
Posted by
Alkath [legacy]
29 May 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

Starring yet another hero: Jakar. (Yes, Urban, you did good too)


  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    31 May 2007 06:59:24

    It ain't easy to pk people who idle 23/7 in their guilds. Sorry, Logan:P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    31 May 2007 06:38:28

    ahahahahahahha, i can't stop laughing. oh good god there is something wrong in exhalev's head :P

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    31 May 2007 05:26:44

    Had no motive? I killed you, that's enough. Oh, was it a different char now? Mr 8 days old wannabe legend. Tell you what, you could've had me contracted, claim it, and whoop de doo there's a reason for you to try me. And as far as you go, why would i even give a shit about your existance. The only thing you've provided for me is a good laugh and pass-time on the logsite.

    But heh, to be honest and serious for a change. I'm starting to doubt wether or not you're just upholding this charade, Though i doubt we're amusing anyone anymore, Or if you're actually a bit serious about that comment. If so then you're more fucked up than i imagined, considering -the talk- just moments ago. If not then kudos, you managed to bait me on a tad by the end of it all.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    31 May 2007 04:54:32

    Haha Arawn, nice touch doing three in a row yourself.

    Logan, I have the respect of great players who have become my great friends, no matter what happens. I can take that away at least :)

    I don't tell anyone I am the best, that is just an assumption people take away from what I've accomplished because they are so full of -themselves-. Many people appreciate what I have done, and sure it gets to my head, its a pleasure knowing you are being recognized for your hard work. But I am not an egomaniac, obsessed with image, like yourself. I simply put people in their place, and by openly stating the truth (i.e. You are a wish-wash assassin), I am doing nothing to talk myself up.

    Referring to the 'few logs' I've posted. You'll notice many of them are great reads, and I have brought enjoyment to all the people who love to read logs. Their thanks and kind comments heavily outweigh any kind of imaginary approval you might think I need from a washed-up ignoramous such as yourself :)

    Your blatant inability to accept the fact that someone that once sucked now has exceeded anything you might have mustered even in your heyday, is the root of your volatile attitude against me. Allow me to state the following: I have not taken any 'revenge' on you, not because I am incapable, but because I have no motive to. You have not killed me since then, not because you have no motive, but because you are incapable.

    The fact I haven't wasted fine golding burying your arrogant ass might also tell you another thing: I have more worthy opponents to slaughter. Take care!

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    31 May 2007 02:18:36

    14, or 17 what's the difference, you've got a few more aliases now that's all. You've had 3 years to take revenge on me, and still hasn't.. doesn't that speak a volume or two. Hell you talk big, and say you've earned it. How? You've posted a log or two, well we've all done that mate. What do you got to show for if the logsite got taken down? Continue to tell everyone you're the greatest assassin on the mud, say it enough times and someone might belive ya. I dunno why the fuck you want our approval so bad. Anyways, should i lay off you now Kiddo? I don't want any scary phonecalls from your mother.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    31 May 2007 01:38:46

    Just to clarify.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    31 May 2007 01:38:34

    Not that I have anything to prove or am trying to make you look bad!

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    31 May 2007 01:38:08

    That three comments in a row thing really doesn't look good.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    31 May 2007 01:34:57

    You want to see how I've changed? Well, come against me now, when I'm a capable player, one on one, and I'll teach you a few things.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    31 May 2007 01:33:05

    And leave my goldfish out of this!

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    31 May 2007 01:32:23

    Ok, so you killing me when I was a 14-year old newb means you're good? You're proud of killing me when I sucked, that's great. You can't cope with the fact that someone you used to be better than can now wipe the floor with you, eyes closed :P You are an egomaniac, and perceive everyone else as being one as well. The reason I get to tout shit is because I have earned and maintain the right. You might have earned the right, but never by besting the real me, and you certainly do not maintain it.

    Simply put, you fucking suck these days :P

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    31 May 2007 00:26:58

    Hardy harr harr, One thing that caught my eye in your post of driveling shit was the little bit about PKing. Now that's ironic, I was killing your ass on T2T while you were still 'noobing' around. And i havn't grown senile or antyhing, what the fuck do you think have changed? Except for that ego of yours. And as far as Gulag goes, i'll stomp on it. dead-serious man.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    31 May 2007 00:16:23

    Now you're just being cruel!

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    31 May 2007 00:16:09

    Not my fish :(

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    31 May 2007 00:12:03

    Haha, i'm soaking it all in man. I own that sucker, and his aunt his uncle and his little baby pet Gulag the gold fish.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    31 May 2007 00:11:41

    Don't patronize me biatch!

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    30 May 2007 23:29:28

    yes logan you should listen and absorb everything the all knowing pk god exhalev says :P

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    30 May 2007 23:25:37

    I'm not sure you even understand what I said Logan, but that's fine, I'll gladly educate you: Laefang was simply stating you are arrogant, and its ridiculous because the only thing you have to be proud about is your 'wonderful' role as the leader of the BkD. Separate issues, when its come to PK, you have very little room to speak. Go ahead and reminisce (hypocritically, if you've followed the context of the past few comments) about the order of wonderful assassins that used to be good, then get back to us in the present and see how you stack up. Ah shucks!

    As a note, you can flame my characters as much as you like, and as much negativity you can throw will do nothing to demean things that have ACTUALLY happened on the MUD. What Laefang was referring to was your propensity to quickly comment on the MUD in a prejudiced, ignorant fashion, without having any rhyme or reason to what you're doing.

    Thank you for listening!

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    30 May 2007 16:43:33

    I wonder if, back in the day, when legends walked middle earth, if other people talked shit about them, and refered back to the time before there was a mud.

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    30 May 2007 16:43:16

    I thought i was being pretty calm and collected myself, far too much time on my hands today though and the weathers crap :(

  • Author
    Rekthorne [legacy]
    30 May 2007 16:16:46

    Laefang seems to be getting pretty fired up over arguments 'on a****ing online game.' Oh, and 'you can retreat back into your little fantasy world.' Yes, Laefang, because you don't pretend to be a Son of some random character in a piece of fantasy fiction. Laefang is a legend in his own mind, the rest of us are just the supporting cast.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    30 May 2007 15:05:12

    Oh i have fun too. An i don't care about Bolas. Sidenote: My ass ain't haugthy, and it's never really ' open ' for business the same way yours seem to be Exhalev.. the tailor says: he didn't shut anything down.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    30 May 2007 14:47:12

    Paraphrased version: He just shut your haughty ass down biatch! :P

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 May 2007 14:23:17

    Truncated version: You talk down about it because ERs use bolas instead of FRs, and 'I have fun when I play'.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    30 May 2007 14:07:59

    Sorry, i couldn't bring myself to read all that. cheers mate ;)

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    30 May 2007 14:02:12


  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    30 May 2007 13:41:41

    Oh and Hi Phrosen!

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    30 May 2007 13:41:21

    Sorry Logan exactly what have you done? See to me having a full friends list and being part of a large number of the skirmishes in one way or another whenever i'm online is fun. I have enough respect from both my friends and my enemies to ever worry about deaths/insults. I enjoy having guilds chase me and i enjoy teaching new players the ropes. As for the 15 minutes? It's been this ways for over 2 years now and before it was the same just with a different profession. I rarely post and i rarely brag, if i do it's mainly because someones pissed me off or i need a few more enemies. Your just the type of person who keeps me looking for new tricks, one's that leave you helpless and really piss you off. Had alkath or tlaloc used the bolas on Me or Rav you'd be singing his praises and laughing at us flailing round helplessly yet when it's the other way round you jump on the defensive and spam how you think you used to be something on a ****ing online game. Hell i'll stop baiting you now and you can retreat back into your little fantasy world.

  • Author
    Phrosen [legacy]
    30 May 2007 13:00:42

    Hi, Laefang. =)

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    30 May 2007 12:30:14

    Heh, I've done more in my time than you and Gizmalin will ever amount to put together. You sure talk alot of shit for a nobody. but hey i guess your 15 minutes of fame after having actually been able to pull of another PK hasn't faded yet in your eyes.

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    30 May 2007 12:18:30

    Logan, Alkath might keep his cool no matter what the situation but where do you get off calling Giz a wuss? All it shows is he suspected backup and gave enough respect to Alkath to think something like this might happen, sure Alkath made it too tempting for him to leave which is props to him but you chiming in insulting the lad when frankly you'll never be able to compete with either of them. If you have all this hostility on the game then vent it there, it's less personal and frankly a good medium to do it on. Trolling the forums though and flaming instead of risking a set of stats on your computer makes me think maybe you're the one with the brown underpants

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    30 May 2007 11:23:12

    *cheers for Logan*

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    30 May 2007 11:19:32

    Gizmalin is a fucking wuss, Alkath was dropping low like this earlier too and Giz was with Perrota but naw, wouldn't move a muscle. Then he goes to mordor, keeps himself by the gates so he can just leave if it gets scary. Blech, i guess people who need a footstool to stand on when they brush their teeth are in general annoying and shitty players eh. Nicely done Alkath.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    30 May 2007 05:33:05

    Ahh, good point Alkath. You got balls of steel, man.

  • Author
    Eredir [legacy]
    29 May 2007 21:33:04

    hi this is rob from herkimer anyone from herkimer online

    ///--== rob from herkimer

  • Author
    Phrosen [legacy]
    29 May 2007 14:54:17

    Ah yes, the magic 5 extra hp/ep. Saved me from Laefang once, not long ago. =)

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: <3 Alkath.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    29 May 2007 13:20:55

    thaat is enuff u think yur tuff im gonna make it ruff

    --charlie > ken (both from herk but he in't the best i m teh best he is lying about being the best because he in't i am)

  • Author
    Alkath [legacy]
    29 May 2007 12:51:55

    Exley, do you think Gizmalin would've stayed around that long if he didn't think he had a chance to kill me? It was merely a way to get his hp down as much as I could so Jakar actually would have a chance to get his hp enough for him to die.

    And anyways, no pain, no gain.

    And Charlie:

    your an idiot lol u jealous u dident die ???? lol fdl <-- prince ken the owner and best player ever (from herk)

  • Author
    Symric [legacy]
    29 May 2007 11:46:31

    Saweeeeeeeeeet :)

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    29 May 2007 11:18:04

    Dunno why he waited that long to drink the vial, though. Maybe he was just showboating? Anyways, props to Gizmalin for putting up a good fight.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    29 May 2007 10:52:35

    Good to see that being lvl 21 paid off. it doesn't happen very often

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    29 May 2007 08:33:41

    <3 Alkath

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    29 May 2007 05:24:11

    Hell yes you are a wuss ken f<k you man u never do stuff when I'm online or in mordor come face me again or r u afraid wut happened 2 parmenides die man die again f<k u ken

    =charlie from herk

  • Author
    Tortuga [legacy]
    29 May 2007 05:00:09

    good thing there were no special attacks on you

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    29 May 2007 05:00:06

    Alkath's hot.

    I'm just glad he kept giving me his hp. *high fives alkath*

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    29 May 2007 04:53:51

    And a typing speed on steroids

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    29 May 2007 04:09:24

    Alkath's awsome, nerves of steel! :P

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    29 May 2007 03:15:40

    He went all the way down to 2 hp :P

    So I got kinda worried :/

  • Author
    Colven [legacy]
    29 May 2007 02:46:30

    Urban gave off that 'oh shit, we're all going to die vibe' right there.