A meeting in Erebor

Posted by
Azer [legacy]
23 April 2007 00:00:00

Felt appropriate to post a followup to the letter since it went public. The Quickblades call an audience with the Baruk Khazad-dum. The hostilities between the two Houses has ceased for good.


  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    03 May 2007 01:38:54

    I wrote that as an IC thing, and it wasn't about how BKD 'kept killing QBs,' it was condemning the extortion (in *addition* to the killing).

    Sure, you're 'allies' now, but it's still extortion, and was still brought about by dwarves killing dwarves.

    THAT SAID, I mostly posted that because Dorf the Dwarf wouldn't take that too lightly. OOCly, I'm not bleeding sympathy for the Quickblades - and their guildmaster's cowardly response to my post didn't improve them in my eyes. People killing people that they think need killing is one thing - but once someone tries to justify it THEMATICALLY, I think I can start taking issue. 'Dwarven houses bickering' is a far cry from pking a guild into the ground. :)

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    27 April 2007 22:16:53

    I think the term people are looking for is 'Vassal.'

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    27 April 2007 01:31:34

    Thats fine, I really dont care whether quickblades survives or not, the MUD is full of guilds already, but call it what it is. its not an alliance, its extortion.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    26 April 2007 23:30:53

    Exactly! The point is no one likes the Quickblades, and they should be glad they only have to pay a petty 25k instead of being taken out of existence :P

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    26 April 2007 23:27:44

    The Quickblades deserve it, because it's a very stupid guild that shouldn't exist.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    26 April 2007 22:53:52

    Alliance? they have to pay 25k each month, or you pkill them into non existence. How do you consider that an alliance? Thats like saying that the lowly shop owner and the powerful organized crime boss are allies.

    I have to agree with Foraker, your monthly demands keep this a current issue. Seems to me that you have concealed being a bully with some roleplay. Do you plan on using that 25k to purchase equipment for lowby dwarfs? or helping lowby dwarfs recover from deaths? or is it going into your guild coffers to pay for your rent? ( i know you might not need it, but thats not the point)

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    26 April 2007 19:17:54

    That's part of how our alliance works.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    26 April 2007 18:51:54

    I don't really care about the BKD/Quickblade war, but as long as they're paying tribute every month, I don't see how you can call it ancient history. That keeps it in the present.

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    26 April 2007 16:06:24

    And oh yeah, Westar, I do belive there's a big difference in a regular guild ' war '/ PKs than using alts and boarderline multiplaying to takeover another guild and transfer huge sums of cash to your alts (main) guild. It hasn't passed me by that you reckon me a hypocrite for pissing all over the Glorglas incident, but in my oppinion there's no comparing the two. Either way, it's ancient history now as far as i'm concerned. But feel free to dwell.

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    26 April 2007 15:46:33

    Yes a nicely written piece. Bit behind on the time schedule though arn't we? The hostilities have ended, Quickblades and BkD are now allied. Quicker next time.

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    26 April 2007 15:21:53

    Good piece of writing right there, Dorf.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    26 April 2007 11:31:02

    Rumour 20 Dorf (04/23/07 22:44) A Letter

    An open letter to the Dwarves and other Free peoples of Arda:

    Troubling rumours have reached my ears of infighting, domestic

    disturbances among the remaining Dwarven clans, Dwarves killing


    The rumours tell me that these are not crimes on a petty

    scale. These are not mistakes. These are not acts of passion,

    nor of revenge, nor of justice, nor of need. I wonder what could

    possibly be the motivation for such wanton destruction of another

    House of Dwarves.

    The rumours tell me that the dead are not servants of the

    Enemy. The dead are not criminals, usurpers, or traitors. The

    dead fell with little warning, little justification, and no

    perceivable need. The dead are silent, but the living point the

    fingers for them. I wonder at the Dwarven skeletons rotting away

    in the cold sunlight, surrounded only by the footprints of yet

    more Dwarves.

    The rumours tell me that a war was declared upon the group of

    former caravan guards out of Gabilgathol calling themselves 'The

    Quickblades.' The rumours tell me they were not quick enough to

    pledge allegiance to or alliance with the Dwarves of Ravenhill,

    and were concerned only with their own profits. I wonder how

    many guilds are as selfless as the Quickblades were demanded to


    The rumours tell me that the Dwarves of Baruk Khazad-dûm are

    the killers, the kinslayers. These rumours trouble me. The Baruk

    Khazad-dûm have been protectors of Erebor, defenders of the Lonely

    Mountain, and Dwarves noble in deed and reputation alike for time

    immemorial. I wonder at the wisdom of their decisions now.

    The rumours tell me that while Dáin II, the Ironfoot, the King

    under the Mountain and King of Durin's Folk, slayer of Azog the

    goblin, makes war upon the vermin besieging Dale, his Regent Azer

    Runefist speaks in stead of the King. Azer's goals are not as

    close nor as immediate as those of some of his brethren; instead of

    merely destroying the siege of the Lonely Mountain and the

    neighbouring Mannish towns, Azer has shown his intent to retake the

    citadel of Khazad-dûm - as is the tradition of other Regents to the


    I commend Azer for his lofty goals and noble ideals. When

    Durin the Deathless first gazed upon Kheled-zâram, he surely would

    have wept to have seen the future of his city. The hearts of the

    Dwarves weep that Khazad-dûm has been reduced to this Moria, this

    pit of orcs and worse. I commend the Dwarves of Baruk Khazad-dûm

    for their struggles against the occupiers of our great citadel.

    I must, however, wonder at the purpose behind these most recent

    events. The Longbeards and Firebeards of the Lonely Mountain do

    not rule the Broadbeams of Gabilgathol. Dáin and his Regent hold

    sway over the line of Durin and the Dwarves of Erebor, but not all

    Dwarves. I wonder at the motivation behind the attacks on the

    Quickblades. I wonder at how precisely the tribute of gold being

    exacted from them now in exchange for peace will be put towards the

    Troubles plaguing all Dwarves.

    We suffered too greatly at Azanulbizar, in the Nanduhirion

    Valley below the Gates of Khazad-dûm. If our race is to survive,

    we must not resort to the methods some have employed recently. We

    must not resort to murder or extortion from our brethren.

    The Enemy is upon us. We must not - can not - slake our blades

    in Dwarven blood if we hope to see the dawn of the next Age.


    Dorf Grimhammer

    On his own behalf and that of all Dwarves, whatever their clan.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    25 April 2007 06:46:21

    Good log, nice thematic tribute here.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    24 April 2007 11:10:13

    3: To add to e-penis

  • Author
    Norin [legacy]
    24 April 2007 08:22:30

    Khazad weak. Theese Belegost crawlers is not very impressive.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    24 April 2007 02:46:22

    I could make 25k in 3 hours.

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    24 April 2007 00:49:44

    Maybe we can make real dwarves outta em yet.

  • Author
    Thoros [legacy]
    24 April 2007 00:34:00

    25k a month is not that much. It is just a small tribute.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    23 April 2007 23:58:16


  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    23 April 2007 23:43:50


  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    23 April 2007 22:58:18

    Shame. I wanted to see them die.

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    23 April 2007 22:48:05

    This log was posted for two reasons. 1: Provide closure for the outsiders that have followed these events. And 2: For my guildmates to see it in color. Nothing more.

    This is our alliance.

  • Author
    Westar [legacy]
    23 April 2007 22:15:50

    Ceased for good? To they stop paying? :)

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    23 April 2007 22:05:14
