
Posted by
Gizmalin [legacy]
29 April 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

Looks like your the goner now winnetou.


  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    30 April 2007 14:13:45

    Reading the comments on the past logs makes me wanna drill a hole in my head and forget I ever played this fucking game.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    30 April 2007 13:31:55

    3 for the log, 1 for the grammar. Get Fyng to write your log descs for you again.

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    30 April 2007 12:49:21

    I dont know why you all are complaining, as Cerol said and i agree with him on serveral other things in his comment, people play this mud for different reason, or perhaps better to say we all play to have fun, but not all people have fun the same way, some Pk, some abuse and cheat, some RP that is just the way it is and we should respect that...

    The thing i dont agree about is that the mud is the same as 5 years ago. RP is long dead and buried whatever anyone says. We can try to deny it all we like but true rp like in the old days doesnt exist, as to why it is gone i wont point fingers.And with the RP dead a huge aspect of the game died, a huge Fun aspect so people were left with pkilling. Alsow nobody can tell me that their adrenaline didnt go up the first time they tryed a pk or first time they were attemtped, i am sure Winnetou doesnt get rush any more but he enjoys

    the fact that the odds are stacked up against him and that makes the game fun to him...

    One of the most important thing everybody seems to be forgetting is that ERs and FRs are at WAR! So when a uruk and dwarf see each other on a dirt road they wont pass by one another and say:' Hey you arent my enemy, you havent done anything to me, lets leave it be ', they'll charge at each other axe and sword slashing and shouting battlecrys. Being killed in most logs are are people who fight the other side, so you see logs mostly of Gizmalin, Perrota, Azkur, Amearn, Laefang, from Ers, and Tlaloc, Kelos, Esteban, Winnetou, Shardik and so on. We are all fighting a war and we should all be ready for that war to be brought upon us at any time and usually it is the ERs that bring it upon the FRs as it should be, just stop complaining when a FR tryes to bring the fight to you...

    let the flaming being :)

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    30 April 2007 10:33:42

    see who's talkin :P

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    30 April 2007 10:02:11

    meh, fine :P then Spomenko wizzy solo'd you but couldn't loot it. But the shit about log on and pk still stands true, with exceptions at times of course.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    30 April 2007 09:25:30

    I borrowed the GRB and the set of eq from Merudo ->

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    30 April 2007 04:52:30

    heh, Winnetou has always logged on for minutes, gone for the pk, and logged off. That happened the last time he served, and its happening now. Actually, just a few days ago he went and borrowed a set of gear which included GRB, had too many people aware he was on and trying to kill him after a few minutes, and gave back the gear and logged off :P

  • Author
    Cerol [legacy]
    30 April 2007 04:18:53

    Bah, random pk's have always been around and have always been bullshit. All of us have done our fair share. This log represents a nicely timed kill from Giz and for sure, Win has some nice ones as well. People play this game for different reasons, it's something that should be respected. I do hope that all people actually involved in reading these comments also have their wits about them to see when a kill is random or not, if not, that's too bad.

    I haven't been active in a very long time but from my experience from when i retired 'til up to now CoU has never been about random pk's and since we got Bethagan back we put RP first although the definition of RP differs. Our members get punished for it and so severly. I don't know what's een going on the years I've been away.

    Looking at the mud today and 5 years ago, all that's changed is the grid and character names.

    Who the hell cares on who has the best script written and who kills who the most? Just fucking do what makes you feel good about the game and stop whining.

    This is the first post I make in a very long time and also the last. I just couldn't help myself from whining at all the whiners when drunk as a proper corsair.


  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    30 April 2007 02:33:42

    Ok, I'm not too sure, but people went to sFR/ER to try a different side of the mud, something new to play and do and as the pkilling part, I've seen a fair share of FR's taking over bps for free pkills also.

    What I dont like about the mud is the new level 5 FR quest, cant figure it out.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 April 2007 02:29:24

    Adoni, I'd like to see a log containing that :P Because as long as we're just typing shit up, I can make up some pretty horrible stuff about you too.

    Like I said, with specific timeframe, I was online at the same time as winnetou for several hours. Yesterday. He attempted multiple PKs, and was attempted multiple times.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    30 April 2007 02:04:42

    Imagine how pissed Winnetou would be if he typed who and got:

    Total users: 0

    then when he logs off, everyone else logs back on in safety.

    Whew! another random PK avoided!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:54:40

    Then you should fight fire with fire! Log out to avoid being killed and then log back in when he's gone!

  • Author
    Adoni [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:49:44

    legend winnetou.

    On for 3 min.

    He attempts someone

    legend winnetou.

    Not present in arda

    20 min later

    legend winnetou.

    On for 2 min

    He attempts someone

    legend winnetou

    Not present in arda

    Yes, he does log on to pk then log off.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:39:45

    I get a bann because I said azer was a cocksucker but these guys can swing all they want?

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:35:24

    Sorry, I've just always wanted to call someone that. And you said it was ok.:P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:34:51

    You're a goat fucking, child molesting nazi cocksucker Fairgil.

  • Author
    Fairgil [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:32:47

    'Or to play the battlepoints/random bangs game? Which quite a few CoU, Fairgil and Katarina off the top of my head, did. Hearing you and your ilk whine about 'random killings' is beyond ridiculous.'

    Weird, I remember I took only Anduin battlepoint regularly, cause still I wanted to kill some lads on road. And I've been rarely on battlepoint parties. About random kills, yeah I did a few random kills as Fairgil, but not in battlepoint parties.

    Why people go riots? Simply not to pay fines. Why people kill in Mordor? It's free and you can always get good items from corpses.

    And for dying, it is nothing actually nowadays. You can recover skills/stats easily.

    And as Tireless pointed our members do PK, but not everyone in guild approves that.

    Now you can call me whatever you like...

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:11:13

    If I didn't think you were an idiot before, Kubar, then you've gone and clinched it for me now. Nice job spazzing out and telling people to 'get a life' as soon as they point out how fucking stupid your arguments are. At least I bothered to pepper my profanity with points.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 April 2007 01:09:04

    Kubar, whether CoU is a well known PK guild or not, your members DO PK. I know you say 'Mordor is Mordor' and don't count random pks in Mordor, but I've had to avoid CoU pk parties all the time! As you pointed out, if someone messes with one member of the guild, they're messing with the entire guild - conversely, if one member of the guild messes with someone, EVERY member of the guild is doing so.

    I've seen Winnetou's kills, same as you, and they sure don't look random to me.

    I think it's kind of funny that you guys say he logs on for a few seconds for a PK and logs off... because he was online with me for several hours just yesterday; I watched him try several people, and watched several people try him.

    Never on? Psha. Winnetou may not be logged on 8h/day so that every single ER who wants a piece can try him, but he doesn't exactly creep on, get a kill, and immediately log off.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:57:53

    That's 3 times so far Kubar.'re not Cald are you?

  • Author
    Kubar [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:55:21

    Esker, i wonder when you'll be able to pull that 15 inch cucumber out of your ass. No wonder you're hibernating. You need two hands off the keyboard and a more steady focus on pulling! Get a life, don't call people idiots that you don't know.

    And to even think that I even gave a shit when you were nuked a while back. What a douche.

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:50:12

    I pointed out the ludicrousness of that in another thread, Pallasch.

    Kubar's a fucking idiot, too. 'Wah wah wah we were forced to serve.' Well boo fucking hoo. You weren't forced to act like assholes, were you? Or to play the battlepoints/random bangs game? Which quite a few CoU, Fairgil and Katarina off the top of my head, did. Hearing you and your ilk whine about 'random killings' is beyond ridiculous.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:47:50

    It's great huh Pabs? Their champions have all turned riot on their asses. Who's the main man now? GIZMO! (I'm at work forgive all the comments) On an unrelated note 3 guys just went to hold up a bank in Sydney, pulled a gun on someone, lost their bottle and ran off. Hil-arious.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:42:57

    As somebody stated somewhere in this thread, it's fucking hilarious to see people complaining about a servant doing random lawsys free kills, when that's all ER's EVER did, with 5 people in the party nearly all the time.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:42:12

    We have a saying in Bulgaria - 'Dryn, dryn, ta plqs.' I'm deeply fascinated by your originality and thoughtfulness, Kubar.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:39:57

    Pablo how can you be sure of anything when you're so out of touch with the MUD?

  • Author
    Kubar [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:34:51

    Get a life Win, your brother was a much more honourable person than you'll ever be. Too bad you are nothing like him.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:34:06

    why are you shitting on alyath, I'm sure you were one of the many er butt kissers of his when he was randomly spreekilling with his er right when they came out.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:33:02

    I'm almost enjoying the shit-talkers.

  • Author
    Kubar [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:32:58

    Hirgail the truth is, in my case anyways, is that our guild was forced to serve as part of our theme. Fair enough, we did. We have to live with what we have. We aren't notorious for being a pkilling guild, we role play much more than you can imagine, with frequent raids and posting stories on each raid. You can make the judgement that Winnetou is better than me, yes he's pretty great pkiller, so what? What're you trying to prove? I'll be happy when he dies because he attacks with no reason at all! I remember the days where me and him where guildmates and friends, he was a cool guy, great killer etc.. but the truth is, he can't admit and he won't admit that he is a servant to pkill and only to pkill the side he's supposed to be fighting with and not against. The people that whine about random pkills are the ones that are sick of actually playing this game and having to deal with an idiot logging on, getting stuff from his box and backstabbing when someone is low.

    Bottom line is, he will be killed and he will not be given a chance to relevel, untill he surrenders.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:14:59

    ..But he is still much better than you all, Kubar. And if you've only got to watch out for one person, with the %WINNETOU PRIVATE!! brigade constantly looking out for that one person and he's got the ever diminishing ER juggernaut to watch out for - what's the problem? I find it hard to feel bad for evils whining about 'random' kills after they spent a good year totaly fucking the game for all it's worth. Funny how ER activity has pretty much halved after global lawsys was put in. Not so much fun without random FRs to bang for free? Just deserts are pretty hard to swallow.

  • Author
    Kubar [legacy]
    30 April 2007 00:09:15

    Get a life Hirgail, not all the deaths he suffers are posted on this website. He killed Merudo once, and merudo got him 3 times. And second of all, he's one person, so he can get more kills, than many of us can focussing on one person. Especially since he logs on for a few seconds, attemps someone and then logs off, except if his bum buddy is online - Alyath. Think before you speak.

  • Author
    Derk [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:57:00

    dont be so hirgail :)

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:56:06

    Hirgail, my major problem is that I don't have much time ;))

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:52:24

    He's still much better than all of you:P That's a bit childish and pathetic of you Kubar. He's been wiping the floor with your guys. Eventually he gets killed and you gloat like 'Yeah! We showed him boys, he won't be no troubles to us no mores! hur hur hur'. You don't win a football match when you're 50 points down and your team scores a field goal:P

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:38:34

    It was my bad, hunted Spomenko for too long a time. I guess I should be a lil bit more careful.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:29:54

    Well done.

  • Author
    Kubar [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:28:09


  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:27:15

    I wonder when winnetou will give up the spree. Level 9 perhaps?

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    29 April 2007 23:26:19

    Nice solo giz