Busted! (CENSORED)

Posted by
Fernando [legacy]
14 April 2007 00:00:00

<Fernando didn't supply a description>


I'll try to be brief tho, I got hardbanned.

*My chars:

Sckul, maxxed wizard, 1st char, got levelbashed and abandoned.
Burgul, bounty hunter, ex-Commander of Durbatuluk, ex-Commander of AotWU, and one of the leader of the RioT ERs.
Fernando (the old one), harassing servant lowbie thief with boosted skills, ex-KV GM.
Nox, Hitman, ex-PoT, ex-Durms, his last fines were 8,7k. 18 Solos (9 Contracts, 4 ERs, 5 idiots).
Vladislav > Petra, ex-warlord of the Thrakatuluk legion, namechanged after some idiot said it would become a riot legion.
Lestat, lowbie assassin, 5 pkills on newbiekillers.
Pau (both of 'em), first RiOT ER, first to use the term 'riot' to designate a rebel evil race.
Zeh, civilian lvl 12 got eaten by activity daemon.
Mom, lvl 4 fighter, just to make jokes on the comm.
Senaquerib > Pederasta, lvl 9 sniffer.

*Chars from other people that I played with:

Bilungada - Ex-Beorning Senior of the Order of Bair (Orbair), 2nd in command (AGM).
            My RL friend stopped playing this game when New Rangers 
            were introduced, he loved 'charm'. Bilungada was a lvl 13
            ranger, I changed him into assassin and then it became my main char.
Kingozzy > Fernando (the new one) - An alt of the same friend, got 
            him as a lvl 8 warrior, and when the old Fernando suicided
            i levelled him up and namechanged.

There's another one that i can't say because the guy still plays. (hah!)

Last theft: a phial, from some elf.
Last pk: cozoq, as burgul.

   I knew it would happen some day but not for such thing, not now.
   I have always wondered what would be my reaction, but amazingly
the first thing i did was to yell at my brother to bring his car in
so we could wash it together. Didn't get frustated or angry, sad perhaps.
   Some might say that with the hardban all the effort i put on my characters
were trashed, no way. I enjoyed all of my characters since its creation
I've been playing this game for 5 years, with some intervals, and those
were good 5 years. But my desire for playing had been decreasing for the following facts:

 - Introduction of the ERs, which fucked with guild relationships and created infinite
   imbalance issues.

 - Removal of fade.

 - Dev 22.

 - Failkill.

 - A lot of other stupid changes.

 - The great one: Rambler abdicated Beornings GMship for Gristwen, whom i never liked much
                  but at first she started doing a really good job, but then she started 
                  letting straight in and promoting every player that she mudsexed with,
                  and my guild was full of peverts. She never talked to me, and i was 2nd
                  in command, and never put those applicants on vote. I made a polite post
                  about it when Grandeur left, but she erased it said to 'post it up in my ass'.
                  So i left my only guild, not before telling her to use that log of her 
                  getting pk'd while mudsexing with Grimscar in the plains as the new Theme. 
                  If i still had it, i'd post... the figure says: 'May I join?' and attacks!   


   The hardban was the 'coup de grâce'. Ok, it can be easily lifted and i could come back
but the point is: they can do it again, so that isn't fun.

   But I'll never regret the time i spent playing this game, i made good friends,
met a lot of new people, learned a lot of new things, and improved my english.

*People I'd like to mention as great friends:

The Brazilians, my best friends

Brof, taught me most things i know about pk'ing and triggering breaks, awesomely fun to party with.
Gawen, showed most of Mordor and the Lair, great party leader.
Grandeur, the first friend i made here, almost unkillable, he's stopped playing for the 45th time :P
Rafa, the one who taught me most things and had more patience with me, also the one i had more fun with.
Sigfried, taught me almost everything about zmud, smart guy and lazy-but-loyal great friend.

Never had much contact with Jonny, Rhoads or Guilherme, but they're nice people too.

*Non-Brazilians that i like most and have been mutualy loyal:

Scarn (not mutualy loyal, he has screwed me and i've screwed him in the past, but i like him anyways)

  If I didn't metion you it doesn't mean that i wouldn't buy you a beer if we met, even Baklen, the majority of the
players here are nice persons (some like Ecidon, Rathmar, Paraiko, Altar i wouldn't buy a thing) , and there are
some (like Athin,Tlaloc, Kelos, Grick, Gaul, Tevildo, Dorf, Giro, Eomar etc...) that i do regret i didn't
get to know 'em well.

If you want to contact me: add lobo.sckul@gmail.com on msn.


Now, about the hardban.

Before reading this, ask Pounder to tell you his 'Small Penis Theory', it fits perfectly.

 I had a char named Senaquerib, and somehow everyone knew it was my alt, so i used that legend-free 
namechange feature and namechanged him to 'Pederasta'.

  Pederast means: 1. A athenian sage, who took younger boys as aprentices.
                  2. A man who practices anal intercourses with boys.

But they don't have good history books in that sanatorium Melkor lives.

 I've choosen that name because i was watching a movie, comedy, and the guy said "hey, pederasts" 
when he met his friends. It was the first word that came in my mind, i needed a name quickly.

   One day, i found myself imprisoned, Melkor appeared and started being rude, i figured it was because
of my name, but i asked him, to make sure, he called me 'stupid'. He never, ever, asked me: 'change it'.
   He just imprisoned, insulted and nuked. I logged on Fernando to talk to him, he imprisoned me without a word.
   I logged on Lestat, he imprisoned me, and we had a long talk, i apologized, he said it wasn't enough, he wanted me to 
mail the Powers saying why they shouldn't hardban me, but due to mailbox bugs, i was only able to mail Melkor,
and he didn't forward the letter, as i found out later. I logged of and went to university.

   When i came back, both Fernando and Sckul had been silently nuked. I logged on Lestat and 
talked to Aule, he said he didn't recieve my letter, i begged him, but he said that doing that with 
a character named after a vampire in a novel wasn't helping.

   On the other day, I came back from work and logged on Lestat and here's my last talk with Melkor,
the only one i logged:

You tell Melkor: hi, are you busy?

Melkor tells you: ive got nothing to say to you. far as im concerned you
     should not be here either.

Melkor tells you: frankly im not sure how you are getting aroudn the
     hardban. clearly you dont get the message.

Melkor tells you: but time will fix that.

You tell Melkor: i'm not getting around it, i just logged in

You tell Melkor: man, please don't ban me

You tell Zimrathon: parece q ele vai me dar hardban (looks like hes going to hardban me)

Zimrathon tells you: o melkor?

You tell Zimrathon: sim (yes)

Melkor tells you: we've been through all this. i know you spoke with aule
     last night. im not sure where you and he left things.  you should
     know that I do not approve of your presence in this world.

Zimrathon tells you: por causa do nome? (because of the name?)

You tell Melkor: i've spoken to aule because you told me to talk to the

You tell Melkor: and he said he didn't recieve my letter

You tell Melkor: and again i apologized

Melkor tells you: i forwarded it on to drogian, perhaps he sent it to
     aule. i also found your apologies to be insincere and halfhearted.
     not that it matters, really, because i have grave concernes about
     letting anyone in our midsts who would self identify as a child

Zimrathon tells you: eh serio? (seriously?)

You tell Zimrathon: eh (yeah)

Zimrathon tells you: isso agora? (that happened now?)

You tell Melkor: for gods sake! i'm no child molester

You tell Zimrathon: tah rolando ainda (it's still happening)

Zimrathon tells you: entao vou parar de fazer eq pro burgul (so i'll stop getting eq for Burgul)

Melkor tells you: and then, when confronted with this issue, be
     unapologetic, defiant, and choose to argue with me on the basis that
     'it doenst mean child molester, its a greek word meaning 'man who has
     mentor relationship with boys', that has been taken out of context by
     'stupid masses'.

You tell Melkor: neither i defend it, and i never made fun with that name

You tell Melkor: i didn't say it!

You tell Melkor: i said it meant also an elder who takes a boy as his

You tell Melkor: to sex involved

You tell Melkor: and i never defied you, i'm not crazy

Melkor tells you: furthermore, your apologies and explanations to others
     make no mention of this level of thought and research you have into
     the etymology of the word, and instead, try to chalk up your choice
     of words as 'something you heard in a movie'. I see this as feigned

You tell Melkor: i did no reasearch, i learned about it on college

Melkor tells you: i thought it was just some random word you heard in a
     movie. That's how you are portraying it to others.

You tell Melkor: but at the time i was looking for a name to my
     namechange, i was watching that movie

You tell Melkor: no, i'm not portraiting it to anyone, i said that was why
     i put it...

Zimrathon tells you: e ai? (so?)

You tell Zimrathon: ele tah sendo erístico (he's being eristic)

Melkor tells you: at the end of the day, i dont think you are being
     straight with us, your apologies have been insincere, and i think you
     are doing anything you can to get your characters back.
Melkor tells you: including lying and omitting the truth.
You tell Melkor: lying?!

Zimrathon tells you: Mas que que voce acha (but what do you think?)

You tell Melkor: no, man, hell no, i just felt that nuking 3 alts or
     hardbanning isn't fair for someone who played this game for 5 years
     and the max admin punition i got was for a bug abuse i didn't commit

You tell Melkor: i didn't lie at all, neither ommited the truth
Melkor tells you: now, do i know if you are a child molester or not? No.
     But I do know that you 1) self identified as one, 2) have not been
     sufficiently apologetic about it, or straight up about the scenario.
     That dos not sit well with me at all.

Melkor tells you: and frankly, I dont want to find out if you are a child

Melkor tells you: after what has transpired, i feel that allowing you to
     play here is a risk.

You tell Melkor: dude, i'm really sorry, deeply.... please believe me

Melkor tells you: oh, so that is supposed to mean something?

You tell Melkor: i didn't know i was causing that harm, no one ever sent
     me a tell about it, i didn't recieve any warnings

You tell Melkor: please believe me

You tell Melkor: i beg you

Melkor tells you: you created a character names 'child molester'. Do you
     honestly think that under any circumstances I am going to allow you
     within this community, where CHILDREN play? to do so is irresponsible
     and a risk that I will not take, regardless of your pleadings.

Melkor tells you: you might not be a child molester. I cannot take the
     risk to find out.

You tell Melkor: melkor so if the problem was just that character why not
     just force a namechange?

Melkor tells you: you really dont get it.

You tell Melkor: or maybe just nuke that character and erase that legend

Melkor tells you: which is even more troubling.

You tell Melkor: i do

You tell Melkor: i do!
HP:130 EP:130> 
Melkor tells you: time to go now. you can suicide or i can nuke. your

You tell Melkor: wait man

You tell Zimrathon: Esse eh meu ultimo tell pra vc cara, valeu por tudo
                   (This is my last tell to you man, thanks for everything)  
Melkor tells you: as I said before:

Zimrathon tells you: eh serio? (seriously?)

Melkor tells you: you created a character names 'child molester'. Do you
     honestly think that under any circumstances I am going to allow you
     within this community, where CHILDREN play? to do so is irresponsible
     and a risk that I will not take, regardless of your pleadings.

Zimrathon tells you: msn

You tell Melkor: I won't do it anymore!

You tell Zimrathon: please

You tell Melkor: please

Melkor tells you: you are not welcome here

You tell Zimrathon: misstell, bah akele era pra ser o ultimo :P
                             (that one was supposed to be the last one :P ) 

You tell Zimrathon: flws, n tem graça mais jogar com um admin assim
                   (cya, there's no fun playing with an admin like this) 
Zimrathon tells you: tu vai fazer oq (what will you do?)

You tell Melkor: please man, please

Melkor tells you: and if you are indeed innocent, then please know that i
     take no joy ain this and apologize; I do not have a choice. I
     -cannot- allow people who identify themselves as child molesters
     within our community.

Melkor tells you: it is irresponsible of me to do otherwise.

You tell Melkor: i won't do it anymore, you have my word

*Melkor waves at you.
                                                The Two Towers

Thorondor been dazed and confused for so long its not true                                                  (Overlord)  
Melkor the Dark Lord          [unholy eternal]                                                                  (Vala)  

Total ainur: 2
Total users: 71

You tell Melkor: please don't ban me

Melkor tells you: find another game to play

You tell Melkor: i have friends here

Melkor tells you: seek out professional help, too.

You tell Melkor: 'I'M NO CHILD MOLESTER'

Melkor tells you: that may or may not be true. I, however, cannot afford
     to find out if it is true.

You tell Melkor: i can prove you

Melkor tells you: sorry (best part of the log)

You tell Melkor: sorry?

The Courthouse(w)
A bolt of lightning descends from the heavens, and all goes dark.

          /¯ |¯¯ |\  | |¯   /¯\  |¯)  |¯¯ |¯\
          |  |_  | \ |  \  (   ) |¯\  |_  |  )
          \_ |__ |  \|  _)  \_/  |  \ |__ |_/ 

Thank you all for everything, thank you also for those who espontaneouly talked
to other powers for me to be reinstated but it's time for me to move on, I have a
lot of things to conquer and i can't stay idle.
Sorry for anything i did or said that really made you feel angry/sad IRL,
it's just a game, a great one.

Be well and goodbye.

J. F. Lobo