A log that shows why TNT was so loved.

Posted by
Mirnac [legacy]
03 March 2007 00:00:00
NPC Battle

This log shows a nuke, My nuke to be exact. this was 9/11 2006. Perfect example on T2T diggin it's own grave, and Draug and Melkor is using one hell of a big shovel.


  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    05 March 2007 09:56:13

    Melkor doesnt know you.. teehee!

  • Author
    Tiresias [legacy]
    05 March 2007 04:24:08

    If nothing else can be said for Pallasch, he has excellent typing skills.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    04 March 2007 22:08:06

    I guess you missed the quotation marks that were used, Mirnac. They were obviously used to quote people like yourself, because it's very clear to everybody that I don't type like that.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    04 March 2007 19:59:25

    As a standalone commentary on human behavior this log is fine, but it's the subtitle that wrecks it. 'Perfect example on T2T diggin it's own grave'? Nah. Not really relevant or timely.

    Pallasch, I have to say, hits it on the head. It's not like us, the players who've stuck with this game, have been sitting on our hands just waiting for an influx of bandwagon-hoppers to whine change into existence.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    04 March 2007 10:57:29

    Iv always woundered, the new internet talk with it's shortening and using numbers instead of letters, why type 1 instead of !, it isnt shorter, Ah ok, it is hard holding Shift down and then hit the 1 key right? Pallash please, tell me, PLEASE, is it hard for your little finger to reach for the little shift key?

    Ah all of ya shut the fuck up, why do people always start typing such agressive posts everytime they don't agree with someone else? Grow the fuck up and learn to discuss in a calm and grown up way.

    This log was posted because it was fun, was fun talk afterwards with Melkor, and yes it was posted to show, why people wanted to play on TnT instead of T2T and also to show why a coupel of us didn't want a merge.

    111111111 im cool i don't use shift

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    04 March 2007 08:08:45

    I'm not worked up, and this log is most certainly whining. 'omg tnt was so much bettar i hate t2t lets post dumb logs to show it!!11!'

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    04 March 2007 04:42:12

    This isn't a very good example of that either considering that he was reinstated.

  • Author
    Jasumin [legacy]
    04 March 2007 01:32:52

    I don't think this log shows why tnt was so loved.

    Rather, your intention was to show why t2t is so disliked.

    I won't comment on whether you succeeded or not. I'm sure it depends who you ask.

  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    04 March 2007 00:23:28

    And why is it always Melkor in these dramatic nuke logs?

  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    04 March 2007 00:22:42

    Wow, Pallasch actually has a valid point there Mirnac. I mean I liked TnT while it was up, but again I like what Pallasch is saying.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    03 March 2007 22:42:08

    Why not whine if you feel hard done by Mirnac? It's not like you have any other recourse.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    03 March 2007 22:07:10

    Hehe, it enjoys me pretty much seeing Pallash getting all worked up over me posting a log. Sorry to break it to ya buddy, im not whinning, im just posting a log. And yes the other place was better because the admin was working for the players, not against. But it wasnt intented as whinning, just a funny log about T2T, Allways fun to read diffrent logs about why people get nuked.

  • Author
    Tokin [legacy]
    03 March 2007 22:05:06

    Ever feel like it's like: Shoot, kill, maim, and then go to person you squished and like: Ok what did you _really_ mean there? Then you explain and you end up reinstated. I feel there is alot of this going on. I call it power abuse, and using nukes as more of a warning than a permanent solution to a real problem. I'm drunk... sorry for the ranting. ;) Have fun y'all!

  • Author
    Sigmund [legacy]
    03 March 2007 21:55:01

    Yeah, don't push Melkor's buttons... he's a racist prick, everyone knows about it.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 March 2007 21:15:11

    It looked to me like he wanted to discuss something and make a point, so he didn't get what he wanted, he got nuked.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    03 March 2007 21:09:28

    How the fuck are you going to bitch and moan about getting nuked and them reinstated? Christ, if you had stayed nuked you'd have grounds for complaining, but you were REINSTATED! Melkor nuked Fimbu and I for saying much, much less, and were reinstated, but do you see us posting logs crying like little girls about how much better the other mud was?

    Fucking get over it, pull your head out of your ass, and actually put forth the effort into making the mud we have now a better place, instead of being an onlooker saying 'omg it sux so bad!!!!11'.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    03 March 2007 20:23:57

    It's unliteracy, stupid!

  • Author
    Elariel [legacy]
    03 March 2007 20:19:30

    as an american friend of yours, Grozin, I'm glad you admit that we aren't all narrow minded. :)

    I had to look analfabetism up in the dictionary. In english we call it illiteracy.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    03 March 2007 20:14:13

    i remember my bro being nuked for something similar and then restored.

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    03 March 2007 19:38:43

    All the remarks about 'you asked for this' or 'you were warned' are besides the point. Mirnac puts the finger on Teh SpoT.

    I remember this nuke very well and in my opinion you can get any lower than this.

    Melkor's behaviour isn't T2T drama but totally respresents the narrow mindedness and insecureness of Americans. The slightest form of critisism will be explained as an attack and dealt with with all the fysical force they have. And granted, thats a lot. As Mirnac in micro and the ppl in Afganistan and Iraq in macro know.

    This way of thinking is the direct opposite of the European mentality. Hence the difference between T2T and TnT. For me as a European; i don't expect anything else from people who think they are the leaders in the First World, while in fact their country has all the characteristics of a Third World country (small extremely wealthy top, large groups in poverity, high analfabetism and so on), call it a retarded country if you will. The only thing left for those people is turning to force.

    For good order and fine european nuances; i'm speaking in general. I'm glad i know a lot of americans who don't think this black/white way. Some of them returned and mudded again when TnT started.

    And i know: in the end Melkor came to his senses, mirnac got restorted and they all acted like grown-ups. But as i said at the start; with this log mirnac shows the problems we have with this mud in a most typical way. Props for that bro!

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    03 March 2007 19:18:21

    Im surprised people say that. I mean admin shouldnt have to never ever punish words with a nuke, Nuke should be 100% only for cheating/MP and never ever be a punishment for what someone think/say. I know that admin have nuked for less, i know that it might be comin my way, but what is worst here is people seem to have got used to it and accepted it, and therefor given the admin right to nuke for these kind of stupid reasons.

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    03 March 2007 15:54:05

    Yes yes, Melkor's a cretin. We know. You asked for this, though. Even after people warned you in tells, and told you what would happen, you persisted with the conversation. I'm surprised you weren't nuked sooner.

  • Author
    Astachar [legacy]
    03 March 2007 14:10:31

    'This is T2T drama man. Get used to it.'

    Totally. As much as I think Melkor's an idiot, this is so damn right.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    03 March 2007 14:08:16

    However, Mirnac is correct, this stuff wouldn't have happened on TnT. Whatever power would have just told him to get fucked and put him on ignore, or comm banned him.

  • Author
    Orcoron [legacy]
    03 March 2007 14:06:54

    Well, let's think about this one. Would he have nuked him if he had said that about some random player? Or another Ainu? But it was said about him and he had the power to do something about what he felt was an insult, hence the self fulfilling prophecy. But did you stay nuked? I gotta admit, I think of myself as a pretty decent person, but if someone pissed me off, in the heat of the moment I'd do something to them if I could. I forget this incident entirely, or I wasnt playing at the time, but I bet he unnuked you soon after.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    03 March 2007 13:52:11

    Im not crying over what happend. I didn't really care. Im just posting this to show why we miss TnT.

  • Author
    Lament [legacy]
    03 March 2007 13:50:31

    On a side note. Man you really don't learn. I posted a log of this 6years ago. You think shit changed that much? No. Someone posted a log of Rauko doing it 10years ago. This is T2T drama man. Get used to it. It's the same old shit. On the other hand though the situation is different with Draugluin etc etc. Anyways you are back. No use in crying over it.

  • Author
    Lament [legacy]
    03 March 2007 13:47:17

    A bolt of lightning suddenly descends from the heavens. It strikes

    Mirnac in the chest, leaving only a pile of ashes where he once stood.

    ^ (OOC) Vermond: From now on, I'm calling Melkor the Creator.

    ^ (OOC) Vermond bows

    ^ (OOC) Hirgon: God exists!

    Fucking priceless Vermond:)