Fun for us. I was told by a few peeps to log it.

Posted by
Cyric [legacy]
11 July 2007 00:00:00
NPC Battle

Gyro had a day old trigger to knock on the gates of Mordor, which he accidently did today, I thought it would be a good idea to get his EQ back.


  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    12 July 2007 23:07:57

    Running around with less than 10hp each is just asking for it.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    12 July 2007 23:06:50

    Timing is the most important (and only) skill in PK. The rest is stats/skills and eq selection.

  • Author
    Jaime [legacy]
    12 July 2007 23:04:59

    He solo'd two guys whose hit points combined probably equalled less than 20.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    12 July 2007 18:34:35

    The thing is Exhalev, both of them were near death; as it happens, Dvalin had, what, 6 HPs? That is their fault, but I think we all needed a reminder that he DID just solo two guys :P

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    12 July 2007 17:04:39

    WOOOOOOO i loves it, 6

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    12 July 2007 08:18:02

    Well, maybe that was a bad example. It was still a good log though. Nam's log ftw, and it has no combat whatsoever!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    12 July 2007 08:03:05

    Cyber's log was a 4, at most. I've had hundreds of more exciting adventures involving more risks and more style that I didn't bother logging because... frankly, escaping a bang isn't really worth posting.

    To be fair, stab-kill logs are not as good as chase logs, so 2 stab-kills back to back < average chase log.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    12 July 2007 07:30:14

    You people also mistake good kills as being good logs. Someone can pull off the most efficient solo playerkill ever and the log wouldn't be so exciting. On the other hand, someone can run around at near death with 5 people trying to kill him and catching up with him at random moments (ex. Cyber's log), and have a very exciting log :)

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    12 July 2007 07:02:56

    They even ignore good logs when they see them also. Daeril's log consists of a level 20 and level 19 thief getting soloed almost instantaenously, during wartime. One of the best solo PK logs posted for ages. Don't expect too much from this fickle crowd my child.

  • Author
    Pablo [legacy]
    12 July 2007 06:26:25

    hot ham, unless you're on a six in sub. you're aren't good.

  • Author
    Hotham [legacy]
    12 July 2007 06:14:45

    What I don't understand is why every log has to be extraordinary for you people. Everytime someone posts a log that isn't 'worth a 6' you guys ram it down the dude's throat. Big deal, the dude had fun with it he posted it for a good laugh. no need to slam it in his face how 'easy' it was.

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    12 July 2007 01:11:44

    How come it struck your gear btw?

  • Author
    Laefang [legacy]
    12 July 2007 01:10:47

    A bolt of lightning comes out of nowhere and strikes a dwarven hauberk!

    A dwarven hauberk explodes sending shards of metal screaming into you!

    See now that's the sort of crap that should happen and make this log alot funnier, as it is however this really isn't difficult and questing mels at boot is alot harder.

  • Author
    Cyric [legacy]
    12 July 2007 01:00:30

    We did it for our fallen comrade! The Triggers of Doom had their laugh and the orcs and trolls celebrated all too soon ... we had literally just quested that stuff for our real expedition, which never happened. :( And no, the EQ was still in near mint condition.

    Also, I can't color, I plays on teh telnets and you can't even copy-paste... and buffer only does one screen's worth.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    12 July 2007 00:45:33

    So.. you bashed the gates just for that which was left on the ground, or did someone already come by and pickup a unique or something?

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    12 July 2007 00:28:20

    I would have just asked a sFR or ER to snag it for me.

  • Author
    Malorian [legacy]
    11 July 2007 23:48:19

    the EQ is metal, of course the lighting will hit it

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    11 July 2007 23:43:25

    question is, did you check condition on eq afterwards?

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    11 July 2007 23:06:34

    Did you do something odd to lightning the equipment, or was it just a weird bug?

  • Author
    Mirnac [legacy]
    11 July 2007 22:05:12

    Well Razey you can do it with fewer people, but still this is abit nostalgic, i loved the old times where you where going mordor with like 2-3 full parties, and just smashed through gates and then went on to empty mordor.

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    11 July 2007 21:36:50

    I want to see them dead in 3 rounds by some wizies

  • Author
    Razey [legacy]
    11 July 2007 21:27:34

    Pshshaaaa! Friggin' Overkill. Me and Detrid 2 manned it and I screwed it up so bad, I drank all our healing at once and we still got it down.

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    11 July 2007 21:22:38

    remove it and color it damn!