Mr. Big Muscles can't kill poor snifer

Posted by
Shadowy [legacy]
28 June 2007 00:00:00

oh well was golding when someone trying to kill me, I wanted to hunt him back later but he had gala vial attack! gala vial dodge! MELS and Blacky on him:S, and I'm just a poor sniffer


  • Author
    Phrosen [legacy]
    03 July 2007 11:24:45

    Haha. <3 Tevildo.

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    03 July 2007 09:40:02

    'Without warning, someone stabs you from behind!

    Someone carves some letters into you.'

    You're beginning to feel nauseous and dizzy.

    l letters

    Dear Aunt Lisa,

    Things couldn't be going better, thanks for

    asking. I got a new job! Granted, it isn't

    what I thought I'd be doing, but you know

    how these things are. The pay isn't terrible.

    See you in June? I'll bring the noodle salad ;)

    Love, Duncan.

    To Whom It May Concern:

    Sir or madam, I must complain about the

    service I received at your establishment this

    Tuesday. Not only was the food cold, but the

    waiter--I think his name was Bill-- was

    inattentive and couldn't get our orders right.

    He said there was no manager on duty at the

    time, so I'm writing you now to express my

    displeasure. You have lost this customer.

    -Duncan Idaho.


    Can't wait to see you again. Minutes seem

    like hours 'n stuff. I was thinking, maybe we

    could try that 'thing' again... you know what

    I'm talking about! My neck and hip are still

    sore from last time, but oooooh man. With you,

    it's a good hurt. MRRRROW!! XOXOXO

    Your Hunka Hunka Burnin' Manstud

    P.S. I'm not wearing any panties ;DD

    You vomit all over the ground!

    You have died.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    28 June 2007 11:52:22

    Guild breaking is not something to brag about.

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    28 June 2007 11:27:04

    He had some nice timing!

  • Author
    Phrosen [legacy]
    28 June 2007 10:26:59

    Haha, broke in garrison. =)