Shadow of Bethagan

Posted by
Exhalev [legacy]
11 June 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

Returned from a midsummer slumber, the Shadow of Bethagan does battle with a renowned assassin... Hitlisted for slaying his mate Kubar, and contracted for 1000's of gold, Duncan fights valiantly as darkness falls.


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    16 June 2007 03:02:21

    People ARE like Onions - as you begin peeling back layers, they reek so bad they make you cry.

    I couldn't resist.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    13 June 2007 09:39:55

    People are like onions...layer after layer after layer. Every time you peel one back to see what is behind it, there's another layer.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    13 June 2007 07:11:53

    <3 Tryptophan

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    12 June 2007 23:25:43

    No shit. You are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    12 June 2007 23:10:59

    Thought to myself as i browsed through the comments, that; If this logsite has thought us anything, It's that there's a LOT of fucked up indeviduals playing the t2t MUD.

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    12 June 2007 23:05:28

    Nice comment Razey!!!

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    12 June 2007 22:20:33

    If Duncan leaves i'll strangle you with your own intestines and chop your head of with your own spine Perry, No offence.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    12 June 2007 21:30:29

    Advice taken into consideration.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    12 June 2007 20:47:21

    Duncan, I really dont have anything against you...I can see your point of view too, and understand where your coming from on this, even if I dont feel the same way...but come one. Im not afraid of physical pain, but given the chance, I would avoid it, as most sane people would. If your time is so valuable that you would prefer physical pain than golding (which i admit, sucks), then maybe you should STOP PLAYING?

  • Author
    Lament [legacy]
    12 June 2007 19:32:14

    That sucks ass man:)

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    12 June 2007 19:31:27

    Yeah, I make that little:P most of my 20hrs are afk time. Imagine these afk hours with 4 secondaries at 60:P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 June 2007 18:43:54

    I just realized that you two have something in common. You're both fucking crazy :P

  • Author
    Lament [legacy]
    12 June 2007 18:07:46

    And 20k gold in 2rl days? Were these just exagerated statements thrown out there or you really only make 20k in 2rl days?:)

  • Author
    Lament [legacy]
    12 June 2007 18:07:16

    I have nothing against you duncan but that statement seemed just a little far fetched. I've seen you on top activity before...... But then again what do I know.

  • Author
    Phrosen [legacy]
    12 June 2007 17:52:50

    A nuclear bazooka! I sure want one of those! =)

    I bet no one would step on my feet in the bar if I had a nuclear bazooka..

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    12 June 2007 16:23:40

    It's not about being PKed... it's about the friednship and the fun behind it.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    12 June 2007 16:15:53

    Haha, I just imagined Exhalev with a nuclear bazooka:P

    No, I wouldn't, Jaron. I was referring to physical pain and how some people are afraid of it:P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    12 June 2007 16:14:55

    So you would rather have him nuke your country than kill your char? :P

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    12 June 2007 16:10:39

    Perry, I for example prefer physical pain to wasting 2 RL days to make 20k gold. Your RL time may be worth nothing but mine is.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    12 June 2007 13:47:12

    That's what it's like in the real pretend world Perry, deal with it!

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    12 June 2007 13:45:58

    Umm....Urban. Did you just compare being pkilled, where a single person feels no physical pain, and can restore your imaginary character back to normal within a few days to thermonuclear war bewteen two superpowers? a war which would devastate the population and leave the very earth scarred for possibly hundreds or years?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    12 June 2007 08:56:43

    You really, honestly don't believe what you type, do you Exhalev? You can't...

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    12 June 2007 08:43:39

    I was fucking half asleep. I had a trigger open todo west in case some idiot came and tried something stupid. And I ran finds on all idiots who would have come inside before the weapsmith locked. I guess I missed one idiot. Now enough whining. It could've been anyone else I guess, you did catch me with my guard down. But yeah, I shouldn't mud when I'm that sleepy. I didn't even notice I had the weapsmith down to ND. Whatever. Good kill, rated you a 6.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    12 June 2007 06:24:23

    Exley, you are supposed to love them...they are your friends after all :)

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    12 June 2007 06:02:50

    Exhalev said, 'People who smarm shit up and pretend to be friendly and then abuse that to kill you are pathetic.'

    What about people you trust explicity, who then turn that trust against you and steal all of the gold in your legion vault?

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    12 June 2007 05:15:41

    Assburger is an insult I may remember for the rest of my life.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    12 June 2007 04:27:36

    You went busy too much spamming your healing, and its just bad luck you hit black flask instead of silver. It was a damn legendary battle, I hope one day it can be appreciated for what it was.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    12 June 2007 04:25:51

    And Pablo I agree with you. People who smarm shit up and pretend to be friendly and then abuse that to kill you are pathetic. Being in a friendship with mutal respect for one another's playerkilling abilities and the mutual potential for fun, is an absolutely different scenario. This scenario encompasses Duncan and I.

    As for not being prepared/with guard down -> Duncan, don't bluff. You said you were ready for someone coming against you, and knew where I was because FRs were running finds on me. Notice how I enter and leave room twice, producing the tell tale cracking of the bits of metal environment message. If you were on that high alert, I HIGHLY doubt you would miss that message. You knew someone was there, you just didn't assume you'd get beaten down being so tank with all that healing and skill boosting.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 June 2007 04:24:48

    haha. i thought you'd understand that killing you was for the good of our friendship! you retard! forgive me! ahahaha

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    12 June 2007 04:23:44

    We were getting along on log page comments, and I appreciated your respectable perspective on things. Fulfilling a contract on you, when our characters have barely talked, let alone were far from allies, is not a personal attack on you, nor does it speak poorly on my character. I am sorry for feeling at the time, that you'd understand what went down and not be negatively impacted. Forgive me.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    12 June 2007 04:08:05

    I am kinda bitter Exhalev. That I was dumbfuck enough to give a 5 time loser the benefit of the doubt. I'd have died if I considered you a friend or not, hell pretty much anyone who stabbed me then woulda got me:P If you really think that's what bugs me, you're even more of an assburger than I thought.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    12 June 2007 03:28:39

    I think it would be more like if the USA and China started to nuke each other just for fun. Works pretty well in context since they both are friends but not 'true friends.' Also since I guess it would be a challenge for both of the countries... No harm done of course right? Except from the damaged infrastructure, deaths... but they can be remade/reborn just like levelling a character.

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    12 June 2007 03:13:06

    I guess a friend is a friend as long as he's not causing you any grief. Killing me causes me grief because it makes me do things that I'd rather not be doing - being a lower level with no eq, making gold to retrain and remax, questing all the eq that might've been a pain in the ass to quest already earlier. Losing in a game of chess does not force you to do things you'd rather not be doing, and hence does not cause you any grief.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 June 2007 03:02:54

    which is basically the point, in this game you can do things that you can't do in chess. You can't chat people up, get friendly with them so that they'd get their guard down when you're around just so you can pk them. Yes, playing chess with a friend and losing is completely different than that :P

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 June 2007 02:59:27

    yes and then how do you distinguish between your friends and the people pretending to be your friend to take advantage of you. i guess all those random people that were let into a guild and they sold all the eq and left might have actually been friends with the people in the guild. Or if you'd like some other example to show you that 'you can screw friends over on a game, because its a game' is crap then i'm sure a lot of people would be willing to give more :P

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    12 June 2007 02:47:44

    The point is, this is a game, you dont feel pain or lose anything really important if you die, except maybe pride. if your friends, irl, but enemies in the MUD, you shouldnt lose that friendship if you become involved in pkills.

    in other words, If your friendship doesnt survive a pkill then its prolly not much of a friendship.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 June 2007 02:43:17

    online chess isn't a social circle where you make life long friends and discuss rl issues :P

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    12 June 2007 01:56:05

    I have pkilled both of my best friends here, and been pkilled by one of them. We are still friends. This is a game. A game where you can interact with people on a large scale, but a game nonetheless.

    i like the chess analogy, Esker, but i dont think you bought into it.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    11 June 2007 23:19:13

    I don't know which statement is more true.

    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer or Keep your enemies close and your friends closer.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    11 June 2007 22:56:56

    Esker, that chess game analogy was perfect. And I fully agree, a select few of my friendships transcend IC things, and Duncan and I are close OOC friends. But the dynamic with him and I revolved around this kind of PK interaction, so really there was no harm or foul.

    And Hirgail, how am I full of shit? You're just still bitter because I checkmated your lame ass for your contract. :)

  • Author
    Lament [legacy]
    11 June 2007 22:56:24

    Well said Kelos. Anyone who says otherwise is a dipshit who hides from the truth.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    11 June 2007 22:16:39

    I know some of you can treat the game like it's just 'a game'...but I think it's more than that to a lot of people. You meet people, talk about RL, form relationships, alliances, sides, etc.

    You play Starcraft online, it's just a game with some random person, who cares what happens.

    But here, you have a reputation or something you are trying to uphold. Getting killed by someone matters. Whether you admit it or not, you form attachments to things like guilds, friends and other things. If someone kills your friend, it makes you mad.

    I dunno...I think if this place was 'just a game' no one would care about the things they fight so much getting rid of crappy guilds, or bolas, or wanting better leadership, or even forming guilds, clans, etc.

    I know there are some that just come here to play a game and have fun. But I think others treat it a bit more than that.

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    11 June 2007 22:10:49

    Sometimes there are people I play 'against' for whom I have a healthy respect, and with whom I can chat amiably instead of my usual character slurs. But I still don't think they're friends really, just acquaintances and/or rivals. :P

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    11 June 2007 22:08:14

    The Monopoly argument is better. But regardless, I'm pretty sure he didn't say. 'Hey bud, our characters are enemies in the game. Is it cool if I attack you?'

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    11 June 2007 22:06:47

    Arg, everyone's so mean. Duncan was misunderstanding Exhalev's definition of friendship... now either don't PK, or don't be friends, or learn to be friends AND PK. Simple as that... but still, I think you, Exhalev, should, in any future, tell people you WILL PK them. Similar thing happened to me.... But I'm fine. :-)

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    11 June 2007 22:03:36

    Ah, you're making something I call the chess game argument. Once upon a time ago, when I did more than sit in my GH, I was killed by someone whom I considered a friend. I was getting GRB at reboot. I let my guard down, if you will, because all of the online assassins were either friends or guildmates. All except one, apparently.

    Anyways, he killed me and got my contract. It was a sweet kill, really. Nowadays I can look back on it and grimace sourly. Afterwards, I started lambasting him in tells, and he asked me the following question: 'If you play a game of chess with a friend, do you fall out with him if you lose and throw the chessboard across the room? As far as I'm concerned, we're still good friends.'

    I told him where he could stick his so-called friendship and his chessboard along with it. :P

    I guess this makes me a whiny vagina in Exhalev's eyes. But meh. I don't want to say this is 'more than a game' in case I start sounding too much like Sunflash, but I think some of the friendships here transcend killing one another. But that's just me, I guess.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    11 June 2007 21:42:18

    I don't know what you're more full of Exhalev, yourself or shit.

  • Author
    Tryptophan [legacy]
    11 June 2007 21:30:00

    omg i'm still such a noob! always forget to take the guy's C when i go spar!

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    11 June 2007 21:10:48

    Yes, I don't go and actively kill people I consider my close friends, Esker, unless our characters are IC enemies, and we have an understanding.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    11 June 2007 21:09:25

    There have been five people in the 6 years I've played here who I have met that are fully capable of separating their characters, despite any challenging PvP interactions amongst them.

    The root of all the problems with the whiny vaginas who feel betrayed is the fact they simply get sore from a death. Listen...

    There are certain individuals I would never attack, never kill, and they are my close friends because of mutual respect and a myriad of reasons. Then there are people who play the game in a certain style, people who push the envelope, people who are a challenge to face off against... What is more fun than a good spar with a friend? It is priceless.

    I had this dynamic with Duncan, we founded our respect for each other both on RL talks, OOC stuff, and also our love of traps and tricks and PK and great interaction, a lot which we have had together.

    The other individuals who have been able to have fought me, been killed by me, or killed me, and we remained friends are Baklen, Alkath, Winnetou, and Zillak. Daywalker was once a member of this camp, but he was too poisoned by being 'killed' or 'attacked'. This completely dissolves the friendship, when someone gets their toes stepped on. If you don't want that dynamic with me, don't fucking start it, then wank out because you get spanked. What the hell do you expect to happen when you play with fire? I would never kill my truest, deepest friends. The fact of the matter remains that Duncan was one of these, and he was an exception to the rule, since as aforementioned, our friendship was based on PvP PK interaction to some extent.

    I'm not so sure how hard this is to understand for people. I suppose the general MUD populace is unable to grasp these concepts, and I'm sorry for you all. It really adds more fun and depth to gameplay. Get over yourselves you tools. There is no issue of loyalty... killing a friend with whom I have this described dynamic through treachery or lying would be despicable. Face up one on one battles are honourable, fun, and rare. This is the last time I will ever to endeavour to explain this dynamic. Ask the people I listed for more details, they'll explain it if they have the time I suppose.

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    11 June 2007 21:09:21

    If I consider someone a friend on T2T, I don't try to kill them. I think the same can be said of most people, heh.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    11 June 2007 20:59:14

    Scrub cakes. All of you's.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    11 June 2007 20:58:17

    I'm not changing any subject, I'm simply trying to find out the root of your distaste for me. I'm really sorry you're such a petty, pathetic individual.

  • Author
    Insane [legacy]
    11 June 2007 20:25:09

    Friends? ask Baklen :) He will give you the basics of the word 'friend'. And Exhalev? wtf are you talking about? Dont change the subject with an interesting old story.

  • Author
    Urban [legacy]
    11 June 2007 20:06:35

    Why would friends kill each other? :/

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 June 2007 19:52:29

    I told you about our friendship, didn't I.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    11 June 2007 19:48:21

    Wow, I can't believe you're so sensitive Duncan. This was the basis of our friendship. I am not going to take it into a public forum. Contact me when you cool down.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 June 2007 18:58:42

    If in doubt, don't trust Exhalev!

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 June 2007 18:58:28

    The good is: don't trust Exhalev.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 June 2007 18:58:15

    Well, Formid, Exhalev can't be trusted.

    Like, I knew he was on, I almost told him finds were being run on him on the FR comm, then I legended people who supposedly would telloff and stab me in there, ran finds on those who were online, assumed Exhalev wouldn't since we chilled a couple of hours ago talking about mistake.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    11 June 2007 18:36:03

    Insane here's some advice:

    1) Don't transfer 60d + old characters and name them after Russian politicians.

    2) Don't make a thief character with a name one letter away from one of your old ones, Vinsane, and use it to flame me.

    3) Don't flame me with examples that would reveal you to be the one Bulgarian I don't get along with. When will you get over the fact I struck you? You separate yourself from your brother and Ruiniel because you have the tolerance and maturity of a 13 year old girl on her first period. Get over yourself.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    11 June 2007 17:16:21

    I did say depending on where I am :) I'm fairly sure if I was chasing you out of Mordor it could turn quite ugly :)

    But Mordor has always been a special case.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    11 June 2007 17:11:20

    Formid, unless you were hitlisted, I'd have no reason to kill you :) I do love the interaction defending Lothlorien, or someone chasing me out of's a great part of the game.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    11 June 2007 16:32:22

    Most of us are smart enough to trust very very few people on the mud :)

    A lot of us even treat our friends with an (un)healthy degree of distrust :)

    Me, I trust several people implicitly, and I know they trust me the same, those people have earned that trust over a long period, through how they have acted and re-acted to situations.

    I trust several people who thematically I am on opposite sides with as well, Kelos for instance who I used to fight on a semi regular basis at Galadriel. He'll kill me of course depending on where I am, even if I do have merciful on most of the time, but he's never reported me nor I him through our many battles in both Lothlorien and Harondor.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    11 June 2007 16:29:31

    That is Insane! :D:D:D:D:P:P:P:):):):) LOLOL HAHAHA, OMFG....... Im priceless!

  • Author
    Insane [legacy]
    11 June 2007 16:22:15

    Do I think I care? Each one of you will understand when he betrays all your trust. Learn the hard way.

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    11 June 2007 16:20:05

    Yeah as long as you talk without evidence it just looks like a pie throwing contest.

  • Author
    Logan [legacy]
    11 June 2007 16:12:08

    hey if what you're saying is true Insane, you should post the log to verify it. But that's just my oppinion.

  • Author
    Insane [legacy]
    11 June 2007 15:14:07

    Haha, yeah Exhalev, you are lucky I promissed not to tell what you tried to do to escape:) And hell it had nothing to do with keys:)

    You are pathetic:)

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    11 June 2007 15:03:36

    I actually stayed camouflaged for nearly 22 minutes while I had countless people try and get a key. But to no avail. I proceeded to try and kill both of the people that locked me in with no healing left, and died with honour. Its alright Insane, I'm sure whatever I did to damage your psyche that hideously in the past will eventually heal, and allow you to once again be a normal person.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    11 June 2007 14:16:23

    I wanna see the log!

  • Author
    Insane [legacy]
    11 June 2007 13:37:19

    He died shortly after it. Being locked at STS and seing his death, he tried the usual tricks, whining, begging to be let out, trying the 'I had merciful I am friend lemme go', tried to lick ass and even tried something I am not allowed to say:P But its hilarious:) What a punk.

  • Author
    Sadren [legacy]
    11 June 2007 05:34:14

    Nice, too bad he locked himself with that quest, and nice timing by you Exhalev.

  • Author
    Korgan [legacy]
    11 June 2007 04:05:12

    Great fight, fun read.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    11 June 2007 02:53:24

    That was an insane battle... Great solo Exhalev

  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    11 June 2007 02:19:45

    Wow, that was fought well. Close

  • Author
    Xaron [legacy]
    11 June 2007 01:18:08

    Good fight, both of you.