Just a theft

Posted by
Hrafn [legacy]
31 October 2006 00:00:00

People often complain about the lack of theft logs here, that is interesting to read. Well, this is how an Alexa scam should go. It's old, and I only had it in html. So I did some manual colors to help the reading.


  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    02 November 2006 17:25:33

    I did? Pff, what rubbish! I would never do such a thing to a nice pu.. kitty like you! :)

  • Author
    Slaiw [legacy]
    02 November 2006 04:03:03

    Dalkar threatened me once. :(

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    02 November 2006 01:52:33

    Don't worry Dalkar. We'll still be afraid of.. uhm.. err...

    Forget that. You never scared me!

  • Author
    Dalkar [legacy]
    01 November 2006 16:45:30

    Damnit, the Galadhrim just got scarier than I did, according to Nietzsche.

  • Author
    Fernando [legacy]
    01 November 2006 11:06:59

    that's a HAHAHA log.

  • Author
    Letina [legacy]
    01 November 2006 10:51:51

    Hahaha, nice

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    01 November 2006 08:55:05

    I think Arda needs to be freed of this noose that hangs about your necks, Drawing ever tighter!

    While Sauron distracts us with a huge war of apocalyptic proportions, a far more dire threat draws ever nearer.

    The Evil Satanic Blood-Cult of The Galadhrim.

    Make no mistake about it, they rape, kill and then eat the fresh corpses of babies. They want you and your entire family to be tortured to death, then have your corpses defiled and fed to the dogs!

    We must annihiliate this threat before it grows too large to contain.

    Kill them untill not a single one is left to lay their fithy, evil feet upon this world again!

    It is your duty as a decent human being.

  • Author
    Tokin [legacy]
    01 November 2006 08:35:00

    Damn, best log and aftermath in a while. All good fun. :D

    and Galadhrim scare me, now i can't sleep at night... The Bane of Thives! *shiver

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    01 November 2006 06:26:31

    That actually made me laugh, Slaiw :p extra color to the log :)

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    01 November 2006 04:43:08

    Fear the evil and bloodthirsty Galadhrim! They're like Arda's Mafia:(

  • Author
    Nietzsche [legacy]
    01 November 2006 04:42:33


  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    01 November 2006 03:51:45

    I only like stinkin' rich ravens, who live by the 'Hand of Myself'

  • Author
    Slaiw [legacy]
    01 November 2006 03:46:10

    Although I did get contracted, not sure it was because of that (after all I was innocent!), people just generally don't like stinking rich cats, I think.

  • Author
    Slaiw [legacy]
    01 November 2006 03:44:38

    huh... 0


  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    01 November 2006 03:43:16

    They act worse upon the crimson bow, than FRA would act on whip or stormy :P How many times have they killed you since then, Slaiw? It's been like 6 months soon I think :P

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    01 November 2006 03:42:14


  • Author
    Slaiw [legacy]
    01 November 2006 03:31:49

    The final touch, my pov through the tells I did after the theft. Only for those who enjoy roleplay. (the others can begone, they'll get bored). It was fun. :)

    Teleporno tells you: may i have it back please

    You tell Teleporno: why? it's mine!

    Teleporno tells you: cos i am level 14

    You tell Teleporno: :(

    Teleporno tells you: it takes me ages to ages to gold. sigh. i am new to the game...

    You tell Teleporno: I'm sorry meow meow, just it was so tempting. And, that bad guy, he said that if I didn't steal bow, he'd kill me :( and now devinius say he'd kill me too :( *cries*

    Teleporno tells you: well i guess you are dead.. should have returned it. Damned either way really... sorry to hear

    You tell Teleporno: I could not, bad guys threaten me too :(

    Teleporno tells you: who is the 'bad' guy?

    You tell Teleporno: If I tell they'd know it. They have people spying I know :( *cries and whines and meows pathetically*

    Teleporno tells you: indeed.. you know what to do next time... say you couldnt steal

    You tell Teleporno: ok I'll try to do that

    Teleporno tells you: well you get reported and killed.. hope it was worth it

    You tell Teleporno: but they'd kill me more the others just don't kill me :( I'm so scared :(

    Teleporno tells you: next time choose you enemy wisely. You should be.. you have been hitlisted by the Galadhrim

    You tell Teleporno: but they are already been hitlisting me what can I do?

    Teleporno tells you: learn how to break

    You tell Teleporno: I'll try meow :( I'm a newbie too you know, I was sorry when you told me that, but they said they'd kill me :( I thought maybe the mighty galadhrims would have pity on me the poor white cat :(

    You have been issued a subpoena for stealing from Teleporno.

    You tell Teleporno: I thought galadhrims knew the word mercy, meow!

    Teleporno tells you: for what.. being a twat. You steal of us, a bow of great value... from and Archers guild.. you deserve to die... nad it will not be just one time

    You tell Teleporno: but is a life worth less than a bow? :(

    Teleporno tells you: Stealing DLCB from Teleporno and Lying about it <-------thats the hitlist reason.. you pissed Devinius off by lying

    You tell Teleporno: Is it what the valar taught you, meow?

    Teleporno tells you: apparently you were willing to steal one instrad of dying.. so yes

    You tell Teleporno: to kill someone because of a bow? Is it the mercy shown by Gandalf?

    Teleporno tells you: we elves do not mix with thieves and low lifes, those who cross us will die

    You tell Teleporno: I thought you elves had a good heart and compassion :(

    Teleporno tells you: who told you that.. only if you are elvish or of good natured and not corruptable. You have proven twice you are not of good character, in a space of 5 minutes. Anyway i am thru.. plead.. pay, prepare to die

    You tell Teleporno: I have been forced to steal and was threatened on both side, what did you want me to do? I thought elves were generous and compassionate :(

    Teleporno tells you: pay you fines.. be a man ands just say no. Elves stick to them selves

    You tell Teleporno: I didn't know they were leaded by greed too :(

    Teleporno tells you: you must show faith in order for us to trust.. you have not shown that

    You tell Teleporno: maybe I'm of a low race and have a low life, but I

    don't harm people

    Teleporno tells you: it is you punishment take it like the ugly Dunedain you are. You take away my defences, allowing me to be harmed.

    You tell Teleporno: so you'd kill one of Eru's children? You can find other bows! Will I ever find another life?

    Teleporno tells you: DCLB is Semi.. takes a long time to get againb.. tell ytou what you go find me one.. and i will drop the report AND DROP THE HITLIST. Not so easy huh?

    You tell Teleporno: But look, the bad guy he told me the same. So I'd have to steal it from someone else and someone else will kill me? Told you I could not, bad guy is too powerful

    Teleporno tells you: look you are dead either way.. give me a name ands we will punish him as well

    You tell Teleporno: no I don't want all this blood spread because of a


    Teleporno tells you: either that or we keep killing you till you give us a name.. oh and report us for murder and we double our efforts

    You tell Teleporno: all this blood, is it really what the gods want of us? to kill each others for such futile matters?

    Teleporno tells you: you should have picked another proffession

    You tell Teleporno: I'm weak, I know no others :(

    Teleporno tells you: it is the nature of Arda, Kill or be killed, your bad luck.

    You tell Teleporno: No it's not. It's not how the world was created! It's not what Gandalf says!

    Teleporno tells you: be a m,an deal with your actions

    You tell Teleporno: I'm just a miserable cat

    Teleporno tells you: what do elves of the Galadhrim care of the grey wizard. And you will be a dead cat.. road kill

    Teleporno tells you: Slaiw is in Gondor at Minas Tirith, level 4

    Teleporno tells you: erm.. not meant for you

    Teleporno tells you: ignore

    You tell Teleporno: how can I ignore it?

    Teleporno tells you: i am about to ignore you. Go plead i want my gold and you head!

    You tell Teleporno: Okayw blood seeking elf lord, you behave like an orc, I know now why elves were turned into orcs indeed, taht's sad, I thought you were leaded by light and fairness. But you are leaded by the sight of blood :(

    Teleporno tells you: if you enter Lothlorien do we not kill you on sight.. do not talk to me about fdairness thief

    You tell Teleporno: I know more about it, because I'm no killer. Each life is precious, that's what Manwe would like us to see.

    Teleporno tells you: begone thief, may Eru take pity on your life as we shall not

    tell teleporno May Varda grants you compassion, arrogant elf

    Teleporno is ignoring you.


    Devinius tells you: Ask yourself this question thief, is a bow worth the amount of contracts I will place upon your head? Or even the constant threat of being killed? If it is, then we'll say nothing more about it and the road you choose to walk shall be your own. If not, you may return the bow now and only now at no penalty to yourself. Consider it for 30 seconds. :)

    You tell Devinius: but I'm innocent, and it's not nice to threaten mew!

    Devinius tells you: Very well, then you have chosen your path and walk it

    You tell Devinius: and if you do bad things to me, i have gold too meow

    Devinius tells you: Good day. If a war is what you wish, then you shall have one

    You tell Devinius: I do not wish war meow! I need go soon, please don't do bad things to a

    poor white cat!

    Devinius tells you: Consider yourself hitlisted permanently by the Galadhrim. When you have given a dclb to us you will be removed.

    I was -almost- speaking truth here : I was innocent, and Hrafn is such a bad guy, I swear he forced me to steal it or be a stuffed cat. And we all know how scary Hrafn is.

    Life sure is tough and galadhrim are so mean and scary, they almost acted like durms! :(

  • Author
    Athrun [legacy]
    01 November 2006 03:06:14

    Teleporno must have gone home to Lothlorien and cry. :D

  • Author
    Elk [legacy]
    01 November 2006 00:41:37

    Well done :)

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    31 October 2006 23:54:51


  • Author
    Tokin [legacy]
    31 October 2006 21:44:05

    hehe, that's sweet. :)

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    31 October 2006 21:33:08

    And why can't I add a html log here!!

  • Author
    Hrafn [legacy]
    31 October 2006 21:32:46

    Guess LogEdit only added color to first line of my 'longer' selections.

    Oh well, the log is just as good!

    And remember kids, when you feel low, Do the Hrafn!