
Posted by
Winnetou [legacy]
02 March 2007 00:00:00

Let's discuss it here.


  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    05 March 2007 13:58:02

    After all of this, my heart just isn't in T2T anymore.

    Jabba and I are going to try to start our own mud. It was something that was started by a couple of other old T2T players (Nom and Calain) that we never got off the ground. It is a First Age/Silmarillion based Foundation mud.

    FoA still needs a ton of work. The grid was finished, but we still needed to finishing coding cities and areas. A couple of the major daemons still need finished/debugged (like death), but if enough people with the right talents were interested, it could probably be functional in a short amount of time. I have a small amount of info about it posted at

    My contribution was/is hosting the mud, QC, and writing/cleaning up help files and descriptions, since I was the only native english speaking person. I have a strong desire to code, I just need a good teacher.

    If anyone might be interested in helping with this, email me at elariel at gmail dot com. It won't be TNT, but hopefully we can re-capture the community spirit we had there.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    05 March 2007 12:00:05

    Oh yeah, and I still want to know who got Lopiki and Weasel, after I left them with passwords in their legendinfos.

  • Author
    Draugluin [legacy]
    04 March 2007 23:49:40

    I just wanted to dispute the statement that the TNT Admin do not have characters lest someone believe that:

    They have characters, and from what I have seen (Scatha, with my own eyes, personally) are hard at work on our testmudS coding.



  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 March 2007 23:17:10

    bah, kozlo, i miss you.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    04 March 2007 22:18:07

    I know for a fact that some of the older Ainur are actively recoding things and trying to change the way the game is to make it better. Some of them are surprised at how out of hand things are.

    I would say just have patience and let's see where it goes.

  • Author
    Kozlodoev [legacy]
    04 March 2007 21:10:57

    Fucking great news, TnT shutting down... I was so close to starting playing and obviously getting addicted again...

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    04 March 2007 18:54:15

    Scatha and at least some of the others have characters on the testmud, where they're working on implementing some of their changes for T2T. Have a bit of patience; ranting doesn't get anything solved. It sucks that characters lost progress, or that you might not get all the stuff you liked on TNT. But look at it realistically: it was a protest, led by people other than... well, you. Sounds like you're just trying to hijack Castamir's boat and sail straight for Mindless Hate Land. Be a productive part of things, if you really want to have a fun place to play.

    And PLEASE--if you're going to petition for some TNT element to be installed, be specific and reasonable, especially in the case of rollbacks. If something was changed on T2T and rolled back on TNT, take a moment to consider whether there's a third option--not the old, busted way or the new, unpopular way, but a solution that will satisfy all parties.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    04 March 2007 15:38:14

    not much of an explanation to me, but there it is.

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    04 March 2007 15:15:58

    look at, there is some explanation there.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    04 March 2007 13:09:58

    I agree with both of you guys. I feel like we at least deserve and explanation from the Ainu at TNT.

    Like I posted on the other comment thread. I feel my efforts would be better placed on starting a new mud that trying to bail water out of this sinking ship.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    04 March 2007 13:05:48

    TnT got this undeserved reputation as a haven for cheaters. Anyone who played TnT would know that that wasn't true. People who cheated got punihsed like they would anywhere else. Why did did the Powers at TnT do this ? You gave us hope for better then pulled the rug out from under us. I'm prepared to wait a month or two and see what happens, but based on what I've seen so far, it's the same old shit, hell it's even a little worse. Maybe us old guys should just band together. Forget out guild differences, just because a single, solid group and fight our way to a better game. What have we got to lose?

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 March 2007 13:03:31

    Also, I have a character on T2T too. I could have wasted the time I wasted on TNT there. And get results. What was the point of making 100k with one of my chars there? What was the point of raising 40k with another one? And why did TNT ainur did not tell us they are just using us. And why?

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    04 March 2007 13:01:15

    I don't know. I don't see what T2T has done to the compromise. Seems TNT stepped down. Because, really, even before the merge they were restoring the nuked and deleted chars because of them playing TNT.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    04 March 2007 11:33:33

    That is a valid point Kalmah, but that might only represent 10% of the playerbase on TNT at most. If Draug had mentioned something to that effect in his news post, I might not be so upset. But his news post highlights one of the main difference between the admins of TNT and T2T, and why many of us supported them. On T2T it's 'accept what we say without question' whereas on TNT the admins WOULD post explanations of their actions, and encouraged feedback.

    T2T is doing nothing to encourage the playerbase of TNT to return, (unless you were someone who happened to have been deleted), and nothing to show me that they have any intention of implementing any of the changes from TNT. The admins from TNT STILL don't have characters on T2T, how many days after the 'merger'?

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    04 March 2007 04:39:29

    There wasn't a transfer of characters, because how would that work? A level 24 hobbit necromancer running around bywater? Plus the lowered costs to get to level 22 would make it completely unfair for those who had to pay the regular price.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    04 March 2007 00:20:26

    No, I'm saying that T2T is a socialist paradise. All hail our supreme leader! Down with the capitalist scum of TNT!

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    04 March 2007 00:11:25

    so what your saying is...t2t would invade and conquer tnt by force?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    03 March 2007 21:25:59

    Because, it's like China and Tibet. And we all know what happens to Tibets when they try and not be a part of Chinas!

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    03 March 2007 20:10:37

    Exactly Perry.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    03 March 2007 16:23:46

    what was so bad about having a split playerbase? it not like people have to pay to play here, and the mud would go bankrupt or anything.

  • Author
    Lament [legacy]
    03 March 2007 16:23:22

    Does a 'I told you so' fit here?

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    03 March 2007 15:40:24

    Has anyone but me noticed that Cast, Anf, Turin, and Scatha don't have ainu on T2T? Or are they just using different names?

    BTW, this isn't a merging of muds or a reuniting of playerbases(per Draug's 'Transfer' news post), it's a 'we managed to get the competition to shut down, hence we won'. Not transferring characters is Draug's way of punishing those of us that supported TNT by making us lose all of the time and effort that we invested there.

    Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear him just speak it plainly for once?

    If this stance holds, I won't be back, and I would imagine that many of the TNT faithful feel the same way, so again it's not a reuniting of playerbases.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    03 March 2007 15:37:23

    If TNT admin had told me I'm fulfulling only their purpose by playing and not that they're making the world a better place for me, I wouldn't have started playing. What's the point in wasting all the hours I wasted there now?!

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    03 March 2007 12:08:55

    Well, after a day back at T2T, I've seen the same old shit I saw that made me want to leave. They removed battlepoints and put in Global Lawsys, but it's still the same. Maybe it;s the players that are to blame..i don't know. I won't be leaving my guildhall and treating it as any more than a chat programme for the forseeable future, that's for sure.

  • Author
    Balzamon [legacy]
    02 March 2007 19:36:24

    I was having a blast on TNT. I couldnt wait until some free time creeped in that would allow me to log on. It is most likely a good thing to be merged back again because I cannot say that I was a fan of a split playerbase. Hopefully some good lessons were learned from this and we see some changes for the better. I will play The Two Towers no matter what happens though most likely so you wont see me waiting months to see if anything changes. I will just start watching movies or actually getting work done at work for once rather then choosing to keep logging into a text based game. I will of course keep stopping in as always but man it sure would be nice to stay excited about this old game.

  • Author
    Fortitude [legacy]
    02 March 2007 18:06:35

    I'll withhold judgement until we see how this committee works-- if it is as some have suggested a thin veil from which Draugluin controls everyone, you're right, it's not progress at all and we have the right to be cynical.

    However, if the committee works like one is supposed to work, the other powers should have a moderating effect on Draugluin. I have supreme faith that Drogian will pursue changes which he feels are in accordance with the desire of the mud, and its best interests as well; this could turn out to be the move that turns the MUD around.

    Also, it's important to note that even people who hate them have said that Aule and Melkor have been using not-typical language that may be a precursor to genuine positive change.

    So I'm cautiously optimistic, but withhold opinion for the time being.

    Can't say I'm suprised that this step has been taken, though.

  • Author
    Jerf [legacy]
    02 March 2007 17:49:59

    I couldn't agree with Perry and the others more. Ive had like 5 different chars including Jerf on the t2t for a couple years now that haven't left a guildhall since the first change to the MT started. Now when this new mud came out, I actually played again. Towers was a blast again like it used to be. The changes were erased, fade was back, there werent patrols. The little things. That made such a huge difference.

  • Author
    Tokin [legacy]
    02 March 2007 17:05:58

    Awesome log Win! pure six. awesome skills.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    02 March 2007 17:04:40

    I liked having access to East Arda, and as such, Guilds. I also liked the fact that pets were brought back. There were other changes as well that I liked but I am not going to list every one of them.

    Most of all I liked the fact that when I had an idea, and I sent Casta a tell to pass that info along, he took that info and thanked me.

    TnT felt like a community, where we were (mostly) all friends.

    T2T feels more like a business venture. PoL being ran by a commitee? so what? Im quite sure that said commitee answers to Draug.

    If all (or at least some) of the changes that were made on TnT are brought to T2T, i for one would stay.

    Bottom line, people play this game to have fun. I would rather play on a mud with a small population that listens and responds to players needs and wants rather than a corporation that has a larger population but doesnt listen to the average player.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    02 March 2007 16:52:31

    I'm in the same boat as Elariel. I quit about two years ago, and haven't logged on and seriously played since then. A chat character here and there, but most of the names that I recognized have changed and disappeared. So in the end, I just plain quit logging on. Then someone on MSN told of about The New Towers, and I got hooked on it again, and now, its going? I'm really undecided about the next steps I want to take, but what ever happens, hopefully, happens for the better.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    02 March 2007 16:04:28

    Well, Draugluin isn't the PoL anymore, it's done by committee that a positive change for you guys?

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    02 March 2007 15:26:50

    I really don't get it. Try to stop for a while, and start thinking while TNT came up at all? As i understood it, it was because alot of players and admins where disatisfied of where the game was heading AND that Draug and others didn't listen or/and give a rats ass about what others thought. They really think that will change? hahaha

  • Author
    Ansaril [legacy]
    02 March 2007 15:08:23

    I like the positive tone here...

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    02 March 2007 15:08:14

    Just when I got my pet horse up to level 5 too. Anyway, its a good thing to be one game again. Whether its really a good thing or not is anyone's guess though. I'll believe that the t2t admin really want to make the game better when I see it. Sucks there's not a game as good as TnT to play until that happens. (which considering how stubborn the t2t admin have been, could be a very long time).

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    02 March 2007 14:51:03

    Ok, THis is bullshit. Now Castamir is fucking worse then Draug. If you wanted to crawl back to thoose fuckers you shouldnt get all our hopes back. I also started getting the like for the game back, but now it is just the same old shit hole. And if Casta and CO really think Draug will do most of the changes they been promissed, HAHAHA forget it. He refused all the time, and suddenly it is ok and the merge is happening? Casta and his admins is getting fucked in the arse hard, and the players of TNT is getting the same treatment.

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    02 March 2007 14:28:11

    Yeah, what the...

    I'm gone.

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    02 March 2007 14:24:46

    I'm very apprehensive about this. I stopped playing T2T actively about 2 years ago because I hated most of the changes that the administration of T2T made to the game I loved. I logged onto TNT when I heard about it just to see what it was about and got addicted again. If T2T implements most of the changes that TNT had, I will stay. If not, I'm gone for good.

    It was a great feeling to be able to just converse with any admin you saw logged on, make suggestions or report a bug, and get feedback.

    And something else happened I would've never thought possible: I became friends with Scatha!

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    02 March 2007 14:16:35


  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    02 March 2007 13:57:19

    *fingers crossed

    As the first level 20 ER and undisputed Undeathmaster of the world, Im sad to be level 20.