Anvik dies

Posted by
Spektor [legacy]
18 June 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

I go for anvik and get mels and grb


  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    20 June 2007 08:57:23

    It's nothing personal towards you Exhalev, you know what i think about players like you are acting atm...

  • Author
    Athrun [legacy]
    20 June 2007 07:58:08

    I love it. The log rocks hard! hahaha ^_^

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    20 June 2007 07:29:57

    Kaylyne, like Perrota, tries to be sarcastic, but... well, it was actually suprisingly apt.

  • Author
    Hotham [legacy]
    20 June 2007 07:26:46

    I guess not.

  • Author
    Kaylyne [legacy]
    20 June 2007 06:29:01

    thx. you are wise too. wise enough to suicide

  • Author
    Lorme [legacy]
    20 June 2007 06:27:03

    Kaylyne is so wise. Its always so fulfilling when we are blessed enough with her 'care' to post another comment.

  • Author
    Hotham [legacy]
    20 June 2007 04:27:43

    Can't we all just get along?

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    20 June 2007 04:18:54

    so is your ability to give head, unlike exhalev. so become friends with him and learn the secrets of the trade.

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    20 June 2007 04:05:18

    My god, this is terrible.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:49:38

    There, I said what you all think I am saying, when I never say it. Enjoy.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:48:50

    Me and Winnetou are the bomb, the rest of you can scrape our shoes biznatches !

  • Author
    Jaime [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:47:11

    yeah i'm really emotionally disturbed, please, give me the number of your psychologist who made you believe you were the shit, when in reality you are just a pile of shit

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:41:45

    I'm the shit, you all suck:P Right, Exh.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:34:38

    you saying you can steam roll guilds is like me saying i'm on the top activity list. if perrota is no where near as skilled as spektor then that is sad. spektor is not great, he is not awesome, i mean even me the retarded never has been has killed him at least 7 times between his chars because he's stupid. but yes exhalev you are teh grand masta and as being the number one best player of this game you get to choose who is also the l33t which is spektor and perrota.

    exhalev has spoken he is teh bestest followed by those guyz. like fo realz.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:31:33

    Just think Pablo, in the time you spent typing that you could have had another beer and beat your girlfriend.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:29:19

    exhalev, someone needs to scratch your chin cos my balls itch. ahahahahaahaha

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:24:10

    Kaylyne, the simple fact you even bother to retort to me yanking your chain reveals that you're a bit too head over heels in the seriousness of this commentary. Your comments might be mud related but they held no worth from the get go :P You preach to me exactly what I'm trying to get through to you, as if you're some sort of dysfunctional mirror.

    Manni I am a well liked and hard working contributor to my guild on all fronts, I do not need you to use your megatron Power Ranger powers to try and get people to dislike me globally, I hold few friends close and the rest of the playerbase might as well be NPCs for how much of an effect they have on me. I garner dislike with my propensity to rile up emotionally disturbed people like Jaime, and by steam rolling people who can't handle cotton candy deaths. The fact you dislike Spektor or Perrota is hardly based on their attitudes, all kinds of people act like that. Its based on the fact they actually engage and kill people, and killing people hurts you, and being hurt makes you lash out in retaliation, as is human nature. The fact is, you retaliate on an Internet forum with comments because you can do very little to nothing about it on the MUD because you can't handle the heat, whereas I'd wager even Perrota could roughhouse 3/4 of your guild and he is still nowhere as near as experienced as Spektor is.

  • Author
    Reorx [legacy]
    20 June 2007 02:20:59


  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    20 June 2007 01:50:59

    This will never be concluded by any sort of logical debate, i'm sorry guys but i think it's Jerry Springer time.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    20 June 2007 01:21:53

    Kaylyne talking about ignorance. ..

  • Author
    Kaylyne [legacy]
    20 June 2007 01:18:23

    Actually Kelos, if you have read ANY of the comments, mine was based solely on Exhalev and his ego problem. So please, keep your ignorance to yourself.

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    20 June 2007 01:14:15

    Kaylyne giving anyone crap about how they play the game is priceless.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    20 June 2007 00:54:53

    As far as asking for help with killing the 3-4 of you guys, the days of Durmanhoth being outcasts of diplomacy have come to an end. When it used to be Durmanhoth against 3 or 4 guilds, we could hold our own back in the day (like 10 years ago). You can't win a war as a unitary actor when there are 25 guilds, all with alliances. It's a change in philosophy for the guild. In calling you guys out here, I was hoping to pick up a few more allies that could further ostracize you from the MUD's population. I gues it remains to be seen whether or not that worked. Either way, I'm not too concerned in the long term.

  • Author
    Kaylyne [legacy]
    20 June 2007 00:45:16

    If I cared that much, I would point out the hypocrisy in your last comment as well as several past ones, but I don't. Instead, I will let you continue to spew worthless remarks in attempts to 'defend yourself'

    Oh, and I'll dismiss the demeaning comments involving Altar. I'll just assume it's your own animosity, and that you too have not yet realized it's just a game. I guess that's the difference between us, I do understand it is a game and keep my words game-oriented, whereas you need to try and look for outside(fallacious)sources to try and belittle me as a person.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    20 June 2007 00:35:06

    Manni, if you are judged by the company you keep, considering that you keep company with the kinds of Azkur and Bevler, what does that make you?

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    20 June 2007 00:26:29

    <3 logpage

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    20 June 2007 00:21:35

    I can say the same for your company Manni, but who's place is it to make those calls? To each his own, try and look at the individual. The attack on the cross-dressing Jaime was borne out of anger toward your guild, a personal contract, and opportunity.

    You attacked my guildmember a few moments before, don't tell me it was unaggrevated. After your clownshow on the Morgul Road with me, which was barely assuaged by whatever 'pact' we had, and your mistreatment of Yuber, I can barely say I am fond of you or your entourage.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    20 June 2007 00:02:38

    Though in general I didn't agree with Manni, gotta agree with him on the last point.

    Spektor isn't good company.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    20 June 2007 00:00:17

    Sorry Exhalev, you're judged by the company you keep. And Spektor's bad company. The attempted hit against Jaime was completely unaggravated.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    19 June 2007 23:49:23

    I'm sorry you obviously weren't thinking clearly, I'll let Altar take his wang out of your mouth so you can retype that.

    On a serious note, I wasn't disparaging Manni for his efforts at helping the new and not so new clueless people on the MUD (such as yourself), I was simply stating the fact that he shouldn't step on the toes of people with the ability to slaughter his ranks of innocent sheep.

    Esteban, how am I bitching? Manni is the one with the leaking genitals, I was simply defending myself for being grouped in his tirade of horse feces. I excuse you for not reading my comments properly Kaylyne, I know its hard to see the screen with all that gunk in your eyes -- I did not proclaim to be a god or a hero anywhere, you're reading much too far into things... Learn that people are allowed to defend themselves, and try and remove all your animosity and frustration, its a game for goodness sakes!

  • Author
    Kaylyne [legacy]
    19 June 2007 23:35:50

    Exhalev, I can't even read what you say anymore. Your closed-minded comments only succeed in vexing me, and probably whoever else can actually bring themselves to read them. The only thing that is hilarious is how ridulously out of touch YOU are with reality. You are in no way, shape or form the god or hero you claim to be.

    As for: 'your guild seeks double standards, and its a flock of pathetic newbies that you hope will some day transform into a group of talented killers under your brilliant tutelage' What is your point here? You also were once a 'pathetic newbie' and now a self-proclaimed talented killer. Regardless, how in the least can you attempt to disparage Manni for helping and bringing in new players, which in the long run is a positive effect on the game. You can pk 3 million people a day, and Manni will still be 10 times a better player than you, not just from skill, but from his earnest attitude to do what's right and best for his guild as well as the game as a whole.

  • Author
    Esteban [legacy]
    19 June 2007 23:23:28

    Exhalev, we all know you, stop bitching...

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    19 June 2007 23:22:57

    This is almost funny.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    19 June 2007 23:19:10

    Exhalev you amaze me.

    Run for president!!!

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    19 June 2007 22:40:20

    It is hilarious to see how victimized people are. Do something for yourself, take action and make a change -on the MUD-! And yet, here we have the guildmaster of the Durmanhoth offering to pay gold to OTHER random people, to kill his own 'enemies'. Hypocritical and speaks volumes about how powerful your guild is. Just play the game.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    19 June 2007 22:37:42

    Manni you're ridiculously out of touch with what you're saying. I haven't done any spree killing, with any of my characters: even my ER's massive amount of kills were spaced out and were not harassment. I cannot speak on behalf of other people you mentioned, but the fact you think Derk is 'apparently' funding people just demonstrates how far off the mark you are with your judgement. You are the guildmaster of the Durmanhoth, and you have problems with people involved in PvP, and fulfilling contracts? Has Azkrayel turned you into the Fluffy bunnies or the Power Rangers? Get a grip man. You broke your word before anything else, your guild seeks double standards, and its a flock of pathetic newbies that you hope will some day transform into a group of talented killers under your brilliant tutelage and the contributions of Mute/Altar.

    You talk as if the names you mentioned are the only people that play the MUD who are involved in the PvP scene... If I were you I'd just petition for the removal of assassins, since you know, anything that bruises your bleeding heart is detrimental to the MUD.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    19 June 2007 22:33:26

    I think Perrota was trying to be witty and sarcastic, but it appears to me that he came off being... um, dumb.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    19 June 2007 20:59:55

    Oh and after i posted that last comment i scrolled down the log page and saw 4 or 5 duncan killing someone. Don't worry though I'm not going to bitch about it. I could care less who he kills. Even if it is me, great it is just a game don't get your panties in a bunch.

  • Author
    Perrota [legacy]
    19 June 2007 20:57:06

    I spree all the time. I have tons of logs posted everyday. Manni can you find my long lost father since you know sooo much about everyone and everything on this game?

  • Author
    Hotham [legacy]
    19 June 2007 20:24:31

    Heh, I understand all this, I'm not trying to defend anyone, I'm just saying; I got a chuckle out of it.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 June 2007 19:22:10

    I don't rate logs unless something exceptional happens in them... And I don't really think the rating system means much, mostly because of the biases you've mentioned, Hotham. On the other hand, Duncan plays one character, mostly kills players that deserve to be killed, and doesn't just spree off a character when he gets bored of playing it. Plus, while I've made at least 3-4 agreements each with Spektor and Exhalev which were all subsequently broken by them, I respect Duncan's word. That goes a long way.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    19 June 2007 19:04:35

    Um, my logs get rated low too:/

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    19 June 2007 18:50:26

    WOAH 5 new comments!

  • Author
    Hotham [legacy]
    19 June 2007 18:31:56

    I understand where you are comming from Manni, but i think it's funny; if someone like duncan posted this same log, there would be 6's across the board.

    Just gave me a little laugh, the poor kid could solo mordor gates with no healing and a wooden sword and people would still rate it a 1

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 June 2007 18:13:23

    Redbull and Megiildur spreed and went wanted just like 10 days ago or so. Then after he got arrested, Redbull came back and was stalking people some more.

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    19 June 2007 18:09:49

    Your months behind Manni, ER riots did much worse than this and there's quite a few i can think of that switch between characters alot more freely than rav does. Plus it's hardly spree killing lowbies, maybe it happened during the bp's (on both sides) but the lawsystem soon makes you pick your targets extremely carefully now. It's not some dighi tomasis thing here, they kill high level characters and maybe occaionally a contracted lowbie. I can't see durms being worried that much by one or 2 typists, just post who to watch out for on your boards.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 June 2007 17:12:50

    On the other hand, those guys I listed below have been spreeing randomly for months and have been a detriment to the MUD. They have taken extreme advantage of the new MP rules and have constantly harassed dozens of people on the MUD. It would be nice to see a little push against the names listed above that would show them how everyone feels.

    It feels wrong to have Redbull spreeing 10 or 12 players while his fines are maxed, going wanted, and then logging off as soon as someone comes after him. Then 5 seconds later, the people going after him are suddenly stalked by Gizmalin or Spektor or Hellflame. This just doesn't feel like how the MUD is meant to be played and these guys need to know it. Gizmalin/Spektor/Redbull/Hellfalme/Perrota/Exhalev for the killing, and Derk for presumably funding them. There's only so many maxed assassins they have to spree with before everyone should realize they're going to spree with the ones they have left. There's no reason to put up with having these guys on the MUD.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    19 June 2007 16:46:48

    The point is that this wasn't a random kill... It was part of the Spektor/Gizmalin/Ravathir/Hellflame/Redbull,Hazin/Derk/Megildur,Perrota,Exhalev crew's problem with my guild. If anyone wants gold for killing one of those guys, let me know. Thanks.

  • Author
    Ecidon [legacy]
    19 June 2007 16:30:21

    ..contracts are random kills :P

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    19 June 2007 13:11:03


  • Author
    Spektor [legacy]
    19 June 2007 07:32:52

    Im pretty sure I only kill durms and Contracts. Now can you tell me how that is random killing?

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    19 June 2007 07:12:39

    Oh boy, you can random kill and corpse loot, you stellar player you.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    19 June 2007 02:23:38

    this is my way of killing, sucks for the looting tho.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    19 June 2007 01:28:41

    Way for me to shit the bed max stats commons and profs on that stab, curses!