Phoebe, Contract

Posted by
Redbull [legacy]
21 March 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill


Pounder says in Westron: GO
Pounder says in Westron: cast
% Fofester: Same locations still.
Pounder says in Westron: pentheus try to stab him
[ Kaylyne has left The Two Towers ]
Pentheus says in Westron: Wizards, cast
Pounder says in Westron: CAST
Obair starts casting a spell.
Morayan starts casting a spell.
[ Carmel has entered The Two Towers ]
Pounder says in Westron: GO CST LIGHTNING
Phoebe starts casting a spell.
Governor calls loudly for help.
Governor attacks Phoebe.
Pentheus attacks Governor.
Governor spins around and throws Pentheus to the ground.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Governor attacks Yvo.
Obair attacks Governor.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Governor!
Yvo swings the axe wide of the mark.
Governor attacks Pounder.
Morayan attacks Governor.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Governor!
A couple of guards rush into the room to defend the governor.
Ugly guard attacks Pentheus.
Ugly guard attacks Pentheus.
Short guard attacks Pentheus.
Obair starts casting a spell.
    This is the office of the Governor of Linhir.  A large desk sits
squarely in the middle of the room, a comfortable chair behind it.  Four
other chairs are opposite the desk for visitors.  A thick rug covers the
wooden floor.  The walls are decorated with paintings.  Windows look out
on the town square below.  All in all, this is a very comfortable office
for a fairly important man.
    The only obvious exit is south.
 A short guard
 An ugly female guard [2]
 Pounder the dunedain Knight (Demonic)
 Yvo the dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
 Pentheus Runefist the dwarf Battle Lord (Moral)
 Morayan the sindar Battlemage (Villainous)
 Obair Leesane the dwarf Archmage (Moral)
 Phoebe of Cardolan the silvan Archmage (Angelic)
 The governor of Linhir
HP:220 EP:31 SG 
Morayan starts casting a spell.
Pounder attacks Ugly guard.
Pounder destroys Ugly guard, shattering bones!
Pentheus misses Ugly guard.
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone.
Governor nicks someone.
Governor DECIMATES someone with a ferocious attack!
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor wounds someone with the sharp blade.
Governor misses someone.
Yvo attacks Short guard.
Yvo swings the axe wide of the mark.
Someone shields someone, Ugly guard hits someone very hard.
Ugly guard hits someone hard.
Ugly guard attacks Yvo.
Ugly guard hits someone very hard.
Someone shields someone, Short guard scratches someone.
Short guard scratches someone.
Pentheus quickly thrusts his forehead into the bridge of Governor's nose.

HP:220 EP:30 SG l

    This is the office of the Governor of Linhir.  A large desk sits
squarely in the middle of the room, a comfortable chair behind it.  Four
other chairs are opposite the desk for visitors.  A thick rug covers the
wooden floor.  The walls are decorated with paintings.  Windows look out
on the town square below.  All in all, this is a very comfortable office
for a fairly important man.
    The only obvious exit is south.
 A short guard
 An ugly female guard [2]
 Pounder the dunedain Knight (Demonic)
 Yvo the dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
 Pentheus Runefist the dwarf Battle Lord (Moral)
 Morayan the sindar Battlemage (Villainous)
 Obair Leesane the dwarf Archmage (Moral)
 Phoebe of Cardolan the silvan Archmage (Angelic)
 The governor of Linhir
HP:220 EP:30 SG 
Pounder attacks Short guard.
Pounder crushes Short guard's back with the heavy spiked ball.
Pentheus hacks Ugly guard making large gaping wounds!
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor grazes someone.
Governor nicks someone.
Governor misses someone.
Governor misses someone.
Governor misses someone.
Governor misses someone.
Yvo obliterates Short guard with countless blows from the axe.
Your eyes ache from the strain of maintaining your enhanced vision.
Ugly guard attacks Yvo.
Ugly guard misses someone.
Ugly guard attacks Phoebe.
Ugly guard misses someone.
Short guard misses someone.
Pounder destroys Ugly guard, shattering bones!
Pentheus misses Ugly guard.
Phoebe attacks Short guard.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Short guard!
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Ugly guard!
Phoebe attacks Ugly guard.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Ugly guard!
Lightning crackles around Governor harmlessly.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Governor misses someone.
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor nicks someone.
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor grazes someone.
Governor nicks someone.
Yvo swings the axe wide of the mark.
Someone shields someone, Ugly guard scratches someone.
Ugly guard scratches someone.
Ugly guard attacks Pounder.
Someone shields someone, Ugly guard hits someone hard.
Ugly guard hits someone.
Short guard hits someone.
shape all here
Short guard is in good shape.
Ugly guard is in good shape.
Ugly guard is in average shape.
Pounder is in good shape.
Yvo is in good shape.
Pentheus is in good shape.
Morayan is in good shape.
Redbull is in perfect shape.
Obair is in good shape.
Phoebe is in good shape.
Governor is in average shape.
HP:220 EP:28 SG 
Pounder misses Ugly guard.
Pentheus chops Ugly guard and small chunks of flesh spray into the air!
Phoebe misses Ugly guard.
Someone shields someone, Governor grazes someone.
Governor nicks someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Governor misses someone.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone hard.
Governor nicks someone.
Governor misses someone.
Obair attacks Short guard.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Short guard!
Obair attacks Ugly guard.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Ugly guard!
Obair attacks Ugly guard.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Ugly guard!
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Governor!
Yvo swings the axe wide of the mark.
Morayan attacks Short guard.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Short guard!
Morayan attacks Ugly guard.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Ugly guard!
Morayan attacks Ugly guard.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Ugly guard!
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Governor!
Ugly guard misses someone.
Ugly guard misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Short guard hits someone hard.
Short guard hits someone hard.
Morayan starts casting a spell.
Yvo grapples with Governor, his cranium colliding with Governor's face.
shape obaoir
Pounder misses Ugly guard.
Pentheus hacks Ugly guard making large gaping wounds!
Phoebe misses Short guard.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Someone shields someone, Governor inflicts massive damage to someone.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Governor misses someone.
Obair barely misses Short guard.
Yvo swings the axe wide of the mark.
Someone shields someone, Ugly guard hits someone very hard.
Ugly guard hits someone hard.
Ugly guard misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Short guard hits someone very hard.
Short guard hits someone.
You don't see that here.
HP:220 EP:27 SG 
Pentheus grapples with Governor, his cranium colliding with Governor's face.
Phoebe starts casting a spell.
Obair starts casting a spell.
Pounder crushes Ugly guard's back with the heavy spiked ball.
Pentheus misses Short guard.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone hard.
Governor nicks someone.
Governor mangles someone with extraordinary skill.
Someone shields someone, Governor grazes someone.
Governor nicks someone.
Governor misses someone.
Yvo obliterates Ugly guard with countless blows from the axe.
Ugly guard misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Ugly guard hits someone very hard.
Ugly guard grazes someone.
Someone shields someone, Short guard hits someone.
Short guard grazes someone.
Pentheus drinks from a crystal vial.
Pentheus drops an empty vial.
Pounder destroys Ugly guard, shattering bones!
Pentheus misses Ugly guard.
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor inflicts massive damage to someone.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Governor wounds someone with the sharp blade.
Governor misses someone.
Governor misses someone.
Governor misses someone.
Yvo sweeps the axe in a devastating arc, smashing bones and removing organs.
Someone shields someone, Ugly guard hits someone.
Ugly guard hits someone.
Someone shields someone, Ugly guard hits someone.
Ugly guard grazes someone.
Someone shields someone, Short guard inflicts massive damage to someone.
Short guard hits someone.
shape phoebe
Phoebe is in average shape.
HP:220 EP:26 SG 
Pounder beats Short guard to a quivering pulp.
Pentheus misses Ugly guard.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone hard.
Governor nicks someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor grazes someone.
Governor nicks someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone.
Governor nicks someone.
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Yvo swings the axe wide of the mark.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Short guard!
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Ugly guard!
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Ugly guard!
Ugly guard has died.
Someone shields someone, Ugly guard hits someone.
Ugly guard grazes someone.
Someone shields someone, Short guard hits someone hard.
Short guard hits someone.
shape phoebe
Phoebe is in average shape.
HP:220 EP:25 SG 
Pentheus hurts his neck attacking Governor!
Pounder shouts out a battlecry as his forehead demolishes Short guard's nose.
Yvo pulls Governor closer to him and headbutts him square in the face.
Pounder destroys Short guard, shattering bones!
Pentheus misses Ugly guard.
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Phoebe!
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Short guard!
A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes Ugly guard!
Lightning crackles around Governor harmlessly.
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Governor misses someone.
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone hard.
Governor nicks someone.
Governor misses someone.
A blast of fire shoots forth from Obair's hand, striking Governor!!!
Yvo swings the axe wide of the mark.
Morayan misses Short guard.
Ugly guard has died.
Short guard has died.
Pentheus gets a burnished steel flask from a dwarven mining pack.
Pentheus opens a burnished steel flask.
Pentheus swallows a drink from the flask and gasps.
Pentheus closes a burnished steel flask.
Pentheus puts a burnished steel flask into a dwarven mining pack.
    This is the office of the Governor of Linhir.  A large desk sits
squarely in the middle of the room, a comfortable chair behind it.  Four
other chairs are opposite the desk for visitors.  A thick rug covers the
wooden floor.  The walls are decorated with paintings.  Windows look out
on the town square below.  All in all, this is a very comfortable office
for a fairly important man.
    The only obvious exit is south.
 Corpse of Short guard
 Corpse of Ugly guard [2]
 An empty vial
 Pounder the dunedain Knight (Demonic)
 Yvo the dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
 Pentheus Runefist the dwarf Battle Lord (Moral)
 Morayan the sindar Battlemage (Villainous)
 Obair Leesane the dwarf Archmage (Moral)
 Phoebe of Cardolan the silvan Archmage (Angelic)
 The governor of Linhir
HP:220 EP:24 SG 
Pentheus gets a burnished steel flask from a dwarven mining pack.
Pentheus opens a burnished steel flask.
Pentheus swallows a drink from the flask and gasps.
Pentheus closes a burnished steel flask.
Pentheus puts a burnished steel flask into a dwarven mining pack.
Pounder destroys Governor, shattering bones!
Pentheus chops Governor and small chunks of flesh spray into the air!
Phoebe misses Governor.
Governor misses someone.
Someone shields someone, Governor grazes someone.
Governor nicks someone.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Someone shields someone, Governor hits someone very hard.
Governor bashes someone with the pommel of the sword.
Governor misses someone.
Governor misses someone.
Obair barely misses Governor.
Yvo obliterates Governor with countless blows from the axe.
Morayan hits Governor.
Pounder crushes Governor's back with the heavy spiked ball.
Pentheus misses Governor.
Phoebe misses Governor.
Governor falls to the ground.
Governor is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
[ Carmel has left The Two Towers ]
Pounder gets a slender longsword from corpse of Short guard into a
     simple sheepskin sheath.
Pounder gets a slender longsword from corpse of Ugly guard into a
     rather roomy pack.
Obair puts Governor out of his misery.
Pounder puts Governor out of his misery.
Governor has died.
Morayan wields his magnificent engraved longsword.
shape phoebe
Phoebe doesn't look so great.
HP:220 EP:22 SG 
Morayan nods.
hunt phoebe
You begin to hunt Phoebe.
HP:220 EP:22 SG 
Obair leaves south.
Pounder chats with his party.
Pounder leaves south.
Do: starting commands.
HP:220 EP:21 SG 
Your movement reveals you.
HP:220 EP:21 SG 
You open a mysterious amber vial.
HP:220 EP:21 SG 
You sip some of the liquid from a mysterious amber vial.
HP:220 EP:55 SG 
You sip some of the liquid from a mysterious amber vial.
HP:220 EP:89 SG 
You sip some of the liquid from a mysterious amber vial.
HP:220 EP:123 SG 
You see more than one vial.  Using the first of the following:
  on the ground : a mysterious amber vial (empty)
  on the ground : an empty vial
What's the point?  It's empty.
HP:220 EP:123 SG 
HP:220 EP:123 SG 
Do: Commands completed.
HP:220 EP:123 SG 
A feeling of renewed energy flows through you.
A feeling of renewed energy flows through you.
A feeling of renewed energy flows through you.
Yvo says, "Ok!".
Phoebe chats with her party.
Pentheus looks at Corpse of Governor.
backstab phoebe
You attack Phoebe.
You sneak up and stab Phoebe from behind!
You electrocute Phoebe sending a bolt of charge through the body cavity.
HP:220 EP:73 SG shape

Yvo drops a piece of jerky from a dwarven prospector's pack.
Yvo chews down the jerky.
Yvo drops a piece of jerky from a dwarven prospector's pack.
Yvo chews down the jerky.
Yvo drops a piece of jerky from a dwarven prospector's pack.
Yvo chews down the jerky.
Phoebe is near death.
HP:220 EP:73 SG 
You miss Phoebe.
Phoebe misses you.
You grapple with Phoebe, your cranium colliding with her face.
HP:220 EP:38 SG shape

Phoebe is near death.
HP:220 EP:38 SG k

You attack Phoebe.
HP:220 EP:38 SG 
Pounder enters.
You attack Phoebe.
HP:220 EP:38 SG 
Pentheus gets a chain of office from corpse of Governor into a dwarven
     mining pack.
You attack Phoebe.
HP:220 EP:38 SG k

You attack Phoebe.
HP:220 EP:38 SG k

You scorch Phoebe on the shoulder with a large bolt, charring flesh!
Phoebe misses you.
You attack Phoebe.
HP:220 EP:37 SG 
Someone whips a sailor's cutlass from a baldric made of warg hide in a blinding blur of motion!!
Someone wields a sailor's cutlass.
You are attacked by someone!
Without warning, someone stabs you from behind!
Someone draws back the sword and slashes you, unleashing the fury of a typhoon!
You attack Kelos.
HP:165 EP:37 SG k

Kelos rips Redbull down the back with the fury of a Wolverine of the

You attack Kelos.
HP:165 EP:37 SG 
You attack Kelos.
HP:165 EP:37 SG 
Pounder chats with his party.
You attack Kelos.
HP:165 EP:37 SG k

You attack Kelos.
HP:165 EP:37 SG 
You miss Kelos.
Kelos misses you.
Phoebe misses you.
You almost chuckle at Kelos' pathetically weak headbutt.
k phoebe
You attack Phoebe.
HP:156 EP:37 SG k phoebe

HP:156 EP:37 SG k phoebe

Yvo drops a piece of jerky from a dwarven prospector's pack.
k phoebe
Yvo chews down the jerky.
You attack Phoebe.
HP:156 EP:37 SG k phoebe

You attack Phoebe.
HP:156 EP:37 SG k phoebe

You are attacked by Morayan!
You attack Phoebe.
HP:156 EP:37 SG k phoebe

You attack Phoebe.
HP:156 EP:37 SG spam protect: where
k phoebe
k phoebe
k phoebe

Pentheus shields Phoebe, and you hit Pentheus.
You singe Phoebe.
Kelos cracks your head with the flat of the blade!
Phoebe falls to the ground.
Phoebe is bleeding to death and needs to be bandaged!
Morayan swings the sword wildly, striking the ground, and denting the metal.
You decide to put Phoebe out of her misery.
HP:151 EP:37 SG 
HP:151 EP:37 SG 
You decide to put Phoebe out of her misery.
HP:151 EP:37 SG 
You decide to put Phoebe out of her misery.
HP:151 EP:37 SG 
You notice Kelos sizing you up.
k phoebe
You decide to put Phoebe out of her misery.
HP:151 EP:37 SG k phoebe

You decide to put Phoebe out of her misery.
HP:151 EP:37 SG k phoebe

You decide to put Phoebe out of her misery.
HP:151 EP:37 SG k phoebe

You decide to put Phoebe out of her misery.
HP:151 EP:37 SG 
You decide to put Phoebe out of her misery.
HP:151 EP:37 SG z

You miss Kelos.
Kelos cracks your head with the flat of the blade!
You killed Phoebe.
Phoebe has died.
Now that the blood of your victim has been spilled, you may claim your gold.
Do: starting commands.
HP:146 EP:36 SG 
You see more than one corpse.  Using the first of the following:
  on the ground : corpse of Phoebe
  on the ground : corpse of Ugly guard
some gold coins : Gold may only be pocketed.
a walking staff : Ok.
HP:146 EP:36 SG 
Do: Commands completed.
HP:146 EP:36 SG 
You put 228 gold in your pockets.
You miss Kelos.
Kelos misses you.
You notice Morayan sizing you up.
The office of the Governor's private secretary(d and n)
 A guard of Linhir is watching you [2]
 Azkrayel of Arda the edain Master Ranger (Angelic)
 Cald the edain Bowman (Moral)
 The governor's secretary
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG d

A government office(s and u)
 The head clerk
 A very busy clerk
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG 
You notice Kelos sizing you up.
You can't go that way!
HP:147 EP:37 SG 
You miss Kelos.
Kelos misses you.
In the town square of Linhir(se, w, sw, e, s and n)
 An old fisherman
 A fish cart
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG w

At the town square inside the main gate of the city(se, w, e, s, guardhouse, out and n)
 A guard of Linhir
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG out

Before the Linhir city gates(enter and n)
 A guard of Linhir [2]
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG 4n

You notice Kelos sizing you up.
Do: starting commands.
HP:147 EP:37 SG 
A road in the refugee camp(w, e, s and n)
 A little boy is playing here [2]
 An old woman
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG 
A crossroad in the refugee camp(w, e, s and n)
 A cheerful woman is aiding the refugees
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG 
A road in the refugee camp(w, e, s and n)
 A refugee woman is sitting here [2]
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG 
A road in the refugee camp(s and out)
 Malorian Avaltir the dunedain Wolf Spirit (Angelic)
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG 
Do: Commands completed.
HP:147 EP:37 SG out

Linhir(w, city, s and n) [se, sw, e, ne and s]
 A signpost
 A hitching post
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:37 SG 
You miss Kelos.
Kelos misses you.
t pelargir
Travelto: Journey begun!  Press return or type any command to stop.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(se, w, e and n) [se and s]
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
A Natural Ford(se, s, nw and n) [w, e and ne]
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e, s and nw) [ne, nw and n]
 A handcrafted arrow
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e and s) [ne, nw and n]
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e and s) [nw and n]
 A young lad trudges off to war
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e, s and n) [nw]
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e, ne, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, sw, e, s and n) [nw]
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:147 EP:36 SG 
You miss Kelos.
Kelos brutally plunges the blade into you.
The Lebennin Road(w, e, ne, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:138 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, sw, e, s and n)
 A young lad trudges off to war
Kelos enters.
HP:138 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:138 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e, ne, s and n)
 A traveling lad
Kelos enters.
HP:138 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, sw, e, s and n)
 A traveling lad
Kelos enters.
HP:138 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:138 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e, ne, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:138 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, sw, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:138 EP:36 SG 
The Lebennin Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:138 EP:36 SG 
You zap Kelos with a staggering shockwave.
Kelos cracks your head with the flat of the blade!
The Lebennin Road(w, e, s and n) [se, e and ne]
Kelos enters.
HP:132 EP:36 SG 
A Wooden Bridge(w and e) [se, s and n]
Kelos enters.
HP:132 EP:36 SG 
Outside the gates of Pelargir(se, w, e, gate, s and n) [se, w, sw, s and nw]
 A boiled hand (fingerless)
 A signpost
Kelos enters.
Travelto: Destination reached!
HP:132 EP:36 SG l kelos

Peering back at you from within a dark, weather-stained hooded cloak, are two silver-blue eyes that have a stern, yet somewhat warm gaze. His worn, black cloak is wrapped around him, hiding whatever he holds from the view of strangers. He lets the cloak open for a moment and you get a glimpse of a black and red leather tunic underneath. Dark bracers wrap around his wrists and forearms, and a sharp knife with a sapphire in the hilt is sticking through his belt. Strapped to his back is a huge sword, almost as long as he is tall. He wisks the cloak around him again and you see only black once more, dotted by those two eyes.

Kelos has completed the trials of the Moria Maze!
He has the look of a tribesman!
There is an aura of calmness around Kelos. 
Kelos is a Lieutenant in the army of Gondor
with 16 wins and 3 losses.
Kelos has the look of a seasoned adventurer.
 He is carrying:
A sailor's cutlass (wielded).
A phial of Roderick's Dream Potion.
A baldric made of warg hide (worn).
A dwarven war shield (worn).
A pair of radiant steel gauntlets (worn).
A radiant mithril shirt (worn).
A radiant steel helm (worn).
A pair of radiant steel pants (worn).
A leather messenger pack (open) (worn).
An event case containing four memorabilia (open) (worn).
A tribal pipe.
A set of turquoise runes.
A medal clip holding a few medals.
An engraved silver ring, inlaid with a bloodstone (worn).
A silver harp.
A small green medallion (worn).
A carved war-horn (worn).
Rank insignia.
An empty wolf's head pipe.
The Valacirca Guild Pendant (worn).
HP:132 EP:36 SG 
You singe Kelos.
Kelos cracks your head with the flat of the blade!
Travelto: Journey begun!  Press return or type any command to stop.
HP:127 EP:35 SG 
A bridge over the Anduin(se and nw) [w and ne]
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, s, nw and n) [nw]
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(se, w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, s, nw and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
You miss Kelos.
Kelos misses you.
The Harad Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, ne, s and n)
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(w, e, s and n) [se]
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The Harad Road(se, w, e, nw and n) [se and s]
Kelos enters.
HP:127 EP:35 HAR 
The north gate of Kadar(e, s, n and nw)
 A signpost
 A hitching post
 A tough haradrim guard [2]
 A menacing haradrim archer [2]
Kelos enters.
Travelto: Destination reached!