RL friends of Internet friends

Posted by
Lomar [legacy]
02 August 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

Where do your loyalties lie?


  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    08 August 2007 02:25:48

    I've really fucking missed bakal on this page. Get the Texican back and it'll be back like the old days.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    07 August 2007 02:26:26


  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    07 August 2007 02:12:58

    Obviously Daeman, my comment about egos and infighting didn't apply to you.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    07 August 2007 02:09:22

    Well Hirgail, it WAS directly under control. Till I hibed of course and it all went down hill once Nirrab became gm etc etc. Anyone who denies this fact is an idiot. I logged everything just in case. Especially for those of you who want to know the real truth. All my conversations, diplomatic talks etc etc with Kelos, Balzamon etc etc. I logged it all just in case so I can throw it back in Waste's face for being a dumbass and making a DUMB ass move. Oh and for Daeril who went against my wishes and decided to come up with some lame ass treaty after I told him not to. But hey thats life, I care not for any of it. I just wanna see them get manhandled like the noobs they are.

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    07 August 2007 00:46:00

    Who would have thought a guild made up of Herkimers and opportunistic pkers who are more ego than meat would self destruct? Im shocked.

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    07 August 2007 00:15:38

    On a side note. I'm a long time friend of Nirrab and would normally back him up on any situation, but I'm a firm believer he can't handle it. Especially after a so called ' I was hacked situation, I'm going to steal aiglos and then get kicked by bkd' Actually made me look like an idiot in front of Azer for vouching for him.. If you can believe I can be any more of an idiot sometimes:)

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    07 August 2007 00:14:07

    I would of done exactly what Lomar did. Friends come first. Thats why this place is called a community. The fact that it was against his guild sucks but thats tuff shit. This is a perfect example to why Nirrab will run udungul into the ground. If he was a compatent GM he would of took the time to assess the situation. The fact is they all wanted blood and they had the chance to get a free kill. Lomar on the other hand has done more for Udungul ,in his small amount of time being there, than Nirrab has done in the last two years. But hey, lets see what Waste's going to say about Udungul this time. I can't wait till he sees war on his doorstep x10 worse than it was a month ago. *rotfl* With who to back them up? Nirrab? *Toodles!

  • Author
    Hirgail [legacy]
    06 August 2007 23:40:04

    It make since too me.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    06 August 2007 22:47:52

    Whether you like it or not, it still sucks.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    06 August 2007 21:32:28

    I like my english. I like krimps english too so no worries there

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    06 August 2007 20:59:14

    If your IRL friends actually get mad at you for pking them on this game then they're douche bags and you shouldn't hang out with them anymore.

    If you and your buddies all play this game, then you obviously know who is affiliated with each guild, and should accept that that person has a responsibility to that guild (just like you do to your guild), and thus, you should not ask him to save you if you suck and got yourself locked up by his guildmates. Instead, laugh about it at lunch the next day while you sit at that one table way in the corner away from normal people where losers, like yourself, eat your fucking lunch. Nerd. I hate you. Get a life.


  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    06 August 2007 20:27:56

    I think I played for 5hours once I was like 'F%^& this I'm bored'

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    06 August 2007 20:16:44

    case in point, your irl friends are more important than your ingame friends

    if you get kicked out of a guild for your irl friends, then either join their guild (they can make one hell of a loyalty argument) or start your own together ;)

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    06 August 2007 19:51:55

    Dude, where are you from? You sound like Krimpatul, if not worse :P

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    06 August 2007 19:24:03

    Then we're two

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    06 August 2007 19:13:42

    Ergo sounds retarded.

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    06 August 2007 16:07:29

    So might be me but don't nirrab mp like shit anyways and ofc if he get stuck with his penis in the zipper then he might as well kill lomar over it but havn't you done this shit before dude/idiot?

    and I would have unlocked for a friend and even told the people trying to kill him to fuck off or I would just leave the guild. the difference is that I don't like people fucking with my guild so I usually don't get stuck in these situation. but then again some people rock some people don't. allalalalalalalalalalala

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    04 August 2007 05:22:48

    Shoe contracts all round!

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    04 August 2007 01:59:27

    Someone told Lomar that they had been misinformed as to the fact that Tim and myself are obese :P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 August 2007 16:16:45

    and I wonder who they're going to ask to see if they're fat :P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    03 August 2007 16:15:26

    'Exhalev tells you: we gotta get even more ripped then get pics up'

    I too found this hilarious.

  • Author
    Myrddin [legacy]
    03 August 2007 14:59:47

    'I love how you say im so blood thirsty and just wanted the ear. I have killed 1 person in the last month and that's lomar.'

    That second sentence was exactly what he was saying, so it doesn't do much to discredit him.

  • Author
    Abborre [legacy]
    03 August 2007 09:05:22

    I smirked at this part.

    'Exhalev tells you: we gotta get even more ripped then get pics up'

  • Author
    Tevildo [legacy]
    03 August 2007 07:06:53

    'The RP part is what your retarded asses bring to it, it's not hard coded...'

    Arawn, you douchebag :) Thanks for giving people something to not be.

    'Moral of the story is: Don't join a guild.'

    If you can't separate or RP characters -at all-, hell yes.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 August 2007 06:53:54

    I played a lot of one and a half or two day shifts back in the day, but it was always during an RP battle or big release. I'm sure I was on for more than a day during both the MT and CU releases. For some of the first march 15 events too probably. It didn't used to be that uncommon really.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    03 August 2007 06:37:12

    I read a book once, front to back, for 17 hours straight, not putting it down to even eat my dinner. I can't concentrate on anything else for nearly that long. Even back when I really got into this game, I could only play for 7 hours, tops.

    But wait! Don't bother replying, anyone...I'll do it for you. :)

    'No one cares, asshole.'

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    03 August 2007 05:43:43

    There have been people who've played entire 3d+ boots, plus more into the next.

  • Author
    Exley [legacy]
    03 August 2007 05:42:56

    There was a guy named Nortoro who once stayed on for 42 hours.

  • Author
    Derk [legacy]
    03 August 2007 05:24:49

    I don't think i have ever been on for 16 hours a day and arawn i bet you 1000$ you have been on for 11+ hours before. I mean don't even go there ithilcalad was been on for a day and 16 hours.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    03 August 2007 02:01:50

    if I were you i'd overkill them

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    03 August 2007 00:39:13

    But those tells came after the fact, so they couldn't have been the reason. Obviously the guild had no loyalty to him either. Considering they turned on him before he really turned on them. He was apologetic at first, those tells might have been different if you had given him a real chance to explain himself before killing him.

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    03 August 2007 00:03:30

    Suffice it to say, we didn't kill him because he unlocked the lock. His tells to me abuot 'not giving a damn and he would've done it anyway' is what pissed me off. Thats why he was booted and killed. He had no loyalty to the guild and obviously didn't belong there.

  • Author
    Zillak [legacy]
    02 August 2007 23:32:36

    Wow, the drama, Shakespeare couldnt have done it better...

    As for my opinion on this, i'd give it, but it would be quite pointless and would probably fall on deaf ears so i wont...

    Have a nice day everybody :)

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    02 August 2007 23:18:49

    I don't see Tireless on for 16 hours a day Derk:P

  • Author
    Derk [legacy]
    02 August 2007 22:27:10

    this game is all tireless has to live for :( so i would beg and plead also to get out

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    02 August 2007 22:17:16

    It's a game!

    I think logpage comments should just start with 'It's a game!' automatically. It would appear at the top of each comment and you can't remove it. And then maybe once again at the bottom so you really wouldn't forget.

    It's a damn game!

  • Author
    Reorx [legacy]
    02 August 2007 22:13:53

    2/3 is too optimistic manni :p

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    02 August 2007 21:05:51

    'Holy crap...I leave for class, come back 3 hours later and there are 45 new posts....don't you people have lives outside of arguing on a forum about a game?'

    What are you doing here then?

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2007 21:04:30

    The irony is that about 2/3 of the comments in this thread are from people who are just bored at work.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    02 August 2007 20:44:36

    Oh shit, I'm always forgetting this was a game.. there should be a public service announcement ever hour or so to remind everyone. Better yet, start giving the mud downtime so some of us are forced to go look for jobs and lives.

  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    02 August 2007 20:32:45

    christ i'm laughing my ass off right now you guys that are acting like retards are such tools

    its a damn game

    and the punishment for lomar shouldnt have been that

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2007 20:32:02

    Yes... However while we're at work we get paid to argue about an online game.

  • Author
    Hotham [legacy]
    02 August 2007 20:22:35

    Holy crap...I leave for class, come back 3 hours later and there are 45 new posts....don't you people have lives outside of arguing on a forum about a game?

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 August 2007 20:20:42

    Moral of the story is: Don't join a guild.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    02 August 2007 20:13:07

    Had I know who was in there, do you really think that I would have walked in there? The answer is no. I walked in there because I wanted to see who was in there, etc.

  • Author
    Idell [legacy]
    02 August 2007 19:31:31

    just goes to show you why udungul less a guild, and more a club house of distrust

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    02 August 2007 19:30:00

    i dont think that daaeril would have done the same thing, hes pretty thoughtful if you just give him a chance :)

  • Author
    Nyx [legacy]
    02 August 2007 19:21:46

    I remember when I killed Apeture inside the guildhall and then booted him over a misunderstanding. When the misunderstanding was cleared out, I apologized and I let him back in, and he didn't go insane and pout and throw hissy fits because he was a friend, and he understood why I did what I did. Not even a rl friend :p My point being, it's not nice to kill friends, and I admit Lomar's situation sucked because usually you can just log off or pretend you're idle when your guild goes after your friend, and take no part of it. But if your friend does happen to die because of you, who gives a fuck? He's your friend therefore you're not gonna go flaunting it and make him embarassed/lose his honour, and you can log on your alt and help him relvl right away. Sure he might pout but if he has been in a guild he'll know that guild vs friends is something unavoidable if you're in a guild, completely unavoidable. So whether you're gonna log off, play idle, or say sorry I couldn't do anything, lemme switch and relvl you real quick, or leave the guild and help your friend, it happens, why do people get so upset is beyond me. Look at all the drama, man.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2007 19:06:07

    I removed and re-posted because I spelled out 'running back' by mistake. Clearly the person I thought you were is a 'runnen back' and not a 'running back', as it were.

  • Author
    Nildnab [legacy]
    02 August 2007 19:01:21

    So Derk, Lomar knew who he was letting free and just for fun he walked into the place to laugh in your faces and act innocent?

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:57:24

    Damnit, you removed your comment and posted it again :P

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:56:37

    Well, I thought you were a Michigan State runnen back that loved drinken beers and bangen MILFS.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:56:29

    *snorts8 nah bro, that's fucken baklen.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:46:29

    Well Manni, who do you think I am? :P

  • Author
    Curr [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:45:46

    Forgive me for stating the obvious, but if Lomar just unlatched and left without entering, all the drama would have been avoided... not to say that I didn't enjoy this :)

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:42:58

    I love how you say you love things that you really hate.

  • Author
    Derk [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:42:39

    Herugrim sucks. I sent an idea report in about an upgrade and ungoliant said it was powerfull enough. what a crack

  • Author
    Derk [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:38:47

    I love how daeril is sticking up for lomar now. If daeril was in my situation he wouldn't hesitate a god damn second to stab me for letting tireless away. talk about blood thirsty.

  • Author
    Derk [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:36:13

    I love how you say im so blood thirsty and just wanted the ear. I have killed 1 person in the last month and that's lomar. I hate tireless. He attacks me all the friggen time. If im blood thirsty for killing a traitor then call me what you want. Lomar is just trying to make us look bad by saying i didn't know. The fact is i bet he did know who was in there. i wouldn't admit it either.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:33:18

    Dude Bakal there were like 15 people who did that. I think Mithgil was the worst offender.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:32:51

    Well, at the end of the log their actions were warranted if you actually meant that you would have unlocked for tireless regardless of whether or not you knew it was them killing him.

    But when it happened, for all they knew at the time Derk attacked you, it was just a misunderstanding and you didn't mean to betray the guild. They didn't even give you enough time to fully explain yourself. Actually, it looked like they decided to kill you the second you came in the room. Good guildmates give their own the benefit of the doubt and work out a solution after finding all the details. Good RP for an evil guild though, I guess.

  • Author
    Daeril [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:31:23

    That log was a sad show of you getting owned :P

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:30:42

    I was the guy who always commed, 'omgosh, lol, hahahaha, legend manni' just to get you spammed when you were an immortal :P

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:30:03

    Yeah Im pissed off! It's 2:30am I've got to be up for work at 5am and I can't sleep! Fucking...whatever is keeping my awake! That's the real bad guy here.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:28:58

    I know that I know who Bakal is, but I always forget. He's typing much too well for him to be who I thought he was.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:28:49

    This is kinda sad. I mean they killed him and booted him from the guild over an accident. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have unlocked if he knew who was locked up with who. Does killing Tireless really matter so much? Should have just said 'oops!' and laughed about it. Anyway, what kind of fucking sad sack loser wouldn't choose a friend over a game? And another thing! Fuck off, this isn't a role playing game in the sense that it's required that you take on a persona. It's a fucking hack and slash MUD where you solve puzzles and kill shit. The RP part is what your retarded asses bring to it, it's not hard coded into the game (or wasn't until some of you jackasses immorted)

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:27:55

    Bullshit! Hotham gave up at the eel lock like 3 logs ago!

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:27:50

    I got locked by Duncan and Caber once upon a time and I said, 'Oh well, fuck it.' and then made a funny log out of it. So, moral of the story is, you're a douche bag.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:18:27

    I have never, ever seen an assassin just go 'Oh well, I'm locked, fuck it' and duke it out. Every time I've ever seen anyone locked, the first thing they do is ask around to see if anyone has the key. So, uh, if 'tell kelos Got STS key?' is begging, then you're damn right I was begging for the key, and I make no apology for it.

  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:16:15

    I didn't get asked. And I get asked for the STS key no less than 3 times a day.

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 August 2007 18:09:55

    You asked 13 people if they had key? Sounds like begging to me :P

  • Author
    Shardik [legacy]
    02 August 2007 17:43:58

    I completely agreed with you until you made that dumb little insult at the end.

  • Author
    Jakar [legacy]
    02 August 2007 17:25:10

    Great stuff! Incredibly stylish log, this is what the log page is all about!

  • Author
    Reorx [legacy]
    02 August 2007 17:20:08

    revised title: miscommunication or angrywtfdie-miscommunication

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 August 2007 17:19:24

    Nah, the simple answer is, if you're locked up, you shouldn't hop on MSN and beg your buddy to unlock the gates. Just suck it up and take your death. Clownified.

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    02 August 2007 17:11:00

    the simple answer here is you should have used an alt to unlock

  • Author
    Jabba [legacy]
    02 August 2007 16:48:00

    If I was Lomar, I would have asked who was inside...

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    02 August 2007 16:18:13

    This is all very silly. Just a big misunderstanding.

  • Author
    Daeril [legacy]
    02 August 2007 16:17:52

    Formid and Foraker, he didn't unlock it against his own guildmates on purpose, he didn't KNOW who was inside, nor did I. If Lomar had known who was inside, he would not have unlatched it for Tireless. After being flamed and then stolen from, why should Lomar take that bullshit attack and just shrug? He was explaining the situation while being murdered in cold-blood by his ignorant guildmates.

  • Author
    Ulfanil [legacy]
    02 August 2007 15:20:08


  • Author
    Manni [legacy]
    02 August 2007 15:00:17

    Very Lord of the Flies.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    02 August 2007 14:46:48

    And keep in mind that I had no idea of who was inside of STS.

  • Author
    Lomar [legacy]
    02 August 2007 14:46:32

    Nirrab: Don't try to cover your own ass by claiming that this log is edited. The only thing edited in this log is my ip, my password and the alias out of Udungul GH. So don't try to put something that you've done onto someone else's shoulders.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    02 August 2007 14:32:56

    Well said Formid :)

  • Author
    Merudo [legacy]
    02 August 2007 12:55:34

    always keep your msn off while you are mudding :P

  • Author
    Pallasch [legacy]
    02 August 2007 12:34:35

    Jesus. Drama queens.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    02 August 2007 11:57:25

    I have to admit, there never used to be retards this bad in the game until relatively recently. Sure we've always had people with a complete inability to seperate characters, but even THEY weren't dumb enough to help someone out using a character against their own guild.

    We've also had people who would at the drop of a side switch alliances, and go against their own guild, but with the full knowledge that they will be either kicked from their guild or they are leaving the guild.

    Show at least some modicum of character separation, if you want to be in a guild, then that characters allegience to that guild must be total. Helping out an enemy of that guild on that character is in my eyes bad, but dealable with just don't tell anyone, doing it in front of your guild mates is probably the most idiotic thing I have ever seen. It's as bad as lending someone a unique from the guild bank which they then use to kill one of your guildmates.

    On the subject of screaming for help over MSN in things like the STS. If you're stupid enough to get yourself locked in there with no way out, take the death, learn from it and make sure it doesn't happen again.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    02 August 2007 11:47:19

    They shouldn't care enough about dying to want to fuck up his guild relations :P

  • Author
    Jaron [legacy]
    02 August 2007 11:16:56

    I used to laugh at Duncan, but it is so bad that it is not funny anymore. I pity you, man.

  • Author
    Ulfanil [legacy]
    02 August 2007 11:06:56

    hahahaha @ Duncan

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    02 August 2007 11:02:24

    [new] Date: 02. Aug, 2007, 10:42:59 By: Foraker

    Saying RL friends have priority is a moronic argument. It's a game, they shouldn't care that much about dying.

    First when you die, you lose your honour. Second, you lose stats and skills and you have to waste time to retrain them up to 100. Maybe I have to pwn you to remind you of dying. In this particular log the honour thing didn't apply but I can still kill you (Foraker) for sounding like the characters involved in it. It's not just a game.

    Yes, they shouldn't have asked him to unlock - but not because they don't care if they die but because they are supposed to have some honour. This log seemed an accident though, I don't think Tireless meant to involve Lomar and Daeril probably didn't know who was with Tireless inside. It could've been me, haha:P

    Otherwise, Lomar, your friends suck, your guild sucked...man, I pity you.

  • Author
    Ulfanil [legacy]
    02 August 2007 10:49:10

    I agree with whatever Foraker just said! It's totally true! I'm not sure why Tireless was pissed at me after that. Weird.. -_-'

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    02 August 2007 10:43:47

    P.S. Drama is fun, lets get a big argument going here.

  • Author
    Foraker [legacy]
    02 August 2007 10:42:59

    Saying RL friends have priority is a moronic argument. It's a game, they shouldn't care that much about dying. This is an RP game, even if some people powerplay it. You can be friends with somebody and still be on opposite sides, and if you can't handle that you should play the same side.

    So imho... I could understand that you logged on, heard a friend in trouble and aliased there to steal/unlock. BUT if you knew it was YOUR OWN GUILD KILLING HIM, you shouldn't have helped him. But then you seemed to argue to Nirrab that even if you knew your guild was killing him, you'd still help him because 'RL friends come first.' Well, in that case you're obviously incapable of RPing and being a member of a guild. It's one thing not to go after RL friends, it's another to act against your own guild for them.

    BTW: It doesn't show Nirrab has no friends, it shows he actually knows how to separate a game from RL.

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    02 August 2007 10:41:57

    Haha, Kelos, let's kudo them:)

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    02 August 2007 10:39:04

    This log has his tells to me edited. Which is the basis of this. His disregard for his guildmates caused this death.

  • Author
    Ulfanil [legacy]
    02 August 2007 10:37:16

    Umm.. uh.. Well.. I don't know what to say. Both of them seems to be right to me. Life is unfair I guess.

  • Author
    Sunflash [legacy]
    02 August 2007 10:17:10

    what. the. fuck. You people really REALLY need to exercise some...detachment.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    02 August 2007 10:08:51

    And clearly, Derk just wanted to kill you because an unarmed thief accidentally falling into his lap while he has two other guys to look after him is the only way he's gonna get an ear on his necklace:P

  • Author
    Saurus [legacy]
    02 August 2007 09:58:58

    wow should all be nuked if someone read this log

  • Author
    Kelos [legacy]
    02 August 2007 09:09:44

    I could kudo all of you for excellent role play...you all acted like servants of Sauron there...betrayal, killing each other in your camp, etc...

    Awesome, well done!

  • Author
    Daeril [legacy]
    02 August 2007 09:05:43

    Tireless told me on MSN he was locked in STS, didn't say with who. I tried to get key, failed, asked Tim to snag it. Didn't tell him even for who.

  • Author
    Arawn [legacy]
    02 August 2007 08:16:29

    Clearly, the game comes first Lomar. You're insane for thinking otherwise:P

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    02 August 2007 08:07:28

    To be clear, I am not the rl friend who asked him to unlock.