Xaron and Gaia die

Posted by
Perrota [legacy]
28 April 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

Their almighty leader fled the second the ambushing started :p sorry about the shape spam a little ADD


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 April 2007 20:09:49

    Perrota, Gizmalin wasn't raping me nearly as much as you think he was. Yeah, I jumped balcony to get away from him, but I thought my party was going to jump with me.

  • Author
    Urgnath [legacy]
    30 April 2007 06:09:35

    Sense triggers are fun and easy. I have them for both zMud and Rapscallion...neither of which I use! :(

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    30 April 2007 04:18:38

    I think tireless's excuse is pretty good that his triggers and aliases were screwed but it looks to me that he jumped the balcony to get away from Gizmalin (who was raping him) then wasn't to be found again until we started killing gaia when a sense came through that said he was with Calicious. *shrug* but im sure the alias he accidently did went to FR lands.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    30 April 2007 03:53:56

    uh there is a great thing about sense that none of you are really picking up on. that is the fact the the assassin does not have to be there to see who the person is with, or doing a sense on the targets known friends to see if they're together in a lockup or the wild. sense is friggin awesome.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    30 April 2007 03:48:55

    Urgnath's sense trigger was sexy.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:09:50

    Sorry Hirgail... brevity isn't a strength of mine.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:03:28

    Tireless, don't stop now! I want to know what happens to Harry Potter! Does he bone Hermoine??

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:32:44

    I don't want to get into this shitstorm, but I'd like to point out that principally BHs have necros running senses for them, and assassins have wizards running finds. Finds, for an experienced finder, are only _slightly_ worse for location that senses (I am not aware of anyone having figured out how to set up a reasonable sense trigger), but they also give shape. Now, I have not played a bhunter, so this is just conjecture... but it seems to me that if you were a bhunter and you got a sense on someone fighting or preparing to fight a hard NPC (such as a nazgul), you could get near them (say sit at Krackle), then when you get a sense on them that shows they are... avg shape? sit 1n of them and ambush... pretty much the same thing as hunting them camoed, only you're relying on another player's ep to get your shapes with some delay time, and don't need to use up your ep the entire time.

    The fact that you can have a wasted maxed necro doing your shapes for you, imo, makes the profession approximately balanced to assassins in terms of stalking/stabbing. The difficulty with regards to quickly stabbing (I stabbed 2 targets in about 5 seconds in my log immediately after this one) is legitimate; bhunters ARE at a disadvantage in that they cannot quicky change targets or stab in the room; they have to wait for their target to come to them. Intuitively I'd say that hamstring (giving you extra time to kill your enemy before they can scamper) approximately balances out this assassin advantage. Looking at my log immediately after this, I was unable to avoid Gizmalin's ambush while hunting Perrota... then when I decided to run, Gizmalin had alot of extra time to hit me (lucky for me he was hitting like crap and I was landing some great hits) before I got to mt (though I had closer breaks I was perfectly able to use, the point stays the same).

    I would say that bhunters are better for ambushing a target in the middle of nowhere - say and FR about 10 rooms out of Dol Guldur on travelto - would be superior to assassins doing the same (see my log of Dornath). I have had several PKs or PK attempts recently (ie Alyath... he didn't post and I didn't log) where I would have been able to kill my target if I'd had hamstring, but either lost them or was in turn killed because they were able to run half-way across the grid to a hazard/break.

    I didn't mean to get caught up in this... I just think the profs are about balanced right now.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:02:33

    Same as it is now, but when you get the attack on an ambush it should take at least 15-25 more ep. Assassins stalk their targets and wait for an opportune time to attack, bountyhunters study their targets movements, move ahead of them, set up an ambush and wait for their target. It doesn't matter what you would rather have, they're supposed to be different. But when there are times when you can essentially get a backstab for 25 ep, that needs to be balanced. But if they're getting removed, then he's right there is no point.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    29 April 2007 21:50:17

    Pallasch, you talk like you... KNOW what you're talking about. WAIT, You DO NOT. Shut the fuck up, you're making yourself look like an ignorant lout. And louts aren't cool man. They just aren't.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    29 April 2007 13:43:19

    I would rather a stab a target from DLSG without hamstring rather than from perfect with hamstring :P

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    29 April 2007 10:42:19

    BH's have hamstring, which is enough to counteract the unknown concerning shape/handhealing. Look, you can argue about what each profession can do with their skills and whatever, the simple fact remains that the imbalance between ep usage is there.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    29 April 2007 10:38:27

    I thought the one major difference was obvious.

    You can shape your target and stab when he is low when camoed, as well as check his equipment, you have no way of knowing your target won't be at perfect shape with a phial when ambushing.

    Another minor difference would be the fact that people can't camo you off unless you attack, yet a search is enough to uncover and ambusher.

    Other than those, my point about the variation still stands, though as you said, it is pointless to argue about this now.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    29 April 2007 10:18:17

    Uh, how do you differentiate between sitting ambushed waiting for someone to come into the specific room you're waiting in, and being camo'd, hunting somebody waiting for the exact time to backstab? It's the same fucking thing. In both instances, you're essentially waiting for the right time to strike. Just because you can backstab whenever you feel like it doesn't mean it is a better situation. The ep drain for ambush is the EXACT SAME THING as being camouflaged, hunting a target around in order to time your strike. Using that as an argument is fucking retarded.

    Consider the fact that ambush is based on the backstab code. How is that fact, in itself, not proof that the ep cost in all situations be identical?

    But again, BH's will be removed, so any argument for or against ep cost is moot. But stop being biased and recognize the imbalance.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    29 April 2007 07:39:39

    Yes, and sometimes the waiting involved makes them cost much more ep than backstabs. So they might cost more or less ep depending on the accuracy of the bountyhunter. The variation and the fact that they are not as flexible as backstabs in terms of choosing when to attack makes it fine imo.

    Assume it was unbalanced. How would you fix the variation at 50 ep?

    Make it take 50 ep when attacking and nothing for hiding? Not a good idea.

    Set the lower limit at 50 by making the combined cost of getting in ambush and leaping out 50? Not balanced in the sense that backstab always costs less ep.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 April 2007 06:40:51

    There are times where it is practically used as a backstab, with no waiting involved. 25 ep for a backstab type hit isn't balanced. Simple as that.

  • Author
    Ochyrocera [legacy]
    29 April 2007 04:20:56

    The EP drain for ambush has always been balanced out. People that have not actively played them have no grounds to randomly spew 'supposedly fair' conjecture, simply based on evidence they've seen from a few logs.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 April 2007 01:26:52

    I think he's trying to say that it should take more ep when you get the damage on an ambush than when you just hunt without the damage. Which is completely understandable and would be fair.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    28 April 2007 19:21:38

    Now that's a motherfucking critical hit! Crit + double hit = badass.

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    28 April 2007 18:05:25

    Hamstring takes 40ep and if you do it too early, rather than just failing, you get a fail message and it takes 20 ep. Stop crying like little children.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    28 April 2007 18:05:22

    You can move whilst camoing. You can choose when to backstab someone. The amount of EP ambush costs is fair. You cannot ambush someone, you can set yourself up to ambush someone, but they themselves have to trigger the ambush. If they stand in one place, in the same room and don't move, they cannot be ambushed.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    28 April 2007 17:42:01

    And it took you 25EP to ambush. It takes 30EP to camo.

  • Author
    Polk [legacy]
    28 April 2007 17:40:45

    Almost 80? 45 according to the log, plus you were attuned. So stop the bullshit.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    28 April 2007 16:10:30

    Pallasch it takes about 20-30 ep to slip into the shadows then it takes ep to sit and wait so waitiong for exaron took almost 80 itself then i used just about the rest on gaia so dont complain about bounty hunters because they are harder to use than assassin's.

  • Author
    Kubar [legacy]
    28 April 2007 11:03:45

    Nice Job!

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    28 April 2007 08:12:23

    That vial that Perrota drinks was originally Tireless's.

  • Author
    Archangel [legacy]
    28 April 2007 07:43:40

    lightning in a room with two NPCs! :)

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    28 April 2007 07:28:12

    It doesn't take ep when you attack somebody out of ambush? That's not right. It should drain as much EP as backstab does.


    Being in ambush waiting=being camouflaged

    Attacking out of ambush=backstab

    But oh well, BH's are going to be removed anyways.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    28 April 2007 06:04:11

    Yes but see it from our view we ambushed then never saw him again. And tireless idk where the hell that fucking hit came from but i shit my pants when i saw it lol :P

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    28 April 2007 05:51:50

    Tireless is a good party leader, this is just a bummer of a mistake. He'd never leave his party unless he died along with them.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    28 April 2007 05:48:36

    I forgot which trigger I had them set, and used the wrong one. Afterwards I ran back to the healer, hit an alias that SHOULD have picked them up (I left a comma out so it failed), got hit with a ridiculous lag bubble, hit my alias to leave. When the lag resolved, I realized I didn't have them and tried to direct them to the well (I was there, ironically, to keep them safe while they explored CU), but my directions apparently were not good enough, or at least not good enough to get them there in time.

    After I got out of the well, I ran back in, but unfortunately all my torches had been moved and codpiece was not in.

    The subtitle is, however, appropriate; I got my party killed, and I think I'm about the worst party leader ever... with one or two notable exceptions.

    With regards to the log, though... God damn, did anyone else see the one hit that Perrota lands on Gaia that takes her from Good to dlsg? God damn!