
Posted by
Tireless [legacy]
29 April 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

I was gunning for Gizmalin or Perrota - revenge for yesterday.


  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    01 May 2007 08:52:00

    The number of easy places to break a moral assassin (particularly in ER lands) as well as the number of top end weapons that work better for immorals are probably the main reasons. Not that being Angelic doesn't have its perks either, I'd say being a moral/heroic assassin is probably the hardest.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:01:35

    Oh, and someone said that this was a randomkill or something like that...

    My choice of Bragl as a first stab WAS a choice of opportunity, however, the fact that Bragl was one of my targets was NOT. He was one of Gizmalin/Perrota's party members. They killed my party, I killed theirs. Not random.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:50:09

    but then of course he had a backstabbing whip that was good for angelics along with the medallion.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:49:18


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:46:29

    Angelic assassin is the hardest variety of assassin to play.

    If this is not the case, why is it that virtually none of the major PKers of the past few years have been angelic?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:27:40

    Date: 29. Apr, 2007, 21:13:18 By: Gizmalin

    Pallasch man you are funny, I cant remember the last time you left your guild uncamoed without 2hand healings, So if I were you I would shut the fuck up until I see you pk someone with actual skill.

    [321] [18:20] %% Gizmalin: Anyone have 2hand healings for sale?

    Hahahaha. As for pking somebody with actual skill... are you inferring that you have no skill, considering the number of times I HAVE pk'ed you? :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:07:20

    if exhalev is the replacement of the old great player killers then we have too many noobs running around.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:49:32

    I expect a warning for that, mister moderator.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:10:00

    I don't remember ever pking with you, who was this newb?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    29 April 2007 21:51:14

    I just did a fact check. Pallasch has not killed you 3 times. He's killed you 8 times.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    29 April 2007 21:48:01

    Someone that is washed up, and has earned their place to talk about things, can go ahead and talk about things they understand. Being out of the loop has a detrimental affect on both the credibility, and relevancy of your statements. Its simple logic.

    And I don't know what's wrong with Trempk. The one time we pked together, he got broken by a complete newb. But you know, he has to keep bringing up what I did with my ainu as if I did it and tried to get away with it... I don't understand why its so hard for older people to face up to the fact that they don't matter anymore (on the PK scene), they've been replaced, and even if they did matter, they still pale into comparison with their active contemporaries.

    You're the ones that need to to learn your places. There are older players that move forward, and adapt, and are respectful. Try and learn from them.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    29 April 2007 21:43:28

    God fucking damnit Gizmalin are you fucking retarded? What the hell is wrong with you? Are you just compulsive, can you not help the shit you say? From memory he's killed you at least 3 times and unless I'm mistaken you've never killed him despite repeated attempts. Someone explain this guy to me please..I just..don't..I want to understand. I mean I can understand enjoying pissing people off, it can be fun if you get the right guy..but I at least like to be in the right when I do it!

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    29 April 2007 21:38:13


  • Author
    Gizmalin [legacy]
    29 April 2007 21:13:18

    Pallasch man you are funny, I cant remember the last time you left your guild uncamoed without 2hand healings, So if I were you I would shut the fuck up until I see you pk someone with actual skill.

  • Author
    Khaedes [legacy]
    29 April 2007 20:33:54

    Good rant, I enjoyed it.

  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    29 April 2007 16:11:50

    <3 Pallasch

  • Author
    Jubal [legacy]
    29 April 2007 11:42:59

    Go Pallasch! :)

  • Author
    Kubar [legacy]
    29 April 2007 11:37:18

    hahaha, would love to see the look on pallasch's face when he typed all that :P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    29 April 2007 10:50:21

    Look what you did! Look what you assholes did to gentle Pallasch's spirits! You should be ashamed of yourselves!

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    29 April 2007 10:32:49

    Motherfucker, just reading through these comments make me sick. Some people who won't be named but know who they are talking shit to ESTABLISHED players, who have made a case for themselves over years and years of playing and/or being an effective pker? WHAT THE FUCK DOES BEING AN INACTIVE PERSON HAVE TO DO WITH SOMEBODY'S PKING SKILLS/BEING WASHED UP? Seriously, if you applied that ignorant logic to all players of all timeframes, Fjant/Kerosion/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc would look like newbies. STOP TALKING SHIT ABOUT OLDER PLAYERS JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE INACTIVE. FFS, I hate Trempk but I respect him for what he accomplished while he was active. Learn your place, all of you.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    29 April 2007 10:27:35

    'now if i didn't shield you would be running like a little girl'

    Gizmalin... shut the fuck up. Seriously, stop talking so much shit. Do you remember the last time you ran your mouth, and then you promptly got killed like 3-4 times in a row? I do. Learn your fucking place and stop running your mouth off like you've earned the right. Fuck, you're retarded.

    Christ, now I'm really annoyed at ignorant morons like yourself. Do you really feel the need to talk shit? If you didn't run your mouth 24/7 and let your actual playing skills speak for themselves you might just earn a little bit of respect.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    29 April 2007 10:23:18

    I haven't yet read all the comments, but I did read Perrota's about assassins being removed instead of BH's because using camouflage to PK is = to being a 'big fag'.... PERROTA, YOU'RE A FUCKING GODDAMN RETARD. FUCKING. STUPID. IGNORANT. MORONIC. PIECE OF SHIT!

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 April 2007 06:46:02

    Also, I would rather be an FR assassin who doesnt play the game much anymore than an active player who had to resort to becoming an ainur to kill his enemies and quits on people when he can't break them.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 April 2007 06:36:04

    Removing assassins is another dumb idea. Removing ERs is a much better one.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    29 April 2007 06:01:07

    -> then you would've seen what pk should be like now.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    29 April 2007 06:00:27

    Opportunistic kills are pathetic. More of that random pk bullshit driving players away. And removing assassins? They were the original pk'ing prof, the hell they'll go away :P Should've been here > 5 years ago.

  • Author
    Ochyrocera [legacy]
    29 April 2007 04:27:13

    PKing as a bountyhunter at the moment, as they fade away as a neglected, nerfed relic for the mantlepiece is much more difficult than pking as an assassin. Granted, they are supposed to be different, and the systems are very interesting in their points and counterpoints to one another. However, pking as an 'angelic FR assassin' is infinitely more easy than pking as a BH... not quite sure what the point is you have there...

    And BH kills do not take a lot less work, and a lot more luck... They take a lot more work AND a lot more luck... Try PKing targets that know they are after you, without being camouflaged (Just as an example) Trempk, then get back to us with your divine knowledge (founded on vast experience) concerning BH PK. Oh wait that's right! You're a washed up Fr assassin in the first place, as if we could expect you to know anything about the current stuff :( Forgive me.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    29 April 2007 01:38:33

    So bounty hunters are better because their kills take less work and a lot more luck? Thats about the dumbest thing I've seen, next to dropping your healing and letting the guy trying to kill you drink it, of course.

    All professions aren't supposed to be the same. Quit crying because you have to kill people in a different way than another profession, its supposed to be that way dumbass.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    29 April 2007 01:03:50

    Oh yeah, and Gizmalin, if you hadn't shielded Perotta would have been dead and (I guess) a lot more upset:P

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:55:13

    Great kill...nice job T.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:52:46

    Hahaha. Nice one Tireless. Perrota, you kids should learn to shut up. You just come across looking like whiney douchebags whenever you get owned like this. There are guys here who lived through harder times that you kids do. You've got it easy. Death doesn't hurt, you're stacked up with good gear and you've never had to face a real bang. I've seen people get 10manned and take it better than you. Learn some respect you fucking amateurs.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:52:21

    damn nice

  • Author
    Gizmalin [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:51:11

    Only reason why I was hurting so bad was from shielding perrota and taking so much damage,Now if I didnt shield you would be running like a little girl.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:41:25

    Such a task. '2se, ambush tireless. hamstring tireless' Uh-oh, Tireless is owning me! 'hunt off, 6e'

    I'm not bagging on how hard it is to PK as a bhunter. Double ambushes were shitty, horrible things, but at present PKing as a bh is no walk in the park. However, being an assassin isn't that easy either. Especially being an angelic FR assassin.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:36:15

    Sorry that when we PK it is actually a task didnt mean to insult your lazy PKing.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:35:45

    Opportunistic solo on Bragl, well done. Good work snagging that bota when Perrota dropped it. Personally, I would have drank it by hand but nice move. Props to Gizmalin for trying to turn it around, decent battle by all, cool read.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:35:28

    Sorry tireless would you have been happier if me and giz were camoed on your party and waited till you/them got low and stabbed you/them and killed in two rounds? Would that have been better?

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:29:16

    He made an amazing argument, Tire... 'camoed like a big fag.' Can't argue that one!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:26:18


    Remove assassins. What a good idea. Everyone give Perrota his due for that brilliant suggestion.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:24:09

    Yes but this is the reason why they should remove assassin's instead of bounty hunters because you can in the same room as someone camoed like a big fag or take a chance that they arent low and wait to ambush them.

    I will give you props that it was a smart way to get an easy kill but in my profession i try not to look for the easiest ones so..

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    29 April 2007 00:17:07

    If I'd been just a little smarter I could have gotten all 3 of them. C'est la vie.

    Thanks to Urgnath (and Perrota) for pointing out that I posted my HTML version and not my ANSI version at first.