A log that shows why TNT was so loved.

Posted by
Mirnac [legacy]
03 March 2007 00:00:00
NPC Battle

This log shows a nuke, My nuke to be exact. this was 9/11 2006. Perfect example on T2T diggin it's own grave, and Draug and Melkor is using one hell of a big shovel.

>>> When i got nuked my client shutdown so i had no scroll back or log about the comm, so i got one from a friend logged in MUSH. And yes i colored the damn thing and i didn't feel like thinking some colors out, just picked them out of the hat. <<<

^ (OOC) Someone: www.angband.com/remembrance
^ (OOC) Melkor: take 5 minutes. watch it. remember where 
you were. Remember how you felt.
^ (OOC) Aliah: Melkor, this reminds me Warsaw after World 
War II, nastiness.
^ (OOC) Melkor: I remember being disconnected and remotely concerned
     after the first plane .  just another plane crash.
^ (OOC) Melkor: after the 2nd plane hit, i exchanged a look with my
     friend that neither of us will ever forget. anger, concern...war.
^ (OOC) Melkor: when the tower fell, it was just horror.
^ (OOC) Thorgil: And what's worse, that it happened or that the US had
^ (OOC) Melkor: when the pentagon got hit, everything was 
amplified. What will be next? when will it end?
^ (OOC) Melkor: the 2nd tower falling was more like a denoument
^ (OOC) Melkor: expected. we were waiting for it to 
^ (OOC) Mirnac: So i read somewhere that 30% of the 
american people belive that the goverment was involved in this just so bush could
     start a war?
^ (OOC) Melkor: i doubt that
^ (OOC) Melkor: 30% is way too high
^ (OOC) Thorgil: Bush actually said in a statement that the war on Iraq
     had nothing to do with 9/11 - and if anyone remembers back when the
     war was started, they said it was ALL about 9/11...
^ (OOC) Irishstew smirks at what americans believe and its very loose 
     relationship with reality
^ (OOC) Mirnac: Well i thought 30% was a high number. But 
then again alot of american's are a bit *hum* strange
^ (OOC) Melkor: now would not be a good time to start 
bashing america, or americans.
^ (OOC) Mirnac: So you mean Bush would bomb Sweden to? Or what?
^ (OOC) Irishstew: well i dont think that was bashing
^ (OOC) Thorgil: And out of interest, were there any messages around here
     in July asking for remembrance of what happened in London?
^ (OOC) Mirnac: And i didn't mean it as something bad in 
anyway. Just dosnt surprise me if that many would belive it. But then again it
     could be true :)
^ (OOC) Melkor: it was a disparaging remark and I take offense to it
     this morning. Consider my last statement a polite warning.
^ (OOC) Devinius: I can't imagine any government involvement in the 9/11
^ (OOC) Growlin: Londoners have a different attitude to it all.
^ (OOC) Thorgil nods at Growlin and says "That wasn't my point though."
^ (OOC) Melkor: i remembered London.  Did anyone else do 
anything about it? I do not think so
^ (OOC) Growlin: Plus, this game isn't run by right wing Londoners. :P
^ (OOC) Thorgil chuckles
^ (OOC) Mirnac: No offense Melkor but this is what i hate 
with USA. As Thorgil said also. When something bad happens to USA everyone should
     go down on there knee and be sad but if any other country get hurt
^ (OOC) Mirnac: (like when USA bomb the hell out of another country and
     alot of civilians get hurt) we should just look the other way... But
     off course i understand that it is a speciel day for american people
     so i wont shovel shit at you guys but still.
^ (OOC) Thorgil nods
^ (OOC) Thorgil: Where are the remembrances of the Iraqi people who died?
^ (OOC) Growlin: Well, Americans aren't as used to 
terrorism. It was a new, big thing for them.
^ (OOC) Melkor: today is not about Iraq.
^ (OOC) Melkor: today is 9/11
^ (OOC) Thorgil: Neither is any other day
^ (OOC) Growlin: When it happened to them, it started to 
exist. :p
^ (OOC) Thorgil: Thing is though Melkor, that 9/11 is VERY much about
     Iraq. 120 Iraqis wouldn't have died every single day since the start
     of the war (up to now, because the war isn't over), if 9/11 hadn't
     happened. Sorry, I respect that what happened in NY was horrible, but
     it's not just about the US.
Growlin tells you: Haha, don't try to reason with Melkor man.
Growlin tells you: It'll all end in tears. :P
^ (OOC) Melkor: ^today is about 9/11. not iraq.
You tell Growlin: I'm not, I just wanted it said, because I tire of all
     the 'OMG poor US' when they go and kill WAAAAY more people than those
     who died in 9/11 and yet don't give a shit
^ (OOC) Mirnac: So just because USA got hurt they are 
gonna demands that all countries devote one full day of crying and ass kissing?
^ (OOC) Vermond: I think we will have some nukings within the following
     30 minutes.
^ (OOC) Thorgil grins at Vermond
^ (OOC) Melkor: no, Mirnac, but I will.
^ (OOC) Melkor: so you can start the asskissing any moment
^ (OOC) Thorgil snorts in amusement
^ (OOC) Mirnac: in everyone's dream's
^ (OOC) Thorgil: Sounds like abuse of power there Melkor ;)
Vermond tells you: The best course of action for him to 
quit it would be just going silent and ignoring him.
Mirnac tells you: don't get involved
^ (OOC) Melkor: ^ has that stopped me in the past?
^ (OOC) Devinius: Thorgil/Mirnac, no offense but it just sounds like
     you're disatisfied that not enough emphasis is made about other
     tragedies. Whatever validity that has, Americans are remembering
     today what happened IN America.  The world chooses to remember with
^ (OOC) Aliah: All right, whatever my personal thoughts are, those who
     want to grieve, have right to grieve, who doesn't want to - turn off
     TV, radio and this comm. and no nuking today, please :)
^ (OOC) Vermond: Imagine if everyone had their national grievings on
^ (OOC) Thorgil: No Devinius, my point is simply that it's made into a
     huge deal like it only happens to them. That's it. The world exists
     beyond the US, and whilst I *do* feel for those who were affected in
     NY on this day, I feel for those who have suffered elsewhere as a
     cause of it too.
You tell Mirnac: :)
^ (OOC) Cozoq: yes Devinius!  History is how we want to
     (selectivly)remember it :)
^ (OOC) Melkor: ^imagine if everyone actually made the mud
^ (OOC) Mirnac: Ooh here comes the powertrip again. Ill just comm off i
     heard it to many times allready
^ (OOC) Melkor: somehow I fail to see how me making some comments about
     where I was on that day and posting a url of
A bolt of lightning suddenly descends from the heavens. It strikes
Mirnac in the chest, leaving only a pile of ashes where he once stood.
^ (OOC) Vermond: From now on, I'm calling Melkor the Creator.
^ (OOC) Vermond bows
^ (OOC) Hirgon: God exists!
            _--                  --_
           <                        >)
           |                         |
            \._                   _./
               ```--. . , ; .--'''
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                 .-=||  | |=-.
                    | ;  :|

Mirnac has been nuked!
^ (OOC) Eaoden: fdl
^ (OOC) Tokin gasps.
^ (OOC) Hirgon: Damn, he was gonna give me a helmet!
^ (OOC) Azariah: http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=16926
^ (OOC) Azariah: Hirgon!
^ (OOC) Azariah: How are you?
l dust
    This is a small pile of dust that is slowly
being blown away by the wind.  It is all that remains
of Mirnac.
^ (OOC) Hirgon: Hi!
^ (OOC) Hirgon: I'm fine.
^ (OOC) Vermond: That's what happens to the blasphemers.
^ (OOC) Hirgon: How are you?
^ (OOC) Eaoden: Thou shalt not make fun of 9/11 when 
Melkor's there.
^ (OOC) Melkor: i login, I post a URL www.angband.com/remembrance
     (harmless tribute) and state where I was and how i felt on 9/11
The dust blows away on the wind.
^ (OOC) Azariah: I just moped my floor Hirgon.
^ (OOC) Growlin: Hah, I tried to warn Mirnac in tells. :p
^ (OOC) Azariah: It smells of lemon now.
^ (OOC) Hirgon: That's great, Azariah.
^ (OOC) Thorgil: Sure Melkor, but is no one allowed to discuss it?
^ (OOC) Melkor: for that horrrible action,  I am met with 
snideness, disrespect and hatred
^ (OOC) Melkor: no. save your dissenting views for another day
^ (OOC) Thorgil: Dissenting??
^ (OOC) Growlin: Yeah. You pinko commie.
^ (OOC) Vermond: I wish I didn't have maxed banks :P
^ (OOC) Melkor: making a person al insult to me is not 'discussing the
^ (OOC) Azariah: What kind of insult was made?
^ (OOC) Thorgil: I must have missed the personal insult
^ (OOC) Melkor: comm comm history
^ (OOC) Melkor: go back, figure it out
^ (OOC) Thorgil: Yeah I'm looking for it, closest I find is Mirnac talking
     about a power trip
^ (OOC) Tokin scratches his head.
^ (OOC) Melkor: and that is as much of an insult as it was a
^ (OOC) Melkor: a selpf fulfilling prophecy.
^ (OOC) Thorgil chuckles at the irony
^ (OOC) Melkor: he got what he wanted.
^ (OOC) Azariah: Today is not a day for insults, it's a 
day of respect for the victims.
^ (OOC) Thorgil: All the victims Azariah
^ (OOC) Vermond: Well, you said that your national 
grieving was more important than the others' because you created the mud.
^ (OOC) Melkor: wheras, had he used a modicum of tact, there would be
     another end.
^ (OOC) Growlin: Has Bush made his address yet?
^ (OOC) Razey all just be quiet in a minute or so?
^ (OOC) Melkor: no vermond, I did not.
^ (OOC) Devinius: Mirnac was completely inappropriate
^ (OOC) Melkor: but i will not be shouted down on my mud for the crime
     of remembering 9/11 on gasp September 11.
^ (OOC) Melkor: period, end of story.
^ (OOC) Melkor: anyone who thinks otherwise is sadly mistaken about
     their status here.
^ (OOC) Torsk: Ok.

>>>> Created a char to talk to people to get a log and such. Then Melkor desides we should talk <<<<

The air around you shimmers and you suddenly find yourself elsewhere.

You are in the Void, surrounded by nothingness.

 Melkor the Dark Lord          [unholy eternal]
You say in Westron: Howdy
Melkor says in Westron: sup
Melkor says in Westron: what are you, stupid or something?
You say in Westron: that depends what you mean with stupid.
You say in Westron: i stand for what i say yes
Melkor says in Westron: why would you possibly publcly insult me.
You say in Westron: I didn't publicly insult you
You say in Westron: that wasnt a insult
Melkor says in Westron: here coems the power trip
Melkor says in Westron: thats a public insult - and, incidentally, a
     self fulfilling prophecy
Melkor says in Westron: had you not said that, you would have been fine
Melkor says in Westron: alas, you couldnt restrain yourself from
     personally insulting me
Melkor says in Westron: so, buhbuy
You say in Westron: So you mean that when you start rubbing peoples faces
     in that you OWN THIS MUD AND MADE IT YOURSELF. That isnt a power
     trip? I mean i can understand that you think you are better then
     everyone else playing here. I respect and understand that you have
     made this mud and i like that. But why everytime someone says
     something you don't like you start talking about you being much
     better then everyone else?
Melkor shrugs.
Melkor says in Westron: first, thats untrue
Melkor says in Westron: i've never said I'm better than anyone
You say in Westron: Well this isnt the first time a nuke like this
Melkor says in Westron: so what?
Melkor says in Westron: what, you think in this world we are all equals?
You say in Westron: No unfortunaly not
Melkor says in Westron: hate to break the news to you.
Melkor says in Westron: you insult me publicly, you get nuked. pretty
You say in Westron: What i think is that people with more power then
     others should use it in a sound way. And they should alo try to
     respect others even tho they are "less worth" then yourself
Melkor says in Westron: and to that end, im pretty consistent
Melkor says in Westron: dont lecture me on the use of power here
You say in Westron: I didnt lecture. I wrote what i think that someone
     with power should do
Melkor says in Westron: ive been an admin here for over a decaude
Melkor says in Westron: any of your preconceived notions, insights and
     tidbits of wisdom have been said, considered, adopted or discarded
     long ago.
You say in Westron: I wouldnt lecture someone else. I don't belive that i
     have the right to tell people what they should or shouldnt do. But i
     can say what i think
Melkor says in Westron: dont flatter yourself.
Melkor says in Westron: you insulted me, publicly.
Melkor says in Westron: you got noked. end of story
You say in Westron: If you think that was a insult then sure
You say in Westron: Apparently we have diffrent sight on insults
Melkor says in Westron: i have nuked someone - in that decade - only 1
     time for political reasons
Melkor says in Westron: Once
You say in Westron: my tidbits of wisdom?
Melkor says in Westron: so if you think you were nuked because of your
     views, think again
Melkor says in Westron: only 1 person was.
Melkor says in Westron: and even that is debatable
Melkor says in Westron: do you want to know who that person was?
You say in Westron: but it isnt the first time that you jumped on the nuke
     button first instead of trying to solve it other ways. I understand
     that if you think you where insulted i understand that you nuked me.
     But i still think there could be another solution to that. But as you
     said your self numerous times, it is your mud
You say in Westron: I don't know who you nuked no
You say in Westron: i could guess that it was some idiot calling himself
     hitler or something
Melkor says in Westron: why should I tiptoe around you?
Melkor chuckles.
Melkor says in Westron: you are the one with ethe false sense of
     entitlement who thinks they can call my actions a power trip. do
     youthink I will find that a compliment?
You say in Westron: And i mean if i was screaming heil hitler or something
     i would apply to be admin just to be able to nuke him myself. But
     that is a big diffrence
You say in Westron: All i said was that i heard it before. I didn't say
     that you are a powertripping idiot or anything. I have heard you
     speech about you owning and made this mud before. That was my point,
     iv heard it before.
You say in Westron: But that is the problem with having a mud with more
     then one culture/country playing
Melkor says in Westron: its got nothing to do with culture
You say in Westron: Everyone act diffrent and talk diffrent depending on
     country and culture
Melkor says in Westron: you can backtrack all you want: you know excatly
     that you were trying to take a shot at me.
You say in Westron: I mean none of my friends that i know and they know me
     would say that i said that to insult you. But i understand that
     someone not knowing how i am would take that as an insult
Melkor says in Westron: dont deny it. its unbecoming of you
Melkor says in Westron: and intellectually dishonest
You say in Westron: Iv allready told you that i understand if you thought
     it was insulting. But i also said i didn't say it to be mean or hurt
     you in anyway
You say in Westron: But you don't have to belive me or take my word
You say in Westron: That is the advantage you have here. All i can say is
     what i think and what i thought about it. And it is up to you to
     judge me.
Melkor says in Westron: oh, so ou didnt mean it if I interpreted it as
     an insult
You say in Westron: I meant what i said
You say in Westron: but i didn't mean it in a insulting way
You say in Westron: and if you took it as an insult im sorry
Melkor says in Westron: so, in other words 'you arent sorry for
     insulting me' but am sorry that I 'interpreted what you said' as an
You say in Westron: that was what im trying to say. Im no grade A+ student
     in english
Melkor says in Westron: yeah, thanks for the incincere apology
Melkor says in Westron: ive got a meeting now
You say in Westron: You see?
Melkor dismisses you
You say in Westron: you don't even try to listen?
You say in Westron: all you do is twist all i say?
Melkor says in Westron: ive got a meetting
Melkor says in Westron: wtf did I just say
You say in Westron: then go to your metting.
Melkor disappears into the shadows.
The air around you shimmers and you suddenly find yourself elsewhere.
Melkor frowns
You say in Westron: You took my words and twisted them
You say in Westron: that was what you said

>>> Well iv been here for a pretty long time, It was pretty expected. And i don't really care anymore, so im not mad or anything about Mirnac being nuked. What i got ticked over was Melkor trying to twist my words just because im no expert in the english language. I think that is childish and stupid. <<<

>>> Allright, Melkor then logsin again after his meeting. I ask if he is ready to talk this time or just gonna refuse to belive me as allways <<<

The shadows mysteriously swirl together, taking the form of Melkor.
Melkor says in Westron: was there something more that needed to be said?
You say in Westron: good evening
You say in Westron: Well i feel so yes. Because last discousion we had you
     just twisted every word i said and then left
Melkor says in Westron: twisted?
Melkor says in Westron: you insulted me, publicly. I nuked you for it.
You say in Westron: What i said was: If i offended you or insulted you im
     sorry, the thing i wrote wasnt intented to be insulting in anyway
Melkor says in Westron: not sure what is more clear.
Melkor says in Westron: sure it was
You say in Westron: No it wasnt
Melkor says in Westron: and you are being dishonest. You meant to take a
     shot at me.
You say in Westron: no i didn't
Melkor says in Westron: so why would you even say 'here comes the power
Melkor says in Westron: was that meant to be a compliment?
You say in Westron: You suddenly start saying that if people want to say
     what they want they could create there own mud because this is YOURS.
     Isnt that a powertrip?
Melkor says in Westron: if you did not mean to insult me, why did you
     even make the comment?
You say in Westron: It wasnt a compliment it was stating the obvious. And
     you seriously think that comment valids a nuke? And not a warning or
     a silence or booth?
Melkor says in Westron: you meant to insult me.
Melkor says in Westron: admit it
You say in Westron: sorry i got a phone call
You say in Westron: will take 1min
Melkor says in Westron: i have a conference call now. ill stay here.
Melkor says in Westron: i -will- be distracted.
Melkor says in Westron: so bear with me.
Melkor says in Westron: the upside is that you will be able to type as
     much as you want.
You say in Westron: You want me to admit that i was gunning for you? Well
     i wont admit it because it wasnt what i was trying todo. What i was
     doing was trying to have a discusion about diffrent countries and the
     value of people. And as i said i feel sorry for anybody involved in
     the twin tower, but at the same time alot of civlian iraq got killed
     in that war and alot of people been killed in other terorist
     attacks/hunger/aids/diseases and other mass killings. So my question
     was why should USA be treated diffrently? And then just because you
     don't think the discussion goes your way you throw out the ordinary i
     own this mud speech. Instead of saying either: Well USA people are
     more worth then some african dude dying in thirst or hunger. Or say
     Well i don't think american people are worth more and all countries
     that have big killings in a short period of time should have a day of
     grief. But instead you tell people they can get the fu** away from
     your mud if we don't think exakt the same way as you. That comment
     was what i responded to. Not to insult you as a person but the way
     you handled the discussion
You say in Westron: And i still think that a nuke isnt warranted in anyway
     because of this. If i would have lashed out or verbaly insulted you
     with strong words yes, but not for something like that. But as i said
     diffrent cultures have diffrent views of things and diffrent ways of
     expresing them. And as i said im no Grade A+ student in english so it
     happens that i get missunderstod in my comments.
Melkor says in Westron: again: if you were not trying to take a shot at
     me, why would you say 'here comes the power trip'?
You say in Westron: I allready stated why i made that comment
You say in Westron: it says so in my text. It is very long but it explains
     just what i was thinking
Melkor says in Westron: yes, you say that you werent trying to take a
     shot at me. your explanation is insufficient
Melkor says in Westron: you were. clearly.
Melkor shrugs.
Melkor says in Westron: explain again how that is not a shot at me.
Melkor says in Westron: bear in mind, i dont care about your 9/11 views
You say in Westron: '" But instead you tell people they can get the fu**
     away from your mud if we don't think exakt the same way as you. That
     comment was what i responded to. Not to insult you as a person but
     the way you handled the discussion"
Melkor says in Westron: so you dotn ahve to go into that
Melkor says in Westron: oh, so you werent insulting me as a person
You say in Westron: My comment about powertrip wasnt at any time to insult
     you but to explain what i feelt about your way to handle a discusion
Melkor says in Westron: just predicting that I would handle it badly,
You say in Westron: NO!
Melkor says in Westron: 'here comes the power trip
Melkor says in Westron: your words.
You say in Westron: i used the powertrip comment when you said that we
     could create ower own MUD
You say in Westron: it wasnt about something that would happend, it was
     about something THAT ALLREADY HAD HAPPEND
Melkor says in Westron: you said 'here comes the power trip. in a
     predictive manner
You say in Westron: ok leet me look up the log and ill post your comment
     and then try to explain why i said what i said
You say in Westron: ok
You say in Westron: this is what you said: "^ (OOC) Melkor: ^imagine if
     everyone actually made the mud" this is what i replied to that
     comment: "^ (OOC) Mirnac: Ooh here comes the powertrip again. Ill
     just comm off i heard it to many times allready"
You say in Westron: So i wasnt trying to say something that would happend
     but i replied on something that was allready said by you
Melkor says in Westron: check your own comment. it was in the
Melkor says in Westron: here coems the power trip
You say in Westron: i allready tried to explain that my english isnt that
Melkor says in Westron: seems fine right now.
You say in Westron: and also that missunderstandings or missinterpiens?
     can happend
You say in Westron: You probely allready know how my past character was
     pretty long ago maybe 3years ago. And no my english isnt perfect.
     Alot better then before but my grama isnt the best
You say in Westron: i can spell most of the times but not bend words to
     fit everything im trying to say
You say in Westron: so you mean that my comment couldnt possebily fit into
     your comment that you made before me? Just because i bended one word
You say in Westron: i allready said i can understand if people
     missunderstand me
You say in Westron: But i don't like when people refuse to belive me just
     because they have there own allready made up view of me
Melkor says in Westron: i dont have any view of you. i dont know you. i
     only know what you type.
You say in Westron: That is my point. WHen we talked before i tried to say
     that there is a problem when diffrent countries/cultures meet. All
     you replied was that that has nothing todo with anything and then
     left. I understand you had a meeting but don't jump to conclusion
You say in Westron: I allready said that your advantage here is that you
     are the judge and jury. But atleast view my point before juding. I
     understand that this day means alot to people and that you got angry,
     but i also think that you should be able to hear me out and then make
     a second opinion out of this conversation.
Melkor says in Westron: sorry, back. where were we?
You say in Westron: at my last say
Melkor says in Westron: yeah i dont see it in your history
Melkor says in Westron: and since im not logging you
You say in Westron: ill scroll back
You say in Westron: ok you claimed my english was fine so i couldnt
     possebily have made a gramar misstake
Melkor says in Westron: you were telling me somehow how your prediction
     that I would go on a power trip would not be considered insulting by
Melkor says in Westron: or should not
You say in Westron: And i claimed it wasnt a prediction it was an answer
     to something you allready said and not to something you might do in
     the future
Melkor says in Westron: 'here comes' is not an answer
You say in Westron: You say in Westron: this is what you said: "^ (OOC)
     Melkor: ^imagine if everyone actually made the mud" this is what i
     replied to that comment: "^ (OOC) Mirnac: Ooh here comes the
     powertrip again. Ill just comm off i heard it to many times allready"
You say in Westron: You say in Westron: So i wasnt trying to say something
     that would happend but i replied on something that was allready said
     by you
You say in Westron: Melkor says in Westron: check your own comment. it was
     in the predictive. Melkor says in Westron: here coems the power trip
You say in Westron: You say in Westron: i allready tried to explain that
     my english isnt that good
You say in Westron: Melkor says in Westron: seems fine right now.
Melkor says in Westron: the my english isnt good line doesnt cut it
Melkor says in Westron: your english is fine
You say in Westron: You say in Westron: and also that missunderstandings
     or missinterpiens? can happend
You say in Westron: You say in Westron: You probely allready know how my
     past character was pretty long ago maybe 3years ago. And no my
     english isnt perfect. Alot better then before but my grama isnt the
You say in Westron: ou say in Westron: i can spell most of the times but
     not bend words to fit everything im trying to say
Melkor says in Westron: here's a question
You say in Westron: You say in Westron: so you mean that my comment
     couldnt possebily fit into your comment that you made before me? Just
     because i bended one word wrong?
You say in Westron: leet me just post everything said allready
Melkor says in Westron: why do you feel that you can even comment on
     anything I say and call it a power trip?
You say in Westron: You say in Westron: i allready said i can understand
     if people missunderstand me
Melkor says in Westron: past , present or future tense
Melkor says in Westron: i said imagine if everyone made the mud.
Melkor says in Westron: so what
You say in Westron: because i thought that the comment you made that was:
     Make your own mud if you want to speek is sort of a powertrip
You say in Westron: you could call it better then all of you syndrom to
Melkor chuckles.
Melkor says in Westron: you, sir, are sadly mistaken
Melkor says in Westron: about your place here
You say in Westron: i know that we do not have any power here
Melkor says in Westron: let me try to explain it to you from a different
Melkor says in Westron: one that you might not have considered.
Melkor says in Westron: I spent over a decade building this place
Melkor says in Westron: spent -thousands- of dollars keeping it running
Melkor says in Westron: thousands, personally.
Melkor says in Westron: i -named- it.
Melkor says in Westron: to me? This is a bar. Online.
Melkor says in Westron: a social club.
Melkor says in Westron: of my creation
Melkor says in Westron: why the hell should I have to put up with anyone
     being disrespectful to me in the slightest.
Melkor says in Westron: answer: I dont.
Melkor says in Westron: perhaps you think this is some kind of utopian
     dream where we are all equals.
Melkor says in Westron: no, thats not the case.
You say in Westron: I never claimed stated or said that
You say in Westron: i said that i know this is your place and im happy and
     thankfull that you made it
Melkor says in Westron: when i login on september 11...
Melkor says in Westron: and give a harmless url to the comm
You say in Westron: but missunderstanding can allways happen. But if you
     refuse to even listen remotely to what i have to say it isnt any idea
Melkor says in Westron: and say some harmless memories abotu where I was
     that day
Melkor says in Westron: Is that an invitation to disrespect? Is that
     begging for insults?
You say in Westron: if you didn't wanted to listen to a conversation that
     wasnt about the attack but about attacks all over the world and the
     diffrence betwen when it happens to a big country or a small country
     you could have either silenced us all or said that we couldnt say
     what we thought
You say in Westron: when this happend we wherent talking about what you
     first said
You say in Westron: the conversation had moved on and was on something
     comepletely diffrent from the memories of 9/11
Melkor says in Westron: i said: its 9/11. we are talking about 9/11. not
     iraq or thailand, because its 9/11.
Melkor says in Westron: and if people dont like that, they can go screw.
     or go make their own mud.
Melkor says in Westron: i stand bye that
Melkor says in Westron: Today is September 11.
You say in Westron: i wasnt the one pushing the conversation further when
     you said we where talking about 9/11, i replied to the comms that was
Melkor says in Westron: i am insulted that people want to detract from
     9/11 by interjecting snide 'yeah, but what about thailand' into the
     conversation today.
Melkor says in Westron: its disrespectful.
You say in Westron: if you refuse to listen to anything i have to say i
     have one last thing to say then i think we should end this. If you
     want to try and listen to me instead of refusing to belive anything i
     have to say i would gladly try to defend my self.
You say in Westron: Melkor
Melkor says in Westron: listen to me.
Melkor says in Westron: im telling you why i said 'do it on yoru own
You say in Westron: what i said was that i read in a newspaper that 30% of
     the american people thought that the goverment was involved in the
     9/11 thing. You replied to that and therefore moved along the
Melkor says in Westron: so you can understand
You say in Westron: i allready tried to say that i think this hole thing
     is one big missunderstanding. But all you say is that my english isnt
     bad enough for people to missunderstand me. And even so i can see on
     your say's that you clearly missunderstod me. But when i say that you
     just say that im lying to try and make it look like i said something
You say in Westron: that is freaking annoying when i try to explain and
     someone just sits there and screams lier in my face and twist the
     words i write
Melkor says in Westron: you think you are annoyed?
Melkor chuckles.
You say in Westron: you see? I write 2long say's and all you focus on is
     my mood and how you feel alot more angry then i do?
Melkor says in Westron: ill ask you again, why do you think you are
     entitled to comment on whether somethign is , is not , or will be a
     power trip.
Melkor says in Westron: ive youve been here long enough, you should know
     damn well when you should stfu.
Melkor says in Westron: the fact that you DONT know that, and feel
     entitled to make any comment on me, and expect that nothing will
     happen as a result is laughable!
Melkor says in Westron: i mean, youve got to be kidding me
You say in Westron: i never said i shouldnt gotten a punishment
Melkor says in Westron: do you really think im just going to sit here
     and patiently tolerate you saying what im doing is a power trip?
Melkor chuckles.
You say in Westron: im saying a nuke is way over the top. I understand
     that you don't think this. And yes i know this is your mud. I also
     know you put your own money into this, and yes off course you can run
     it anyway you like.
Melkor says in Westron: it also means that I dont have to put up with
     that bullshit.
You say in Westron: And just a quick question. What do you think a
     powertrip is?
Melkor says in Westron: doing something just for the feel of power
You say in Westron: because i think a the word powertrip means that: A
     person likes being in charge and likes showing other people that they
     are in charge.
Melkor says in Westron: yeah, thats the thing, I dont powertrip. I
     remove headaches.
Melkor says in Westron: i rarely login
Melkor says in Westron: i have little to nothing to do with the mud.
Melkor says in Westron: i login to chat
Melkor says in Westron: for this sin, I am eternally punished.
Melkor says in Westron: so when I login and am faced with disrespect?
     yeah, ill remove you.
Melkor says in Westron: i dont nuke people because i dislike them. or
     because I disagree with their views.
You say in Westron: and i still don't think i did anything to insult you.
     All i did was comment on a comment you made. And as i said i
     understand now that you got insulted and im sorry for this. I still
     think that if you look at the conversation that comment wasnt meant
     to be hurting in anyway
Melkor says in Westron: i delete them when they are disrepectful to me
     or the staff.
Melkor says in Westron: "power trip" is an insult
Melkor says in Westron: its an implication that Im going to use power
     just for the sake of doing so. and the fact you chose to say that
     publicly even makes it more of a callout to me.
Melkor says in Westron: i dunno, perhaps you just didnt expect it
You say in Westron: well i don't think so. I think it was an answer to
     your comment that i thought was clearly a display of you showing
     everyone else that it dosnt matter whatever we think because you
     still have the power over us.
Melkor says in Westron: perhaps you feel that you -should- be able to
     make such commentary about the staff, and have carte blanche to do
You say in Westron: that is how i comprehended your comment. And i made a
     comment that i thought suited your comment. And i can say this until
     i get old, i didn't mean it in a disrespectful way insulting way or
     hurting way.
Melkor says in Westron: so your assertion that i would go on, or was
     currently 'power-trip' ing was just a neutral observation, eh?
Melkor says in Westron: not meant to inflame at all.
You say in Westron: assertion?
Melkor says in Westron: a courteous observation or prediction, yes?
You say in Westron: im saying that i saw your comment and thought that my
     comment would answer to your comment and at the same time i also
     stated that i was done with this argument because i didn't think we
     where getting anywhere because we wherent listen to. So i stated it
     and commed off
Melkor says in Westron: 'i just fail to see how you can use 'power trip'
     in reference to me and not mean for it to be an insult.
You say in Westron: i didnt use it as an refernece to you
You say in Westron: that is what iv said now for the last half an hour
You say in Westron: the powertrip word was directed to the comment you
Melkor says in Westron: in other words: directed at me
You say in Westron: i thought that the comment you made was ?ousing with
You say in Westron: that didn't sound very understandable... hum ill try
Melkor says in Westron: let me stop you for a moment
You nod.
Melkor says in Westron: the phrase power trip
Melkor says in Westron: do you see it as a positive, neutral or negative
You say in Westron: it depends
You say in Westron: if i said to you that you are a powertripping maniac
     it would be awfully negative
Melkor says in Westron: power trip is nerly always deroggatory.
Melkor says in Westron: nearly
You say in Westron: sorry don't understand deroggatory
Melkor says in Westron: negative. perjorative.
You say in Westron: negative got it.
Melkor says in Westron: in fact, id challenge people to come up with a
     usage of the phrase that ISNT negative.
You say in Westron: i used the word powertrip to explain how i saw on your
Melkor says in Westron: so you saw my comment as a 'powertrip'
Melkor says in Westron: correct?
You say in Westron: i thought that phrase sounded like a: Im in charge
     your comments mean nothing to me so take them somewhere else comment
Melkor says in Westron: you thought my comment was a powertrip.
Melkor says in Westron: and I, knowing that powertrip is a nearly
     ubiquitously negative term, took offense at that.
You say in Westron: i said that i understand that, but i also clearly
     stated that it wasnt meant in that way and im sorry for it being
Melkor says in Westron: so you are saying that you just didnt know what
     powertrip meant, eh?
You say in Westron: no
Melkor says in Westron: or didnt realize that it was a negative term,
You say in Westron: i allready said what i thought the word powertrip
Melkor says in Westron: uh huh
You say in Westron: what im saying is that i didn't think the way i put it
     would be seen as a personal insult
Melkor says in Westron: no, why would it be.
Melkor says in Westron: you are using a word with universal negative
     connotation in reference to me.
Melkor says in Westron: why on earth would I take offense at that?
You say in Westron: from my sight i don't know. All i know is that you see
     it diffrently then i did.
You say in Westron: i didn't use it as a reference to you only your
Melkor says in Westron: technically, you were using it in rference to my
     action of making that comment.
You say in Westron: all i stated was that i thought a comment where you
     say that if you want to say something i don't like go make your own
     mud is a display of power
Melkor says in Westron: 'this is comical, btw
Melkor says in Westron: splitting hairs to a ridiculous level, for waht
You say in Westron: you might find it that way. but im dead serious. Im
     sorry that i don't see that word as offensive as you seem to do
You say in Westron: I mean i can take an easy example
You say in Westron: it happend on the bkd comm a while back
Melkor says in Westron: use powertripping to describe someone's actions
     in a positive light
Melkor says in Westron: right now
Melkor says in Westron: do so
Melkor says in Westron: you cant.
Melkor says in Westron: and you know you cant
You say in Westron: I hate family jokes. And some people (espeicaly the
     young gamer geeks:) seem to think it is a fun thing to spew to
     everyone. So there where 2 people on our comm that spew family jokes.
     Another member logged in (think he is from the iraq/arab area) and
     got extremely upset and killed one of the members. I hate family
     jokes but i know alot of my friends think it is funny as hell.
Melkor says in Westron: and you want to call me out on the public stage
     and make unflattering commentary about me, then think you can comm
     off and escape the consequences?
You say in Westron: i didn't comm off to escape any consequences. I commed
     off because i clearly stated in my comment that i thought we where
     getting nowhere, now you took it as an insult i meant it as a way to
     explain that i don't think we would get any farther as long as we
     thought diffrently then you.
You say in Westron: But if you read my example
You say in Westron: don't you see that some people think some things is
     awfull and some people seem to think it is all ok?
Melkor says in Westron: you know damn well you werent being flattering,
     and your comment certainly wasnt meant to frame me, or my actions in
     the best light. the fact that you cannot even admit this is half the
     issue here.
You say in Westron: i wouldnt get upset if someone said that i was
     powertripping. COuld be because im not from a country that uses
     english as a main language or i just see diffrently on things. I
     don't know
Melkor says in Westron: where you from, sweden?
You nod.
You say in Westron: I never said that my comment was to flatter you. But
     it damn sure wasnt to insult or hurt you
You say in Westron: i said that my comment was to reply on your comment
     and show everyone else why i didnt think there was any idea of
     keeping a conversation on the subject
Melkor says in Westron: so if it wasnt meant to flatter, and its a
     universally negative comment, just how am I supposed to interpret it?
You say in Westron: i allready stated that i don't and didn't think you
     would take it as a insult. I used the word to describe the way i
     feelt about the conversation. I was ?coloring the wall betwen me and
     the 2-3people that didn't think the same way as me?
You say in Westron: not sure if that sentance made any sense
Melkor says in Westron: see, now I dont understand swedish, and
     'coloring the wall' is not an american phrase, but I understand it
Melkor says in Westron: sad. the least you could do is own up to it.
You say in Westron: own up to what?
You say in Westron: you want me to lie you in the face and tell you that i
     did it soley to hurt your felling?
Melkor says in Westron: id have more respect for you if you said 'yeah,
     i thought you were being a powertripping jackass and called you on
You say in Westron: i even had friends giving me tells that i should just
     say whatever you wanted to hear. BUT i don't play that way. I don't
     lie and i don't kiss ass to get out of situations. I speak up my mind
     and say what i think
Melkor says in Westron: instead you want to play a lame game of
Melkor says in Westron: so what did you learn from this adventure?
You say in Westron: this is the problem from the start. You refuse to
     belive that i wasnt out to hurt you. I can do what you want me to. I
     call you out on being a paranoid person. There that i mean. But
     powertriping in a way to hurt you i didn't mean
You say in Westron: i learnt that i shouldnt speak the truth. I should lie
     to make people think they knew all along what i was meaning when i
Melkor says in Westron: nah, im not paranoid. I just know an insult
     -inadvertant or not - when I see one.
Melkor says in Westron: bad lesson
You say in Westron: You don't know me personaly. And i don't know you
You say in Westron: but i had alot of trouble in my life just because i
     refuse to suck up and tell people what they want to hear if i don't
     think it is right.
Melkor says in Westron: what you -should- take away from this adventure
     is to be more aware of what you say, and how it may be interpreted by
     people who can impact you.
You say in Westron: if you knew me you would probely understand me. And if
     i knew you i would probely never made that comment
Melkor says in Westron: especially when you are using words with near
     universal negative meaning in regards to them.
You say in Westron: Im fully aware that i sometimes said things that isnt
     very smart. Iv been working hard for a very long time to learn not to
     spew the shit i think everytime.
You say in Westron: But i still don't think my comment was meant to hurt
     you. BUt off course i wouldnt use it again because now i know you
     will take it personal. THat much i can say that i learnt
Melkor says in Westron: i will take commentary upon my personage
You say in Westron: personage personally?
Melkor says in Westron: just as I will take commentary upon my actions
     here, personally.
You say in Westron: im not sure what that means
Melkor says in Westron: it means if you make a comment about me, ill
     take it personally.
You get the idea and give an 'AH' of comprehension.
Mirnac Curlybeard the dwarf Battle Lord (Demonic) 
Not present in Arda.                      Gender: male
Age: 20d 16h 53m 6s                       
Can be mailed: Mirnac@Erebor
Info: Atleast i got a second place in a tidbit. What have you accomplished? 
You say in Westron: omg you reinstated me?
Melkor says in Westron: for the record, again.
Melkor says in Westron: I dont powertrip
Melkor says in Westron: i remove headaches.
You say in Westron: :)
Melkor says in Westron: because I do not have to deal with them.
You say in Westron: ill change my comment to headaches next time :)
You say in Westron: I mean it wont be a next time...
Melkor says in Westron: the sooner people understand that, the better
You smile.
Melkor says in Westron: what gives me a headache:
Melkor says in Westron: disrespect of the staff. me included.
You nod.
Melkor says in Westron: we do not login here and bust our ass to deal
     with the negativity and insults of people who merely 'take' from this
     community and give nothing.
Melkor says in Westron: and, simply put, we do not have to.
Melkor says in Westron: we arent blizzard inc. we arent paid employees.
Melkor says in Westron: we dont have to put up with that shit.
Melkor says in Westron: you should also take away from this some sense
     of when and when not to stfu.
Melkor says in Westron: hint: 9/11 is a good day to stfu.
Melkor says in Westron: watch
Melkor says in Westron: i will announce my url on the comm.
You say in Westron: Well next time you might talk to the person and try to
     understand his view point. But off course as we cleared here today,
     you don't need to, it is all up to you.
Melkor says in Westron: and make a single 9/11 mention
You say in Westron: i don't have the world comm on this char
You say in Westron: im lvl 1...
Melkor says in Westron: and it will be met with some kind of craptastic
     comment about how I shouldnt be so americentric and how I should be
     considering the poor people of fuckistan.
Melkor says in Westron: because, after all, today is the day that the
     good people of fuckistan got blown up by airplanes.
Melkor says in Westron: right?
You say in Westron: don't understand what im saying right to?
Melkor says in Westron: and because, somehow, my comment - on today,
     september 11, is an invitation to insult.
Melkor says in Westron: i understand what you are saying.
HP:50 EP:50> Melkor says in Westron: watch when you login is mirnac
Melkor says in Westron: you'll see.
You nod.
Melkor says in Westron: a harmless mention of a tribute will be met with
You say in Westron: well thanks for listening to me and that we managed to
     find a solution
Melkor nods.

>>> So it all worked out in the end. As i said before what ticks me off here is Melkor refusing to belive me twists my words. But i will also state that i understand that Melkor acted this way and nuked me, i can understand he got angry when jumping to conclusions. As long as your a man enough to admit you might have made a small misstake and undo it im happy. <<<