Hello everyone, its time for my goodbye post. I recently got nuked for botting, as they nerfed and changed so many areas that you are basicly left with Ugly orcs to level from 10-16. Oh well, shit happens, but botting ain't any worse than someone giving you a few 1000 to level, its all it is a help, it does'nt affect anyone else. Grr, stupid do-gooders. Well I'll guess I'll start with a little about myself. My name is Mark, im 17, born in London, England and now live in West Wales. Life is good! I listen to metal pretty much 24/7, and spend most of my free time down the beach. Heres some of my past characters you might remeber.  Araglas - First seriousish character, around the 2001/2002 period I think, co-founded the Dunedain of the North clan with Vigilante. Treyz (!?!?) - PLEDGE OF DOL AMROTH. Brother to Beyaz! For about a month he took up the position of "most hated player in Arda"... ahh good times. After I gave up on the KoDA application he was my first character to join Ranhoth. Falgor - Second Ranhoth member, left after a few months and joined CoU. Suicided some time soon after. Scarn - Started out a hobbit, third member of ranhoth. At level 16 got bored and left, racechanged to dunedain and maxxed out, hibernated for a while, and upon return joined Beornings under Krimpatul's command. Nuked for attempting to abuse Pounders client triggers. (http://logs.dyndns.dk/viewer.php/9320) Nurzum - First ER, Burzgul sniffer, killed around 70 under level 14s when ERs were first released. Fun times. Suicided after Kalimac levlebashed him. Guruk - Second ER, Necromancer, Durbatuluk. Probably my most sucsessful character for a while. Maxxed out totaly, 200,000 in banks. General kickasss, Uruk Necro = <3. Some newbie legion declared war on him and he killed like 5 of them, then Udungul labeled me "riot" and I was levelbashed. Harrow/Hunty/Dimple - Few hobbit thieves all over the period of like a year, basicly staryed around level 12, stole autoloading rings and such. Fun! Brock - Second serious Beorning member, helped Granduer get the guild from extition to mild activity. After a falling out with a member left, served, namechanged to Darovir. Unserved after a while, join Cymbrogi, invited ers into the hall and sold armour, plus killed a few members in the GH. Urskin - Last Character in Beornings, general Aiglos-wielding tanked out warrior. Did'nt do much, just kill at few ERs and quest shit. Eredir - (TNT) Archer, killed stuff with storm bow. Got nuked for killing too many people with WInnetou, even though all had contracts or were targets! Arkal - Dwarf, leveled up, namechanged to Falgor who will remain a chat char. Samson!!! - Nuked for botting :( Theres a list of some of the alts I can remeber, all spanning from 2001 - Present. Some people that have respected, (have being the key word, a lot on this list are total assholes now). Beyaz,Hirgon,Scapegoat,Winnetou,Drille,Daywalker,Fernando,Jaron,Perry, Nimrod,Azer,Rambler,Amearn(When he was Masar) and a bunch more I can't think of. Oh Well, there it is, my farewell. I'll probably come back some day but you know, the past year I've been mudding simply to max out and PK. No real purpose, the MUD has lost its magic for me. ADD and T2T just don't mix anymore! I'll just leave you with some words from a Hatebreed song, it was listening to this line that made me decide to quit. "If you don't live for something, You'll die for nothing."  Bye! Mark (mark_2588@hotmail.com)