Nirrab, Master of Udungul

Posted by
Winnetou [legacy]
07 August 2007 00:00:00
Player Kill

Thought I'd rather go for the murder fine.


  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    17 August 2007 07:05:48

    You're probably picturing me in some assassins. Yes, depends on the target. He had to die, it was simple.

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    09 August 2007 20:59:19

    Problems/issues often come unexpected and require you to leave immediately. RL is more important than the MUD. As seen in some cases, some assassins have turned merciful on or just left once they have realized the victim was idle. Either way, there's no point in posting the idlekill afterwards.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    09 August 2007 15:15:39

    There is no such thing as idlekill. The issue was regulated. If you are really idle you are not attackable. If you leave your character vulnerable somewhere and go to take a piss, it is all your fault. In this log he was not idle, he was aging. Like Nirrab states: My fault for sitting in a stupid place, trying to solve rl prblms.

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    08 August 2007 22:12:55

    meh, let the children play

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    08 August 2007 21:14:54

    Erm, Ivon, if he got his revenge through an idlekill, that's just pitiful.

  • Author
    Ivon [legacy]
    08 August 2007 18:35:45

    Hmm, i am not sure, and i am too lazy to check but if i remember correctly Nirrab was in a party or killed Winnetou recently. So this log is not aimed to show great pk skills, but rather to show that Winnetou got his revenge

  • Author
    Darkhour [legacy]
    08 August 2007 16:55:25

    the problem with 'rating' posters is some people wont even read the log, they will just vote 1 or 6 acording to if they are friends or not, throw in that some people have more than one profile, it creates a bias that would be really hard to balance with

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    08 August 2007 16:13:10

    Yeah, I'll agree with Tireless on the fact that Winnetou has posted some sweet fucking logs. So why, pray tell, would he waste our time posting this shit? I mean, call me crazy, but if I posted a fucking uber log... I sure as shit wouldn't follow it up with a fucking idle kill. The only thing this log did was make me lose respect points for Winnetou and he doesn't have many to spare. Exhalev, who are you? :P

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    08 August 2007 15:52:37

    *chuckles at Formid* Side note, that would actually be a cool thing. I wouldn't mind seeing people who rarely post, but post good damn logs ,get some fame light so to speak. Instead of Winnetou!

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    08 August 2007 14:59:27

    Baklen, this is getting annoying, thats two comments of mine you've agreed with in recent history, we must be getting old or something.

    In response to the poster rating, my log page scraper (from when the log page index was down for an extended period of time) is still running I believe, I could easily make it index the logs and the rating and build up a decent metric for posting rank etc.

    Though the problem with that is as everyone knows, most of the ratings are either people voting people up because they like the killer or dislike the victim, or people voting down because they hate the killer or like the victim.

    Occasionally an exceptional log (spike divides etc) gets enough votes such that the rating is good but it's rare.

    Perhaps some kind of slashdotesque metamoderation would work well, you rate the log and other people can rate your rating, however with such a small clique of players 'intelligence of the masses' might not work so well.

  • Author
    Vermond [legacy]
    08 August 2007 12:43:32

    What do you people think about a poster rating? It could be an average of the ratings of the poster's logs, with number of the logs taken in account. We could then have a top rated list and such.

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    08 August 2007 12:36:56

    How many good/great logs have a I posted? And how many would it take for me to get top poster? Lets keep this simple. Two numbers as an answer should suffice.

  • Author
    Baklen [legacy]
    08 August 2007 12:12:44

    My fucking head hurts from last night:( I have to agree with Formid. The fact that he posts 20 GOOD logs doesn't change the fact that he posted an idle kill. I mean seriously, everyone ELSE on the mud doesn't go posting corpse looting or guild idling techniques just to raise their log page standing. I mean jesus fucking christ guys, the guy posted a log of an idle kill. It's a sad day in fucking mudding if this is going to be excepted, but then again we have an age of sad mudders now. Hold on, let me go rape some pelts in FH with a unique and post the log to show my uberness.

  • Author
    Formid [legacy]
    08 August 2007 10:44:33

    To be quite frank, he's the kind of idiot who craves attention. It doesn't matter that people are complaining about him, he's happy that he's getting the attention (any attention). If people stopped commenting on his logs (at all) he'd hopefully stop posting crap and probably only post the half decent stuff.

    Just rate his crap logs down, don't post a comment and eventually he will stop posting this kind of shit (which to be honest well over 3/4 of his logs are this kind of shit)

  • Author
    Duncan [legacy]
    08 August 2007 10:38:12

    Um hey, I felt good reading this log. It's a public forum and the world is a public place but it revolves around me (a widely-known fact). So if I felt good, this log pwns and you have no reason to whine!

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    08 August 2007 08:29:39

    Two logs :(

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    08 August 2007 08:07:40

    I'm afraid of Tireless. He's posted 4-5 logs today. He's gonna steal my spot.

  • Author
    Tireless [legacy]
    08 August 2007 07:59:50

    Shamefully enough, I'm forced to agree with Saelon.

    Though, in defense of Winnetou, even if you don't like some of his logs the vast majority are worth posting, and I bet I can pick out 20 logs from his 169 that he's posted that I could pretty much get universal agreement on that they're outstanding. Most people with logpage accounts haven't posted 20 logs.

    Winnetou might not be THE best PKer to have ever made a character, but you'd be hard pressed to back up an argument that he's not one of the best.

    It's reasonable to say that _a_ log that Winnetou posts is bad, but saying that Winnetou sucks is basically posturing, and I think we all know it.

    That being said, I'm considering writing a bot which comments on every Winnetou log, 'I know you're trying to keep your top poster spot, but...' Seriously. Stop it. The next closest person is 26 logs away and hasn't posted any in a month. Next closest after him is 50+ logs away and hasn't posted in over a year. Winnetou is in utterly no danger of losing his top poster spot unless Baklen inherits an oil well in game or something. If there were half a dozen people within 3 logs of him the comment might be reasonable, but nobody is even close.

    So stop it. When Winnetou starts posting blank logs one after another or logs of him sparring in the guildhall and Baklen is 2 logs behind him, THEN start bitching about him trying to keep his top poster spot.

  • Author
    Saelon [legacy]
    08 August 2007 07:33:20

    That argument doesn't seem right, Exhalev. Every time you read a bad book, do you write a new book yourselves before criticizing what you read? This log is in a public forum, and the comments are meant for appreciation/criticism!

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    08 August 2007 07:25:28

    Winnetou can post w/e logs he wants. I'm not defending this one, but a log is a log. Post something better yourselves before you complain.

  • Author
    Exhalev [legacy]
    08 August 2007 07:24:28

    Wtf is a shoe contract, its the gayest saying I've ever seen.

  • Author
    Trempk [legacy]
    08 August 2007 06:50:36


  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    08 August 2007 06:39:20

    Who knows Dae, I'm Winnetou the Seventh. Maybe I'll be remembered some day!:p

  • Author
    Daeman [legacy]
    08 August 2007 06:09:12

    Dude. Here's the low down Winnetou, no matter how good you think you are, no matter how good you ever will be. Everyone WILL ALWAYS think you are a piece of shit. You have what the same 5 friends on this mud? Been in the same guild for your whole mud existence? I mean dude, you can talk all the shit you want, and say what you want. But like Azer said, when the log page disappears, you'll be another dumbass lost in the pages of two towers history. I'm actually sorry for you, cause you are a good mudder. One day, maybe, hopefully when you reach the true level of excellence you'll realize that its not about how many you kill, but about how many friends you made along the way.

    Wow, I must be fucking tipsy, you suck, you will always suck and You're brother should stop crying to Duncan in rl, I hear it's kinda gay.

  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    08 August 2007 06:08:38

    Kalmah, I don't think many other people on the logpage have as many spectacular logs as I do.

  • Author
    Waste [legacy]
    08 August 2007 04:11:03

    Winnetou - Master of idlekill and legendary jerkoff

  • Author
    Kalmah [legacy]
    08 August 2007 02:46:57

    We know you want to keep that top posters spot up, but you could at least do it with somewhat decent logs..

  • Author
    Trescothik [legacy]
    08 August 2007 02:22:51

    Another idle kill!

  • Author
    Ergo [legacy]
    08 August 2007 02:14:57

    love the log!

  • Author
    Bakal [legacy]
    08 August 2007 02:12:51

    Well, you don't have to spare him from idle kills, but I'm pretty fucking sure you don't have to post it you fucking douche bag. No one wants to see this shit and I'm pretty fucking sure no one's impressed. Get Winnetou a mother fucking shoe contract because he's a star.

    Lame. Log. Period.

  • Author
    Bapel [legacy]
    08 August 2007 01:54:35


  • Author
    Winnetou [legacy]
    07 August 2007 23:57:27

    I'm not spared from your idlekills, why should I spare you?

  • Author
    Nirrab [legacy]
    07 August 2007 23:56:07

    My fault for sitting in a stupid place, trying to solve rl prblms. But that was a shitty idle kill.