Daeril 2

Posted by
Duncan [legacy]
13 June 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

A little after the first log...


  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    16 June 2007 12:13:50

    Next person to continue an argument in a closed thread in another thread gets a permanent comment block.

  • Author
    Phrosen [legacy]
    16 June 2007 11:10:39

    I seem to find a lot of multiplaying violations on Logomania these days. Did they change the rules or am I the only one who's bothered?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    16 June 2007 10:50:24

    Oh yeah, don't forget while your jackass BkD was an assassin, I was there in that guild also, so I know your claim to be full of shit. Boy, was I glad to have gotten him booted, you carry the same 'I'm the greatest' attitude on every char you have, and it rubbed everybody in that guild the wrong way. Which, I imagine, will end up getting you removed from CoU for disobeying Jaron.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    16 June 2007 10:47:27

    Or hell, immort and use your ainur abilities to kill players, then make a huge scene about leaving/quitting the mud, only to return and max 5 chars in the span of two months.

    I really don't understand why you have to be such an egotistical douchebag. I guess you and Durad spend too much time together.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    16 June 2007 10:42:32

    Why don't you go and claim that you're quitting because summer is here again and spend hours a day on another alt.

    Worthless trash, why do I bother.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    16 June 2007 10:40:57

    You're a grade A fucking moron, Ochyrocera.

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    15 June 2007 23:37:57

    Hell, I'm just talking Ologs and Haradrim. I've had like... two PKs? Ever? :p

    Just saying I was a pretty reliable mainstay for those stupid battlepoint tag-wars.

  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    15 June 2007 19:47:47


  • Author
    Grozin [legacy]
    15 June 2007 19:47:37

    who is ochyrocera (tped this in one go)

  • Author
    Ochyrocera [legacy]
    15 June 2007 19:30:51

    I killed more people with my BkD in 2 weeks than you did the entire BP saga, what crack are you smoking you guild idler :P

  • Author
    Dorf [legacy]
    15 June 2007 19:23:32

    Bah, closed log above this one before I could whine with Pallasch about not getting the LOVE.

  • Author
    Phrosen [legacy]
    13 June 2007 23:51:01

    Maybe someone did one of them anonymous namechanges..

  • Author
    Lament [legacy]
    13 June 2007 22:56:47

    But seriously how is it not hard to accuse someone of not having a transfered character when all prior characters were deleted? Out of nowhere he's 65days old? Unless somehow he had his old char unuked for god knows what I find it hard not to believe. But I really can't point fingers cause I've done it myself. But I was always nuked for it:)

  • Author
    Aduial [legacy]
    13 June 2007 22:39:00

    Wow, this Daeril fellow sure tells his life elaborately on the comm.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    13 June 2007 22:24:53

    Duncan was having issues separating characters, but that's fine, everything is good now... Daywalker once again shits the bed, unable to trigger a simple huntbreak ---> Daeril had no healing left because of using it while questing in Mordor, according to his comments on the comm I overheard. Funny he got owned by the poison his typist has used to such dire effects against his enemies... The double tap was thought to be a joke, and after the merciful Daeril was under the impression everything was cool. Even with a tap its not like you lose anything when you die, no worries, just means a few more Mordor runs for Daeril.

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    13 June 2007 19:25:11

    I agree with Skenda 100%...

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    13 June 2007 13:33:03

    Yeah yeah yeah... reasons reasons reasons...I don't need a reason to kill people. Daeril stole from me when he was a thief, he has a feud with Putin and some other non RL friends I wouldn't like to mention. I have enough reasons to kill him over and over. It's not the first time I was asked.

    The log is here to read it! Read:P

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    13 June 2007 12:49:16

    Shrug, shouldnt be the reason. Everyone knows that all bulgarian characters arnt run by one person. Wouldnt be first time Duncan Skyman and Daywalker would have gotten this accusation and i never really heard them trying to deny it either, except maybe if a ainu asks. But who knows, they might be tired of getting nuked constantly and now tries to bully people to silence.

  • Author
    Esker [legacy]
    13 June 2007 12:40:01

    I don't know if this is why he got killed.. but earlier that day Daeril was on the comm claiming that Putin is a transferred character.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    13 June 2007 11:17:00

    Friends wanted him dead and double taps aint that bad!

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    13 June 2007 11:07:38

    Yeah, spill the beans Duncan. What's up here? Give us a little backstory!

  • Author
    Skenda [legacy]
    13 June 2007 10:50:40

    i hate double taps! Why did he derserved it anyways?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    13 June 2007 06:16:06

    Haha, guess his typist isn't as uber as he thinks!