Aslak is just a myth

Posted by
Azer [legacy]
25 March 2007 00:00:00

Features a drunk Aslak, that should be enough.

[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: heiehi
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: what'æs up?
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: stiul   those bloody scouts andbps?
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: meyahem says hie
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: Indeed.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: what's gapåpened
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: update me
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: they announced they're shutting down the mud
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: other than that, not much.
NER HP:230 EP:153 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: then?
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: when?
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Reorx: Tomororw!
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: shiuting down tomorrow!?!?
The scouts report: The Anduin Bridge battlepoint is under siege!
$no reorx, september the 3rd.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: no reorx, september the 3rd.
NER HP:230 EP:151 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: og?
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: oh
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: ehy?
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: why
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: WHINE
$they can't afford to keep the servers and all that running no longer.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: they can't afford to keep the servers and all
     that running no longer.
NER HP:230 EP:151 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: pål skalø du ha sprit?
Reorx says in Westron: hmm how do I know if I have herpes
^ (OOC) Aslak: $hoie
' hell if i know
You say: hell if i know
NER HP:230 EP:153 > 
' been poking in the wrong cess pool or what?
You say: been poking in the wrong cess pool or what?
NER HP:230 EP:154 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: say so is the mud shiting down or are you
     just kidding wiht me
NER HP:230 EP:155 > Reorx says in Westron: god I hope not
$No for real, you didn't read the news?
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: No for real, you didn't read the news?
Reorx says in Westron: CENSURED
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: I never read newsd
Reorx says in Westron: and I'm worried
' check it up.
You say: check it up.
NER HP:230 EP:153 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: ,ayhem is dancing with a towel
Reorx says in Westron: ...
$Sounds homo-erotic.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: Sounds homo-erotic.
NER HP:230 EP:151 > 
NER HP:230 EP:152 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: aye
Reorx says in Westron: i have CENSURED on my leg too though
Reorx says in Westron: so I think it's just random
' but man you ain't gonna be whopping out your wang to do any party tricks with CENSURED that's  for sure.
You say: but man you ain't gonna be whopping out your wang to do any party
     tricks with CENSURED that's for sure.
NER HP:230 EP:157 > 
' so to speak
You say: so to speak
NER HP:230 EP:159 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: what nwqs id the muf shitiong down?
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: yeah
NER HP:230 EP:157 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: nuber?
NER HP:230 EP:158 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: numbsert
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: number
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: ?
$Ah there was a typo in the post
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: Ah there was a typo in the post
NER HP:230 EP:156 > 
$they must've took it down temporarily
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: they must've took it down temporarily
NER HP:230 EP:153 > Reorx says in Westron: ITS NOT ON MY WANG
$everyone was talking about it on the main comm a minute ago.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: everyone was talking about it on the main comm
     a minute ago.
Reorx says in Westron: ITS NEAR MY PUBES
^ (OOC) Aslak: when ud the m,ud shiting down?
' Ah
You say: Ah
NER HP:230 EP:152 > ^ (OOC) Aslak: adnd why?
tell reorx sit back and watch aslak make an ass of himself on the main comm.
You tell Reorx: sit back and watch aslak make an ass of himself on the
     main comm.
NER HP:230 EP:153 > ^ (OOC) Abakar: huh?
NER HP:230 EP:154 > [ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: i heard sometyhing about the mud shiting
$I think you just miscommed Aslak.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Azer: I think you just miscommed Aslak.
NER HP:230 EP:152 > Rian tells you: Why'd you have to tell him that?
% Adoni: exc what?
^ (OOC) Aslak: I heard soething about the mud shtuting down
Rian tells you: It's too funny
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: septembsder
NER HP:230 EP:153 > ^ (OOC) Aslak: anyone?
^ (OOC) Aslak: helu
^ (OOC) Someone: nope.
NER HP:230 EP:156 > ^ (OOC) Abakar: silly dwarves...
^ (OOC) Aslak: i heard somehtj nei
^ (OOC) Aslak: something about the mud shitnign down
^ (OOC) Aslak: omg
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: absulot ftwe
^ (OOC) Someone: no, that's real life mud.
^ (OOC) Aslak: stf
^ (OOC) Aslak: so is the mud shiting down?
^ (OOC) Someone: We've decided that people play that new mud, also known
     as IRL.
^ (OOC) Someone: thus, we're attempting to shut it down.
^ (OOC) Someone: IRL will soon not exist.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Aslak: you have a hard name to typ tonight
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Reorx: Hahaha.
[ Baruk Khazad-dum ] Bentelbow: hahahaa
^ (OOC) Aslak: so the mud is shiuting down yes or ni?
^ (OOC) Someone: yes Eaoden, No Aslak
^ (OOC) Aslak: so my gu8ildmates are ujust kidding, yes?
^ (OOC) Aslak: omg, I'm condufed
^ (OOC) Aslak: let's all get drunk
^ (OOC) Abakar: I'm working on it...

NER HP:230 EP:172 > *Someone laughs at you.