The ghost of Byrack drifts in. The ghost of Byrack drifts east. You tell Byrack: You can thank your guildmate for that Byrack tells you: i know a huntbreak 16 rooms away that would have killed you and left me to loot your corpse You tell Byrack: Unless your friend withdraws his little report, your guild will continue to die, and war will be official. Byrack tells you: who's u kill Byrack enters. Byrack bows. You say in Westron: Auburn Byrack looks at you. Byrack goes, "Aww!". You say in Westron: and that was due to Denara You say in Westron: Its a chain, you see Byrack says in Westron: what all did i have Byrack says in Westron: i forgot You shrug. Byrack says in Westron: u sell it all Byrack says in Westron: bad idea You smirk in amusement. You say in Westron: not really You have 42 minutes 55 seconds to answer a subpoena for murdering Auburn. You have no fines pending. You are not wanted. Byrack says in Westron: i had some decent gear hat u could have made use of You say in Westron: not really, once again Byrack shrugs. Byrack says in Westron: how much gold did i have on me You say in Westron: can't remember You say in Westron: 124 You shrug. You say in Westron: Auburn doesn't wanna comply, I'm guessing. Byrack says in Westron: well can i have sometihing back so i dont have to report you You heh. Byrack says in Westron: cuz belive me, since im back now, you will die if u attempt me again You say in Westron: All I've got is like, the 800 gold You chuckle. Byrack says in Westron: well gimmie that at least Byrack says in Westron: its that or a 2k fine You say in Westron: Yeah, although I don't trust you You ponder something. You say in Westron: Auburn linkdead :( He oughta get his ass in here Byrack says in Westron: did u kill him? Byrack says in Westron: or r u planing on it You say in Westron: Yes You say in Westron: and he reported me of course, and he was fully aware of the consequences Byrack says in Westron: of what, playing the game? You say in Westron: Of the report. Byrack says in Westron: thats part of the game You say in Westron: No, its not. You say in Westron: Its a decision you choose to make Law Reminder: You have 39 minutes to answer your subpoena. Byrack says in Westron: yeah, yer not supposed to kill people for no reason tho You say in Westron: My reason was due to Denara Byrack says in Westron: what'd he do? You say in Westron: Reported my nice solo attempt! You say in Westron: I told him what would happen, but of course he doesn't give a shit about his guild members. Byrack says in Westron: well i would have to Byrack smiles and says: Bah! Byrack says in Westron: yeah h does You say in Westron: No, or he would have listened. Byrack says in Westron: dude Byrack says in Westron: he belives that we are all capabe members Byrack says in Westron: i am a capable member You chuckle. Byrack says in Westron: i just wasnt here to defend myself You say in Westron: Whatever, I just got the two Quickblades that dared put guildinfo public so. Byrack says in Westron: doesnt matter You say in Westron: I'll get ahold of a memberslist soon though, unless Auburn wants to get back and withdraw before half an hour. Byrack says in Westron: he wont Byrack says in Westron: u wont get a list Byrack says in Westron: thats entirely not fair play You say in Westron: Yes I will. You boggle at the very concept of Byrack. Byrack shakes his head. Byrack says in Westron: what does it matter Anvik enters. Anvik gets the idea in his thick skull and gives an 'AH' of comprehension. Anvik laughs out loud like a claustrophobic dwarf. Byrack says in Westron: you die soon anyways You go, "Aww!". Byrack looks at Anvik. Anvik whispers something to Byrack. You say in Westron: Like I give a shit, although I won't anyways Byrack says in Westron: do you know war? You say in Westron: Its a fucking game, and I'm having fun killing your guildies :P Anvik whispers something to Byrack. Byrack says in Westron: just wait Anvik yawns. You emote: Atalash is waiting. Byrack says in Westron: till i get ahold of this game again You chuckle. You say in Westron: you're 16d old dude Anvik says in Westron: lame kill yesterday btw Byrack nods. You say in Westron: Perfectly timed. Anvik says in Westron: still lame Byrack says in Westron: cheap too Anvik says in Westron: showed no skill You smirk in amusement. Byrack says in Westron: anvik Anvik says in Westron: also, wear mask, drink potion, backstab anvik Anvik says in Westron: dunedain wears a mask Anvik says in Westron: atalash downs a potion Anvik says in Westron: dunedain backstabs you Anvik hmms. You shrug. Anvik says in Westron: i wonder who it was... Anvik laughs out loud like a claustrophobic dwarf. Byrack says in Westron: u wasted You say in Westron: Well that would be due to buggy masks now, wouldn't it. Byrack says in Westron: you wasted a potion! Anvik shrugs. Anvik says in Westron: not my problem Byrack says in Westron: on him! You say in Westron: omg, where will I EVER replace that 100 gold. You hang your head low. Anvik says in Westron: tyr camo next time Byrack rolls on the floor laughing. Byrack says in Westron: dude You say in Westron: wtf you talking about dude :P Anvik says in Westron: what were the fines btw? You say in Westron: I was camo'd waiting there for like 30 minutes on pies Anvik falls down laughing. Anvik says in Westron: yet when it came time to kill, you didn't camo... Anvik sighs. You say in Westron: You're a complete newbie :P Anvik says in Westron: i'm a newbie? Byrack says in Westron: what, what? You say in Westron: You do realize camoflauge disables during combat Anvik says in Westron: or byrack Byrack says in Westron: anvik a noob! Anvik says in Westron: umm You say in Westron: Or else you know.. what's the point of wearing a mask Anvik says in Westron: you weren't camoed when you drank potoin You say in Westron: because the mask dude.. You chuckle. Anvik says in Westron: drinking potion don't break camo Anvik says in Westron: mask don't break camo Anvik shrugs. You stretch like a cat. You say in Westron: what the hell is the 'new' durms anyways Byrack says in Westron: new durms You say in Westron: kinda sad, just change a guild like that :P Byrack has a questioning look on his face. You say in Westron: doesn't even follow its theme anymore Anvik says in Westron: members/applicants only, sorry You smirk in amusement. You say in Westron: exactly, an idling place and sanctuary. All it is now Anvik erms. Anvik says in Westron: sure.... Byrack says in Westron: so atalash Law Reminder: You have 29 minutes to answer your subpoena. Anvik says in Westron: better than KoDA, even if it's just that Byrack says in Westron: can i have my money Byrack says in Westron: or 2k Byrack has a questioning look on his face. You say in Westron: Ill trust you this time then Byrack refuses to accept the item! Byrack points at Anvik. Anvik has a questioning look on his face. Byrack says in Westron: give it to him first Anvik looks at himself. Anvik says in Westron: what about me? Anvik says in Westron: what did _I_ do? You say in Westron: I won't attempt you again until you level, unless your other members refuse to show Byrack says in Westron: wait Anvik says in Westron: nah, the other members are just scared, they have hidden guildinfo, lol You say in Westron: I just had to have Auburn realize I was serious. Although, he kinda went linkdead on us. Auburn Coahuila the dwarf Battle Lord (Heroic) [ Linkdead ] On for: 2h 7m 12s Gender: male Age: 11d 13h 10m 34s Can be mailed: Auburn@Bree Auburn is a member of the Quickblades. Info: Quickblades for life Anvik goes, "Aww!". Anvik comforts you. You say in Westron: I know You sob uncontrollably. Anvik says in Westron: it'l be ok You say in Westron: No, it won't You wipe your nose. Byrack says in Westron: so Byrack refuses to accept the item! Anvik whispers to you: you forgot to sulk Byrack says in Westron: what is your problem with us anyway You say in Westron: autoaccept public a second :P Anvik says in Westron: mine is Anvik says in Westron: i'm on his friend list You say in Westron: I told you, Denara refused to comply with my ultimatum. Byrack says in Westron: which was Anvik says in Westron: what ultimatum was that? You say in Westron: his report Byrack says in Westron: so y'd u attepmt him in the first place You say in Westron: I already said, personal contract Anvik says in Westron: like me! Anvik beams brightly. You say in Westron: that was standard contract Anvik goes, "Aww!". Anvik pouts. You shrug. Anvik says in Westron: now i dn't feel special. Byrack says in Westron: contracts souldnt mingle with guilds Byrack says in Westron: unless its because of a war You say in Westron: His report did! not the contract Byrack looks at you. Byrack says in Westron: nah You say in Westron: Its a very common thing to do Byrack says in Westron: u shouldnt have a grudge against us because of a normal reactin Byrack says in Westron: reaction* You say in Westron: Have you honestly never seen thieves react this way? :P You say in Westron: Its rather fun Anvik has a questioning look on his face. Anvik says in Westron: i'ma confused Anvik says in Westron: what you mean? Anvik yawns. You say in Westron: You report a thief, they contract you, your guildmates, and you all die You say in Westron: Im merely doing the same Anvik hehs. Anvik says in Westron: thieves do it easier, public contracts Byrack says in Westron: atalash You say in Westron: If Denara wants to give me 2k for Auburn's report, I'll accept it Byrack says in Westron: no Anvik says in Westron: assassins have to kil themselves :( You say in Westron: I already paid him anyhow. You hang your head low. You emote: Atalash will jump off the cliff. Byrack yays. Anvik says in Westron: i'll push! Anvik giggles. You say, "Ok!". You say in Westron: well then, this is a serious waste of time Byrack says in Westron: i'l be waiting at the bottom for his gear You stretch like a cat. You say in Westron: Ill go naked You say in Westron: Its more fun You say in Westron: You feel the wind on you. Byrack shakes his head. Anvik says in Westron: cheaper too Anvik laughs out loud like a claustrophobic dwarf. Anvik yawns. Byrack says in Westron: you'll die b4 u get to the bottom lol You say in Westron: nah, might just sting a bit Anvik nods sillilly. Anvik says in Westron: damn ashes... Anvik grumbles. You say in Westron: autoaccept public a bit then Anvik says in Westron: gimme! You say in Westron: Ill be after your guildies then :P Since Denara is all stubborn Anvik says in Westron: i'm public! Byrack says in Westron: give it to him You give 800 gold coins to Anvik. Anvik grips his weapon with one hand. Anvik removes a big razor-sharp meat cleaver. Anvik puts a big razor-sharp meat cleaver into an Orc courier pack. Anvik goes "WHEE!!". Byrack says in Westron: i have 2 waords to reply with Anvik says in Westron: i'ma rich! Byrack says in Westron: bring it on Anvik throws his head back and cackles with glee. Byrack hmms. You say in Westron: that's 3 :P Byrack says in Westron: thats 3 You laugh. You pet Byrack lovingly on the head. Anvik rolls on the floor laughing. Byrack says in Westron: i meant to say bring it Anvik gives Byrack some gold coins. Anvik says in Westron: that was 4! Byrack thanks Anvik. Byrack tilts his head. Byrack says in Westron: bring it Byrack says in Westron: 1bring 2it Anvik says in Westron: bring a tit where? You say in Westron: whatever You say in Westron: its settled then! Byrack shakes his head. You stretch like a cat. Anvik yawns. Byrack says in Westron: u have to die first You grin. Anvik hehs. Byrack says in Westron: YOU DONT KILL BYRACK AND GET AWAY WITH IT You say in Westron: Im sure Ill have a rather nice ratio by the time I do grow careless and die Byrack says in Westron: ever.... Byrack says in Westron: no one ever has Anvik did. Byrack says in Westron: u didnt kill me Anvik says in Westron: or don't mercies count? You say in Westron: Ill remember to keep gear next time Anvik laughs out loud like a claustrophobic dwarf. Byrack says in Westron: no mercies Anvik blahs. Anvik says in Westron: merciful off next time Anvik throws his head back and cackles with glee. Byrack says in Westron: and i've died 23 times.... Anvik says, "woh!" and takes a step back! Byrack says in Westron: yeah so u can pay me back with all i had on me Anvik says in Westron: i've only done 9 You say in Westron: sure