big deal. So my advice: don't allow a game to cause such negative emotions in you. It really is bad for the health.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    31 October 2006 01:03:32

    I think Tryp was referring to Hitler.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    31 October 2006 01:02:33

    This discussion is pointless, if you guys want to go on believing Amearn was a saint that did nothing wrong, be my guest.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    31 October 2006 00:59:42

    Then I must be some very lucky guy to survive Amearn's ambush + bstab numerous times while all the rest got killed...

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    31 October 2006 00:49:55

    I said abused loopholes, and YES a lot of us viewed his behavior as being looked past by the Power of Law. Why it may have gone unpunished is not for me to say.

  • Author
    Tryptophan [legacy]
    31 October 2006 00:46:18

    So you say he had been cheating for a long long time?? Meaning that the Power of Law had neglected his duties and not taken appropriate measures until a stage came that everyone involed was totaly pissed off?

    And sure you can dislike for whatever reason you find appropriate, or even without a reason. It is just...strange to do this in this game since we have enough hatred and so on in the RL, which is most of the time totaly inevitable. I have things and people and etc that i hate in RL so when I mud i choose to make a change and love!

    I love you Rekthorne!

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    31 October 2006 00:44:55

    Um, Nietzsche, with all due respect, I don't see any difference between my friend Amearn killing FRs and my friend Nietzsche killing PoT/ VCs.

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    31 October 2006 00:40:49

    Yeah that's right, I just compared Amearn to Joseph Mengela:P

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    31 October 2006 00:40:27

    Tryptophan the line between your right to live freely and do the things you wish to do and being an egocentric asshole isn't a fine one. It's very simple. A person should be able to do anything they like for their own satisfaction so long as the price for that satisfaction is not payed by someone else.

    This is why it's wrong to steal, use violence and lie.

    'Yeah, he multiplayed, yeah, that is against the rules, yeah he got punished. Full stop.'

    Yeah, Dr Joseph Mengela practiced torture on children, made lampshades out of human skin and pioneered new ways to inflict misery and pain on mankind. Full stop.

    Stop pissing on his grave like hypocrite cowards who show their feelings only when they are on the stronger side.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    31 October 2006 00:38:12

    Damn Amearn cheated! He refused to stay in GH and whine!

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    31 October 2006 00:26:53

    Tryptophan, this line of talk has been going long long before he got nuked, so don't throw the coward label around. And I think you went about 10 miles past hyperbole with your comment, because if we want to dislike a person due to the way they choose to get their satisfaction, it is our own choice.

  • Author
    Tryptophan [legacy]
    31 October 2006 00:19:11

    I don't get it: what is wrong in doing things for your own satisfaction? Wouldn't we all be working 24h a day 7 days a week on the fields or in factories or wherever, if the only honorable thing was to contribute to the common good?!?!?

    I've seen people (and History has seen them too) who have behaved just as you,Sicarius, claim he does and became great heroes or important politicians,generals or heads of corporations.

    And the only people who want them 'nuked' are those who envy their standing....hmmm...

    Yeah, he multiplayed, yeah, that is against the rules, yeah he got punished. Full stop.

    Stop pissing on his grave like hypocrite cowards who show their feelings only when they are on the stronger side.

  • Author
    Sicarius [legacy]
    30 October 2006 23:56:11

    Amearn is a guy who gets his jollies by killing by whatever means necessary. It's hard to ascertain how much of that comes from the thrill of it and how much from causing harm to people.

    I don't think he cares about being honorable or anything like that, just his own satisfaction.

    The one refreshing thing about Amearn compared to others who act the same way is that he owns up to it, and freely admits it.

    There are many people who act just as selfishly but throw up a facade of roleplaying or honor. I just wish more people would see through their bullshit rather than defend them.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    30 October 2006 23:54:51

    Tlaloc, whatever you're taking, give me some :p

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    30 October 2006 23:43:13

    Amearn is a mighty warrior I've met on the field of battle! If I met him on the tatami, it would be the same:)

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    30 October 2006 22:41:27

    Tlaloc, he is a geek that's into playing rp/fantasy games on the internet. He is not some mighty warrior you met on the field of battle.

  • Author
    Fernando [legacy]
    30 October 2006 22:30:17

    Tlaloc, you must be blind.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    30 October 2006 22:09:21

    I was referring to abusing loopholes such as sitting at NR with a couple other bounty hunters and PKing everyone that walked by, knowing full well that they needed a miracle to survive (not much challenge there). That's why I am not sad about all this.

  • Author
    Tlaloc [legacy]
    30 October 2006 22:05:55

    You people have no idea what you are talking about. Amearn was the greatest challenge you could ever have in this game. He is one of my best friends here but because you are all lame, we had to fight each other to have fun. While this log was a certain surprise (perhaps he just went off), I've never ever seen him cheat. Neither as an enemy, nor as a friend. He was a real challenge, unlike the rest of you.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    30 October 2006 18:15:42

    The last couple years, all I have seen him do is abuse endless loopholes, surprised it took so long.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    30 October 2006 17:23:55

    Why is that sad? As i understood it he only got 2chars nuked? Plenty togo. Plus it isnt first time he done this. Running around with a FR in mordor not getting attacked by evils scouting out the free races in there then quitting and logging into a evil/serving alt and attempt/kill them. I allways woundered if his legendinfo was a way to try and denie the fact that he is a cheater.