I get bitch slapped.

Posted by
Baklen [legacy]
01 February 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

I get killed like a dog by a bitch.


  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    08 February 2007 16:47:47

    The code isn't from his books. The ideas for the code are. What was stolen was Code from everyone prior to Castamir also. *shrugs*

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    08 February 2007 03:18:42

    First of: The base code wasnt done by the guys starting T2T, it is a open source that everyone that wants can take and use, but sure, melkor and the gang heavily modified this. But then again, with what? ideas and stuff that one guy allready invented and made, Tolkien. Alot of code is from his books, so if TNT is stealing T2T how can not T2T be accused of stealing from Tolkien? About split community, i wounder if it is castamir and turins fault or Melkor and now Draugulin that nukes/warn and alot of other shit for almost no reason constantly.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    07 February 2007 23:29:44

    Ohhh and if You wanna count the 4times you nailed me at level 4 with Skyman. Then yah, I'm way behind Winnetou:(

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    07 February 2007 23:27:25

    If anyone has claim to the mud it is the original creaters. It was their idea to start a mud. I'm sure if Turin stated 'I wanna immort and code here but I want to use the code for projects of my own.' They would of told him get lost. I don't know about you, but if a friend goes 'Hey, help me build this cabinet.' I build the cabinet and realize that it's a great cabinet and I spent xxx amount of time on it. DOES NOT give me the right to take the cabinet and use it in my own house. There is a god damn mutual aggreement. Morally rightous people do not do the shit Castamir/Turin did. If they disagreed like they did. They would of started muds of their own. Which they did. Which I found fine. I've always respected Turin. He let me mud on his mud when I was kicked off T2T. He let me stay when Melkor personally went there and tried to tell him I'm a bad seed. I personally like the guy. I do not like what they do or did. I just find it wrong, it splits the community. After all, I thought coding and mudding was for the playerbase and community. We are now all split, something, or someone is in the wrong.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    06 February 2007 22:51:45

    i never said that mirnac, those are twisted quotes. and yes, it's true, i've reached the top of what you can reach here on t2t. everything else is gameplay/style. baklen can talk all the shit he wants, everyone knows him 'the storm' *smiles*

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    06 February 2007 20:22:19

    So T2T Do they have the right to use Tolkien's stuff? IF this would be a court case wouldnt T2T be accused of stealing from Tolkien?

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    06 February 2007 19:12:45

    I guess you don't believe in intellectual property Kilin

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    06 February 2007 18:47:52

    What about if someone steals your identity? Your credit card info, your social security number? I still have it, but the thief can obviously use it to his advantage.

  • Author
    Kilin [legacy]
    06 February 2007 18:17:22

    Thought on stolen software.

    T2T couldn't have been stolen, because something stolen means you lose access to it. It is more correctly called 'copied'. It just humors me when I see the word 'stolen' thrown around.

    Example, if you need it: If someone steals your car, you lose possession of it, and are not able to drive it.

  • Author
    Tiresias [legacy]
    06 February 2007 05:02:46

    'Stolen mud'?

    I'd comment, but you can log on TNT and read Turin's thoughts on the status of TnT as stolen or not, and he's much smarter and more articulate than I am.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    06 February 2007 03:57:26

    What do you care which games he plays? The dork factor just shot through the roof when your sentimental attachment to a *GAME* keeps you from playing another because it would be ' Wrong ' No matter how you twist it and turn it most people will play where they have more fun and that's all there is to it.

    TnT and t2t from my perspective as a player is just 2 different games, and I don't give a shit where people play just as little as i give a shit if you play Medevia or halo on your spare time.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    06 February 2007 02:32:48

    Hahahahah, thats why you are a fucking khuzd Mirnac:) Quick answer to Winnetou. I posted to show how I quit like a bitch. Thats why. Lastly, Kelos is the only one who can REMOTELY talk shit here. My final point. Winnetou seriouuuuusly....... If you were half the gamer I was you wouldn't be the one on a stolen mud, playing unuked characters and making half hearted threats on a character that doesn't exist anymore on t2t. So pleaseeeee, when you get past the ' I need to cheat complex' come bring it against me. I'll even give you the gold to level.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    06 February 2007 02:24:53

    The question here isnt if baklen or kelos is good. The question is: Who named Winnetou the fucking know it all best killer of all time? I mean sure, he might be good. but stop talking like your the fucking greatest of all times, all your fucking talk about people not daring to be your enemy and shit makes you look like a fucking clown. Just step down to earth and stop talking so much crap.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    06 February 2007 01:56:49

    i'd think i killed you enough already, no?

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    06 February 2007 00:52:28

    I suck, someone kill me please:(

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    05 February 2007 23:06:39

    i haven't said he isn't good, on the contrary. he just lacks recklessness. and baklen isn't that good, really:P well, ok, i'm exaggarating abit (in fact, this 'good' is accomplishable pretty fast and easily). but don't overrate the storm;p it's more like a breeze... *winks at baklen*

  • Author
    Tiresias [legacy]
    04 February 2007 22:03:49

    Guts are developed over time. Kelos has been an assassin for less than a year, yes? And he's actually competing on a relatively level field with assassins like Baklen who have been at it for many years? I'd say he's quite good, given the context for his profession.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 February 2007 17:21:03

    kelos isnt a bad killer, he just needs some more guts and he'd be perf:P

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    04 February 2007 17:00:52

    Hahaha, can't say I'm suprised. A weak storm tonight ;-)

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    04 February 2007 09:09:32

    Kelos is no joke :)

  • Author
    Iarla [legacy]
    04 February 2007 02:59:55

    Back in my day, we VC weren't allowed to retaliate against our enemies very much, I used to get in alot of trouble for it! Oh and hahaha, you got killed by Kelos, loser.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 February 2007 01:43:00

    btw, with all my respect, which is not much, why wtf are yo uposing this log:P it makes you look dumb and is stupid to read.

  • Author
    Tiresias [legacy]
    03 February 2007 00:01:56

    This happened on the original mud, not tnt. Baklen suicided on tnt because he didn't want to play there - his connection to that one was shat, and he didn't like the lag.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    03 February 2007 00:01:51

    Shit btw, I didn't get to read that comment Nicur I clicked past it:(

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    03 February 2007 00:01:19

    Drinking Ulmo equals almost unhuntable. The code must be written with stalking skill versus dodge etc etc. As Bartoss said. I did drink the ulmo and couldn't be hunted. It's not the first time I've seen this. On a side note I'll take Tulkas versus Ulmo in a locked room any day now:)

    Anyways, I'm not talking about what everyone else sees Kelos. I'm not talking about your skill. You use an ingame feature to another degree. I just don't see you in mordor while I'm on:) Anways, cool shit, see you on the mud with the vc homies. I'm off to dirnk lots of Alcohol on this friday night. And pardon my isps on both chars, I'm not at home. BEER IS GOOD BEER IS GOOD BEER IS GOODOOOOOODDDD now lets go drive a CARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. heehee

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    02 February 2007 19:50:16

    you suicided casue of that?

  • Author
    Tokin [legacy]
    02 February 2007 09:00:38

    Sweet log.

    Silly quit, good eq, fun to read.

  • Author
    Bartoss [legacy]
    02 February 2007 07:17:01

    Haha, few months ago I had Baklen nd in Harondor and lost him twice. With 100 stalking, after he drank Ulmo.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    02 February 2007 01:07:35

    Camo really has nothing to do with it. When I am camoed, I usually am after someone. Which happens a lot, VC has a lot of enemies. But the reason it may be hard to get me is that I don't put myself in a position to give you a chance to kill me just to do it. I know many, many assassins who do the same. I stock the guild with gear from Mordor all the time, and ER lands. Your ER buddies have seen me down there clearly visible.

    You enjoy the PvP aspect a lot more than I do. You are very good. Case in point is this log. I made a lot of mistakes and was lucky to get away. But you put yourself there knowing I would attempt you. It worked.

    But that's not my style. I don't see Baklen log on and go run into Mordor waiting for you to hunt and try to lock you up, or run off a cliff, etc. I just don't get into it. I like the solo, stalking, stealth part of the attempt.

    Regardless...you should have killed me...yeah, I ran off, but I knew you were hunting and have no idea why you couldn't follow. You did get screwed there for sure...I know Rocky Ground is tough to follow someone on, but with 100 stalking...come on.

  • Author
    Zicex [legacy]
    02 February 2007 00:49:47

    Thieves can't camo!

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    02 February 2007 00:14:29

    You are right Tiresias I should of but now that I'm calmed down I can say this. Yes, I was a bitch for trying to quit. Second, I would of done the same thing if an enemy was nd. I was just really pissed the the chance failed. One can not kill Kelos without a gangbang or 12men. He simply does not uncamo. I was more angry at failing and hence why I noobed the shit etc etc and he scored the oportunity (nice). What pissed me off more was the conversation prior to this and Kelos ran knowing he had the advantage. We all know I don't run on a stand off. With that said, nice kill. But my mentality has changed. Kill or be killed, no more merciful for the weak. Happy huntings.

    But then again, I mine as well make a thief alt to log on and off in bd to amass 450k and then camo everywhere so I don't die. TOODLES.

  • Author
    Tiresias [legacy]
    01 February 2007 20:37:28

    If you wanted to take the death from a particular person, you should have told him. How should Kelos know that you weren't just running for ER lands?

    Props on the trap, though-- those were some insane hits from SS considering Kelos was wearing mmail and had drank ulmo.