Spektor and Derk

Posted by
Duncan [legacy]
18 June 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

Strong is my steel, dark is my mind, carmine the ground that I tread. Lord, you know that I prayed - one for the glory and one for the souls that I've slain...


  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:43:09

    Pay you? How about I give your poor ass some money for some cosmetic surgery to fix that penis resemblance of a head of yours. Oh wait... if I did that, you wouldn't have anything that remotely looks like a dick.

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    19 June 2007 13:58:13

    Azer, your stuck on repeat with this skinny ass ugly can't get laid comment. Your subconcious trying to tell you something? Realise the fear and stop trying to convince yourself the rest of the world is like you. It's good to be different!

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    19 June 2007 09:38:06

    'Of course im going to try to get free gear'

    Some expensive free gear, I'd say.

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    19 June 2007 09:33:40

    Oh maybe you should pay me again to kill him cause he talks too much about the MUD irl Lomar? Or was it cause he doesn't look -quite- as shitty as your skinny ass? Hell i dunno, you and Laefang should form a clan, second-rate-loosers-unable-to-land-the-last-choice-drunken-one-night-stand and buy a new pair of jeans. you ugly fucks. *(This comment was sponsored by Mirnac enterpriseses dot com)

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    19 June 2007 05:42:30

    But lomar bkd rock! you can't slag off Azer they'll wtfpown you untill you die! Not that they can even 5 man properly or do anything but ****ing quest equip. Sorry forgot about quickblades. Man that took some skill. Azer, i'd suggest a short break where you don't actually believe you have lots of stumpy dwarf warriors under your command. Could do some good and maybe stop you embarrasing your guild

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    19 June 2007 04:32:29

    At Azer: Better than any half ass attempt that you've ever thrown out, scrub.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    19 June 2007 01:11:33

    I was after someone else and randomly walked in on the action, drank the potion and attacked.

  • Author
    Azer [legacy]
    18 June 2007 19:33:06

    Someone insisted i should read this log, even though I told them I've come to think that all logs are a bloody bore less they hold some comedy value. But yeah, it was good. Worth a 6 hands down. But anyhow, what was that half-assed attempt from Exhalev, no backstab, didn't even have his sword drawn.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    18 June 2007 18:45:25

    Derk...grow up. :P

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    18 June 2007 13:52:43

    like spelling was never one of my strengths.

  • Author
    Perry [legacy]
    18 June 2007 13:52:14

    he not exactly putting himself down. He just knows his strenghts, and weaknesses, and is not ashamed of them. Not everyone is a great assassin, but there are other things to bring to the game.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    18 June 2007 12:45:37

    Hahahaha Derk what a huge moron :P

  • Author
    Phrosen [legacy]
    18 June 2007 09:03:25

    Or one who doesn't have a clue about anything, but still tries to talk back. It's cute to watch. =)

  • Author
    Derk [legacy]
    18 June 2007 07:43:43

    You have to love a man who always puts him self down.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    18 June 2007 03:43:50

    No, actually, Derk I didn't try you at all -- ever. I always said I was a horrible, horrible assassin, though, so you're not going to score any points by agreeing with me.

    I have to say, though, evidence suggests that I am better than Dornath.

    Looting someone's kill WHILE THEY'RE IN THE ROOM is... I dunno, either asking to get stabbed, or just plain dumb.

    Duncan didn't just run around stabbing people; he killed someone, then killed the person who looted the corpse.

    ...but there's really no point in telling you that; to even begin the line of argument you used, you've got to be the most obtuse individual since Altar or Assflame.

  • Author
    Derk [legacy]
    18 June 2007 03:38:38

    Funny you guys talk. Tireless have you ever killed me before? NO! you tried but failed. You are the worst assassin since dornath. Of course im going to try to get free gear. Duncan's stabs do way over 100 the odds are a bit against me. I like how when Duncan just runs around stabing people its ok, but when evils do it. SPREEEEE!! SPREEE!!

  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    18 June 2007 02:55:30

    Derk tells you: wtf was that for


  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    18 June 2007 02:32:24

    4 for the awesome damage (Nothing spectacular), 5 for Derk looting then not understanding why he dies, and 6 for the subtitle.